Planning for Deployment

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Functional Specification

Your functional specification details the operating system features that you will implement, and how they will be configured and deployed. All of these elements need to align with the scope and objectives of the deployment project.

Describe the different types of users, the key tasks they perform, how these tasks are currently performed, and how performance can be improved in the new network environment. If yours is a large organization with multiple sites, or an international organization, you need to detail your geographical issues.

Many features of Windows 2000 are interrelated, particularly if you plan to deploy Active Directory. For this reason, a dependencies matrix is very important and can be considered a primary document.

Deployment teams need to work together to identify the tasks needed to integrate each component and estimate the amount of time it will take to accomplish these tasks. Identify any issues that team members and management needs to be aware of. It is particularly important to identify the dependencies that affect other teams. For example, you might find that the work of a number of teams involves the structure of Domain Name System (DNS) and that their tasks need to be coordinated to avoid duplicating efforts.

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