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 7    CHANGED:  Database error handling

      In Clipper 5.01, using database commands without an
      open work area would not cause an error. With the
      following exceptions, Clipper 5.01a now produces a
      "Work area not in use" error.

      The following table shows "state query" functions
      that do not produce a "Work area not in use" error.
      This list indicates the return value of these
      functions when executed without an open work area.

      Table: State query functions and their return
      value with no open work area.
      Function        Return value

      EOF()        -->  .T.
      BOF()        -->  .T.
      FOUND()      -->  .F.
      DELETED()    -->  .F.
      RECNO()      -->   0 (zero)
      LASTREC()    -->   0 (zero)
      FIELDNAME(1) -->  ""
      FCOUNT()     -->   0 (zero)
      INDEXORD()   -->   0 (zero)
      INDEXKEY()   -->  ""
      DBSTRUCT()   -->  {} (empty array)
      HEADER()     -->   0 (zero)
      RECSIZE()    -->   0 (zero)
      LUPDATE()    -->    /  /   (empty date)


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