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     Syntax:        TXDOTPRINT(<expN1>,<expN2>,<expL>,<expC1>)

     Purpose:       Prints a string at the designated x and y
                    coordinates. TXDOTPRINT() allows you to construct
                    your page layout without ejecting the current

     Arguments:     <expN1> is the x coordinate of text to be printed.

                    <expN2> is the y coordinate of text to be printed.

                    <expL>  allows you to print entire text in
                    simulated boldface.

                    <expC1> is the string to be printed.

     Returns:        0  Successful
                     1  Invalid number of parameters
                     2  <expN1> x parameter not numeric
                     3  <expN2> y parameter not numeric
                     4  <expL>  bold parameter not logical
                     5  <expC1> text string not character

     Usage:         TXDOTPRINT() is useful anytime you need to print a
                    text string using x and y as coordinates. <expL>
                    will print the text string in a simulated
                    boldface. TXDOTPRINT() is much more exact and
                    requires calculating your exact print position.
                    300 dots equal 1 inch.

     Example:       * To print text in normal print
                    _text = "Texas Associated Software loves
                    TXDOTPRINT(50, 50, .f., _text)

                    * To print text in bold print
                    TXDOTPRINT(50, 50, .t., _text)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson