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 Copy calcutaled fields between reports

 Although a direct copy of calculated fields is not possible, there is a
 way to do it using a dummy user defined function

 1. Retrieve the report that has the orginal field

 2. Create a new UDF with /Field Calculate User Function Create
    Pick any name of the UDF you like, e.g. Clone() For the formula use the
    F10 key to select the expression of the calculated field that you
    want clone. Surround this expression in quotes to make it a text
    string. There is no need to save this report.

 3. Retrieve the destination report
    Use /Field Calculate Create and give it a name. For the expression use
    F10 and select User Function Formula. Select Clone() and then just
    remove the quotes.

 Your field is copied!

 Empty reports
 Although the above is a bit cumbersome, it works. A good option is to
 follow a strategy that limits the number of times you would like to use
 to copy trick.
 A working strategy is to create empty reports, that include the necessary
 database structure (master + related) and all mostly required calculated
 and total fields. I seldomly start with a complete new report. If you
 have discovered a new 'general purpose' calculated field, add it to the
 master empty report, so the next time you will have this field available.

 Distribute these reports in a seperate library and flag this library at
 the user site with a ReadOnly attribute (attrib +r xxx.rp1) to prohibit
 the user from overwriting your masters.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson