##New Tech Tree Pop Help## ADVANCE_ENGINEERING_HELP "Gives: Coliseum(I), Aqueduct(I), Infrastructure(I), Forbidden City(W)" ADVANCE_OCEAN_FARING_HELP "Gives: Fisheries(TI), East India Company(W)" ADVANCE_TOOLMAKING_HELP "Gives: Slaver(U), Warrior(U), Roads(TI)" ADVANCE_AI_SURVEILLANCE_HELP "Gives: Spy Plane(U), Security Monitor(I)" ADVANCE_AGRICULTURE_HELP "Gives: Granary(I), Farm(TI)" ADVANCE_MINING_HELP "Gives: Mines(TI)" ADVANCE_DOMESTICATION_HELP "Gives: Mounted Archer(U), Marketplace(I)" ADVANCE_BRONZE_WORKING_HELP "Gives: Phalanx(U)" ADVANCE_STONE_WORKING_HELP "Gives: City Wall(I), Capitol(I), Fortification(TI), Sphinx(W)" ADVANCE_JURISPRUDENCE_HELP "Gives: Samurai(U), Courthouse(I), Chichen Itza(W)" ADVANCE_SHIP_BUILDING_HELP "Gives: Trireme(U), Labyrinth(W), Nets(TI)" ADVANCE_WRITING_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_GEOMETRY_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_MONARCHY_HELP "Gives: Monarchy(G)" ADVANCE_IRON_WORKING_HELP "Gives: Legion(U)" ADVANCE_RELIGION_HELP "Gives: Temple(I), Ramayana(W)" ADVANCE_CITY_STATE_HELP "Gives: Republic(G)" ADVANCE_PHILOSOPHY_HELP "Gives: Academy(I), Theater(I)" ADVANCE_TRADE_HELP "Gives: Caravan(U)" ADVANCE_BUREAUCRACY_HELP "Gives: Diplomat(U), Confucius Academy(W)" ADVANCE_ASTRONOMY_HELP "Gives: Stonehenge(W)" ADVANCE_THEOCRACY_HELP "Gives: Theocracy(G), Cleric(U), Hagia Sophia(W)" ADVANCE_BANKING_HELP "Gives: Bank(I)" ADVANCE_STIRRUP_HELP "Gives: Knight(U)" ADVANCE_ALCHEMY_HELP "Gives: Fire Trireme(U), Archer(U), Philosopher's Stone(W)" ADVANCE_CLASSICAL_EDUCATION_HELP "Gives: University(I), Abolitionist(U)" ADVANCE_HULL_MAKING_HELP "Gives: Longship(U)" ADVANCE_MEDICINE_HELP "Gives: Hospital(I)" ADVANCE_AGRICULTURAL_REVOLUTION_HELP "Gives: Pikeman(U), Mill(I), Advanced Farms(TI)" ADVANCE_GUNPOWDER_HELP "Gives: Musketeer(U)" ADVANCE_PRINTING_PRESS_HELP "Gives: Publishing House(I), Gutenberg's Bible(W)" ADVANCE_PERSPECTIVE_HELP "Gives: Cathedral(I)" ADVANCE_MACHINE_TOOLS_HELP "Gives: Ship of the Line(U)" ADVANCE_CANNON_MAKING_HELP "Gives: Cannon(U)" ADVANCE_MECHANICAL_CLOCK_HELP "Gives: City Clock(I)" ADVANCE_OPTICS_HELP "Gives: Galileo's Telescope(W)" ADVANCE_CAVALRY_TACTICS_HELP "Gives: Cavalry(U)" ADVANCE_NATIONALISM_HELP "Gives: Spy(U)" ADVANCE_PHYSICS_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CHEMISTRY_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_AGE_OF_REASON_HELP "Gives: Emancipation Act(W)" ADVANCE_DEMOCRACY_HELP "Gives: Lawyer(U), Democracy(G)" ADVANCE_ECONOMICS_HELP "Gives: Capitalization(I), London Exchange(W)" ADVANCE_ELECTRICITY_HELP "Gives: Advanced Mines(TI), Edison's Lab(W)" ADVANCE_RAILROAD_HELP "Gives: Railroads(TI)" ADVANCE_INDUSTRIAL_REVOLUTION_HELP "Gives: Factory(I)" ADVANCE_STEEL_HELP "Gives: Battleship(U)" ADVANCE_CORPORATION_HELP "Gives: Corporate Branch(U)" ADVANCE_OIL_REFINING_HELP "Gives: Submarine(U), Oil Refinery(I)" ADVANCE_EXPLOSIVES_HELP "Gives: Artillery(U), Machine Gunner (U)" ADVANCE_COMMUNISM_HELP "Gives: Communism(G)" ADVANCE_FASCISM_HELP "Gives: Fascism(G), Fascist(U)" ADVANCE_ELECTRIFICATION_HELP "Gives: Movie Palace(I), Listening Post(TI)" ADVANCE_PHARMACEUTICALS_HELP "Gives: Drug Store(I), Contraception(W)" ADVANCE_AERODYNAMICS_HELP "Gives: Fighter(U), Aircraft Carrier(U), Airport(I), Air Base(TI)" ADVANCE_ROCKETRY_HELP "Gives: Mobile SAM(U)" ADVANCE_TANK_WARFARE_HELP "Gives: Tank(U)" ADVANCE_QUANTUM_MECHANICS_HELP "Gives: Nuke(U), Nuclear Plant(I)" ADVANCE_GLOBAL_DEFENSE_INITIATIVE_HELP "Gives: The Agency(W)" ADVANCE_JET_PROPULSION_HELP "Gives: Interceptor(U), Bomber(U), Paratrooper(U), Radar Station(TI)" ADVANCE_MASS_PRODUCTION_HELP "Gives: Troop Ship(U), Destroyer(U), Marine(U), Sonar Buoy(TI)" ADVANCE_CONSUMER_ELECTRONICS_HELP "Gives: Televangelist(U), Television(I), Hollywood(W)" ADVANCE_GENETICS_HELP "Gives: Infector(U), Genome Project(W)" ADVANCE_COMPUTER_HELP "Gives: Computer Center(I), Internet(W)" ADVANCE_SPACE_FLIGHT_HELP "Gives: SDI(I)" ADVANCE_ENVIRONMENTALISM_HELP "Gives: Recycling Plant(I)" ADVANCE_GLOBAL_COMMUNICATIONS_NETWORK_HELP "Gives: GlobeSat(W)" ADVANCE_ADVANCED_COMPOSITES_HELP "Gives: Space Plane(U), Stealth Bomber(U)" ADVANCE_MULTINATIONAL_REPUBLIC_HELP "Gives: Corporate Republic(G)" ADVANCE_ROBOTICS_HELP "Gives: War Walker(U), Robotic Plant(I), Automated Fisheries(TI), Mega Mines(TI)" ADVANCE_SUBNEURAL_ADS_HELP "Gives: Subneural Ad(U), ESP Center(W)" ADVANCE_INTELLIGENT_MATERIALS_HELP "Gives: Space Fighter(U), Star Ladder(W), Hydroponic Farms(TI) " ADVANCE_PERSONAL_ENCRYPTION_HELP "Gives: Global E-Bank(W)" ADVANCE_FUEL_CELLS_HELP "Gives: Aqua-Filter(I), Eco-Transit(I)" ADVANCE_WORMHOLES_HELP "Gives: Wormhole Probe(U), Wormhole Sensor(W)" ADVANCE_TECHNOCRACY_HELP "Gives: Technocracy(G), Plasmatica(U)" ADVANCE_SUPERCONDUCTOR_HELP "Gives: Rail Launcher(I), Maglevs(TI)" ADVANCE_HUMAN_CLONING_HELP "Gives: Incubation Center(I), Micro Defense(I)" ADVANCE_ARCOLOGIES_HELP "Gives: Arcologies(I)" ADVANCE_SEA_COLONIES_HELP "Gives: Sea Engineer(U), Stealth Sub(U), Undersea Mines(TI), Undersea Tunnels(TI)" ADVANCE_SPACE_COLONIES_HELP "Gives: Space Engineer(U), Storm Marine(U), Food Pods(TI), Assembly Bays(TI)" ADVANCE_GENETIC_TAILORING_HELP "Gives: Beef Vat(I), Dinosaur Park(W), Food Tanks(TI)" ADVANCE_ZERO_G_MANUFACTURING_HELP "Gives: Space Bomber(U)" ADVANCE_CRYONICS_HELP "Gives: House of Freezing(I)" ADVANCE_ECOTOPIA_HELP "Gives: Ecoterrorist(U), Ecotopia(G)" ADVANCE_MIND_CONTROL_HELP "Gives: Mind Controller(I), AI Entity(W)" ADVANCE_ULTRAPRESSURE_MACHINERY_HELP "Gives: Plasma Destroyer(U), Crawler(U), Advanced Undersea Mines(TI)" ADVANCE_ASTEROID_MINING_HELP "Gives: Star Cruiser(U), Swarm(U), Food Modules(TI), Advanced Assembly Bays(TI)" ADVANCE_UNIFIED_FIELD_THEORY_HELP "Gives: Forcefield(I), National Shield(W)" ADVANCE_NANOASSEMBLY_HELP "Gives: Nanite Factory(U), Nanite Defuser(W), Nanopedia(W)" ADVANCE_WILDERNESS_PRESERVATION_ACT_HELP "Gives: The Eden Project(W), which allows the EcoRanger(U) for Ecotopians" ADVANCE_GAIA_THEORY_HELP "Gives: Gaia Controller(W)" ADVANCE_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY_HELP "Gives: Virtual Democracy(G), Egalitarian Act(W)" ADVANCE_FUSION_HELP "Gives: Fusion Tank(U), Leviathan(U), Fusion Plant(I)" ADVANCE_ALIEN_ARCHEOLOGY_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_NEURAL_SILICON_INTERFACE_HELP "Gives: Cyber Ninja(U), Bio Memory Chip(I), Sensorium(W)" ADVANCE_CLOAKING_HELP "Gives: Phantom(U)" ADVANCE_LIFE_EXTENSION_HELP "Gives: Body Exchange(I), Immunity Chip(W)" ### Teleportation is cut ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION_HELP "I am Leads to new advances. I should not be here. Hunt me down. Remove me. But fix script.slc first." ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION0_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION1_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION2_HELP "Gives: Mega Assembly Bays(TI)" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION3_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION4_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION5_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION6_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION7_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION8_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_TELEPORTATION9_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL0_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL1_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL2_HELP "Gives: Pollution Reduction Bonus" ADVANCE_CULTURAL3_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL4_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL5_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL6_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL7_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL8_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_CULTURAL9_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA0_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA1_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA2_HELP "Gives: Mega Undersea Mines(TI)" ADVANCE_SEA3_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA4_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA5_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA6_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA7_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA8_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_SEA9_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS0_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS1_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS2_HELP "Gives: Pollution Reduction Bonus" ADVANCE_PHYSICS3_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS4_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS5_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS6_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS7_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS8_HELP "Leads to new advances" ADVANCE_PHYSICS9_HELP "Leads to new advances" ###Help Text### ##Unit Help## UNIT_DIPLOMAT_HELP "Ancient Special Unit. The Diplomat establishes embassies and investigates foreign cities. Diplomats can see some stealth units." UNIT_CLERIC_HELP "The Cleric is a stealth unit only available to Civilizations using a Theocratic government. The Cleric converts cities and sells indulgences to earn gold or soothsays to spread unhappiness in foreign cities." UNIT_PIKEMEN_HELP "Renaissance defender. The Pikemen are tough fighters capable of attack as well as defense." UNIT_NUKE_HELP "Modern Special Unit. The Nuke is a missile that can fly between cities or be carried onboard a Submarine, Aircraft Carrier or Bomber. The Nuke destroys all units in and around the tile in which it detonates." UNIT_SUBNEURAL_ADS_HELP "Diamond Age Special Unit. The Subneural Ad is a stealthy corporate air unit that spreads corporate franchises and makes foreign cities unhappy with subliminal advertisements." UNIT_LEVIATHAN_HELP "Diamond Age juggernaut. The Leviathan is the most powerful land unit in history. Slow moving but incredibly powerful, the Leviathan is capable of bombarding targets in space." UNIT_SETTLER_HELP "Special Unit. Settles cities." UNIT_SLAVER_HELP "Ancient Special Unit. This stealth unit steals population from cities, takes Slaves after battles, and enslaves enemy Settlers." UNIT_CHARIOT_HELP "Ancient Scout." UNIT_TRIREMES_HELP "Ancient coastal water transportation." UNIT_HOPLITE_HELP "Ancient defender." UNIT_LEGION_HELP "Ancient all-purpose attacker and defender." UNIT_GREEK_FIRE_HELP "Ancient ranged combatant. Fights best when assisting attackers or defenders." UNIT_GREEK_FIRE_TRIREME_HELP "Ancient coastal warship." UNIT_KNIGHT_HELP "Ancient Assault Unit. The knight is hard-hitting and heavily armored." UNIT_LONGSHIP_HELP "Renaissance open water warship and transport." UNIT_CANNON_HELP "Renaissance ranged combatant. Fights best when assisting attackers or defenders." UNIT_CAVALRY_HELP "Best Renaissance scout and attacker." UNIT_SHIP_OF_THE_LINE_HELP "Best Renaissance warship." UNIT_MUSKETEERS_HELP "Best Renaissance defender. " UNIT_LAWYER_HELP "Renaissance Special Unit. This stealth unit freezes production in enemy cities with injunctions, and sues franchises and trade units to destroy them." UNIT_FASCIST_HELP "Modern balanced attacker and defender only available to Fascist governments." UNIT_ABOLITIONIST_HELP "Renaissance Special Unit. Incites slave revolts and frees slaves, potentially crippling slaving Civilizations." UNIT_MACHINE_GUNNER_HELP "Modern defender." UNIT_ARTILLERY_HELP "Modern ranged combatant." UNIT_TROOP_SHIP_HELP "Modern open water transport." UNIT_SUBMARINE_HELP "Modern underwater stealthy warship." UNIT_BATTLESHIP_HELP "Best Modern naval warship." UNIT_SPY_HELP "Modern Special Unit. This stealth unit performs a host of dirty tricks on the enemy: spying, bombing, inciting revolutions, stealing, and planting Nukes." UNIT_FIGHTER_HELP "Modern aerial attacker. Strikes from the skies at great distance to attack and return to base before it can be intercepted and destroyed. Must refuel every three turns." UNIT_AIRCRAFT_CARRIER_HELP "Modern naval vessel that acts as an air base at sea." UNIT_TANK_HELP "Best Modern attacker." UNIT_DESTROYER_HELP "Modern naval defender that can detect Submarines." UNIT_TELEVANGELIST_HELP "Modern Special Unit. Converts foreign cities, Soothsays and Sells Indulgences." UNIT_CARGO_POD_HELP "Modern Special Unit. Carries units in space." UNIT_INTERCEPTORS_HELP "Modern aerial attacker. Makes active defense attacks against other airplanes, but must refuel within two turns." UNIT_BOMBER_HELP "Modern aerial attacker designed to kill land and sea units. Capable of carrying two Nukes, the Bomber is only limited by a need to refuel in five turns." UNIT_MOBILE_SAM_HELP "Modern defender. Makes active defense attacks against airplanes." UNIT_CORPORATE_BRANCH_HELP "Modern Special Unit. This stealth unit franchises enemy cities and gains a part of their production for your own Civilization. A Trade Unit, it cannot be expelled." UNIT_C17_TRANSPORT_HELP "Modern Age air transport that carries Paratroopers." UNIT_SPACE_PLANE_HELP "Genetic Age space transport. Shuttles as many as five units to and from space, but with highly polluting effects." UNIT_PARATROOPER_HELP "Modern Age Assault Unit. Paratroopers can paradrop up to 20 tiles from a city." UNIT_SPY_PLANE_HELP "Genetic Age aerial spy. Travels over large distance without refueling." UNIT_BATTLEBOT_HELP "Genetic Age artillery. Combines the mobility of armored cavalry with the firepower of a heavy rocket battery." UNIT_SEA_ENGINEER_HELP "Genetic Age Settler. Builds undersea cities." UNIT_STEALTH_SUB_HELP "Genetic Age underwater attacker. A stealth unit, the Stealth Sub can evade even the most sensitive detection equipment." UNIT_ECOTERRORIST_HELP "Genetic Age Special Unit. Destroys a city's improvements with nano-technology and eliminates corporate leaders to spread unhappiness." UNIT_SPACE_ENGINEER_HELP "Genetic Age Settler. Builds space cities." UNIT_INFECTOR_HELP "Genetic Age Special Unit. Infects cities with fearsome viral agents causing unhappiness." UNIT_CRAWLER_HELP "Diamond Age underwater transport. Transports as many as five units silently along the ocean floor." UNIT_BATTLE_CRUISER_HELP "Diamond Age space attacker. Most powerful space unit." UNIT_SPACE_MARINES_HELP "Genetic Age assault unit. Can assault and capture cities in space, underwater, or on land. Can attack from transports directly into defended tiles and cities." UNIT_SPACE_BOMBER_HELP "Diamond Age space attacker. Destroys Earth dwellers from space with little risk of return fire." UNIT_PARK_RANGER_HELP "Diamond Age Special Unit. Obliterates cities and returns the world to a pastoral state of nature." UNIT_WORMHOLE_PROBE_HELP "Diamond Age Special Unit. Enters the Wormhole and returns with alien DNA." UNIT_CATTLE_HELP "Moo." UNIT_SWARM_HELP "Diamond Age space and land attacker. Drops down from space to attack anywhere on the planet. Can attack from transports directly into defended tiles and cities." UNIT_PHANTOM_HELP "Diamond Age cloaked space attacker. Sneaks through space to raid unprotected space cities." UNIT_MARINES_HELP "Modern Age attacker. The Marine is capable of conducting amphibious assaults to capture cities along the coast by attacking from transports directly into defended tiles and cities." UNIT_WARRIOR_HELP "Ancient Warrior. Slow, but with great vision. Provides early military power in the Ancient Age." UNIT_STEALTH_FIGHTER_HELP "Genetic Age fast space and air attacker. Can plunge down from orbit to attack any target on the map. Must refuel in two turns." UNIT_STEALTH_BOMBER_HELP "Genetic Age stealthy aerial attacker. Similar to the Spy Plane, but with a massive ranged attack. Must refuel in five turns." UNIT_CYBER_NINJA_HELP "Genetic Age Special Unit. Diamond Age super spy capable of theft, spying, bombing and planting nukes." UNIT_SAMURAI_HELP "Ancient Age attacker. The Samurai is a powerful attacker but weak on defense." UNIT_PLASMATICA_HELP "Genetic Age infantry. The most powerful infantry unit in history, the Plasmatica is a Special Forces unit." UNIT_CARAVAN_HELP "Necessary for trade routes." UNIT_FUSION_TANK_HELP "Genetic Age tank." UNIT_PLASMA_DESTROYER_HELP "Diamond Age warship." ##Improvement Help## IMPROVE_SILO_HELP "The Granary speeds the growth rate of a city by decreasing the amount of food necessary to grow." IMPROVE_CAPITOL_HELP "The Capitol is the center of a Civilization's government. You can only have one Capitol at any time. Cities far from the Capitol become unhappy more easily." IMPROVE_CITY_WALLS_HELP "The City Wall provides all units in the city with a +4 defense bonus. The City Wall also helps prevent slavery and conversion by foreign agents." IMPROVE_LIBRARY_HELP "The Publishing House adds +1 science per city population and an additional 25% bonus to the city's total science output." IMPROVE_ACADEMY_HELP "The Academy adds +1 science per city population and an additional 50% bonus to the city's total science output." IMPROVE_AQUEDUCT_HELP "The Aqueduct provides a supply of fresh water to the city, increasing food production by 20% and lowering the effects of overcrowding by 2. Cannot be built in Space or Undersea." IMPROVE_UNIVERSITY_HELP "The University increases the city's total science output by 50%." IMPROVE_CITY_CLOCK_HELP "The City Clock makes all business in the city more efficient, increasing gold output by 1 per population. Cannot be built in Space or Undersea." IMPROVE_FACTORY_HELP "The Factory increases the city's production by 50% and allows for the hiring of laborer specialists." IMPROVE_CIRCUS_HELP "The Coliseum increases the city's happiness by 2." IMPROVE_CATHEDRAL_HELP "The Cathedral increases a city's happiness by 3 with most governments - but only 1 in Communism and a giant 5 in Theocracy." IMPROVE_AIRPORT_HELP "The Airport increases the city's gold output by 50% and doubles pollution." IMPROVE_DRUG_STORE_HELP "The Drug Store cures the working person's common ailments, increasing production by 25% and improving happiness by 3." IMPROVE_COMPUTER_CENTER_HELP "The Computer Center adds +1 science per city population and increases the city's overall science output by 50%." IMPROVE_POPULATION_MONITOR_HELP "The Security Monitor watches everyone closely. Crime and pollution are reduced and production increased by 25%." IMPROVE_ARTIFICIAL_WOMB_COMPLEX_HELP "The Incubation Center increases the city's production by 25%." IMPROVE_WATER_TRANSFORMER_HELP "The Aqua-Filter allows for larger cities by reducing overcrowding by 5." IMPROVE_HOUSE_OF_FREEZING_HELP "The House of Freezing increases the city's gold output by 50%. Under a Theocracy, the House of Freezing also increases happiness by 5." IMPROVE_MIND_CONTROL_EMITTER_HELP "The Mind Controller eliminates all unhappiness in the city. The Mind Controller also protects against slavery and conversion by foreign agents." IMPROVE_FORCEFIELD_HELP "The Forcefield grants a +12 bonus to the defense of units inside the city." IMPROVE_NANITE_FACTORY_HELP "The Nanite Factory can only be constructed in space cities. The Nanite Factory allows you Rush Buy items at a rate of 1 gold for 1 production." IMPROVE_EMBEDDED_KNOWLEDGE_CHIP_HELP "The Bio-Memory Chip adds +1 science per city population and also increases the city's overall science output by 50%." IMPROVE_BODY_EXCHANGE_HELP "The Body Exchange increases a city's happiness by 3." IMPROVE_ZERO_EMISSION_VEHICLES_HELP "Eco-Transit is a powerful pollution reducer. It lowers pollution by 200%." IMPROVE_BIO_WARFARE_FILTERS_HELP "Micro Defense protects the city from all biological and nanological attacks." IMPROVE_TEMPLE_HELP "The Temple increases a city's happiness by 2." IMPROVE_COURTHOUSE_HELP "The Courthouse reduces crime in a city by 50%." IMPROVE_BAZAAR_HELP "The Marketplace increases the gold produced in a city by 50%. It also allows Merchant Specialists to be hired in your cities." IMPROVE_THEATER_HELP "The Theater increases the effectiveness of entertainers in the city by 100% and increases a city's happiness by 1." IMPROVE_BANK_HELP "The Bank increases a city's gold by 50%. It also allows Merchant Specialists to be hired in your cities." IMPROVE_HOSPITAL_HELP "The Hospital allows for cities to grow to larger sizes by reducing overcrowding by 3." IMPROVE_MILL_HELP "The Mill increases production by 50%. Cannot be built in Space or Undersea." IMPROVE_OIL_REFINERY_HELP "The Oil Refinery increases production by 50% but also increases pollution by 200%. Cannot be built in space." IMPROVE_MOVIE_PALACE_HELP "The Movie Palace decreases a city's war discontent by 50%. " IMPROVE_NUCLEAR_PLANT_HELP "The Nuclear Plant increases production by 50% and reduces pollution by 50%. " IMPROVE_RECYCLING_PLANT_HELP "The Recycling Plant reduces city pollution by 200% and helps to clean the world's environment, reducing previous pollution." IMPROVE_TELEVISION_HELP "Television provides 5 gold per city population." IMPROVE_SDI_HELP "SDI protects a city from Nukes." IMPROVE_ROBOTIC_PLANT_HELP "The Robotic Plant increases a city's production by 50% and pollution by 100%" IMPROVE_RAIL_LAUNCHER_HELP "The Rail Launcher can launch units into space. Rail launching creates pollution but at a slower rate than Space Plane launching. Cannot be built in Space." IMPROVE_ARCOLOGIES_HELP "Arcologies allow for larger cities by reducing overcrowding by 4." IMPROVE_BEEF_VAT_HELP "The Beef Vat fulfills all of a city's food needs and provides a small surplus so that the city can grow. However, each food provided by the Beef Vat creates pollution." IMPROVE_FUSION_PLANT_HELP "The Fusion Plant increases a city's production by 50% and reduces pollution." IMPROVE_CAPITALIZATION_HELP "Converts city production to gold." IMPROVE_INFRASTRUCTURE_HELP "Converts city production to Public Works." IMPROVE_ECD_HELP "Extraterrestrial Communication Devices are required to complete the Alien Life Project." IMPROVE_XENOFORM_LABORATORY "Construction of the secret Xenoform Laboratory is the first stage of completing the Alien Life Project." IMPROVE_CONTAINMENT_FIELD "Multiple Containment Field Generators are required to control the alien embryo's psychic radiation." IMPROVE_EMBRYO_TANK "The Embryo Tank is required to support the developing alien embryo." IMPROVE_GENE_SPLICER "The Gene Splicer will greatly accelerate the rate of the alien embryo's development." ##Wonder Help## WONDER_STONEHENGE_HELP "Stonehenge increases food production in host Civilization's cities by 25%." WONDER_SPHINX_HELP "The Sphinx reduces all military readiness costs by 75%." WONDER_LABRYINTH_OF_THE_MINOTAUR_HELP "The Labryinth grants free trade routes (no Caravans required)." WONDER_PARTHENON_HELP "Chichen Itza eliminates all crime in the Civilization." WONDER_RAYAMANA_HELP "The Ramayana increases the happiness of all cities by 3." WONDER_I_CHING_HELP "The Confucius Academy eliminates all unhappiness caused by city distance from the capitol." WONDER_THE_FORBIDDEN_CITY_HELP "The Forbidden City prevents other computer players from starting wars with you. Automatically closes all foreign embassies." WONDER_HAGIA_SOPHIA_HELP "The Hagia Sophia