Creating a Deployment Roadmap

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Creating a Deployment Roadmap

Planning your deployment project is an important step in the logical progression of implementing Microsoft® Windows® 2000. Because Windows 2000 is designed to be deployed incrementally — based upon the specific business needs and information technology (IT) capabilities of any size organization — you need to decide which features are appropriate for your organization. You also need to consider the technical and project management dependencies of the Windows 2000 features you have chosen to deploy. And, finally, you need to consider the interoperability or coexistence requirements of your existing IT environment.

This chapter presents an overall project management process and identifies key deployment phases to help you create a project plan — a roadmap — for your team to follow when deploying Windows 2000 in your organization.

In This Chapter

Creating a Project Plan

Deployment Scenarios

Technology Dependencies

Tips for Planning Your Windows 2000 Deployment

Planning Task List

Chapter Goals

This chapter will help you develop the following planning documents:

Related Information in the Resource Kit

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