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     Syntax:        TXSCALABLE(<expC1>,<expL>,<expC2>,<expN1>)

     Purpose:       Select and set internal scalable font on the HP
                    LaserJet III.

     Arguments:     <expC1> is the scalable font typeface. The HP
                    LaserJet III has two typefaces available;
                    "C" CG Times (similar to Times Roman)
                    "U" Universal (similar to Helvetica).

                    <expL> is the font weight (Bold or Normal).
                    .f. = Normal
                    .t. = Bold.

                    <expC2> is the font style "Upright" or "Italic".
                    "U" = Upright
                    "I" = Italic

                    <expN1> is the point size.

     Returns:        0  Successful
                     1  Invalid number of parameters
                     2  <expC1> parameter not Character
                     3  <expC1> not equal "C" or "U"
                     4  <expL>  not logical
                     5  <expC2> not character
                     6  <expC2> not equal "U" or "I"
                     7  <expN1> not numeric

     Usage:         TXSCALABLE() is used only with the HP LaserJet
                    III. This function will allow you to use the
                    internal scalable fonts.

     Example:       TXSCALABLE("C", "U", .f., 24)
                    * This will select the CG Times scalable font,
                    normal weight, upright style, 24 points high.

     Printers:      Use this only with the HP LaserJet III

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson