i.b.Spider The latest game from EDDYWARE. This game was written in Delphi 4, using the JEDI DirectX 7 conversion (though, to maintain compatibility with Windows NT, i only use DirectX 3). All graphics were rendered by me using POV-RAY and/or Paint Shop Pro. All music and sound files were downloaded from various sites on the 'net. They all claimed to be royalty free. If i have stepped on anyone's copyright, it was purely unintentional. Please notify me and i will rectify the situation at my earliest opportunity. The music can easily be replaced with personalized MIDI files. Just copy whatever MIDI files you wish into the program directory. The one titled "SpiderOpen.mid" will be played when the title screen appears, the one called "SpiderBonus.mid" will be played during the Bonus Round, and the rest will be played in alphabetical order during game play. This game was developed on a Celeron 400 w/ 128 MBs RAM, Win 98, Riva TNT, and a basic ESS soundcard. It works fine on that system. It has been tested on a limited number of other systems successfully, though this is not a guarantee that it will work on all systems. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: - This game requires Windows 95, 98, or NT. I have no idea whether or not it will work on Windows 2000. - This game requires DirectX 3. For NT users, that means you have to install Service Pack 3 (and preferrably Service Pack 4). I provide no installation for DirectX. You should obtain that from MicroSoft. - This game requires a minimum screen resolution of 640x480 at 16-bit color. It will not run on anything less. - This game does not require a soundcard, but if you don't have one, you miss out on some of the most enjoyable aspects of the game. INSTALLATION This game adheres to the restrictions of being "throwaway friendly." This means that it requires no installation, may be run directly from a CD, in no way modifies your system settings (this includes accessing the Registry, Start Menu, and Desktop), and if deleted from your computer, will leave absolutely no residue on your system whatsoever. It is meant to be a disposable piece of freeware that you can download and play with for a while, then nuke it later when you're tired of it or you want to free up space for yet another Tetris clone. Any redistribution of this game MUST adhere to these same restrictions. Third party installation programs may be employed to install this game, but this game may not be modified to require such an installation. COPYRIGHT: This game is freeware, but not public domain. It may be played and distributed by anyone free of charge, but may not be modified and redistributed without my written permission. This includes the addition of extra MIDI files not included in the original. Such files should be packaged and distributed separately and should not violate any copyright laws. Any distribution of this game must adhere to the restrictions of being "throwaway friendly," as specified in the INSTALLATION section above. CONTACT INFORMATION Feel free to contact me for assistance or comments. I may take a while to respond, but i will do my best to keep up with the feedback i receive. I can't promise that i will have the time or the resources to resolve every problem that gets reported, but i will do what i can. Also, I consider this game a finished product and feel ready to move on to something else. Enhancement requests will be considered, but don't get your hopes up. Please do not e-mail me just to say "Hey! This game has bugs in it!" It's a bad joke, and you're not the first one to think of it. And even when it WAS original, it was still a bad joke. Also, i am not currently accepting complaints about the appearance of the BumbleBees in the Bonus Round. I know they look goofy. Don't ask me to re-do them because i already did, and they STILL look pretty goofy. Maybe some day i'll try again, if i get some free time. Thank you. -ed