doubles the effectiveness of Temples and Cathedrals. Also, doubles income from converted cities." WONDER_PHILOSOPHERS_STONE_HELP "The Philosopher's Stone opens an embassy in every foreign Civilization." WONDER_GALILEOS_TELESCOPE_HELP "Galileo's Telescope increases the total science output of the host Civilization by 200%." WONDER_LONDON_STOCK_EXCHANGE_HELP "The London Exchange eliminates all maintenance costs in the host Civilization." WONDER_EMANCIPATION_PROCLAMATION_HELP "This call for liberty frees all slaves in the world. Slave-owning cities in foreign Civilizations suffer severe riots as a consequence." WONDER_EDISONS_LAB_HELP "Edison's Lab grants an average of 10 free Advances per age. There is a chance every turn that you will automatically discover whatever Advance is being researched." WONDER_INTERNET_HELP "The Internet grants an average of 10 foreign Advances per Age. There is a chance every turn of discovering an Advance known to another Civilization." WONDER_ESP_CENTER_HELP "The ESP Center prevents other computer players from starting wars with you. In addition, permanent embassies are established in every Civilization. All Civilizations improve their attitudes towards this wonder's owner." WONDER_NANITE_DEFUSER_HELP "The Nanite Defuser destroys all Nukes in the world." WONDER_THE_PRIMER_HELP "The Primer doubles the effectiveness of all specialists in the Civilization." WONDER_THE_IMMUNE_CELL_PROJECT_HELP "The Immunity Chip increases happiness in all cities by 5 and protects against the Infect City attack." WONDER_WORMHOLE_DETECTOR_HELP "The Wormhole Sensor allows all Civilizations to see the Wormhole." WONDER_SUPER_FORCE_FIELD_HELP "The National Forcefield creates a forcefield over every city in its owner's Civilization." WONDER_GUTTENBERGS_BIBLE_HELP "Gutenberg's Bible and the printing press makes religious writings accessible to the masses. This wonder prevents religious conversions by foreign Civilizations and increases a Civilization's Science by 10%." WONDER_EAST_INDIA_COMPANY_HELP "The East India Co. explores the world's oceans to open new lanes of commerce. This wonder gives 5 gold for each foreign trade route crossing water. It also increases boat movement by 1." WONDER_HOLLYWOOD_HELP "The entertainment capitol of the world, the presence of Hollywood takes 2 gold per population from every foreign city with Television and gives it to the host city." WONDER_WORD_INTELLIGENCE_AGENCY_HELP "This powerful security agency provides the equivalent protection of a Spy in every city of the host Civilization." WONDER_THE_PILL_HELP "This medical breakthrough increases happiness by 5 in all cities of the host Civilization." WONDER_HUMAN_GENOME_PROJECT_HELP "This wonder allows for the artificial enhancement of humans, which increases both the host Civilization's production and the strength of their units by 10%." WONDER_GLOBSAT_HELP "The global satellite system gives the host Civilization radar coverage of the entire world." WONDER_STAR_LADDER_HELP "This giant elevator allows free transportation in and out of space from the host city." WONDER_GLOBAL_E_BANK_HELP "The creation of a single electronic currency gives the E-Bank's owner 10 gold for every trade route between two foreign Civilizations." WONDER_DINOSAUR_PARK_HELP "This futuristic theme park increases the value of all Goods in the the host city by 300%." WONDER_WORLD_WILDERNESS_ACT_HELP "The Eden Project represents a revolution in environmental philosophy. The project destroys the top 3 polluting cities in the world. It also allows Ecotopian Civilizations to build Eco Rangers." WONDER_GAIA_CONTROLLER_HELP "The Gaia Controller counteracts the worst effects of global pollution. All pollution is stopped completely and environmental disasters do not occur." WONDER_AI_ENTITY_HELP "The AI Entity rules its host Civilization with absolute authority. All Workers become content as dissent no longer exists --although the Entity has a 3% chance of revolting." WONDER_EGALITARIAN_PROCLAMATION_HELP "The Egalitarian Act makes all cities in the host Civilization celebrate for 5 turns. Revolting foreign cities join your Civilization." WONDER_SENSORIUM_HELP "This wonder eliminates unhappiness in the host Civilization caused by overcrowding and pollution." ###UI Help### ##Main Screen Help## HELP_STATSWINDOW_ZOOMPLUS "This is the Zoom In button. It zooms the map in so you can see close up." HELP_STATSWINDOW_ZOOMMINUS "This is the Zoom Out button. It zooms the map out so you can see more but in less detail." HELP_STATSWINDOW_OPTIONS "This brings up the Options window to allow you to set game options." STATSWINDOW_PWBOX "Public Works. Shows production that can be used to build tile improvements. The percentage that each city contributes to Public Works can be set." STATSWINDOW_GOLDBOX "Gold savings. Shows gold that can be used for wages, Rush Buys, or diplomacy." STATSWINDOW_YEARBOX "Current turn. Shows the turn number. (First turn equals 1.)" STATSWINDOW_CIVBUTTON "The Civilization Status screen is used to view global information on production, food, and gold." STATSWINDOW_CITYBUTTON "The City Status screen is used to view specific information on every city in your Civilization." STATSWINDOW_UNITBUTTON "The Unit's Status screen provides information on your military and Special Units." STATSWINDOW_SCIBUTTON "The Science Status screen displays information on the state of scientific research." STATSWINDOW_DIPBUTTON "The Diplomatic Status screen shows diplomatic information and allows you to communicate with foreign nations." STATSWINDOW_TRADEBUTTON "The Trade Status screen is used to create and manage trade routes." STATSWINDOW_LIBBUTTON "The Great Library gives detailed information on units, improvements, Wonders of the World, Advances, and game concepts." STATSWINDOW_INFOBUTTON "The Ranking screen displays general information on every Civilization." TURNWINDOW_UNDOBUTTON "Undoes all actions taken during the last turn." TURNWINDOW_CITYBUTTON "Selects the next city. If any city is in danger of rioting, button is yellow. If any city is in danger of revolting, button is red." TURNWINDOW_UNITBUTTON "Selects the next unit. Skips sleeping and fortified units and units that have no remaining movement points. Turns gray when all units have moved." TURNWINDOW_ENDBUTTON "Ends the current game turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_YEARBOXHOLDER_YEARBOX "Toggles between the turn number and game year." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_ZOOMMINUSBUTTON "Pulls back the view to show more of the map on your screen." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_ZOOMPLUSBUTTON "Pushes in the view to show a closer view of the map on your screen." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_PWBOX "Your Civilization's current Public Works account. Public Works are used to build tile improvements such as roads, farms, and mines." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_GOLDBOX "Your Civilization's current gold savings." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_TILEIMPPANEL_TILEIMPBUTTON "Toggles the Tile Improvement panel." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_TILEIMPPANEL_SPACEBUTTON "Toggles the map view between Earth and space." ##Tile Improvements Help## HELP_CP_TILEIMP_LAND "Displays land tile improvements. Tile improvements must be placed within three tiles of a friendly city or adjacent to another tile improvement built by your Civilization." HELP_CP_TILEIMP_SEA "Displays sea tile improvements. Tile improvements must be placed within three tiles of a friendly city or adjacent to another tile improvement." HELP_CP_TILEIMP_SPACE "Toggles the map view between Earth and space." HELP_CP_TILEIMP_TERRA "Displays terraform options." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_FARMS "Farms increase food by 5. Farms can be placed next to water or other farms." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_ADVFARMS "Advanced Farms increases food by 15. Farms can be placed next to water or other farms. Agricultural Revolution required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_HYDFARMS "Hydroponic Farms increase food by 25. Farms can be placed next to water or another farm. Smart materials required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_MINE "A Mine increases the production output of a tile by 5-15 and gold by 5, depending on the tile type. Mining required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_ADVMINE "Advanced Mines increase production by 10-30 and gold by 5-10, depending on the tile type. Electricity required." ###RETURN CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_SUPERMINE "A Mega Mine increases production by 15-45 and gold by 5-15, depending on the tile type. Robotics required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_ROADS "Roads reduce movement costs to 1/3 of normal. Toolmaking required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_RAILROADS "Railroads reduce movement costs to 1/5 of normal. Railroad Advancement required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_MAGLEVS "Maglevs reduce movement costs to 1/10 of normal. Superconductor required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_LPOST "Listening Posts allow for stealthy observation of enemy movements. Electrification required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_RADARSITE "Radar Sites extend the range of your Radar Map. Jet Propulsion required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_LANDSWITCHES_AIRBASE "Use Air Bases to refuel aircraft and launch airborne assaults. Aerodynamics required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_NETS "Nets increase the food output of a tile by 5. Shipbuilding required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_BIGNETS "Big Nets increase the food output of a tile by 15. Ocean Faring required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_AUTOFISH "Automated Fisheries increase the food output of a tile by 25. Robotics required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_UWMINES "Undersea Mines increase production by 10-40, depending on tile type. Sea Colonies required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_UWAMINES "Advanced Undersea Mines increase production by 60-100 and gold by 10, depending on the tile type. Ultra-pressure Machinery required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_UWSUPERMINES "Mega Undersea Mines increase production by 90-150 and gold by 15. Future Sea Technology Level Three required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_UWTUNNELS "Undersea Tunnels allow land units to move underwater at 1/10 normal movement costs. Sea Colonies Required. " CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SEASWITCHES_SONARBUOYS "Sonar Buoys can observe enemy movements while remaining undetected. Mass Production required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SPACESWITCHES_FOODPODS "Food Pods increase the food output of a space tile by 20. Space Colonies required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SPACESWITCHES_FOODMODS "Food Modules increase the food output of a space tile by 40. Asteroid Mining required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SPACESWITCHES_FOODTANKS "Food Tanks increase the food output of a space tile by 60. Genetic Tailoring required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SPACESWITCHES_RDOCKS "Assembly Bays increase production by 30. Zero-G Industry required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SPACESWITCHES_ARDOCKS "Advanced Assembly Bays increase production by 60. Neural Interface required." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_SPACESWITCHES_SUPERRDOCKS "Mega Assembly Bays increase production by 90. Future Space Technology Level Three required." ###Control Panel Help### ##Macro Tab Help## CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB "View city specific information on gold, food, science, and production." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_MACROSWITCHGROUP_MACROPRODBUTTON "Allocate population to maximize production." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_MACROSWITCHGROUP_MACROGROWTHBUTTON "Allocate population to maximize food." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_MACROSWITCHGROUP_MACROGOODSBUTTON "Allocate population to maximize gold." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_MACROSWITCHGROUP_MACROKNOWLEDGEBUTTON "Allocate population to maximize science." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_MACROSWITCHGROUP_MACROHAPPINESSBUTTON "Allocate population to maximize happiness." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROPRODLABEL "Net city production at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROPRODBOX "Net city production at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROGOLDLABEL "Net gold generation in the city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROGOLDBOX "Net gold generation in the city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROKNOWLABEL "Net science generation in the city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROKNOWBOX "Net science generation in the city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROFOODLABEL "Net food production in the city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROFOODBOX "Net food production in the city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROEATENLABEL "Food eaten by city Population at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROEATENBOX "Food eaten by city population at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROSTOREDLABEL "Food stored in city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROSTOREDBOX "Food stored in city at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACRONEXTPOPBOX "Turns until next population at the beginning of next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MACROTAB_PANE_MACROTABWALLPAPER_BOXHOLDER_MACROHAPPYBOX "Happiness of city." ##Micro Tab Help## CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB "Review and manage the city workforce." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROPICHOLDER_MICROSLAVESLABEL "Slaves require half rations and no wages, but must be guarded to prevent a revolution." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROPICHOLDER_MICROSLAVESBOX "Number of slaves working in the city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROPICHOLDER_MICROWORKERLABEL "Workers are population set to work on tiles." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROPICHOLDER_MICROWORKERBOX "Number of Workers in the city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROMUSICIANLABEL_MICROMUSICIANBOX "Number of Entertainers working in the city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROMUSICIANLABEL "Entertainers are specialists who create extra happiness in a city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROMUSICIANLABEL_MICROMUSICIANTOTALBOX "Amount of happiness being generated by Entertainers in this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROSCIENTISTLABEL_MICROSCIENTISTBOX "Number of Scientists working in the city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROSCIENTISTLABEL "Scientists are specialists who create extra science research." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROSCIENTISTLABEL_MICROSCIENTISTTOTALBOX "Amount of science being generated by Scientists in this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROBANKERLABEL_MICROBANKERBOX "Number of Merchants working in this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROBANKERLABEL "Merchants are specialists who create extra gold income. Requires Marketplace or Bank." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROBANKERLABEL_MICROBANKERTOTALBOX "Amount of gold being generated by Merchants in this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROGRUNTLABEL_MICROGRUNTBOX "Number of Laborers working in this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROGRUNTLABEL "Laborers are specialists who create extra production in a city. Requires Factory." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB_PANE_MICROTABWALLPAPER_MICROBUTTONHOLDER_MICROGRUNTLABEL_MICROGRUNTTOTALBOX "Amount of production being generated by Laborers in this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_MICROTAB "Use the Labor tab to view the city population and hire specialists." ##Production Tab Help## CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB "Manage city production." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_LISTHOLDER_SELLBUTTON "Sell selected inventory item." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_BUILDBUTTONHOLDER_PRODCHANGEBUTTON "Change item being built." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_BUILDBUTTONHOLDER_PRODOVERTIMECOST "Cost to Rush Buy item this turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_BUILDBUTTONHOLDER_PRODRUSHBUYBUTTON "Purchase item being built." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_BUILDBUTTONHOLDER_PRODQUEUEBUTTON "Set city Build Queue." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_CHANGEBUTTONHOLDER_BUILDBUTTON "Build currently selected item." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_CHANGEBUTTONHOLDER_BUILDQUEUEBUTTON "Set city Build Queue." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_INFOHOLDER_TURNTEXT "Turns until item is finished building." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_PRODUCTIONTAB_PANE_PRODUCTIONTABWALLPAPER_QUEUEBUTTONHOLDER_APPLYBUTTON "Apply Build Queue." ##Civ Tab Help## CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB "View global information on workday, wages, and rations." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_WORKDAYBOX "This is the current workday setting for your Civilization. Longer workday will increase production and make the population less happy." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_WORKDAY_SLIDER_THUMB "The workday setting determines how much your Workers work each turn. The longer the workday, the higher your production. However, longer workdays tend to make people unhappy." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_WORKDAY_BOX "Current workday setting." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_RATIONSSLIDER_THUMB "The rations setting determines how much food is eaten by each Worker each turn. Higher rations generally make people happier but slow down the population growth rate." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_RATIONSBOX "Current rations setting." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_WAGESSLIDER_THUMB "The wages setting determines how much gold is paid to each Worker each turn. Higher wages make people more happy but also deplete the treasury more quickly." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_WAGESBOX "Current wages setting." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_HAPPINESSBOX "Average happiness of cities in your Civilization." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_RIOTBOX "Number of cities at risk of rioting next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_REVOLUTIONBOX "Number of cities at risk of revolting next turn." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_ADVANCETEXT "Progress towards Advance currently being researched." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_ADVANCEBOX "Number of turns until discovery of next Advance." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_PWBOX "The percentage of production being allocated to Public Works." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CIVTAB_PANE_CIVTABWALLPAPER_SCIENCEBOX "Percentage of gold income allocated to science research." ##Units Tab Help## HELP_CP_UNITSTAB "The Units tab is used to issue orders to individual or groups of units." ##City Tab Help## CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB "Use the City tab to view city specific information on happiness, trade, pollution, and crime" CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_GROUP_HAPPINESSSWITCH "Contains information on factors effecting city happiness. Cities with a happiness of 74 or less are at risk of rioting. Cities with a happiness of 65 or less are at risk of revolting." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_GROUP_POLLUTIONSWITCH "Contains information on factors effecting the city's pollution output. High pollution can result in loss of happiness and environmental disasters." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_LEFTBOX_CRIMEHOLDER_CRIMEBOX "Contains information on the effects of crime in this city. Crime becomes worse when happiness is low and results in the loss of gold, production and food. " CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_LEFTBOX_TRADEHOLDER_VIEWBUTTON "This button toggles views between local goods and goods being exported to other cities." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_LEFTBOX_TRADEHOLDER_SENDBUTTON "Send a good from this city to another of your cities." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_LEFTBOX_TRADEHOLDER_BREAKROUTEBUTTON "Break a currently existing trade route." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_LEFTBOX_TRADEHOLDER_CARAVANSIMAGE "Displays the number of Caravans available to make trade routes." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_GROUP_TRADESWITCH "View the city's trade goods. Make and break trade routes from this city." CONTROLPANELWINDOW_CITYUNITSELECTEDTABGROUP_CITYTAB_PANE_TABWALLPAPER_SWITCHHOLDER_GROUP_CRIMESWITCH "View information on the effects of crime in this city." ##Units Status Help## UNITSTATUSWIN_ORDERGROUP_ORDERONE "Fortified units gain a defensive bonus in combat. Fortification requires two turns to complete." UNITSTATUSWIN_ORDERGROUP_ORDERTWO "Sleeping units cannot move but are treated normally for the purposes of cost and defense. When you are cycling through your units, sleeping units will be skipped." UNITSTATUSWIN_ORDERGROUP_ORDERTHREE "Orders a unit to proceed to the selected city via the fastest possible route." ##ENDS DELETED SECTIONS TRANSLATE NEXT LINE## UNITSTATUSWIN_ORDERGROUP_ORDERFOUR "Disbanded units are destroyed without any penalty towards happiness or civ score." UNITSTATUSWIN_ORDERGROUP_ORDERFIVE "Removes any order set for the selected units." ##ENDS DELETED SECTIONS TRANSLATE NEXT LINES## UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Shows number of unit type." UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Sorts by Special Forces status. Special Forces units are always considered to be AT WAR for support and health purposes." UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Sorts units alphabetically" UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Assault = offensive strength of unit. Range = strength of ranged attacks. Defense = defensive strength of unit. Movement = speed of unit." UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Sorts units by cost of support." UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH5 "Indicates the number of units of this type that are currently building." UNITSTATUSWIN_LIST_HEADER_SWITCH6 "Sorts units by current orders." UNITSTATUSWIN_MILITARYSLIDER "The military readiness setting determines the health and support costs of units. Unit health levels will rise at 10% a turn until the correct readiness level is reached." UNITSTATUSWIN_TOTALBOX "Combined support costs of all units. For more info on support costs, see the Great Library." UNITSTATUSWIN_COSTBOX "Support costs as a percentage of your Civilization's total Production." UNITSTATUSWIN_DISBANDBUTTON "Disband the currently selected units." ##City Status Help## CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "City population at the beginning of next turn." