OS/2 API Information (Os2api.txt) This file lists OS/2 application programming interfaces (APIs) supported, not supported, and partially supported by Microsoft(r) Windows(r) 2000. It gives an explanation of the restrictions on those APIs that are partially supported. To correctly view the table of supported NetAPI calls, you should maximize the window of the text editor (Notepad is recommended) with which you are viewing this file. CONTENTS ======================================================================= Note on the Windows NT Presentation (PM) Subsystem OS/2 APIs supported in Windows 2000 NetAPI calls supported in Windows 2000 (table) NetBios (V3.0) Video input-and-output (VIO) APIs VIO calls supported only when called by Presentation (PM) Subsystem applications Window-manager (Win) APIs, Graphic Programming Interface (GPI) APIs, and Presentation Manager Device (Dev) APIs OS/2 APIs Partially Supported in Windows 2000 OS/2 APIs Not Supported in Windows 2000 ======================================================================= Note on the Windows NT Presentation (PM) Subsystem -------------------------------------------------- On Windows NT 4.0 (and earlier), an add-on product was available, called the Windows NT Presentation (PM) Subsytem. This subsystem extended the Windows NT support for 16-bit OS/2 application to include support for the graphical OS/2 1.x (16-bit) applications (i.e. OS/2 Presentation Manager applications). This product has been discontinued on Windows 2000 and beyond - this means that it is no longer possible to run OS/2 Presentation Manager applications on Windows 2000 and that Win/GPI/Dev APIs are no longer supported, as can be seen from the list below. OS/2 APIs supported in Windows 2000 ----------------------------------------------- DosAllocHuge DosAllocSeg DosAllocShrSeg DosBeep DosBufReset DosCallback DosCallNmPipe DosCaseMap DosChDir DosChgFilePtr DosCLIAccess DosClose DosCloseQueue DosCloseSem DosConnectNmPipe DosCopy DosCreateCSAlias DosCreateQueue DosCreateSem DosCreateThread DosCwait DosDelete DosDevConfig DosDisConnectNmPipe DosDupHandle DosEditName DosEnterCritSec DosEnumAttribute DosErrClass DosError DosExecPgm DosExit DosExitCritSec DosExitList DosFileIO DosFileLocks DosFindClose DosFindFirst DosFindFirst2 DosFindNext DosFlagProcess DosFreeModule DosFreeResource DosFreeSeg DosFSCtl DosFSRamSemClear DosFSRamSemRequest DosGetCollate DosGetCp DosGetCtryInfo DosGetDateTime DosGetDBCSEv DosGetEnv DosGetHugeShift DosGetInfoSeg DosGetMachineMode DosGetMessage DosGetModHandle DosGetModName DosGetPID DosGetPPID DosGetProcAddr DosGetPrty DosGetResource DosGetResource2 DosGetSeg DosGetShrSeg DosGetVersion DosGiveSeg DosHoldSignal DosHugeIncr DosHugeShift DosInsMessage DosKillProcess DosLoadModule DosLockSeg DosMakeNmPipe DosMakePipe DosMemAvail DosMkDir DosMkDir2 DosMonClose DosMonOpen DosMonRead DosMonReg DosMonWrite DosMove DosMuxSemWait DosNewSize DosOpen DosOpen2 DosOpenQueue DosOpenSem DosPeekNmPipe DosPeekQueue DosPhysicalDisk DosPTrace DosPurgeQueue DosPutMessage DosQAppType DosQCurDir DosQCurDisk DosQFHandState DosQFileInfo DosQFileMode DosQFSAttach DosQFSInfo DosQHandType DosQNmPHandState DosQNmPipeInfo DosQNmPipeSemState DosQPathInfo DosQSysInfo DosQueryQueue DosQVerify DosR2StackRealloc DosRead DosReadAsync DosReadQueue DosReallocHuge DosReallocSeg DosResumeThread DosRmDir DosScanEnv DosSearchPath DosSelectDisk DosSelectSession DosSemClear DosSemRequest DosSemSet DosSemSetWait DosSemWait DosSendSignal DosSetCp DosSetDateTime DosSetFHandState DosSetFileInfo DosSetFileMode DosSetFilePtr DosSetFSInfo DosSetMaxFH DosSetNmPHandState DosSetNmPipeSem DosSetPathInfo DosSetProcCp DosSetPrty DosSetSession DosSetSigHandler DosSetVec DosSetVerify DosSizeSeg DosSleep DosStartSession DosStopSession DosSubAlloc DosSubFree DosSubSet DosSuspendThread DosTimerAsync DosTimerStart DosTimerStop DosTransactNmPipe DosUnlockSeg DosWaitNmPipe DosWrite DosWriteAsync DosWriteQueue KbdCharIn KbdClose KbdFlushBuffer KbdFreeFocus KbdGetCp KbdGetFocus KbdGetHWID KbdGetStatus KbdOpen KbdPeek KbdSetCp KbdSetFgnd KbdSetStatus KbdStringIn KbdXlate MouClose MouFlushQue MouGetDevStatus MouGetEventMask MouGetNumButtons MouGetNumQueEl MouGetPtrPos MouOpen MouReadEventQue MouSetDevStatus MouSetEventMask NetAPI calls supported in Windows 2000 -------------------------------------------------- The table below details the OS/2 NetAPIs and the level of support for them under Windows NT 4.0. The different levels of support are: - Full: no significant restrictions apply - Down-level server + self: the API works only when the target LanMan server (i.e. the server for which information is to be retrieved/modified etc.) is a 'down-level' server (i.e. not Windows NT, for example: DOS, OS/2, Windows for Workgroups). In addition, the API works in the special case where the API is applied to the local machine. - Down-level server only: same as above, but doesn't work when applied to the local machine. - Unsupported: the API is not supported under Windows NT. The APIs are listed by functional groups. SUPPORT LEVEL | Full | Down-level | Down-level | Unsupported | | | server + self | server only | | |------|---------------|-------------|-------------| Access Permission APIs: | | | | | ---------------------- | | | | | NetAccessAdd | | | x | | NetAccessCheck | | | | x | NetAccessDel | | | x | | NetAccessEnum | | | x | | NetAccessGetInfo | | | x | | NetAccessGetUserPerms | | | x | | NetAccessSetInfo | | | x | | Alert APIs: | | | | | ----------- | | | | | NetAlertRaise | | | | x | NetAlertStart | | | | x | NetAlertStop | | | | x | Auditing APIs: | | | | | -------------- | | | | | NetAuditClear | | | x | | NetAuditOpen | | | | x | NetAuditRead | | | x | | NetAuditWrite | | | | x | Character Device APIs: | | | | | ---------------------- | | | | | NetCharDevControl | | | x | | NetCharDevEnum | | | x | | NetCharDevGetInfo | | | x | | NetCharDevQEnum | | | x | | NetCharDevQGetInfo | | | x | | NetCharDevQPurge | | | x | | NetCharDevQPurgeSelf | | | x | | NetCharDevQSetInfo | | | x | | Config APIs: | | | | | ------------ | | | | | NetConfigGet | x | | | | NetConfigGet2 | | | | x | NetConfigGetAll2 | | | | x | NetConfigSet | | | | x | Connection APIs: | | | | | ---------------- | | | | | NetConnectionEnum | x | | | | Domain APIs: | | | | | ------------ | | | | | NetGetDcName | x | | | | NetLogonEnum | | | x | | ErrorLogging APIs: | | | | | ------------------ | | | | | NetErrorLogClear | | | x | | NetErrorLogRead | | | x | | NetErrorLogWrite | | | | x | File APIs: | | | | | ---------- | | | | | NetFileClose | | | x | | NetFileClose2 | | | x | | NetFileEnum | | | x | | NetFileEnum2 | | | x | | NetFileGetInfo | | | x | | NetFileGetInfo2 | | | x | | Group APIs: | | | | | ----------- | | | | | NetGroupAdd | x | | | | NetGroupAddUser | x | | | | NetGroupDel | x | | | | NetGroupDelUser | x | | | | NetGroupEnum | x | | | | NetGroupGetInfo | x | | | | NetGroupGetUsers | x | | | | NetGroupSetInfo | x | | | | NetGroupSetUsers | x | | | | Handle APIs: | | | | | ------------ | | | | | NetHandleGetInfo | | | x | | NetHandleSetInfo | | | x | | Mailslot APIs: | | | | | -------------- | | | | | DosDeleteMailslot | x | | | | DosMailslotInfo | x | | | | DosMakeMailslot | x | | | | DosPeekMailslot | x | | | | DosReadMailslot | x | | | | DosWriteMailslot | x | | | | Message APIs: | | | | | ------------- | | | | | NetMessageBufferSend | x | | | | NetMessageFileSend | | | x | | NetMessageLogFileGet | | | x | | NetMessageLogFileSet | | | x | | NetMessageNameAdd | x | | | | NetMessageNameDel | x | | | | NetMessageNameEnum | x | | | | NetMessageNameFwd | | | x | | NetMessageNameGetInfo | x | | | | NetMessageNameUnFwd | | | x | | Print Destination APIs: | | | | | ----------------------- | | | | | DosPrintDestAdd | | | | x | DosPrintDestControl | | | | x | DosPrintDestDel | | | | x | DosPrintDestEnum | | | | x | DosPrintDestGetInfo | | | | x | DosPrintDestSetInfo | | | | x | Print Job APIs: | | | | | --------------- | | | | | DosPrintJobContinue | | | | x | DosPrintJobDel | | | | x | DosPrintJobEnum | | | | x | DosPrintJobGetId | | | | x | DosPrintJobGetInfo | | | | x | DosPrintJobPause | | | | x | DosPrintJobSetInfo | | | | x | Print Queue APIs: | | | | | ----------------- | | | | | DosPrintQAdd | | | | x | DosPrintQContinue | | | | x | DosPrintQDel | | | | x | DosPrintQEnum | | | | x | DosPrintQGetInfo | | | | x | DosPrintQPause | | | | x | DosPrintQPurge | | | | x | DosPrintQSetInfo | | | | x | Profile APIs: | | | | | ------------- | | | | | NetProfileSave | | | x | | NetProfileLoad | | | x | | Remote Utility APIs: | | | | | -------------------- | | | | | NetRemoteCopy | | | x | | NetRemoteExec | | | x | | NetRemoteMove | | | x | | NetRemoteTOD | x | | | | Server APIs: | | | | | ------------ | | | | | NetServerAdminCommand | | | x | | NetServerDiskEnum | x | | | | NetServerEnum | | | x | | NetServerEnum2 | | | x | | NetServerGetInfo | x | | | | NetServerSetInfo | x | | | | Service APIs: | | | | | ------------- | | | | | NetServiceControl | x | | | | NetServiceEnum | x | | | | NetServiceGetInfo | x | | | | NetServiceInstall | x | | | | NetServiceStatus | | | | x | Session APIs: | | | | | ------------- | | | | | NetSessionDel | x | | | | NetSessionEnum | x | | | | NetSessionGetInfo | x | | | | Share APIs: | | | | | ----------- | | | | | NetShareAdd | x | | | | NetShareCheck | x | | | | NetShareDel | x | | | | NetShareEnum | x | | | | NetShareGetInfo | x | | | | NetShareSetInfo | x | | | | Statistics APIs: | | | | | ---------------- | | | | | NetStatisticsClear | | | x | | NetStatisticsGet | | | x | | NetStatisticsGet2 | x | | | | Use APIs: | | | | | --------- | | | | | NetUseAdd | | x | | | NetUseDel | | x | | | NetUseEnum | | x | | | NetUseGetInfo | | x | | | User APIs: | | | | | ---------- | | | | | NetUserAdd | x | | | | NetUserDel | x | | | | NetUserEnum | x | | | | NetUserGetGroups | x | | | | NetUserGetInfo | x | | | | NetUserModalsGet | x | | | | NetUserModalsSet | x | | | | NetUserPasswordSet | x | | | | NetUserSetGroups | x | | | | NetUserSetInfo | x | | | | NetUSerValidate2 | | | | x | Workstation APIs: | | | | | ----------------- | | | | | NetWkstaGetInfo | x | | | | NetWkstaSetInfo | x | | | | NetWkstaSetUID | | | | x | NetWkstaSetUID2 | | | | x | NetBios (V3.0) -------------- NetBiosClose (V2.X) NetBiosEnum (V2.X) NetBiosGetInfo (V2.X) NetBiosOpen (V2.X) NetBiosSubmit (V2.X) Video input-and-output (VIO) APIs --------------------------------- VioCheckCharType VioEndPopUp VioGetAnsi VioGetBuf VioGetCp VioGetCurPos VioGetCurType VioPopUp VioReadCellStr VioReadCharStr VioScrLock VioScrollDn VioScrollLf VioScrollRt VioScrollUp VioScrUnLock VioSetAnsi VioSetCp VioSetCurPos VioSetCurType VioShowBuf VioWrtCellStr VioWrtCharStr VioWrtCharStrAtt VioWrtNAttr VioWrtNCell VioWrtNChar VioWrtTTY VIO calls no longer supported when called with a non-null HPS parameter ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Like the WIN/GPI and DEV APIs listed below, these APIs are no longer supported on Windows 2000 due to the fact that Microsoft has discontinued support for the Windows NT Presentation Manager (PM) Subsystem. VioAssociate VioCreateLogFont VioCreatePS VioDeleteSetId VioDeRegister VioDestroyPS VioGetDeviceCellSize VioGetFont VioGetOrg VioGetPhysBuf VioModeUndo VioModeWait VioPrtSc VioPrtScToggle VioQueryFonts VioQuerySetIds VioRedrawSize VioRegister VioSavRedrawUndo VioSavRedrawWait VioSetDeviceCellSize VioSetFont VioSetOrg VioShowPS Window-manager(Win) APIs, Graphic Programming Interface (GPI) APIs, and Presentation Manager Device (Dev) APIs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- No longer supported on Windows 2000 - were supported by the PM Subsystem, now a discontinued product. OS/2 APIs Partially Supported in Windows 2000 --------------------------------------------------------- DosDevIOCtl, DosDevIOCtl2 The I/O Controls (IOCTLs) from the Screen and Pointer Draw category are not supported. All of the IOCTLs from the General category are supported. All of the IOCTLs from the Asynchronous Communications category are supported: ASYNC_GETBAUDRATE ASYNC_GETCOMMERROR ASYNC_GETCOMMEVENT ASYNC_GETCOMMSTATUS ASYNC_GETDCBINFO ASYNC_GETINQUECOUNT ASYNC_GETLINECTRL ASYNC_GETLINESTATUS ASYNC_GETMODEMINPUT ASYNC_GETMODEMOUTPUT ASYNC_GETOUTQUECOUNT ASYNC_SETBAUDRATE ASYNC_SETBREAKOFF ASYNC_SETBREAKON ASYNC_SETDCBINFO ASYNC_SETLINECTRL ASYNC_SETMODEMCTRL ASYNC_STARTTRANSMIT ASYNC_STOPTRANSMIT ASYNC_TRANSMITIMM The following IOCTLs from the Keyboard category are supported: KBD_CREATE KBD_DESTROY KBD_GETCODEPAGE KBD_GETINPUTMODE KBD_GETINTERIMFLAG KBD_GETSHIFTSTATE KBD_PEEKCHAR KBD_READCHAR KBD_SETFOCUS KBD_SETINPUTMODE KBD_SETINTERIMFLAG KBD_SETKCB KBD_SETSHIFTSTATE All of the IOCTLs from the Printer category are supported: PRT_ACTIVATEFONT PRT_GETFRAMECTL PRT_GETINFINITERETRY PRT_GETPRINTERSTATUS PRT_INITPRINTER PRT_QUERYACTIVEFONT PRT_SETFRAMECTL PRT_SETINFINITERETRY PRT_VERIFYFONT PTR_GETPTRDRAWADDRESS The following IOCTLs from the Pointing Device (Mouse) category are supported: MOU_GETBUTTONCOUNT MOU_GETEVENTMASK MOU_GETMICKEYCOUUT MOU_GETMOUSTATUS MOU_GETQUESTATUS MOU_READQUESTATUS MOU_SETEVENTMASK MOU_SETMOUSTATUS The following IOCTLs from the Disk Control category are supported: DSK_BLOCKREMOVABLE DSK_GETDEVICEPARAMS DSK_GETLOGICALMAP DSK_LOCKDRIVE DSK_READTRACK DSK_REDETERMINEMEDIA DSK_SETLOGICALMAP DSK_SYNC DSK_UNLOCKDRIVE DSK_VERIFYTRACK The following IOCTL from the Physical Disk Control category is supported: PDSK_GETPHYSDEVICEPARAMS The following IOCTL from the Monitors category is supported: MON_REGISTERMONITOR DosFSAttach This function partially implements the DosFSAttach() API. The only valid FsName is "LAN". The format expected for the arguments is as follows: DeviceName = device name, e.g. "J:", "LPT1:" FsName = "LAN" FsData = "\01\0SHARENAME" for a regular connection or "\02\0SHARENAME\0PASSWORD" for a password connection or "\03\0SHARENAME\0PASSWORD\0USERNAME" for a username/password connection. FsDataLength = length of FsData AttachFlags = FS_ATTACH or FS_DETACH The function connects to the network using WNetAdd/DelConnection(). Therefore it will use the multiple provider router to connect to any type of network for which Windows NT has a redirector. The SHARENAME format depends on the network you're trying to reach. For LanMan/MsNet networks it is "\\\\sharename\\servername". If DeviceName is a drive letter, the drive is automatically reset to the root directory after a connection and before a disconnection. This is for compatibility with OS/2. VioGetConfig The following return values will always be returned in the _VIOCONFIGINFO structure. All other fields will always return 0 (zero). adapter = DISPLAY_VGA display = MONITOR_851X_COLOR cbMemory = 0x40000 (262,144) VioGetMode The following return values will always be returned in the _VIOMODEINFO structure. Values for col, row, hres, and vres will contain the correct values. fbType = VGMT_OTHER color = COLOR_16 fmt_ID = 0 attrib = 0 buf_addr = 0xFFFFFFFF buf_length = 0L full_length = 0L partial_length = 0L ex_data_addr = 0xFFFFFFFF VioSetMode The col and row fields in the _VIOMODEINFO structure will be used. All other fields will be ignored. No error code or value checking will be performed. VioGetState, VioSetState All fields in the structure will contain initial values, as indicated in the following list. Any setting of new values will be saved and returned on the next VioGetState call. VIOINTENSITY.fs = 0x0001 VIOOVERSCAN.color = 0 VIOPALSTATE.acolor = all 0 VIOCOLORREG.colorregaddr = all 0 VIOSETUNLINELOC.scanline = 31 VIOSETTARGET = (only primary display) OS/2 APIs Not Supported in Windows 2000 -------------------------------------------------- DosDynamicTrace DosFindNotifyClose DosFindNotifyFirst DosFindNotifyNext DosOplockRelease DosOplockWait DosPortAccess DosShutdown DosSystemService DosSysTrace KbdDeRegister KbdRegister KbdSetCustXt KbdSynch MouDeRegister MouDrawPtr MouGetNumMickeys MouGetPtrShape MouGetScaleFact MouInitReal MouRegister MouRemovePtr MouSetPtrPos MouSetPtrShape MouSetScaleFact MouSynch PicIchg PicPrint ======================================================================= OS2API.TXT Last updated: November 10, 1999