MADSPACE NETWORK MODE MADSPACE is a client/server game. You are always running over some type of network. This file is talking about networks and multiplayer madmatches. STARTING THE GAME 1. Enter the game directory on the hard drive. 2. Type NET, if you are in DOS mode and press < Enter >. IPX _________ MADSPACE has been run with Novell's ODI IPX stack under DOS, and the Microsoft IPX stack in a Win95 DOS box. Serial/Modem ____________ The MADSPACE serial driver supports four COM ports. The com ports are used with interrupts, so their IRQ may not be used for another purpose (such as a LAN adapter or sound card). The IRQ may not be shared with another device either; not even another COM port. A client can only be connected to one server at a time, so multiple ports are really only useful on a server. When using modems, the client must originate the call and the server must answer. This holds true even for a four player. Serial play is supported via direct connection (null modems cables) and modem connection. Madspace supports network play without monsters only. One of the computers must be both server and client, and the rest only clients. Up to 16 players can be in net game simultaneously. Each player can choose for his robot 2 colors from 16. In order to set your colors and player name you should choose "Setup" in the network menu. You will see a picture of your robot and 3 menu items. Vertical cursor arrows allow to move from item to item, horizontal change values in active item. You can enter player name using keyboard, left arrow key and backspace key. SERVER Server can process several IPX clients at a time, and up to 4 serial clients using COM ports through modem and null modem connection. You should choose the item "New Game" in network menu to run Madspace server on your computer. You will see the server settings screen. This screen sets the way how the clients make their connection. Server can enable and disable IPX connection and COM ports, and also modem and other connection parameters can be set for COM ports here. If modem is enabled the server will automatically pick up the phone and after making successful connection take another client. After you have chosen server connection parameters you should press "Ok" and select one of the madmatch levels. CLIENT To enter the game as a client you should choose in the network menu "Join a Game" item. After that you select connection method with server - IPX or one of COM ports (if you choose COM port you must set connection parameters) and press "Ok". If the connect succeeds the client will enter the game. In order to start game on another net level you should restart Madspace on the server and all the clients. There exist also additional possibilities for setting client-server connection parameters. When you launch Madspace as a server, it runs the file SERVER.CMD, and client runs CLIENT.CMD. Those files are usually empty, but if you meet some problems in the net game you may put some connection parameters not mentioned in menu in those files to solve the problem. COMMANDS USED IN .CMD FILES phone ... - starts dialing settings. phone pulse - pulse mode dial phone tone - tone mode dial ______________________________________________________________ CONTACT US: GOOD LUCK! ______________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 1997 Maddox Games Ltd., Auric Vision Ltd. All rights reserved. MADSPACE(TM) - is a trademark of Maddox Games and Auric Vision. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ______________________________________________________________