1 Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System User Profile Deletion Utility v5.00 \n 2 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999 \n \n 3 This utility deletes Windows NT and Windows 2000 user profiles. \n \n 4 usage: DELPROF [/Q] [/I] [/P] [/C:\\] [/D:] \n \n 5 /Q Quiet, no confirmation. \n 6 /I Ignore errors and continue deleting. \n 7 /P Prompts for confirmation before deleting each profile. \n 8 /C Remote computer name. \n 9 /D Number of days of inactivity. \n \n 10 \nDelete inactive profiles on %s? (Yes/No) 11 \nDelete profiles on %s that have not been used in the last %d days? (Yes/No) 12 \nNothing deleted. \n 13 Failed to open list of profiles. \n 14 Failed to enumerate list of profiles. \n 15 Failed to retrieve the profile path for %s. \n 16 Failed to open profile information for %s. \n 17 Skipping profile %s because it could not be expanded. \n 18 \nDelete %s? (Yes/No/All) 19 Deleting %s... 20 [Ok] \n 21 [Failed] \n