UDP Object

The UDP performance object consists of counters that measure the rates at which User Data Protocol (UDP) datagrams are sent and received using the UDP. It includes counters that monitor UDP errors.

Counter Name Description Counter Type
Datagrams No Port/sec Shows the rate at which UDP datagrams are received which there was no application at the destination port. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Datagrams Received Errors Shows the number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered for reasons other than the lack of an application at the destination port. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Datagrams Received/sec Shows the rate at which UDP datagrams are delivered to UDP users. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Datagrams Sent/sec Shows the rate at which UDP datagrams are sent from the computer. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Datagrams/sec Shows the rate at which UDP datagrams are transferred by the computer. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER

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