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "City food output at the beginning of next turn." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "City production at the beginning of next turn." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH4 "City gold generation at the beginning of next turn." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH5 "City science generation at the beginning of next turn." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH6 "City happiness at the beginning of next turn." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH7 "Item being built by city." CITYSTATUSWIN_CITYLIST_HEADER_SWITCH8 "Turns remaining until building is completed." CITYSTATUSWIN_BUILDOPTIONSLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Production required to build an item." CITYSTATUSWIN_RUSHBUYBUTTON "Order city to Rush Buy item being built." CITYSTATUSWIN_BUILDBUTTON "Order city or cities to build selected item." CITYSTATUSWIN_QUEUEBUTTON "Go to Queue screen to make Queue." CITYSTATUSWIN_DISBANDBUTTON "Disband the currently selected city or cities. Only cities of Population 3 or smaller can be disbanded." CITYSTATUSWIN_MAKEQUEUEBUTTON "Create and save a new Build Queue." CITYSTATUSWIN_LOADQUEUEBUTTON "Load a previously saved Build Queue for the selected city or cities." ##Civ Status Help## CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT1 "Net number of cities in your Civilization." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT3 "Average happiness of cities in your Civilization." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT5 "Number of cities at risk of rioting this turn. Rioting cities produce no food or production." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT7 "Number of cities at risk of revolting this turn. Revolting cities will defect from your Civilization." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT9 "Number of cities that will celebrate this turn. Celebrating cities have their growth rate doubled." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_BUTTON7 "Change government type. Changing governments will result in 1-4 turn period of anarchy." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_BUTTON0 "View production details. Production is used to build units, improvements, Public Works, and Wonders of the World." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT10 "Net production before workday modifier." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT12 "The workday setting determines how much your population works each turn. The longer the workday, the higher your production. However, longer workdays reduce happiness." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT14 "The percentage of production being allocated to Public Works." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT16 "The total amount of production used this turn for Public Works." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_BUTTON1 "View gold details. Gold is used to pay wages, fund science research, Rush Buy items, fund diplomacy and unconventional warfare." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT17 "Net gold earned this turn from cities and foreign exports." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT19 "The wages setting determines how much gold is paid to each Worker each turn. Higher wages make people more happy but also deplete the treasury more quickly." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT21 "Percentage of gold income allocated to science research." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT23 "Net gold used this turn for science research." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT24 "Net gold earned after all expenses have been paid." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_BUTTON2 "View food details. Food is required to feed your people and allow the population to grow." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT26 "Net food produced this turn. If a city runs out of food, people will starve and the population will shrink." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT28 "The rations setting determines how much food is eaten by each Worker each turn. Higher rations make people happier but slow down the population growth rate." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT30 "Amount of food put into storage by all of your cities this turn." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT1 "Base production this turn." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT3 "Production modifier under current government type." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT5 "Production lost to crime." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT7 "Production allocated to unit support costs." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT9 "Production lost to enemy actions." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT11 "Production allocated to Public Works." CIVSTATUSPRODWINDOW_TEXT13 "Net production available for building in cities." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT1 "Base gold income this turn." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT3 "Gold modifier under current government type." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT5 "Gold lost to crime." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT7 "Gold allocated to improvement maintenance." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT9 "Gold lost to enemy actions." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT11 "Gold allocated to science research." CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXT13 "Gold added to savings this turn." ###CIVSTATUSGOLDWINDOW_TEXTXXXX "Gold before Science has been deducted." CIVSTATUSFOODWINDOW_TEXT1 "Base food this turn." CIVSTATUSFOODWINDOW_TEXT3 "Food lost to crime this turn." CIVSTATUSFOODWINDOW_TEXT5 "Food eaten by the population this turn." CIVSTATUSFOODWINDOW_TEXT7 "Food added to storage this turn. If a city runs out of food, people will starve and the population will shrink." CIVSTATUSENACTWINDOW_CHANGEBUTTON "Switch to selected form of government." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT33 "Net science that will be generated Civilization-wide this turn." CIVSTATUSMAINWINDOW_TEXT37 "Production available for building Units, Improvements, and Wonders next turn." ##Science Status Help## SCIENCEWIN_CHANGEBUTTON "Change Advance currently being researched. Changing Advances in mid-research will result in a 25% penalty to accumulated science. " SCIENCEWIN_RESEARCHCLOCK "Turns remaining until discovery of next Advance." SCIENCEWIN_TURNSBOX "Turns remaining until discovery of next Advance." SCIENCEWIN_COSTBOX "Net science required to discover current Advance." SCIENCEWIN_PERCENTBOX "Percentage of gold income allocated to science research." SCIENCEWIN_LIBRARYBUTTON "Go to Great Library screen." SCIENCEWIN_ADVANCELIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Sorts by Advances known to you." SCIENCEWIN_ADVANCELIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Sorts Advances by tech tree. Tech trees are used to identify related Advances." SCIENCEWIN_ADVANCELIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Sorts Advances alphabetically." SCIENCEWIN_RESEARCHBOX "Advance currently being researched." SCIENCEWIN_SCIBOX "The total science that will be generated by all of your cities at the end of this turn." ##Diplomacy Status Help## DIPLOMACYWINDOW_CIVILISATIONLISTSHEET_CIVILISATIONLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Shows how others feel about you. Civilizations that like you are more likely to agree with your diplomatic requests." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_CIVILISATIONLISTSHEET_CIVILISATIONLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Shows where your embassies have been established. With embassies, you know about other Civilizations' Advances and military readiness. " DIPLOMACYWINDOW_CIVILISATIONLISTSHEET_CIVILISATIONLIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Shows Civilization strength - a combination of measurement of units, production, gold, and science." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_CIVILISATIONLISTSHEET_INTELLIGENCEBUTTON "Opens the Intelligence screen, which displays details about foreign Civilizations." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_CIVILISATIONLISTSHEET_EMISSARYBUTTON "Initiates a diplomatic conversation with the selected Civilization." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_REQUESTSHEET_DEMANDBUTTON "Demand Advances, if you have embassy with foreign Civilization. Demands gold, maps, or an action from another Civilization at any time. If the demand is accepted, a short peace treaty is created." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_REQUESTSHEET_EXCHANGEBUTTON "Exchanges Advances, if you have embassy with foreign Civilization. Exchange maps with another Civilization at any time. If the exchange is accepted, a short peace treaty is created." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_REQUESTSHEET_GIFTBUTTON "Offers gold, maps, or an Advance as a gift. If the gift is accepted, a short peace treaty is created." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_REQUESTSHEET_TREATYBUTTON "Suggests alliance, a peace treaty, or Eco Pact. " DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDOPTIONSSHEET_GOLDBUTTON "Allows you to demand gold as a tribute." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDOPTIONSSHEET_MAPBUTTON "Allows you to demand a map of everything that the other Civilization has seen." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDOPTIONSSHEET_ADVANCEBUTTON "Allows you to demand a specific Advance if you have an embassy with the foreign Civilization." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDOPTIONSSHEET_ACTIONBUTTON "Allows you to demand that a Civilization stops piracy, stop trespass, end pollution, or attack an enemy." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDGOLDSHEET_AMOUNT "Sets the amount of gold to be demanded." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDGOLDSHEET_SENDBUTTON "Sends a message. If the demand is accepted, a short peace treaty is created." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_EXCHANGEOPTIONSSHEET_MAPBUTTON "Allows you to exchange maps of the world." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_EXCHANGEOPTIONSSHEET_ADVANCEBUTTON "If you have an embassy with foreign Civilization, allows you to exchange one of your Advances for one of theirs." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_GIFTOPTIONSSHEET_GOLDBUTTON "Allows you to offer gold. If accepted, creates a short peace treaty." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_GIFTOPTIONSSHEET_ADVANCEBUTTON "Allows you to offer an Advance if you have an embassy with the foreign Civilization. If accepted, creates a short peace treaty." