Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire Demo README 1/19/98 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [ To read this file, select Edit/Word Wrap from the menu above ] TO ORDER: Please call Sierra On-line sales support at 1-800-757-7707 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This CD contains an early "sneak peek" demo release of Quest for Glory V. The content of this game is still very preliminary and is subject to change. Although the gameplay is still quite limited at this point, we hope you enjoy getting a quick glimpse at what's being developed for this award winning series. Our intent is to let you, the user, explore a small part of the Quest for Glory V world. Talk to characters, initiate combat with a couple of others and enjoy the new environment. -The QFG V Team- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS I] MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS II] HOW TO START THE DEMO III] HOW TO PLAY THE DEMO IV] PATCHES AND UPDATES V] SOFTWARE LICENSE I] MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ======================================================================= Windows 95 CD-ROM PC Single Player: P-133, 16 megs RAM, 4xCD-ROM, 125 megs available on Hard Drive, SVGA 640x480@256 colors and Windows compatible soundcards. PC Multiplayer: P-166, 16 megs RAM, 4xCD-ROM, 125 megs available on Hard Drive, SVGA 640x480@256 colors and Windows compatible soundcards. Ia] PREFERRED REQUIREMENTS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows 95 CD-ROM P-166 or higher, 32 megs RAM, 6xCD-ROM, 125 megs available on Hard Drive, SVGA 640x480@256 colors and Windows compatible soundcards. II] HOW TO START THE DEMO ======================================================================= PC Windows 95 1. Insert CD-ROM. 2. Follow Autoplay instructions. If you do not have AutoPlay, click on Start, RUN, select browse to locate CD-ROM Drive and select SETUP. III] HOW TO PLAY THE DEMO ======================================================================= Double-click on the QFG5 Icon and select Single Player, Multi-Player or the Preview Tour. In Single Player, choose your character in the Character Screen. Although not currently active, try out the stats adjustment capabilities by clicking on the item you wish to adjust and use the up/down buttons to increment. When finished, click on "Okay" to enter the game. In Multi-Player mode, you can connect to, our own World Opponent Network Gamesite. You can host your own game by clicking on the "Host Game" button, selecting your connection type, entering your game name and player name, then designating the number of players up to three. Then select "Okay". This takes you to the Character Screen. You choose your character here. Although not currently active, try out the stats adjustment capabilities by clicking on the item you wish to adjust and use the up/down buttons to increment. When finished, click on "Okay" to enter the game. Game elements: Interface Latch- In the upper left-hand corner is a latch. Click here to bring up the Inventory Screen. Clicking on an item brings up an enlarged, animated, 3D view and description of the item. Holding your cursor over the smaller icon brings up a value window. In order to have an inventory item readily available, you can click and drag it to your belt at the bottom of the interface. Spells work in the same way. Clicking on the "spells" button in the lower left-hand corner of the Inventory Screen brings up the spells you have available. You can toggle between the "items" and "spells" as needed. Click "Exit" to resume the game. Double clicking on a belt item brings up the options to drop the item or remove it from your belt and return it to inventory. Double clicking on a spell in your belt allows you the option to cast the spell or remove it from your belt and return it to inventory. You can also cast a spell by clicking on the spell in your belt, highlighting it and pressing the "g" key on your keyboard. Hand- In the lower left-hand corner, you'll find an open hand with an eye. Clicking here initiates your "look", "touch" and "combat" cursors. This can also be done on the PC by right-clicking your mouse key. Book- In the upper right-hand corner is your "control panel". Currently it is limited to allowing you the option of customizing your keyboard function keys, ending the game or viewing the credits. Compass- In the lower right-hand corner, there is a compass. It points to the direction the camera sees. Clicking on the compass brings up the overhead map. Once this map is implemented in the QFG V game, you'll also be able to travel over the map, viewing your character's movement that of other players, coming across encounters between different locations. Also, areas will be revealed in full color as you travel. Currently, it is limited to a stationary overhead map. Clicking within the map's field returns you to the game. Talkers- As you speak with others throughout the game, their portrait appears on the sidebar as talkers. Under each player or combatant you'll find three colored bars. These represent your "Health", "Stamina" and "Mana". Chat- In Multi-Player mode, the area above the screen becomes the chat area. Toggling through the up/down arrows in this field allows you to review previous messages. The "t" key brings up a chat window to enter messages. Enter your message and hit "enter" on your keyboard to send the message or click on the "send" button. In Single-Player as well as in Multi-Player mode, this area is used to display feature descriptions and the text displayed during conversations with characters. Keyboard Controls: Movement- Currently in this demo, movement of the character is controlled by the arrow keys. (In the final game there will also be the option of character movement through use of a "pather" or mouse click.) Up Arrow = Forward Down Arrow = Backwards Right Arrow = Right turn Left Arrow = Left turn [shift] Up Arrow = Run Combat- Initiating combat can be done by use of the combat cursor, clicking it on your opponent. Also, the use of the "f" key puts your character into fight mode. In Single-Player mode in the demo, guards will attack your character once you enter their territory. In Multi-Player you're currently limited to fighting your other Multi-Player opponents. Spells can be initiated during gameplay and while in combat. Click on the spell in the belt to highlight it and push the [g] key to fire. It can also be initiated by double-clicking the icon and clicking on the "cast" button. To return the spell to inventory, click on the "remove" button. [f] key = Fight [d] key = Defend [g] key = Throw Fireball/Forcebolt [c] key = Cancel Combat Death Screen- When defeated in combat, you are greeted with a death screen. To re-enter the demo, push the "replay" button. To exit the demo, push the "quit" button. Item Pickup- Click on item with the "touch" cursor. To drop an item, (whether it's to supply another player with it or to lighten your load) double-click the icon on your belt, then click the "drop" button. To remove it from your belt and return it to inventory, double-click on the item in your belt and click the "remove" button. To Quit the Demo- click on the "book" in the upper right-hand corner to pull up the control panel. Click on the "end game" button. IV] PATCHES AND UPDATES ======================================================================= As a free service, Sierra may make upgrades and feature enhancements through the Internet. If available, these may be retrieved in one of two ways. 1) AutoUpdate through Sierra Utilities (found in the start menu.) 2) When connecting to Won.Net through multi player in the demo. An Internet connection will be required for either method. ======================================================================= SIERRA ON-LINE, INC. DOES NOT WARRANTY OR PROMISE THAT THE INFORMATION HEREIN WILL WORK WITH ANY OR ALL COMPUTER SYSTEMS. 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