Description This counter type shows the average number of operations completed during each second of the sample interval. Counters of this type measure time in ticks of the system clock. The F variable represents the number of ticks per second. The value of F is factored into the equation so that the result can be displayed in seconds. This counter type is the same as the PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER type, but it uses larger fields to accommodate larger values.
Generic type Difference
Formula (N1 - N0) / ( (D1 - D0) / F, where the numerator (N) represents the number of operations performed during the last sample interval, the denominator (D) represent the number of ticks elapsed during the last sample interval, and F is the frequency of the ticks.
Average (Nx - N0) / ((Dx - D0)/ F)
Example System\ File Read Bytes/sec

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