Designing the Active Directory Structure

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Planning Task List for Designing the Active Directory Structure

Use Table 9.4 as a checklist to be sure you have performed all the primary tasks necessary to design your Active Directory structure.

Table 9.4 Active Directory Planning Task List

Task Location in Chapter
Determine the number of forests. Creating a Forest Plan
Create a change control policy for each forest. Creating a Forest Plan
Determine the number of domains in each forest. Creating a Domain Plan
Choose a forest root domain. Creating a Domain Plan
Assign a DNS name to each domain. Creating a Domain Plan
Plan DNS server deployment. Creating a Domain Plan
Optimize authentication with shortcut trust relationships. Creating a Domain Plan
Create OUs to delegate administration. Creating an Organizational Unit Plan
Create OUs to hide objects. Creating an Organizational Unit Plan
Create OUs for Group Policy. Creating an Organizational Unit Plan
Define sites and site links. Creating a Site Topology Plan
Place servers into sites. Creating a Site Topology Plan

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