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_GIFTOPTIONSSHEET_MAPBUTTON "Allows you to offer your map of the world. If accepted, this gift will create a short peace treaty." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_GIFTOPTIONSSHEET_ADVANCEBUTTON "Allows you to offer an Advance if you have an embassy with the foreign Civilization. If accepted, creates a short peace treaty." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_TREATYOPTIONSSHEET_ALLIANCEBUTTON "An alliance ends hostilities permanently. Breaking an alliance causes all players to distrust you greatly." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_TREATYOPTIONSSHEET_CEASEFIREBUTTON "A peace treaty ends hostilities for 10 turns. Breaking a peace treaty causes all players to distrust you slightly." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_TREATYOPTIONSSHEET_ECOPACTBUTTON "An Eco Pact is a peace treaty that lasts as long as the world faces environmental disaster." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDACTIONSHEET_NOPIRACYBUTTON "Demand that a Civilization stop pirating your trade routes." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDACTIONSHEET_REDUCEPOLLUTIONBUTTON "Demand that a Civilization reduce its pollution output." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDACTIONSHEET_LEAVEMYLANDSBUTTON "Demand that a Civilization remove all units from your territory and not return within 10 turns." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDACTIONSHEET_ATTACKENEMYBUTTON "Demand that a Civilization join you in attacking an enemy." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_DEMANDACTIONSHEET_STOPTRADEBUTTON "Demand that a Civilization stop trading with your rival." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_RESPONSESHEET_YESBUTTON "Returns to the Main Diplomacy screen." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_RESPONSESHEET_NOBUTTON "Exits diplomacy." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_GIFTGOLDSHEET_AMOUNT "Sets gold for gift." DIPLOMACYWINDOW_GIFTGOLDSHEET_SENDBUTTON "Sends message. If the gift is accepted, a short peace treaty is created." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_CIVLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Shows Civilization name." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_CIVLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Indicates where you have established embassies. Embassies let you exchange and demand Advances and lets you discover the military readiness of another Civilization. " DIPWININTELLIGENCE_LEADERLABEL "Shows the leader name of the selected Civilization." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_PERSONALITYLABEL "Shows the leader's personality. " DIPWININTELLIGENCE_GOVERNMENTLABEL "Shows the Government of the selected Civilization." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_READINESSLABEL "Shows the military readiness of the selected Civilization. Beware of Civilizations that are AT WAR." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_DETAILSSHEET_DEALSLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Shows your treaties." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_DETAILSSHEET_DEALSLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Shows the other Civilization involved in a treaty." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_DETAILSSHEET_DEALSLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Shows turns until the treaty expires." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_ATTITUDETAB "Displays a Civilization's attitude towards other Civilizations." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_POLLUTIONTAB "Shows cities producing pollution." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_SPECIALTAB "Shows cities suffering from special attacks including: Conversion, Injunction, Franchise, Nano-Attack, and Infection." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_SPECIALTAB_PANE_UNCONVENTIONALSHEET_BYBUTTON "Displays special attacks committed by you." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_SPECIALTAB_PANE_UNCONVENTIONALSHEET_AGAINSTBUTTON "Displays special attacks committed against you." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_SPECIALTAB_PANE_UNCONVENTIONALSHEET_UNCONVENTIONALLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Shows the city hurt by a special attack." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_SPECIALTAB_PANE_UNCONVENTIONALSHEET_UNCONVENTIONALLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Shows the type of special attack: Conversion, Injunction, Franchise, Nano-Attack, or Infection." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_POLLUTIONTAB_PANE_POLLUTIONSHEET_POLLUTIONLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Shows the name of the polluting city." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_POLLUTIONTAB_PANE_POLLUTIONSHEET_POLLUTIONLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Shows the owner of the polluting city." DIPWININTELLIGENCE_COMMANDVIEWSHEET_GROUP_POLLUTIONTAB_PANE_POLLUTIONSHEET_POLLUTIONLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Shows the pollution created in a city." UNITPAD_TECHBUTTON "Toggle between lists of all units and those you currently have the technology to build." ##Trade Status Help## TRADEMAINWINDOW_BUYBUTTON "Purchase goods on the open market." TRADEMAINWINDOW_SENDBUTTON "Transfer goods between cities within your own Civilization." TRADEMAINWINDOW_SELLBUTTON "Sell goods on the open market." TRADEMAINWINDOW_REVIEWBUTTON "View trade information. Cancel trade routes." TRADEMAINWINDOW_CARAVANIMAGE "Caravans in use/total number of Caravans. One Caravan is required to form a trade route carrying a good to your Civilization." TRADESENDWINDOW_CARAVANIMAGE "Caravans in use/total number of Caravans. One Caravan is required to form a trade route carrying a good to your Civilization." TRADESENDWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Number of goods of this Good type that are not currently being sent anywhere." TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_CARAVANIMAGE "Caravans in use/total number of Caravans. One Caravan is required to form a trade route carrying a good to your Civilization." TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_FROMLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "City of origin." TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_FROMLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Goods of selected type in city." TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_TOLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Destination city" TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_TOLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Goods of selected type in city." TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_TOLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Net profit per turn of new trade route." TRADESENDCITYWINDOW_SENDBUTTON "Create trade route between selected cities." TRADESELLWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Number of goods owned of each good type." TRADESELLWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Net gold generated per turn from each good type." TRADESELLCITYWINDOW_TEXT3 "Sets price at which good will be offered." TRADESELLCITYWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Current value of good to be sold." TRADESELLCITYWINDOW_TEXT0 "Last price at which that good type was sold." TRADESELLCITYWINDOW_BUTTON2 "Offer good at set price to the market." TRADEBUYWINDOW_CARAVANIMAGE "Caravans in use/total number of Caravans. One Caravan is required to form a trade route carrying a good to your Civilization." TRADEBUYWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Goods offered for sale." TRADEBUYWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Civilization offering the good." TRADEBUYWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Attitude of the selling Civilization toward you." TRADEBUYWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Offered sale price for that good." TRADEBUYWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH5 "Number of goods owned of each good type." TRADEBUYDESTWINDOW_CARAVANIMAGE "Caravans in use/total number of Caravans. One Caravan is required to form a trade route carrying a good to your Civilization." TRADEBUYDESTWINDOW_ATTIMAGE "Attitude of the selling Civilization towards you." TRADEBUYDESTWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH0 "City at which you will buy the good." TRADEBUYDESTWINDOW_LISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Profit that will be generated each turn by the new trade route." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_CARAVANIMAGE "Caravans in use/total number of Caravans. One Caravan is required to form a trade route carrying a good to your Civilization." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_GOODSLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Request information on the selected good type." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_GOODSLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Number of goods owned of each good type." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_BREAKBUTTON "Cancel selected trade route to free up goods and Caravans. Or, cancel an outstanding offer to sell one of your goods." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_DOMESTICTAB "Review domestic goods and foreign imports." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB "Review foreign exports." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_FORSALETAB "Review goods for sale on the open market." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_DOMESTICTAB_PANE_DOMESTICLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Goods generating gold in your Civilization." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_DOMESTICTAB_PANE_DOMESTICLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "City where good originated." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_DOMESTICTAB_PANE_DOMESTICLIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "City where gold is being generated." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_DOMESTICTAB_PANE_DOMESTICLIST_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Amount of gold being generated by individual goods." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB_PANE_EXPORTLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Goods being exported to foreign Civilizations" TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB_PANE_EXPORTLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "City where good originated." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB_PANE_EXPORTLIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "City where good is generating gold." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB_PANE_EXPORTLIST_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Civilization to which good is being exported." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB_PANE_EXPORTLIST_HEADER_SWITCH5 "Attitude of Civilization to which good is being exported." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_EXPORTTAB_PANE_EXPORTLIST_HEADER_SWITCH6 "Price paid to you each turn in return for exported good." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_FORSALETAB_PANE_FORSALELIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Good offered for sale." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_FORSALETAB_PANE_FORSALELIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Civilization offering the good." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_FORSALETAB_PANE_FORSALELIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Attitude of the selling Civilization toward you." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_FORSALETAB_PANE_FORSALELIST_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Offered sale price for that good." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_REVIEWTABGROUP_FORSALETAB_PANE_FORSALELIST_HEADER_SWITCH5 "Number of goods owned of each good type." TRADEREVIEWWINDOW_RESETBUTTON "Recalculates the shortest distance for the selected trade route." ##Great Library Help## GREATLIBRARY_TABGROUP_GAMEPLAYTAB "Displays gameplay information on selected subject" GREATLIBRARY_TABGROUP_HISTORICALTAB "Displays historical information on selected subject" GREATLIBRARY_INDEXBUTTON "Accesses Great Library index. The index is an excellent place to find information on any subject in the game." ##Ranking Screen Help## INFOWINDOW_BIGBUTTON "Activates list of the five largest cities in the world." INFOWINDOW_WONDERBUTTON "Activates list of who has the Wonders of the World and where they are located." INFOWINDOW_STRENGTHBUTTON "Activates chart of the strongest and weakest players." INFOWINDOW_INFOBIGLIST_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Name of the city." INFOWINDOW_INFOBIGLIST_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Owner of the city." INFOWINDOW_INFOBIGLIST_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Population of the city." INFOWINDOW_INFOBIGLIST_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Wonders in city." INFOWINDOW_POLLUTIONBUTTON "Access information on the state of global pollution." INFOWINDOW_SCOREBUTTON "View a complete breakdown of your current civ score." INFOWINDOW_LABBUTTON "Check the status of the Xenoform Laboratory" INFOWINDOW_THRONEBUTTON "View the various monuments erected in your honor." ##Options Screen Help## OPTIONSWINDOW_QUICKSAVEBUTTON "Saves game to Quick Save slot." OPTIONSWINDOW_SAVEGAMEBUTTON "Opens Save Game screen." OPTIONSWINDOW_SOUNDBUTTON "Opens Sound Options screen." OPTIONSWINDOW_GAMEPLAYBUTTON "Opens Game Play Options screen." OPTIONSWINDOW_RETURNBUTTON "Closes the screen." OPTIONSWINDOW_RESTARTBUTTON "Restarts game with same map and starting location." OPTIONSWINDOW_LOADGAMEBUTTON "Opens the Load Game screen." OPTIONSWINDOW_GRAPHICSBUTTON "Opens the Graphics Options screen." OPTIONSWINDOW_MAPEDITORBUTTON "Activates Cheat Mode." OPTIONSWINDOW_QUITBUTTON "Exits the game." OPTIONSWINDOW_KEYBOARDBUTTON "Keyboard mapping controls." OPTIONSWINDOW_SAVEGAMEMAPBUTTON "Save the current game." OPTIONSWINDOW_MUSICBUTTON "Randomize, repeat, or skip to specific music tracks." OPTIONSWINDOW_SAVESCENARIOBUTTON "Save the current game as a scenario." OPTIONSWINDOW_NEWGAMEBUTTON "Return to the New Game screen and generate a new game map." #Multiplayer Shell Help# SERVERSELECTWINDOW_SELECTSERVERLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Server name" SERVERSELECTWINDOW_SELECTSERVERLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Number of Civ players currently using this server." SERVERSELECTWINDOW_SELECTSERVERLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Ping time indicates the relative speed of connection. Lower ping times means less lag." PLAYERSELECTWINDOW_NEWBUTTON "Creates a personal information profile for a player name." PLAYERSELECTWINDOW_EDITBUTTON "Edit the selected profile. " PLAYERSELECTWINDOW_DELETEBUTTON "Delete the selected profile." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_HPLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Indicates the game's host." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_HPLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH1 "Indicates players that have already launched." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_HPLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Ping time indicates the relative speed of connection. Lower ping times mean less lag." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_HPLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Click in this column to change your Civilization or to set the Civilization of an AI player." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_HPLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH5 "Click in this column to set your player team. Teammates share line of sight and cannot attack one another." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_HPLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH6 "This column indicates starting gold." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_LOADMAPBUTTON "Load a custom map." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_CUSTOMIZEBUTTON "Customize the game world." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_EXCLUSIONSBUTTON "Excludes specific units, wonders, and improvements from the game." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_RULESBUTTON "Customizes the game rules." ALLINONEWINDOW_PLAYERSSHEET_ADDAIBUTTON "Adds an AI player to the game." ALLINONEWINDOW_LOCKSWITCH "Locking the game prevents additional players from joining." ALLINONEWINDOW_INFOBUTTON "Shows profile information on the selected player." ALLINONEWINDOW_KICKBUTTON "Remove selected player from the game." ALLINONEWINDOW_REVIEWBUTTON "View game details." ALLINONEWINDOW_RANDOMMAPBUTTON "Unload custom map and generate a random one." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_TEAMSSWITCH "Toggles Team mode On/Off. Teammates share line of sight and cannot attack one another." ## BEGIN CUT -- DO NOT TRANSLATE RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_TRADESWITCH "Toggles trade On/Off." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_INVULTRADESWITCH "When trade is invulnerable, trade routes cannot be pirated." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_FOGOFWARSWITCH "When Fog of War is off, players can always see any part of the map they have explored." ## END CUT - TRANSLATE AGAIN RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_POLLUTIONSWITCH "Toggles pollution On/Off." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_DYNAMICJOINSWITCH "Dynamic joining allows players to join a game already in progress by taking over an AI player. If there are no AI players in a game, that game cannot be dynamically joined. " RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_HANDICAPPINGSWITCH "When Handicapping is On, each player can set his or her own starting gold." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_MAPSIZEBUTTON "Set map size." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_WORLDTYPEBUTTON "Set environmental conditions for the game map." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_WORLDSHAPEBUTTON " Set world shape." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_DIFFICULTYBUTTON "Set the difficulty level and the number of Barbarians in the game." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_AGESBUTTON "Set technological ages of the game - default is to include all Advances." LOBBYWINDOW_PLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH0 "These players have been blocked from your chat channel." LOBBYWINDOW_PLAYERSLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "Ping time indicates the relative speed of connection. Lower ping times means less lag." LOBBYWINDOW_GAMESLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH0 "Launched games are already in progress." LOBBYWINDOW_GAMESLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH2 "These games require a password to join." LOBBYWINDOW_GAMESLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH3 "Locked games cannot be joined." LOBBYWINDOW_GAMESLISTBOX_HEADER_SWITCH4 "Indicates the number of players in a game." LOBBYWINDOW_INFOBUTTON "Show profile information on the selected player." LOBBYWINDOW_MUTESWITCH "Blocks selected player from your chat channel." LOBBYWINDOW_WHISPERSWITCH "When in private chat mode, your messages are visible only to the selected player." LOBBYWINDOW_REVIEWBUTTON "Shows details on the selected game." ##Single player Shell## INITPLAYWINDOW_SPBUTTON "Play a single player game" INITPLAYWINDOW_CREDITSBUTTON "Find out who made Civilization: Call to Power." INITPLAYWINDOW_QUITBUTTON "Quit back to Windows." INITPLAYWINDOW_MPBUTTON "Play a multiplayer game." SPWINDOW_LOADGAMEBUTTON "Load a saved game." SPWINDOW_NEWGAMEBUTTON "Create a new game." SPWINDOW_TUTORIALBUTTON "Play a game in Tutorial mode. The tutorial is an instructional tool recommended for all players." SPWINDOW_MAPEDITORBUTTON "Edit random and saved maps or create a scenario." SPWINDOW_SCENARIOBUTTON "Load a scenario game." SPWINDOW_OPTIONSBUTTON "Customize game features." SPWINDOW_QUITBUTTON "Quit to Windows." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_MAPBUTTON "Load a custom map." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_PLAYERSBUTTON "Select the number of Civilizations in the game." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_RULESBUTTON "Customize game rules." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_WORLDSHAPEBUTTON "Set the shape of the game world. Maps can be set to wrap East/West(Earth) or both East/West and North/South (doughnut world)." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_MAPTYPEBUTTON "Set geographic and environmental conditions for the map." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_TRIBEBUTTON "Select your Civilization." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_DIFFICULTYBUTTON "Select AI skill level and barbarian activity." SPNEWGAMEWINDOW_MAPSIZEBUTTON "Set the size of the game map." SPNEWGAMERULESSCREEN_RULEONE "When Bloodlust is ON. The game can only be won by conquering every Civilization in the world. When Bloodlust is OFF, the game can also be won by completing the Alien Life Project first." SPNEWGAMERULESSCREEN_RULETWO "When Pollution is OFF, Cities generate no pollution at all." CUSTOMMAPWINDOW_WETDRYSLIDER "Wet maps will tend to have more swamps and jungles. Dry maps will tend towards forests and plains." CUSTOMMAPWINDOW_WARMCOLDSLIDER "Warm maps tend to have larger desert regions. Colder maps tend to have larger polar regions." CUSTOMMAPWINDOW_OCEANLANDSLIDER "This slider sets the the numebr of ratio of water tiles to land." CUSTOMMAPWINDOW_ISLANDCONTINENTSLIDER "Island maps have more, smaller land masses seperated by water. Continent maps have fewer, larger land masses." CUSTOMMAPWINDOW_HOMODIVERSESLIDER "Uniform maps are marked by large areas of similar terrain. Diverse maps have many different types of terrain within a relatively small area." CUSTOMMAPWINDOW_GOODCOUNTSLIDER "Sets the frequency of Trade Goods appearing on the map." RULESWINDOW_RULESSHEET_BLOODLUSTSWITCH "When Bloodlust is ON. The game can only be won by conquering every Civilization in the world." ## BEGIN CUT - DO NOT TRANSLATE ##Tool System Help## ## Tool System 001 "Set the size of a new custom map." ## Tool System 002 "Set the environmental characteristics of a new custom map." ## Tool System 003 "Load a saved custom map." ## Tool System 004 "Revert to a randomly generated custom map." ## Tool System 005 "Set the height of a new custom map." ## Tool System 006 "Set the width of a new custom map." ## Tool System 007 "Use to edit map tiles." ## Tool System 008 "Use to create new cities. Improvements and Wonders of the World can be added to cities by selecting the city and using the Rush Buy command on the Production tab." ## Tool System 009 "Use to add units to the map." ## Tool System 010 "Use to grant Advances." ## Tool System 011 "Use to change the world's pollution." ## Tool System 012 "Use to place tile improvements on the map." ## Tool System 013 "Save map as custom map." ## Tool System 014 "Repeat tile help." ## Tool System 015 "Set city size." ## Tool System 016 "Use to change city name." ## Tool System 017 "Specify city owner." ## Tool System 018 "Specify city style." ## Tool System 019 "Click and drag to place city on map." ## Tool System 020 "Select the AI player whom you want to modify." ## Tool System 021 "Specify Civilization of selected player." ## Tool System 022 "Set leader name of selected player." ## Tool System 023 "Use to change patience of selected player toward another player." ## Tool System 024 "Use to change reputation of selected player." ## Tool System 025 "Use to change personality of selected player." ## Tool System 026 "Specify attitude of selected player towards other Civilizations." ## Tool System 027 "Select player." ## Tool System 028 "Grant Advance to selected player." ## Tool System 029 "Remove Advance from selected player." ## Tool System 030 "Grant all listed Advances to selected player." ## Tool System 031 "Show Ancient Age Advances." ## Tool System 032 "Shows Renaissance Age Advances." ## Tool System 033 "Shows Modern Age Advances." ## Tool System 034 "Shows Genetic Age Advances." ## Tool System 035 "Shows Diamond Age Advances." ## Tool System 036 "Shows all Advances." ## Tool System 037 "Shows land units." ## Tool System 038 "Shows air units." ## Tool System 039 "Shows sea units." ## Tool System 040 "Shows space units." ## Tool System 041 "Shows special units." ## Tool System 042 "Shows all units." ## Tool System 043 "Use to set a unit's owner before placing the unit." ## Tool System 044 "DO NOT TRANSLATE" ## Tool System 045 "Use to enter map name." ## Tool System 046 "Adds item to selected city." ##DELETE THIS DO NOT TRANSLATE## ##POP HELP## ## HLPU001 " Fortifty selected units " ## HLPU002 " Put selected units to sleep " ## HLPU003 " Send units to a specific city " ## HLPU004 " Disband selected units " ## HLPU005 " Clear orders for selected units " ## HLPU006 " Veteran status " ## HLPU007 " Special Forces status " ## HLPU019 " Sets military readiness " ## HLPU023 " Use to change what you are researching " ## HLPU029 " Opens Great Library screen " ## HLPU030 " Advance you know " ## HLPU031 " Sort by tech tree " ## HLPU032 " Their Advances " ## HLPU033 " Sort by Civilization " ## HLPU034 " Advance is known to you " ## HLPU035 " Advance is known to the Civilization with this team color " ## HLPU036 " Physical science tech tree " ## HLPU037 " Flight tech tree " ## HLPU038 " Construction tech tree " ## HLPU039 " Defensive war tech tree " ## HLPU040 " Sea tech tree " ## HLPU041 " Aggressive war tech tree " ## HLPU042 " Cultural Advancement tech tree " ## HLPU043 " Mechanical discoveries tech tree " ## HLPU044 " Electricity tech tree " ## HLPU045 " Medicine tech tree " ## HLPU046 " Economics tech tree " ## HLPU047 " Turns to complete research " ## HLPU048 " Go to Science Status screen. " ## HLPU051 " Access Great Library " ## HLPU053 " Net Civilization population " ## HLPU054 " Happiness bar " ## HLPU055 " # of cities at riot risk " ## HLPU056 " # of cities that will revolt " ## HLPU057 " # of cities that will celebrate " ## HLPU058 " Use to change government " ## HLPU059 " Opens production details " ## HLPU061 " Sets workday " ## HLPU063 " Sets Public Works " ## HLPU065 " Opens gold details " ## HLPU067 " Sets wages " ## HLPU069 " Sets science contribution " ## HLPU072 " Opens food details " ## HLPU074 " Sets rations " ## HLPU095 " Enact selected government " ## HLPU102 " Enacts a new government " ## HLPU103 " Sort by attitude " ## HLPU104 " Sort by embassies " ## HLPU105 " Sorts by strength " ## HLPU106 " Opens Intelligence screen " ## HLPU107 " Send a message " ## HLPU149 " Return to Main Diplomacy screen. " ## HLPU150 " Exit diplomacy. " ## HLPU152 " Sorts by embassy " ## HLPU153 " Sorts by leader name " ## HLPU157 " Sorts by deal type " ## HLPU158 " Sorts by participating Civilization " ## HLPU159 " Sorts by turns left in deal " ## HLPU173 " Add to queue " ## HLPU174 " Remove from queue " ## HLPU175 " Clear queue " ## HLPU176 " Load Saved queue " ## HLPU177 " Save current queue " ## HLPU178 " Add selected queue " ## HLPU181 " Buy goods " ## HLPU182 " Transfer goods " ## HLPU183 " Sell goods " ## HLPU184 " View trade info " ## HLPU185 " Available Caravans " ## HLPU186 " Available Caravans " ## HLPU188 " Available Caravans " ## HLPU194 " Create route " ## HLPU200 " Offer good " ## HLPU201 " Available Caravans " ## HLPU207 " Available Caravans " ## HLPU211 " Available Caravans " ## HLPU214 " Cancels trade route " ## HLPU236 " Veteran status " ## HLPU237 " Special Forces status " ## HLPU241 " Bombard capability " ## HLPU242 " Active Defense capability ## HLPU247 " Things that make people happy " ## HLPU248 " Things that make people sad " ## HLPU249 " Things that make the world dirty " ## HLPU250 " Things that make the world clean " ## HLPU270 " Set workday " ## HLPU273 " Set rations " ## HLPU276 " Set wages " ## HLPU280 " Riot risk " ## HLPU281 " Revolution risk " ## HLPU308 " Sell selected inventory item. " ## HLPU309 " View inventory " ## HLPU313 " Change item being built. " ## HLPU315 " Purchase item being built. " ## HLPU316 " Set city Build Queue. " ## HLPU319 " Build currently selected item. " ## HLPU320 " Set city Build Queue. " ## HLPU327 " Add Queue " ## HLPU371 " Purchase item being built " ## HLPU372 " Build selected item " ## HLPU373 " Go to Queue screen " ## HLPU382 " In progress " ## HLPU383 " Closed game " ## HLPU384 " Private game " ## HLPU386 " View profile " ## HLPU387 " Mute player " ## HLPU388 " Send private message " ## HLPU389 " View game details " ## HLPU394 " Use custom map " ## HLPU395 " Customize map " ## HLPU396 " Ban items from game " ## HLPU397 " Customize rules " ## HLPU398 " Add AI player " ## HLPU399 " Lock game " ## HLPU400 " View selected player's profile " ## HLPU401 " Kick selected player " ## HLPU402 " View game details " ## HLPU403 " Use random map " ## HLPU404 " Toggle Teams " ## HLPU405 " Toggle Trade " ## HLPU406 " Toggle Piracy " ## HLPU407 " Toggle Fog of War " ## HLPU408 " Toggle Pollution " ## HLPU409 " Toggle Dynamic Joining " ## HLPU412 " Toggle Handicapping " ## HLPU413 " Set map environment " ## HLPU414 " Set map size. " ## HLPU415 " Set world shape. " ## HLPU416 " Set difficulty " ## HLPU417 " Set timeline " ## HLPU418 " Set victory conditions " ## HLPU419 " Toggle Pollution " ## HLPU420 " Toggle Trade " ## HLPU421 " Toggle Piracy " ## HLPU422 " Toggle Fog of War " ## HLPU423 " Adjust graphics settings " ## HLPU424 " Adjust sound settings " ## HLPU425 " Adjust music setttings " ## HLPU428 " Start a new game on a new map. " ## HLPU429 " New game, same map " ## HLPU430 " Adjust messaging and vision " ## HLPU431 " Set hotkeys " ## HLPU432 " Toggle cheat " ## HLPU437 " Select next city " ## HLPU438 " Select next unit " ## HLPU439 " Sleep (Z) " ## HLPU440 " Bombard (F) " ## HLPU441 " Fortify (Z) " ## HLPU442 " Pillage (P) " ## HLPU443 " Reform city (R) " ## HLPU444 " Paradrop (A) " ## HLPU445 " Launch (L) " ## HLPU446 " Descend (Shift+L) " ## HLPU447 " Found city (Shift+S) " ## HLPU448 " Capture slaves (C) " ## HLPU449 " Establish embassy (Shift +E) " ## HLPU450 " Hear gossip (Shift+G) " ## HLPU451 " Throw party (W) " ## HLPU452 " Convert city (V) " ## HLPU453 " Sell indulgences (J) " ## HLPU454 " Soothsay (O) " ## HLPU455 " File injunction (N) " ## HLPU456 " Sue (E) " ## HLPU457 " Free Slave (Shift+C) " ## HLPU458 " Aid uprising (U) " ## HLPU459 " Bomb cabinet (B) " ## HLPU460 " Plant Nuke (N) " ## HLPU461 " Spy (S) " ## HLPU462 " Steal Advance (T) " ## HLPU464 " Franchise (Branch) (F) " ## HLPU465 " Advertise (A) " ## HLPU466 " Conduct Hit (H) " ## HLPU467 " Plant nano-virus (X) " ## HLPU468 " Infect city (I) " ## HLPU470 " Cloak (Q) " ## HLPU471 " Terror hack(K) " ## HLPU473 " Active defend " ## HLPU474 " Public Works reserve " ## HLPU475 " Gold in savings " ## HLPU476 " Game year " ## HLPU477 " Game turn " ## HLPU525 " Land tile improvements " ## HLPU526 " Sea tile improvements " ## HLPU527 " Space tile improvements " ## HLPU528 " Terraforming options " ## HLPU529 " Farm. +10 food. Costs 100 PW. " ## HLPU530 " Advanced farm. +20 food. Costs 250 PW. " ## HLPU531 " Hydroponic Farm. +30 food. Costs 700 PW. " ## HLPU532 " Mine. +5-15 production. Costs 200 PW. " ## HLPU533 " Advanced Mine. +10-30 production. Costs 400-500 PW. " ## HLPU534 " Mega Mine. +20-40 production. Costs 1000 PW. " ## HLPU535 " Road. Movement: 1/3 normal. Costs 30-200 PW. " ## HLPU536 " Railroad. Movement: 1/5 normal. Costs 30-200 PW. " ## HLPU537 " Maglev. Movement: 1/10 normal. Costs 120-800 PW " ## HLPU538 " Listening Post. Vision: 8 tiles. Costs 100 PW " ## HLPU540 " Radar Site. Vision: 1 tile. Radar: 13 tiles. Costs 200 PW. " ## HLPU541 " Air Base. Radar: 3 tiles. Costs 200 PW. " ## HLPU542 " Nets. +10 food. Costs 100-300 PW. " ## HLPU543 " Advanced Nets. +20 food. Costs 250-450. " ## HLPU544 " Robotic Nets. +30 food. Costs 700-1000. " ## HLPU545 " Undersea Mine. +15 production. Costs 200-300 PW. " ## HLPU546 " Advanced Undersea Mine. +30 production. Costs 500-700 PW. " ## HLPU547 " Mega Undersea Mine. +50 production. Costs 1000 PW. " ## HLPU548 " Undersea Tunnels. Movement: 1/10. Costs 600-1200 PW. " ## HLPU549 " Sonar Buoys. Vision: 1 tile. Costs 100 PW. " ## HLPU551 " Food Pods. +10 food. Costs 300 PW. " ## HLPU552 " Food Tanks. +20 food. Costs 700 PW. " ## HLPU553 " Food Domes. +30 food. Costs 1100 PW. " ## HLPU554 " Assembly Bays. +5 production. Costs 300 PW. " ## HLPU555 " Advanced Assembly Bays. +10 production. Costs 700 PW. " ## HLPU556 " Mega Assembly Bays. +50 production. Costs 1000 PW. " ##Throne Room## ## +1 happiness for empire size unhappiness +1 happiness for empire size unhappiness ## +1 happiness per city for 10 turns +1 happiness per city for 10 turns ## +10 food per city for 10 turns. +10 food per city for 10 turns. ## +1 hit points for 10 turns. +1 hit points for 10 turns. ## +10% science for 10 turns. +10% science for 10 turns. ## Region 1 - Castle -2 cities when calculating the city unhappiness due to too many cities. ## Region 2 - Concert hall +1 happiness for 10 turns. ## Region 3 - Better fountain gain +2 Workers in your capitol perminently. Capitol gets -2 overcrowding for 10 turns. ## Region 4 - Better statue -10% MR for 10 turns. ## Region 5 - Cathedral +1 happiness per city for 10 turns. ## Region 1 - State house -3 tiles on the distance to capitol function for 10 turns. ## Region 2 - Movie theatre happiness rises by +1 per city for 10 turns. ## Region 3 - Arc d'Triumph +10% gold for 10 turns. ## Region 4 - Cooler car +10% A/R/D for 10 turns. ## Region 5 - ??? ## Region 1 - Arcological home -1 workday expectation for 10 turns ## Region 2 - Zoo +1 happiness per city for 10 turns. ## Region 3 - Holographic image +10% growth for 10 turns. ## Region 4 - Cooler car +10% A/R/D for 10 turns. ## Region 5 - Cloning center +10% science for 10 turns. ## Region 1 - Space castle -5 distance for distance to capitol for 10 turns. ## Region 2 - Space holodeck +1 happiness per city for 10 turns. ## Region 3 - DNA +10% for all professionals for 10 turns. ## Region 4 - Spacecraft +10% to A/R/D for 10 turns. ## Region 5 - We love you day 100 happiness in all cities for 10 turns. ##END CUT - TRANSLATE AGAIN