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SET GRAPHICS                        Initialize and establish graphics mode
SET VIDEO TO                        Change the default video mode
SET DGE RESOURCES TO                Set the path to dGE resources
SET PALETTE BACKGROUND              Set the graphics background color
CLEAR GRAPHICS SCREEN               Clear the graphics screen
CLEAR GRAPHICS WINDOW               Clear a window area
RESET GRAPHICS ARRAY                Clear the dGE graphics array
SCALE GRAPHICS ARRAY                Scale the dGE graphics array
SET DRAWING AREA                    Restrict drawing to a window area
SAVE GRAPHICS SCREEN                Save an area of the graphics screen
RESTORE GRAPHICS SCREEN             Restore a previously saved area of the graphics screen
SHADE AREA AT                       Draw a shaded area
DRAW BOX FROM                       Draw a box
DRAW CIRCLE AT                      Draw a circle
DRAW LINE FROM                      Draw a line

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson