21.12.99 Release Windows Commander 4.03 21.12.99 Fixed: Cannot redefine more than 10 hotkeys (more cause a crash) 21.12.99 Fixed: Change FTP timeouts in configuration - misc -> extensions box shown by mistake 21.12.99 Fixed: Crash when Wincmd started minimized to system tray, and size was set to maximized 16.12.99 Release Windows Commander 4.02 15.12.99 Fixed: Tree display: Free disk space not updated when changing directories 15.12.99 Fixed: correctly handle double byte fonts on Win2k even if locale is not set to double byte font country 15.12.99 Fixed: Compare by contents may hang with Chinese or Japanese binary files 14.12.99 Release Wincmd 4.02 RC1 14.12.99 Fixed: Creation of many shortcuts (*.lnk, *.pif) with Ctrl+Shift+F5 could not be aborted 13.12.99 Fixed: Couldn't abort stalled HTTP downloads 13.12.99 Fixed: Tree in right window, switch from drive c: to Nethood and back to c: -> no tree shown 13.12.99 Fixed: No progress bar in 'synchronize dirs' 12.12.99 Fixed: FTP upload, when giving subdir (e.g. subdir/*.*), file names may be shortened 09.12.99 Fixed: Crash when choosing 'compare by contents' with empty disk 09.12.99 Fixed: Search for text: The "_" char is handled like a letter, so when searching for "text", and 'whole words', "text_text" is NOT found 09.12.99 Fixed: Pack dialog, switching to plugin with 2 letters could add 2 double quotes 09.12.99 Added: Lister, when selecting text, slower scrolling when mouse cursor within 16 pixels above or below window 07.12.99 Release Wincmd 4.02 Beta 3 06.12.99 Fixed: Wincmd could show an error when starting a program although there was none (16 bit only) 06.12.99 Fixed: Add correct path to command line when shift+dragging from FTP connection to command line 06.12.99 Fixed: Problems with new TAR files having different header 05.12.99 Added: Recompiled ZIP packer DLL with MS VC++ 6.0 -> up to 20% speed increase! 03.12.99 Fixed: Drive change (Alt+F1, cursors) problems when BestCrypt with keyboard filter running 03.12.99 Fixed: Files-Pack: Wrong extension added when switching from zip to bz2, when name in double quotes 03.12.99 Fixed: FTP: Re-upload of file after remote-edit (F4) did work, but Wincmd reported an error 03.12.99 Fixed: When trying to download from FTP and connection is lost, directly offer to reconnect without showing 'Transfer failed, continue' 03.12.99 Fixed: Compare by contents: External exception for files>1 MB with bad sectors (e.g. on a floppy) 03.12.99 Fixed: Slow down window scrolling when selecting with right mouse button 03.12.99 Added: Parameter %E in button bar/start menu passes long extension (like .jpeg) to program 01.12.99 Fixed: Avoid calculating the size of a subdir twice in ctrl+q 01.12.99 Fixed: Files-Associate-Edit type: Couldn't remove DDE settings on NT, because registry subkeys wouldn't be deleted 01.12.99 Fixed: Problem with active desktop (click on icon minimizes Wincmd just before 'drive not found' dialog shown -> wincmd blocked) 01.12.99 Fixed: WinNT 4 with IE4 desktop enhancements: Random icons showed for EXE files which didn't contain their own icon 01.12.99 Fixed: Display problems with font 'lucida sans typewriter' in 'compare by contents': Map chars<32 to space 01.12.99 Fixed: Switch away from Wincmd while quick search window shown no longer removed the quick search window 01.12.99 Fixed: Couldn't upload files from search result to FTP 01.12.99 Fixed: When free disk space changed while tree panel shown, disk size display in three panel isn't updated 01.12.99 Fixed: Could no longer unzip to current dir using drag&drop to [..] when other panel contained ftp panel 30.11.99 Added: 256 color icons to button bar 25.11.99 Fixed: Could not unpack files from CAB which had absolute path (leading backslash) 25.11.99 Added: Compare by contents: When files are identical, also show the names of the compared files 25.11.99 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When comparing by content, read only files were not deleted from TEMP dir 25.11.99 Fixed: HTTP download in background: show % done in title bar 24.11.99 Added: Compare by contents: Dialog box which shows how to abort (by pressing ESC) 23.11.99 Fixed: Could not unzip to directory called "--- CD PROJECTS ---" 23.11.99 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Hide directories which do not contain any files matching the display criteria 19.11.99 Fixed: FTP download directory: Skip symbolic links pointing to dirs but having an extension (looking like a file) 19.11.99 Fixed: When right clicking on file window title in 'My Computer' and clicking the default 'open', Wincmd showed the Network Neighborhood 19.11.99 Added: When using the synchronize function, select the option 'only compare selected' by default when files/dirs are selected 19.11.99 Added: When using the search function, select the option 'only search selected' by default when files/dirs are selected 19.11.99 Fixed: Aborting a foreground download could abort a HTTP download in the background (from list) 16.11.99 Release Wincmd 4.02 Beta 2 16.11.99 Added: Synchronize dirs allows to compare selected files/dirs only (with or without subdirs) 15.11.99 Fixed: Could not unpack multi-volume zip files using the menu (only using ENTER+F5) 15.11.99 Fixed: Search settings (duplicate file finder) not correctly saved - you need to re-save the settings 14.11.99 Fixed: 'calculate occupied space' was limited to 65535 files, expanded to 32 bit 12.11.99 Added: HTTP-Downloads (from URL button) can now be put in the background (separate thread) 12.11.99 Added: Ask for Text extensions when choosing automatic ftp transfer mode in configuration - misc. 12.11.99 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: Ignore date for servers where the date cannot be determined 11.11.99 Fixed: Server to server copy: may display wrong copy direction 10.11.99 Fixed: Lister update problems when switching to word wrap mode (with very small fonts only) 09.11.99 Fixed: Disable uncontrolled auto-scrolling to the right in 'brief' mode using single mouse click mode 09.11.99 Added: During internal Drag&Drop, place cursor on subdirectory in OTHER window and press ENTER to open this subdir! 09.11.99 Added: To search dialog: search only in selected directories/files 09.11.99 Added: Default to 800x600 window size of 1024x768 screens (as long as user hasn't chosen 'save position') 09.11.99 Added: Create new subdirectory inside ZIP archives (ZIP only) 08.11.99 Fixed: Problem with some TAR files having right-aligned fields in header (unreadable) 07.11.99 Added: "Browse" button to "FTP download from list" 07.11.99 Fixed: ZIP in ZIP: When going out of inner ZIP, do not go to outer ZIP when tree is shown, or when user doesn't go to parent dir! 07.11.99 Fixed: FTP client would warn about binary data in text mode even when downloading directory contents (e.g. on a far east server) 07.11.99 Fixed: Double click on link (*.lnk) which points to non-existing directory, clicking 'Cacnel' -> Hourglass cursor 07.11.99 Fixed: Synchronize dirs: When comparing by content, the wrong files were refreshed when clicking one of the = or arrow buttons during the comparison 04.11.99 Fixed: Progress dialog not removed after 'synchronize' with zip in 'synchronize dirs' 04.11.99 Fixed: Command line: 'md' command did not work 04.11.99 Fixed: Windows NT only: unzip in background didn't work (caused a crash!) 04.11.99 Fixed: Right click on tray icon, then ESC or click outside didn't close the try icon (Reason: see MSDN Q135788) 03.11.99 Release Wincmd 4.11 Beta 1 31.10.99 Fixed: Synchronize function: Stop if a directory contains two files with identical name, but different case 31.10.99 Fixed: Unix-FTP-Server with two directories having identical names, but different case -> cursor positioned on first item when going up 1 dir 31.10.99 Fixed: Wincmd showed hourglass cursor if view zip inside zip failed 31.10.99 Added: Show more detailed error message when users tries to modify an archive which requires an external packer 31.10.99 Added: 'Browse' button to ftp details dialog (for local path) 28.10.99 Fixed: Refresh problems with 'compare files' 28.10.99 Fixed: Speedup of progress dialog drawing 28.10.99 Fixed: Could not correctly minimize program during synchronize dirs (while copying) 26.10.99 Fixed: Problems in search function with illegal file names (longer 259 chars, e.g. in 'temporary internet files') fixed 26.10.99 Added: Support for some German Unix FTP servers (sending month names in German) 26.10.99 Fixed: HTTP-Download from list (in background) could interfere with foreground processes 26.10.99 Fixed: Copy/Move directory inside tree window with drag&drop now supported 26.10.99 Added: Synchronize dirs now shows an error if user tries to synchronize unsupported pair (e.g. zip<->ftp or ftp<->ftp) 26.10.99 Fixed: Catch upload or download errors in synchronize dirs with ftp 22.10.99 Added: 2 timestamps differing by a maximum of 2 seconds are considered identical (until now this was only done with NTFS drives) 17.10.99 Added: FTP server to server transfers (fxp): Always send PORT command to left server, PASV to right server. -> Put server in non-public network on LEFT side! 17.10.99 Added: Do not re-compare in 'synchronize dirs' after deleting files from local dir (recompare is still necessary when deleting from zip or ftp) 17.10.99 Fixed: After opening associated archive in Wincmd, the back button had to be pressed twice to go to previous dir 17.10.99 Fixed: FTP to unix server with month name as user or group name - correctly detect dir names with space 17.10.99 Added: Code to remove tray icon when Wincmd is closed while in tray 17.10.99 Fixed: Rename during file copy -> show new name in progress dialog 17.10.99 Fixed: On Alt+F9 (Unpack), Wincmd sometimes showed the short path name instead of the long 15.10.99 Added: Direct upload of files from inside archives directly to an FTP server 12.10.99 Added: Synchronize local dir with FTP 08.10.99 Added: Support for OS/2 FTP servers with y2k bug (they show the year 2000 as 01-01-100 instead of 01-01-00) 06.10.99 Added: FTP download from list: Set target file name, like this: ftp://server.com/remote.txt -> c:\path\local.txt or (downloads to default path): ftp://server.com/remote.txt -> local.txt 05.10.99 Added: Delete in background (separate thread) 28.09.99 Fixed: Remove trailing space from command line. Reason: Windows duplicates the last command line parameter! 28.09.99 Fixed: FTP client could switch from passive to port mode after connection loss + reconnect 28.09.99 Fixed: FTP Connect fails even after multiple retries -> show only one error message 28.09.99 Fixed: FTP through HTTP proxy: better detect links to parent directory, and do not display them 20.09.99 Fixed: do not calculate disk space of subdir when creating a shortcut with Ctrl+Shift+F5 (only when copying+moving) 20.09.99 Fixed: If rename of hidden/system/read only file canceled, these attributes may be lost 20.09.99 Added: New 32-bit ARJ-Selfextractor support 20.09.99 Fixed: Problems unzipping archives with more than 16'000 files 12.09.99 Added: Synchronize dirs - show progress of compare by content 12.09.99 Added: Right click menu in system tray 12.09.99 Fixed: After a search -> feed to listbox, F2 or Ctrl+R etc. brings one back to the directory before the search 12.09.99 Fixed: Re-Upload to FTP server: File name converted to uppercase if long filename support disabled 12.09.99 Fixed: Better parsing of FTP Proxy code (HTML) 08.09.99 Fixed: Wincmd still asked for confirmation when overwriting hidden/system files, even if the user turned off this option in configuration - misc 08.09.99 Fixed: %name% in paths is used for environment variable substitution - ignore if variable doesn't exist 02.09.99 Added: Custom hilight colors in compare by contents: wincmd.ini, [colors], CompareText,CompareTextSel,CompareBinary,CompareBinarySel. Value: 65536*blue+256*green+red 02.09.99 Fixed: Unzip problems with archive containing stored file without CRC 01.09.99 Added: Unzip in background (only one archives at the time), check integrity in background 31.08.99 Added: ZIPFROMLIST command for buttonbar and start menu to create a zip file with all files from a list 31.08.99 Fixed: Windows NT: Problems modifying ZIP files containing extra fields (created by pkzip 2.6 or 2.7) 30.08.99 Added: User-defined keyboard shortcuts: wincmd.ini, [Shortcuts] CAS+F2=cm_renameonly (CAS means Ctrl+Alt+Shift) 30.08.99 Added: Button in configuration dialog "Configure internal viewer..." 29.08.99 Fixed: 16-bit: Print in lister didn't work (reason: smart callbacks turned off) 25.08.99 Added: Lister: Changed default 'no wrap' line length to 256, maximum configurable length to 512 (text mode only) 25.08.99 Fixed: Some problems with plugin interface (recurse subdirs and save paths always assumed to be 'on') 25.08.99 Fixed: Warn if files to be packed are > 2 GB, abort if any of them alone is > 2 GB (all due to ZIP format limits) 25.08.99 Added: Split "Equal/Unequal" button into two buttons in sychronize function 19.08.99 Fixed: Search - feed to listbox gave wrong file diskplay if sorted by size 19.08.99 Fixed: Button bar display problems if first item was a separator 19.08.99 Added: Allow to unzip even if both windows contain an open archive file 19.08.99 Added: FTP client now detects current dir name shown in single quotes like '/curdir' 19.08.99 Fixed: Replaced MessageBeep(-1) by MessageBeep(0) when file function ends in background (allows to change default beep) 19.08.99 Fixed: FTP download later asked for name of list file even if cancel pressed 17.08.99 Added: Change date/time of directories (Win95/98 only) using wc32to16.exe 16.08.99 Fixed: Hide the 'read only' checkbox in all Wincmd 'file open' dialogs 16.08.99 Added: Some more shortcuts to 'compare by contents', like Insert, Ctrl+C, Ctrl+Insert, Shift+F10 16.08.99 Fixed: Problems with righ click menu in 'synchronize dirs' (invoked with special Menu key) 16.08.99 Fixed: Error connecting through some HTTP proxy servers (SQUID) 16.08.99 Fixed: & sign in directories not shown correctly in history list (Alt+Cursor down) 16.08.99 Fixed: Make Quick search window child of main window (avoids 2 icons in Alt+Tab) 16.08.99 Fixed: Main Window active after minimize/restore of File copy progress window 16.08.99 Fixed: Main Window active after minimize/restore of synchronize dialog 16.08.99 Fixed: Predefined file types (Gray +): Sort by name 16.08.99 Fixed: Error decoding certain BinHex 4.0 files 16.08.99 Fixed: Properties of packed file: compression ratio wrong for very big files 16.08.99 Fixed: ESC in any program aborts 'synchronize dirs' New in Version 4.01 (27.07.99): - This version was mainly a bugfix release - HTTP downloads enhanced (now supports passwords, and special sites which require 'host:' line) - Settings what to do when second ftp connection opened in same window: wcx_ftp.ini, [General] AutoDisconnect =1 disconnect previous =2 keep previous =0 ask user New in Version 4.00 (17.06.99): General: - Directory synchronize: Compare two dirs with subdirs, or 1 dir and 1 archive - Compare files by content - Allow to abort binary compare in 'synchronize' with ESC - Copy/move in the background - 32 bit only - wincmd.ini, [configuration], AlwaysCopyInBackground=1 always copies in background - Connect to UNC path (\\server\path) in background (separate thread), allow to abort after 3 seconds - Dialog box Change Attributes, button to set current date&time - wincmd.ini, [configuration], activeright=1 activates right file listbox at start - Support for virtual folders through button bar. Use commands: cm_OpenDesktop, cm_OpenDrives, cm_OpenControls, cm_OpenFonts, cm_OpenNetwork, cm_OpenPrinters - Copy and Move files from and to virtual folders - Copy to nul, prn, lptx and comx now supported - Rename or append when copying and target exists - Files - Split now also accepts fractions of a number, like 0.5 MB - Use NTFS time compare method (2 seconds difference considered as same) in 'Compare directories' and 'Synchroinize dirs' User interface: - 2 drive button bars, one per file window (configurable) - 256 color folder icons, and support for external icon library (icl): wincmd.ini, [configuration], iconlib=dllname.dll (sample DLL on www.ghisler.com) - User-defined drive names (for drive list+button bar). Example: wincmd.ini, [DriveHints], E=ZIP drive - File window tabstops (column width) are now saved separately by resolution, and adjust to the right (configurable) - Save current position and maximized state separately for search, compare and synchronize dialogs - Show special folder icons for system folders, e.g. the Recycle Bin - Extended selection (Num+ and CTRL+F12) now supports almost all options as the 'search' function - The / key on numeric keypad restores file selection as it was before the last file operation Packer: - Multi-threading of zip function (pack in background) - 32 bit only - Packer/unpacker plugins to add external archiver DLLs - Copy files directly from ZIP to ZIP - Rename while unpacking (internally) and target exists - Support for ARJ SFX 2.62 - LZH files with comment field (starting with -com-) now supported - Configuration - Save settings saves current file display settings and directories even if auto-save turned off FTP Client: - FTP resume download even if multiple files selected - FTP Connection dialog allows to specify commands executed after connecting, separated by a ";" - FTP connect dialog, "duplicate entry" added - allows to create new connection from an existing one - CTRL+M allows to select FTP transfer mode (text, binary, auto) with keyboard - Warn if binary file is downloaded or uploaded in text mode (to turn off: modify wcx_ftp.ini, section [General], WarnWrongMode=0) - Support for some more ftp server types (OS9 etc.) - HTTP proxy for FTP connections - Transparent FTP proxy: Send firewalluser, firewallpass, user, pass Search function: - Search for/select files which do NOT match certain wildcards. Use | to separate, e.g. w*.*|*.bak finds all files starting with w, without extension .bak - Search for all files NOT containing a certain string - Duplicate file finder can find files with same name, size, contents or any combination of the 3 Lister: - Bitmap viewer, more formats through IrfanView plugin (see addons page on www.ghisler.com) - Lister can now play sound and video (configurable) - Printing in lister (Text+Graphics) - Select all in lister: CTRL+A selects whole file - Search for Hexadecimal strings, even mixed. Example: "PK"0102 will find 504B0102 - Lister now wraps at word boundaries (may be disabled: wincmd.ini, [lister], WordWrap=0) New in Version 3.53 (8.11.98): - Did extensive Year 2000 (Y2k) tests. Results: no internal date problems, only one interface prob to FTP - Possible Y2k problem with FTP servers showing a 2 digit year only. Rule: date<80 ->20xx, date>=80 -> 19xx - bugfixes New in Version 3.52 (11.08.1998): - cd \\Servername in command line (32 bit) - Added: ACE packer/unpacker support - unrar.dll and unace.dll internal unpackers for RAR and ACE (32 bit) - bugfixes Release Version 3.51 (07.05.1998): - wcx_ftp.ini, [general], LogFile=Path\Log.txt writes FTP log to specified file - Support for creating RAR SFX files - Support for files > 2 GB (display, copy, rename, move, delete; NOT: ZIP, FTP, Lister) - CTRL+P copies current path to command line - FTP: Preserve file dates when downloading (selectable) - FTP: Convert file names to lowercase when uploaded (selectable) - FTP: Change Unix attributes (permissions) dialog for FTP sites (uses 'SITE chmod', which isn't supported by all sites) - Bugfixes New in Version 3.50 (18.3.1998): - FTP client - flat look - Network Neighborhood - IntelliMouse wheel support - Directory history list (alt+cursor down) - Go back, go forward (alt+cursor left / alt+cursor right) - Create self extracting ZIP archive - Expandable tree as in Explorer - UUE/MIME/XXE-encode and decode, Binhex-decode - Split/Combine files - Start menu now supports shortcut keys (Ctrl+Alt+F1-F12) - More command line switches (see help) - ALT+GrayPlus selects all files with the same extension New in Version 3.02 (14.4.1997): - Cut/Copy/Paste of button bar buttons - Deletion method used by explorer can be used also in Wincmd [Configuration] Win95Delete=1 - CTRL+Q on archive shows contained file_id.diz, readme*, or *.txt (in this order) - Support for archives in archives - CTRL+PgDn to open archives in archives - TAR and GZ packers - New commands cm_Switch83Names, cm_SwitchDirSort, cm_SwitchHidSys, cm_SwitchLongNames to button bar commands New in Version 3.01 (31.12.1996): - Bugfixes New in Version 3.00 (15.12.1996): - 32-bit version available - drag&drop from and to explorer (32-bit version only) - enhanced search function - quick view panel (CTRL+Q) - drive bar to select different drives - button bar wraps around to 2 lines when larger than available width - new multi-page configuration dialog - Function to test selected archives for errors - A header now allows to sort the files by name, extension, size, and date - All parts of the user interface (except the file list) can be turned off in the configuration - The file window separator can now be moved