Browser Object

The Browser performance object consists of counters that measure the rates of announcements, enumerations, and other browser transmissions.

Counter Name Description Counter Type
Announcements Domain/sec Shows the rate at which a domain has announced itself to the network. PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT
Announcements Server/sec Shows the rate at which the servers in this domain have announced themselves to the server. PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT
Announcements Total/sec Shows the sum of the values of Announcements Domain /sec and Announcements Server /sec. PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT
Duplicate Master Announcements Shows the number of times that the master browser has detected another master browser on the same domain. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Election Packets/sec Shows the rate at which browser election packets have been received by the workstation. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Enumerations Domain/sec Shows the rate at which domain browse requests have been processed by this workstation. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Enumerations Other/sec Shows the rate of browse requests processed by this workstation that are not domain or server browse requests. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Enumerations Server/sec Shows the rate at which server browse requests have been processed by this workstation. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Enumerations Total/sec Shows the rate at which browse requests have been processed by this workstation. This value is the sum of the values of, Enumerations Domain/sec, Enumerations Other/sec and Enumerations Server/sec. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Illegal Datagrams/sec Shows the rate at which incorrectly formatted datagrams have been received by the workstation. PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT
Mailslot Allocations Failed Shows the number of times that the datagram receiver has failed to allocate a buffer to hold a user mailslot write. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Mailslot Opens Failed/sec Shows the rate at which mailslot messages to be delivered to mailslots that are not present are received by this workstation. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Mailslot Receives Failed Shows the number of mailslot messages that could not be received due to transport failures. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Mailslot Writes Failed Shows the total number of mailslot messages that have been successfully received, but that could not be written to the mailslot. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Mailslot Writes/sec Shows the rate at which mailslot messages have been successfully received. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Missed Mailslot Datagrams Shows the number of Mailslot Datagrams that have been discarded due to configuration or allocation limits. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Missed Server Announcements Shows the number of server announcements that have been missed due to configuration or allocation limits. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Missed Server List Requests Shows the number of requests to retrieve a list of browser servers that were received by this workstation, but could not be processed. PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT
Server Announce Allocations Failed/sec Shows the rate at which server (or domain) announcements have failed due to lack of memory. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER
Server List Requests/sec Shows the rate at which requests to retrieve a list of browser servers have been processed by this workstation. PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER

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