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@ <Pos1>,<Pos2> DRAW STD ICON

This command displays internal dGE icons in graphical mode.  Standard
icons are resident in dGE and can be displayed at any time by simply
specifying the internal icon number.

@ <Pos1>,<Pos2> DRAW [STD] [STANDARD] ICON <icon>

[STANDARD] or [STD] is specified to indicate that icons are to be
  selected from the standard resident dGE icons.
<icon> is the icon number to be drawn from 0 to 7.
<Pos1> is the x screen coordinate from 0 to 24.
<Pos2> is the y screen coordinate from 0 to 79.
[<VECTOR>] sets the origin in length/angle format or "vector" mode.
  The default origin is cartesion or "x/y" mode.
[<XOR>] sets the xor mode.

@ 10,20 DRAW STD ICON 7                   // display current icon # 7

         Purpose: Display one of eight standard dGE icons
 Mapped Function: __DrawStdIcon() contained in GLLIBR.PRG.
   dGE functions: drawicon()
   Other GL UDFs: __DgeColor()
System variables: None.
System constants: None.

See Also:

See Also: __DrawStdIcon()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson