Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESL LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE _sdRECT right bottom _sdSIZE SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo PCIFIND IsBoardInstalled PCIFIND GetAvailableNumber PCIFIND GetBusNumber PCIFIND GetDeviceNumber PCIFIND GetFunctionNumber PCIFIND IsPCIPresent PCIFIND DeleteRegistry PCIFIND RefreshAppWizApplet Program Files View Readme File Please read through the contents of the readme file shown below:$ To install to this directory, click Next. To install to a different directory, click Browse $ and select another directory. You can choose not to install by clicking Cancel $ to exit the Setup program. Directory Confirmation$ The directory path specified already exists, do you want to continue installing into this directory ? Setup Options Please select the required setup type: Custom Installation$ For advanced users. You can choose to install a individual components. Make your selection of components to install from a1 below. Selected components are identified with a $ tick beside it. Setup is creating program folder and icons... Copying program files... Completed file copying process. Unable to create the directory:$ Please check directory path and ensure it is correct. There is not enough space available on the disk: Please free up some space or change the target location to a different disk. The directory path entered is invalid! Please select another one. Setup is complete. Click the 'OK' button to continue. Welcome Screen Path selected is a CD-ROM drive. Please specify a new path.$ Typical installation: Installs the Creative SoftMPEG software. Typical Installation: Installs a typical suite $ of programs. Requires the CD-ROM $ to install some components. [recommended option] Setup Complete$ Setup has finished copying files to your computer. You must restart Windows for the changes to take effect. Remove any disks from the drives, and click Finish a to complete the setup. This component contains the BlasterControl HotKey a1 application, the Creative Rescue Utility and Bug $ reporting programs This component contains the Autodesk ADI 4.2 display a1 driver for use on AutoCAD and 3D Studio programs $ (this component requires the CD-ROM). This component installs the Graphics Blaster a3 Windows 95 display drivers that support DirectDraw $ for the various screen resolutions (depending $ on the video RAM size). Install Applications/Drivers Install Applications Uninstall Applications Installation Information Below is a list of information that setup will be using for the installation: will be installed into the following directory: You have selected to install icons to the following folder: The setup files will be copied to the following directory: Install/Uninstall Option Please choose required option: Press the Next button to continue after you have selected the option.$ You have not selected any options to install. a' You have to choose at least one option. Prompt for Windows Applications Destination Directory Setup will install Windows applications to the following directory. Prompt for DOS Files Destination Directory Setup will install DOS files to the following directory. Uninstall component options Installing Windows drivers, one moment please... Prompt for Source Files in CD-ROM Prompt for Applications Disk$ Please insert the Applications Disk into the drive a4 and enter the drive letter (e.g. A:\), or you could $ enter the full path to your hard disk where the $ source file can be located: Couldn't find the source files, please check that a1 the correct CD is inserted into the CD-ROM drive. Please enter the full path where the source files are located:$ Setup could not find a file on the specified path or a, disk. Please check that the proper disk is $ inserted or specify a new path. BlasterControl Hotkey BlasterControl Rescue Creative SoftMPEG Help File BlasterControl Bug Report Setup is now updating the Registry Database. One moment please... Please select the following components to uninstall: Uninstalling in progress, one moment please...$ Uninstallation completed. Note that BlasterControla3 Hotkey files are not deleted as they are still in $ use. To delete it, close the application by right-$ clicking the icon in the taskbar and activate the $ Add/Remove Programs again. Click the 'OK' button $ to continue. Creative SoftMPEG files cannot be deleted as they a2 are currently being used. To uninstall the files, $ Close the application and activate the Add/Remove $ Programs again. Click the 'OK' button to continue. No components selected! Setup will now exit without a making any changes. Uninstallation is completed. Click the 'OK' button a to continue. only works on PCI systems, please contact your vendor before installing this board. Setup is unable to locate the PCI and PnP drivers,a0 'Add New Hardware' applet will now be launched $ to help you to add new hardware drivers. Run the $ Setup again after you have finished adding the $ drivers. card is not installed. Please insert the board a' first before trying to install drivers. A disk is detected in Drive A:. Please remove it a% before the system reboots. Click the $ 'OK' button to continue. Please refer to the README file on the configuration a# needed for the AutoDesk ADI driver. Please refer to the README file found in the installation a= disk on the configuration needed for the AutoDesk ADI driver. Add New Hardware Start Menu\Programs\ Add/Remove Programs Properties$ Please insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive and entera$ the CD-ROM drive letter (e.g. f:\). Setup is removing the following component: One moment please...$ This component installs the Graphics Blaster a3 Windows 95 display drivers that support DirectDraw $ and Direct3D for the various screen resolutions $ (depending on the video RAM size). This component $ requires the CD-ROM). This component consists of DOS utilities that allow a- you to set refresh rates etc (this component $ requires the CD-ROM). Software License Agreement$ Please read through the following license agreement a? carefully. Press the PAGE DOWN key to read the entire document. Click Yes to indicate that you have read and accepted a7 all the terms in the above agreement. If you click No, $ installation will abort. This component includes the Creative SoftMPEG that a6 allows you to playback MPEG format files, Karaoke and $ Video CDs. Note that this component requires the $ Microsoft DirectDraw and DirectVideo files to be installed. This component consists of Microsoft's DirectDraw a and DirectVideo files. This component consists of Microsoft's DirectDraw, a DirectVideo and Direct3D files. Warning$ Please note that SoftMPEG requires the Microsoft a? DirectDraw files in order to have the best performance. Do you $ really want to install it without installing the $ Microsoft DirectDraw files? Please free up some space and then run SETUP again. Please make sure that you are in the correct a2 operating system before running the setup program. settings$ Setup has detected that BlasterControl HotKey is loaded. a7 Please close it first before running the Setup program. \Creative\ShareDLL \Creative\BlasterControl \Creative\Davinci \Creative\MA20X \Creative\MA302 \Creative\GB3D FileComponents% BCHKEY32.EXE README.TXT Creative Techa BlasterControla BCHKEY32.EXER \SOFTWARE\Creative Tech\Graphics Blaster 3D\1.0\a svFolder2, Graphics Blaster 3D Graphics Blaster 3Da b' BlasterControl Applicationb{ b0 b Graphics BlasterA Graphics Blaster 3D WinAppl BltAppl ShareDLL Windrv gb3d.bina gb3dsw16.dlla ma33xd3d.dlla ma33xdd.dlla ma33xw95.drva ma33xw95.vxda msv*.dlla README.TXTa README.TXTd turbo.exea turbo.exe turbo.crla turbo.crl% MA33XW95.INFa MA33XW95.INF BLTAPPL.LIBR BLTAPPL.LIB! BCHKEY32.EXE BCRESCUE.EXE README.TXT$ NOTEPAD.EXE b Readmeb CDVNTDP.EXE Graphics Blaster 3Db NODRV( _INST32I.EX_ _SETUP.LIB SETUP.EXE SETUP.INS SETUP.PKG SETUP.INI SHAREDLL.LIB BLTAPPL.LIB WINAPPL.LIB _SETUP.DLL _ISDEL.EXE README.TXT LICENSE.TXT TITLE.BMP;0,0,247 WELCOME.BMP P2.BMP_ LICENSE.TXT WINAPPL.LIBa *.*BD BLTAPPL.LIBa *.*BD SHAREDLL.LIBa *.*BD p1.bmp TITLE.BMP;0,0,247 UNINST.EXER UNINST.EXEa UNINST.EXEA UNINST.EXEa UNINST.EXE UNINST.EXEa UNINST.EXE \Software\Microsoft\Windows\Help Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a BCHKEY32.EXE PathA BCHKEY32.EXEQ BLSTCTRL.HLPA Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\a BCRESCUE.EXE PathA BCRESCUE.EXEQ \Software\Creative Tech\BlasterControl\P CTRES32.DLLQ CTRES32.DLLA \CLSID\{C9F7D142-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}P BlasterControl MonitorA \CLSID\{C9F7D143-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}P BlasterControl HotkeyA \CLSID\{C9F7D144-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}P BlasterControl Color CorrectionA \CLSID\{C9F7D143-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}\InProcServer32P bchkey32.dllQ ThreadingModelA ApartmentA \CLSID\{C9F7D142-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}\InProcServer32P bcmon32.dllQ ThreadingModelA ApartmentA \CLSID\{C9F7D144-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}\InProcServer32P bcclr32.dllQ ThreadingModelA ApartmentA \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\BlasterControl MonitorP {C9F7D142-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}A \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\BlasterControl HotkeyP {C9F7D143-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}A \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\ShellEx\PropertySheetHandlers\BlasterControl Color CorrectionP {C9F7D144-5A3D-11cf-9078-00804800E8B6}A \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\% BCHKEY32.EXEQ HotKeyHookA \Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D0\b PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D0, \Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00B8\b PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00B8, \Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D4\b PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D4 DeviceDescA Graphics Blaster 3DA HWRevisionA &SUBSYS_10011102&REV_01,$ &SUBSYS_10011102,$ &REV_01,$ HardwareIDA HWRevisionA HardwareIDA HWRevisionA &SUBSYS_10051102&REV_01,$ &SUBSYS_10051102,$ &REV_01,$ HardwareIDA CompatibleIDsA PCI\CC_0300A ClassA DISPLAYA DISPLAY\bV DriverA Creative LabsA XXXX{ ConfigFlagsA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\bV InfPathA MA33XW95.INFA DriverDescA Graphics Blaster 3DA DevLoaderA *vddA \DEFAULT ModeA 8,640,480A ma33xw95a .drvQ ma33xw95a .vxdQ minivddA EnableTextureJetA PreviousTextureJetA TextureJetControlA DefaultTextureJetA PreviousSpeedA SpeedControlA DefaultSpeedA DisplayListEnableA DisplayListControlA DisplayListDefaultA XXXXXX( *vddA *vdd,*vflatdA \Enum\Root\*PNP0900Q *vddA CHIPIDA RefreshRateA BLASTER_INSTALL( BCDrvVendorA Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D0\b BCDrvVendorA Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00B8\b BCDrvVendorA Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D4\b BCDrvVendorA RevisionIDA \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\bV \MODES \4\640,480P \4\640,480Q \4\640,480Q vga.drvA \4\640,480Q *vddA \4\800,600P \4\800,600Q \4\800,600Q supervga.drvA \4\800,600Q *vddA \8\640,480P \8\640,480Q \8\800,600P \8\800,600Q \8\1024,768P \8\1024,768Q \8\1152,864P \8\1152,864Q \8\1280,1024P \8\1280,1024Q \8\1600,1200P \8\1600,1200Q \16\640,480P \16\640,480Q \16\800,600P \16\800,600Q \16\1024,768P \16\1024,768Q \16\1152,864P \16\1152,864Q \16\1280,1024P \16\1280,1024Q \24\640,480P \24\640,480Q \24\800,600P \24\800,600Q \24\1024,768P \24\1024,768Q \System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\bV \DDMODES \8\320,200Q \8\320,240Q \8\320,400Q \8\320,480Q \8\360,400Q \8\400,300Q \8\512,384Q \8\512,480Q \8\640,350Q \8\640,400Q \16\320,200Q \16\320,240Q \16\320,400Q \16\320,480Q \16\360,400Q \16\400,300Q \16\512,384Q \16\512,480Q \16\640,350Q \16\640,400Q \24\640,400Q \Display\Settingsa BitsPerPixelA \Display\Settingsa ResolutionA 640,480A SYSTEM.INI% boot.descriptiona aspecta 100,96,96% SYSTEM.INI% boot.descriptiona display.drva Graphics Blaster 3D PCIFIND.DLL \Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D0, \Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00B8, \Enum\PCI\VEN_1013&DEV_00D4 Graphics Blaster 3Dbg \Enum\PCI! sysdm.cpl,"bJ control.exeb Graphics Blaster 3Dbi BLASTER_INSTALL, BUS_b &DEV_$ &FUNC_$ 000b PCIFIND.DLL edit( SETUPSTR862R Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. 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