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     Syntax:        TXDOTBOX(<expN1>,<expN2>,<expN3>,<expN4>,[<expN5>],

     Purpose:       Prints a single or double lined box using dots as
                    x and y coordinates. A dot is the smallest
                    printable unit. One dot equals 1/300th of an inch.
                    The number of dots printed per inch is referred to
                    as the printer's resolution. The border thickness
                    is set by <expN7>. The box may be shaded using a

     Arguments:     <expN1> is the upper x coordinate of the box.

                    <expN2> is the upper y coordinate of the box.

                    <expN3> is the width of the box in dots

                    <expN4> is the height of the box in dots

                    <expN5> is the border option.
                         1 = single line border
                         2 = double line border

                    <expN6> is the percent of shading to fill the box.
                    If omitted, the box will not be shaded. Valid
                    values are 1 - 100.

                    <expN7> is the thickness of the border in dots. Do
                    not use with double line border.

     Returns:        0  Successful
                     1  Invalid number of parameters
                     2  Only 1 parameter passed
                     3  Only 2 parameters passed
                     4  Only 3 parameters passed
                     5  <expN1> x parameter not numeric
                     6  <expN2> y parameter not numeric
                     7  <expN3> width parameter not numeric
                     8  <expN4> height parameter not numeric
                     9  <expN5> border parameter not numeric
                    10  <expN6> shading percent not numeric
                    11  <expN6> shading percent > 100
                    12  <expN7> border weight parameter not numeric

     Usage:         TXDOTBOX() is useful anytime you need to print a
                    box using x and y dots as coordinates. TXDOTBOX()
                    is much more exact than TXCOLBOX(). It also can be
                    more exasperating. 300 dots equal 1 inch.

See Also: TXCOLBOX()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson