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 Line shading  Put a shade under a line

 In this case, instead of shading specific lines based on the content of
 the lines (see the last paragraph for information about this type of
 shading), we have shaded every other line to simulate "green-bar"
 shading. This type of shading improves the readability of dense,
 single-spaced listings because it helps the reader distinguish one line
 from another.

 Like the column shading repon, this report uses shading characters and
 zero line height to shade lines containing data fields. In addition, it
 uses R&R's line logical feature to turn this shading on for alternate

 To create this report, we followed the first five steps given for column
 shading, then we continued with the steps outlined below:

 1. To insert the shading characters, we moved down to the line below the
    data fields and pressed Shift F3 to display R&R's extended character
    screen. We moved the cursor to the lightest shading character,
    pressed F3 to select it, and pressed F3 50 times to insert 50 of
    these characters on the report layout. (If we had wanted the shading
    to extend across the page, we could have filled the entire line, from
    O to 8.5 inches.) Since the pitch of the font in which the shading
    characters will print is the same as the ruler pitch (in this case,
    10 characters per inch), the line of shading on the printed report
    will start and stop exactly where the ruler line indicates.

 2. As in the column shading report, we did not need to apply a font to
    the shading characters, because a new4 entered text field is
    automatically assigned the default font for the report -- in this
    case 12-point lO-pitch Courier.

 3. Again, we used the /Line Print Height command to manually specify
    heights for the body lines on the report layout: 12 points for the
    body line containing the data fields and O for the body line
    containing the shading field. This forces the 12- point shading
    characters to overprint and completely fill the line above them.

 4. Next, we used the /Field Calculate Create command to create a feld
    called SHADE to control printing of the shading line. Since we want
    the shading line to print for every other record, we need a
    calculated field expression that will return alternating true and
    false values or, since numeric fields can serve as logical fields,
    alternating zero and non-zero values. The expression for SHADE uses
    R&R's MOD and RECNO functions to do just this:


    Used without a file alias argument, RECNO() returns the number of the
    current composite record. The MOD function takes two arguments, a
    dividend (in this case the value of RECNO) and a divisor (2), and
    returns the remainder of the division.

    Thus, the value of this expression in the first composite record of
    the report will be MOD(1,2) or 1. The expression's value in the
    second composite record will be MOD(2,2) or zero. The value in the
    third composite record will be MOD(3,2) or 1, and so on. Since zero
    is the same as a logical false value and one (or any non-zero value)
    is a logical true value, this field can be used as a logical field to
    control line printing.

 5. After creating the SHADE field, we used the /Line Print Logical
    command to make the value of SHADE control the printing of the
    shading line.

    When the value of SHADE is 1, the line with the shading characters
    will print. When the value of SHADE is 0, the line with the shading
    characters will not print.

 6. Finally, as we did in the column shading report, we used the /Print
    Preview command to preview the report before we printed it. We zoomed
    in to make sure that the shading alternated as we intended and that
    the shading characters filled the line without gaps or overlaps.

 Note that the same technique could be used to highlight selected lines
 of a report. In this report, for example, we could have shaded lines for
 employees in a selected department or employees hired after a selected
 date. In these cases, the expressions for the SHADE field might have
 been as follows:

    DEPT = nAdministration"
    HIREDATE > = CTOD("O1/01/9O")

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson