Kingpin Frequently Asked Questions / Troubleshooting ----------------------------------------------------- Q: I click on the Kingpin icon to start the game, it shows the intro's, then I see a Grey/Brown screen. I have a TNT card, what's going on? A: You may have a glide2x.dll file in your windows\system folder from a previous 3dfx installation, which is causing the crash. Delete that file if it exists. Q: I have a Voodoo card, I load the game up, I see the 2 intro's, then the game crashes. I'm running Windows 98, what's up? A: Make sure you have hardware acceleration FULLY enabled in the control panel. To check this, go into the control panel, select the "system" icon. Then select the "Performance" tab, then press the "graphics" button. Make the sure the slider is set to FULL. Q: Kingpin seems to run slower in the patch during multiplayer, why? A: In versions after v1.0, Kingpin has an auto-framerate limiter. This is associated with your connection speed, and basically prevents your system from running so fast that it chews up all your bandwidth. If you have a 28k modem, and set your rate accordingly (in the player setup menu), your framerate will be capped at 30 fps. This scales up higher for faster connections. This is a necessary step to avoiding packet loss or excessive lag. This also means that if you experience lag or packet loss during play, it is most likely due to network conditions (saturated ISP, or server). Q: The Kingpin patch screws up the chat messages. I want them to stay up the top! A: Go into the options menu, and select "Old chat display".