Graphics Blaster 3D (beta drivers for DirectX 5.0) ================================================== This file is distributed together with a beta version of Windows 95 drivers for Graphics Blaster 3D, which supports DirectX 5.0. This file contains additional information to supplement the manual. Please read all the sections before you proceed with the installation. This file contains the following sections: 1. Installation/Uninstallation 2. BlasterControl limitations 3. Turbocharge utility 4. System compatibility 1. INSTALLATION/UNINSTALLATION Before un-installing the software, ensure that all the programs are closed. The BlasterControl Hotkey might still be running in the background, so it will not be removed. To close it, right-click on its icon in the taskbar, and select "Close" from the menu. Then run the setup. 2. BLASTERCONTROL LIMITATIONS a) BlasterControl only works in 256 colors and above. b) BlasterControl Hotkey is only able to switch resolution, but not color depth. 3. TURBOCHARGE UTILITY You can try enabling turbo-charge by using the Turbocharge utility (turbo.exe), for better Windows 95 display driver performance, but some applications may encounter problems. 4. SYSTEM COMPATIBILITY If you have problems after putting the card into your system, please try placing the card into another PCI slot.