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VS_DateTime()        Returns a numeric "date/time" value                  NEW


  VS_DateTime() returns a numeric "date/time" value for a specified date
  and time.


  n_DateTime = VS_DateTime( d_Date, c_Time )


  d_Date is a date expression (ex: DATE()) that should contain the
  date of the value you want returned from VS_DateTime().

  c_Time is a character-time expression (ex: TIME()) that should
  contain the time of the value you want returned from VS_DateTime().


  n_DateTime is a numeric value that will represent the date and
  time you specified in your call to VS_DateTime().


  If you are going to store the numeric "date/time" in a database, you
  should define the field as a type of NUMERIC with a length of 16 and
  decimals of 5.


  n_Start = VS_DateTime( DATE(), TIME() )
  n_ElapSecs = VS_ElapSecs( n_Start, VS_DateTime(DATE(),TIME()) )
  QOut( "You waited ", n_ElapSecs, " seconds!" )


  VS_DateTime() allows you to retrieve a date/time all in one variable
  instead of Clipper's cumbersome DATE() and TIME() functions.

See Also: VS_GetDate() VS_GetTime()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson