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                            Syntax Conventions

     This documentation uses the following syntax conventions:

     ...       Ellipsis means something was omitted.

     < >       Metavariable: something you must furnish

     <exp?>    Expression of specific data-type where ? equals C for
               character, D for date, N for numeric, M for memo, L for
               logical or any type if omitted.

     <memvar>  Name of a memory variable

     []        Optional syntax.

     [...]     Option may be repeated zero or more times.

     |         A choice: ON | OFF, Numeric | Date, etc.

                        Variable naming conventions

     The  following is a table of the variable naming conventions used
     in all the examples and source code in my library.

                       Character  Numeric    Logical    Date
     Local           | c_name     n_name     l_name     d_name   |
     Parameter       | pc_name    pn_name    pl_name    pd_name  |
     Local Array     | ac_name    an_name    al_name    ad_name  |
     Parameter Array | pac_name   pan_name   pal_name   pad_name |


     c_LastName is a  name for  a character variable  contains a  last

     n_Acct is a  name for  a numeric variable  containing an  account

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson