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VS_Use()             Opens a file on a local area network                 CHG


  VS_Use() opens a specified database file in the currently selected
  work area or notifies the user if unsuccessful.  The file can have an
  ALIAS specified as well as EXCLUSIVE use set on or off.


  l_Success = VS_Use( c_DbfName, [l_Exclusive] , [c_Alias] , [l_NewArea]
  , [l_ReadOnly] )


  c_DbfName is a character expression representing the name of the
  DBF file to open.  You should not include the file extension (i.e.

  l_Exclusive is an optional logical expression that should be set
  to .T. if you want to open c_DbfName in EXCLUSIVE mode, otherwise
  .F.  If omitted, l_Exclusive defaults to .F.

  c_Alias is an optional character expression that contains the
  alias name for c_DbfName.  If omitted, c_Alias defaults to the
  same value as c_DbfName.

  l_NewArea is an optional logical expression that should be set to
  .T. if you want VS_Use() to select the first non-used work area.  The
  default is .F.

  l_ReadOnly is an optional logical expression that should be set to
  .T. if you want to open c_DbfName in "read-only" mode.


  l_Success is a logical expression that will be set to .T. if
  successful, otherwise .F.



  DO WHILE whatever
     IF .NOT. VS_USE("testfile",.F.)
        ac_msg[1] = "Unable to open file"
        ac_msg[2] = "Operation aborted"


  VS_Use() will attempt to open the specified database file in the
  requested mode.  If it is unsuccessful, a non-screen destructive
  message stating, "Waiting for busy network.  Press any key to abort."
  will appear on the screen and VS_Use() will continue attempting to
  open the file in the mode specified.  If the user aborts the operation
  by pressing a key, VS_Use() will return a logical value of false.  If
  VS_Use() returns a value of false, it is your job as the programmer to
  abort the operation and recover properly.

See Also: VS_FakeLck VS_Append() VS_FLock() VS_RLock() VS_AddRec() VS_DelRec()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson