Planning for Deployment

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Administrative Documents

Your administrative documents are part of your project plan. They help you identify your goals and define your objectives. They help you stay organized and on schedule. Include the following information in your administrative documents:

Scope and Objectives   As previously discussed, make sure that your plan clearly states the project objectives, defines the scope, and provides methods that measure progress and success.

Phases and Milestones   Establish project phases to give your staff time to get oriented and to help you verify the assumptions you made in the planning stage. Expect at least some of the process to be iterative. Establish and monitor milestones to keep the project on track. For more information, see "Creating a Deployment Roadmap" in this book.

Budget   Identify and track the expected costs and cost constraints for the project, including development, hardware, facilities, training, personnel, testing, and deployment. Identify backup sources of funding to cover unexpected expenses. Make sure the corporate vision for the project is clear so that the division of funds is clear.

Staffing   Plan how you will staff your Windows 2000 sites. A document that outlines the reporting structure, responsibilities, frequency of meetings, communication strategies, and overall task and feature owners is useful. For more information, see "Assigning Windows 2000 Team Roles" earlier in this chapter.

Facilities   Identify facilities requirements and communicate with the appropriate groups within your organization. Define your facilities requirements and obtain the necessary space early to minimize the likelihood that these issues will become obstacles to your deployment.

Overall Risk Assessment   Identify the project risks that exist outside the deployment. Possible risks can include resource availability, impending mergers, or the loss of key personnel.

Communications Strategy   Raise management and user awareness of the deployment project by communicating your plans to other groups in your organization. Start building support and acceptance early in the project by having other managers and key personnel review your plans at agreed-upon intervals. For more information, see "Communications Strategy" later in this chapter.

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