@BUTTONLABELS 2 Cancel Done @ALADDINS_LAMP 2 Draw a card.\n Use Aladdin's Lamp. Pick a card @ALADDIN_RING 1 Select target creature or player. @ALIBABA 1 Select target wall. @AMULET_KROOG 1 Select damage card. @ANCESTRAL_RECALL 1 Select target player. @ANIMATE_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @ANIMATE_WALL 1 Select target wall. @ANY_LACE 1 Select target spell or permanent. @ANY_WARD 1 Select target creature. @ARENA 1 Select target creature. @ASHESTOASHES 2 Select first target creature. Select second target creature. @ASHNODS_BATTLEGEAR 1 Select target creature you control. @ASPECTOFWOLF 1 Select target creature. @ASSEMBLY_WORKER 1 Select target assembly worker. @ASWANJAGUAR 1 Select your prey. @BACKFIRE 1 Select target creature. @BALANCE 2 Sacrifice land. Sacrifice creature you control. @BERSERK 1 Select target creature. @BIRDS_OF_PARADISE 1 Birds of Paradise: What kind of mana? @BLACK_LOTUS 1 Black Lotus: What type of mana? @BLACK_WARD 1 Select target creature. @BLESSING 1 Select target creature. @BLIGHT 1 Select target land. @BLOODLUST 1 Select target creature. @BLUE_BLAST 1 Select target spell or permanent. @BLUE_WARD 1 Select target creature. @BRAINGEYSER 1 Select target player. @BRAINWASH 1 Select target creature. @BRONZE_TABLET 2 Select target card. Swap cards.\n Pay 10 life.\n Concede game. @BROTHERS_OF_FIRE 1 Select target creature or player. @THE_BRUTE 1 Select target creature. @BURROWING 1 Select target creature. @CANDLEABRA_OF_TAWNOS 1 Select target land (%d of %d). @CAVE_PEOPLE 1 Select target creature. @CELESTIAL_PRISM 1 Celestial Prism: What kind of mana? @CIRCLE_OF_PROTECTION 1 Select damage card. @COCOON 1 Select target creature you control. @COLORWORDS 15 black blue green red white Black Blue Green Red White BLACK BLUE GREEN RED WHITE @CONSERVATOR 1 Select damage card. @CONTROL_MAGIC 1 Select target creature. @COPY_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @CORAL_HELM 1 Select target creature. @COUNTER_SPELL 1 Select target spell being cast. @CREATUREBOND 1 Select target creature. @CRIMSON_MANTICORE 1 Select target creature. @CRUMBLE 1 Select target artifact. @CURSED_LAND 1 Select target land. @DEATH_WARD 1 Select target creature. @DEMONIC_TUTOR 1 Select target card. @DESERT_TWISTER 1 Select target permanent. @DETONATE 1 Select target artifact. @DISCARD 1 Select card to discard. @DISENCHANT 1 Select target artifact or enchantment. @DISINTEGRATE 1 Select target creature or player. @DISRUPTING_SCEPTER 1 Select target player. @DIVINE_TRANSFORMATION 1 Select target creature. @DRAIN_LIFE 1 Select target creature or player. @DRAIN_POWER 1 Select target player. @DWARVEN_DTEAM 1 Select target wall. @DWARVEN_WARRIORS 1 Select target creature with power less than 3. @EARTH_BIND 1 Select target creature. @EBONYHORSE 1 Select target creature. @ENERGYTAP 1 Select target creature. @EROSION 1 Select target land. @ETERNAL_WARRIOR 1 Select target creature. @EVIL_PRESENCE 1 Select target land. @EYE_FOR_EYE 1 Select damage card. @FEAR 1 Select target creature. @FEEDBACK 1 Select target enchantment. @FELLWAR_STONE 1 Fellwar Stone: What kind of mana? @FIREBALL 1 Select target creature or player (%d of %d). @FIREBREATHING 1 Select target creature. @FISHLIVEROIL 1 Select target creature. @FISSURE 1 Select target creature or land. @FLIGHT 1 Select target creature. @FLOOD 1 Select target creature. @FLYING_CARPET 1 Select target creature. @FORCEFIELD 1 Select damage card. @GAEAS_LIEGE 1 Select target land. @GASEOUSFORM 1 Select target creature. @GIANT_GROWTH 1 Select target creature. @GIANT_STRENGTH 1 Select target creature. @GLASSES_OF_URZA 1 Select target player. @GRAPESHOT_CATAPULT 1 Select target flying creature. @GREEN_WARD 1 Select target creature. @HEALING_SALVE 4 Select target player. Select damage point to heal (%d of %d). @HELM_OF_CHATZUK 1 Select target creature. @HOLY_ARMOR 1 Select target creature. @HOLY_STRENGTH 1 Select target creature. @HOWL_FROM_BEYOND 1 Select target creature. @HURKYLS_RECALL 1 Select target player. @HURR_JACKAL 1 Select target creature. @IMMOLATION 1 Select target creature. @INSTILL_ENERGY 1 Select target creature. @INVISIBILITY 1 Select target creature. @ISLAND_SANCTUARY 1 Select draw potential. @JUMP 1 Select target creature. @JADE_MONOLITH 1 Select target creature. @JANDORS_SADDLEBAGS 1 Select target creature. @KING_SULEIMAN 1 Select target djinn or efreet. @KISMET 1 Select target player. @LANCE 1 Select target creature. @LANDTAX 3 Pick up to 3 basic lands. Pick up to 2 more basic lands. Pick up to 1 more basic land. @LANDWORDS 15 swamp island forest mountain plains Swamp Island Forest Mountain Plains SWAMP ISLAND FOREST MOUNTAIN PLAINS @LEVIATHAN 1 Select target island. @LEY_DRUID 1 Select target land. @LIGHTNING_BOLT 1 Select target creature or player. @LIVING_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @LORD_OF_THE_PIT 1 Select creature to sacrifice. @LURE 1 Select target creature. @MAGICAL_HACK 1 Select target spell or permanent. @MANASHORT 1 Select target player. @MANAVAULT 1 Untap Vault.\n Lose 1 life. @MILLSTONE 1 Select target player. @MINDTWIST 1 Select target player. @MISHRAS_FACTORY 1 Select target assembly worker. @MISHRAS_WARMACHINE 2 Discard a card.\n Take 3 damage and tap. _Discard a card.\n Take 3 damage and tap. @NETTLING_IMP 1 Select target creature. @NORTHERN_PALADIN 1 Select target permanent. @OASIS 1 Select damage card. @OPTIONAL_UNTAP 1 Untap this card.\n Don't untap. @ORCISH_ARTILLERY 1 Select target creature or player. @PARALYZE 1 Select target creature. @PERSONAL_INCARNATION 1 Select damage to redirect. @PHANTASMAL_TERRAIN 1 Select target land. @PIRATE_SHIP 1 Select target creature or player. @POWERLEAK 1 Select target enchantment. @POWERSINK 1 Select target spell being cast. @PRADESH_GYPSIES 1 Select target creature. @PRIMAL_CLAY 1 Creature type?\n 1/6 Wall\n 2/2 Creature with flying\n 3/3 Creature @PRODIGAL_SORCERER 1 Select target creature or player. @PSIONIC_ENTITY 1 Select target creature or player. @PYROTECHNICS 4 Select (1st of 4) target creature or player. Select (2nd of 4) target creature or player. Select (3rd of 4) target creature or player. Select (4th of 4) target creature or player. @RADJAN_SPIRIT 1 Select target creature. @RAISEDEAD 1 Select target creature. @RED_BLAST 1 Select target spell or permanent. @RED_WARD 1 Select target creature. @REGENERATION 1 Select target creature. @REGROWTH 1 Select target card. @RELIC_BIND 1 Select target artifact. @REVERSE_DAMAGE 1 Select damage card. @RIGTHEOUSNESS 1 Select target creature. @ROD_OF_RUIN 1 Select target creature or player. @ROYAL_ASSASSIN 1 Select target tapped creature. @SAMITE_HEALER 1 Select damage card. @SEEKER 1 Select target creature. @SHAPESHIFTER 1 Select Power/Toughness...\n 0/7\n 1/6\n 2/5\n 3/4\n 4/3\n 5/2\n 6/1\n 7/0 @SHATTER 1 Select target artifact. @SIMULACRUM 1 Select target creature. @SLEIGHT_OF_MIND 1 Select target spell or permanent. @SMOKE 1 Select creature to untap? @SORCERESS_QUEEN 1 Select target creature. @SPIRITLINK 1 Select target creature. @SPIRIT_SHACKLE 1 Select target creature. @STEAL_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @STONE_GIANT 1 Select target creature. @STONE_RAIN 1 Select target land. @STREAMOFLIFE 1 Select target player. @STRIPMINE 1 Select target land. @SWORD_TO_PLOWSHARES 1 Select target creature. @SYLVAN_LIBRARY 1 Select card drawn this turn to discard. @TARGET_ARTIFACT 1 Select target artifact. @TARGET_CREATURE 1 Select target creature. @TARGET_LAND 1 Select target land. @TAWNOS_WEAPONRY 1 Select target creature. @TAWNOS_WAND 1 Select target creature with power 2 or less. @TETRAVUS 3 Never mind.\n Move 1 token. Never mind.\n Move 1 token.\n Move 2 tokens. Never mind.\n Move 1 token.\n Move 2 tokens.\n Move 3 tokens. @TIME_ELEMENTAL 1 Select target permanent with no enchantments. @TIME_VAULT 1 Play this turn.\n Skip this turn to untap. @TRISKELION 1 Select target creature or player. @TUNNEL 1 Select target wall. @TWIDDLE 1 Select target creature, artifact or land. @UNHOLY_STRENGTH 1 Select target creature. @UNSTABLE_MUTATION 1 Select target creature. @UNSUMMON 1 Select target creature. @UNTAMED_WILDS 1 Select target basic land. @URZAS_AVENGER 1 Add which ability?\n Flying.\n Banding.\n First Strike.\n Trample. @VESUVAN_DOPPELGANGER 1 Select target creature. @VENOM 1 Select target creature. @VISIONS 2 Select target player. The top five cards in the library. @VOLCANIC_ERUPTION 1 Select target mountain (%d of %d). @WANDERLUST 1 Select target creature. @WEB 1 Select target creature. @WEAKNESS 1 Select target creature. @WHITE_WARD 1 Select target creature. @WILD_GROWTH 1 Select target land. @WINTER_ORB 1 Select land to untap? @WINTER_BLAST 1 Select target creature (%d of %d). @WORDOFBINDING 1 Select target creature (%d of %d). @WYLULI_WOLF 1 Select target creature. @XENIC_POLTERGEIST 1 Select target non-creature artifact.