NBA JAM EXTREME --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current Keys: ESC - Quit menu F1 - Help Screen F2 - Options Menu F5 - Hi/Low Detail Toggle F6 - Crowd On/Off Toggle F7 - Court Texture/Flat Toggle - Shrink Display Window + Enlarge Display Window Pause - In game pause 1 2 3 4 - Start player 1, 2, 3, or 4 TECH NOTES: Game won't start up - Getting "Direct Draw Error ..." ----------------------------------------------------- On some machines, DirectDraw is unable to change the screen mode to the proper color depth. If you continually receive a "Direct Draw Error" when starting the game, you need to change your display mode. To do this, go to your control panel, run the "DISPLAY" program, choose the "settings" tab, and on the box titled "Color Palette" choose "256 color". Then say "Okay". Some graphics in the game are corrupt ------------------------------------- Sometimes certain hardware features are erroneously reported to DirectDraw when the hardware does not actually support them. This is usually caused by using "DirectDraw-I" drivers, which at this point are obsolete. (For example, ATI's Mach64 Windows95 v2.08 drivers). These drivers will be replaced with valid Direct Draw II drivers by our installation procedure. Direct-X drivers conflict with windows video drivers ---------------------------------------------------- Installing DirectDraw drivers can sometimes conflict with older Windows video drivers. This can cause some video-functionality to be lost, such as "extra" options on the display control panel may go away. (For example, this happens with the Diamond Stealth video drivers). If you want to regain the lost functionality, you can usually re-install your windows video drivers after you have installed the DirectDraw drivers. This may not always work- if the game will not run anymore, than you must install DirectDraw by itself (and not the windows drivers). You should contact your hardware vendor to get the latest "DirectDraw-II compatible" video drivers. If you encounter difficulties or problems installing or using DirectX, please contact Microsoft.