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__XdGE_()                 Convert @SAY Y value to dGE X value
__YdGE_()                 Convert @SAY X value to dGE Y value
__XdGE()                  Convert @SAY Y coordinate to dGE X coordinate
__YdGE()                  Convert @SAY X coordinate to dGE Y coordinate
__DgeColor()              Convert dBase color string to dGE numeric value
__WordToColor()           Convert color word to dGE numeric equivalent
__PalWordToColor()        Convert color word to dGE numeric equivalent for setpal()
__ActiveObjects()         Determine the number of active objects in the region array
__DrawBevel()             Display bevel graphics around a box
__RunTimeError()          Display run time error and quit

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson