CD Creation Setup

Target Devices: Allows you to select the CD-Recorder you want to use for recording CDs. If more than one CD-Recorder is connected to your system, select the CD-Recorder you want to use from the drop-down list box.

Write Speed: Selects the speed of the drive for recording CDs. Change this setting if you want to create the CD at a different speed. If your system is not fast enough to write at higher speeds, you may want to reduce the Write speed.

Number of Copies: Type or select the number of copies you want to make from the CD layout you are about to record.

The following options are available when you click the Advanced button:

Create options

Test Only: Click this option button to perform a real test in which the files to be recorded are passed to the CD-Recorder. No actual information is recorded to the CD. Use this option if you have made any changes to your CD-Recorder setup.

Test and Create CD: Click this option to perform a real test in which the files to be recorded are passed to the CD-Recorder. No actual information is recorded to the CD during the test. Recording begins after a successful test. Each time you create the CD and you do not want to perform the test, select Create CD below.

Create CD: Click this option when you do not want to perform the test. This option begins the recording process immediately and is the default option.

Write CD-Text Info: Click this option if you want to include CD-Text information, such as CD title, artist, and track titles on the CD. This information can then be displayed on consumer electronic devices that support CD-Text information. This option is only available when you write in Disc-at-Once mode and if your CD-Recorder supports CD-Text information.

Write Method

Track-at-Once: Click this option to record a single track at a time. Tracks recorded in Track-at-Once mode are separated by gaps. If a data track is followed by an audio track, the gap is 2 or 3 seconds. The gap between audio tracks is usually 2 seconds.

Leave Session Open: Click this option to add more songs to the CD at a later time. By keeping the session open, you can record additional songs to the first session at different times. Once you have added all the songs you want to the CD and you want to listen to it on a home or car stereo CD player, you must close the session.

Close Session and Leave CD Open: Click this option to close the session so that audio tracks (if in the first session) can be played back in home or car CD players. This option is the default option and is applicable for most CD recording purposes. Because the CD remains open, you can continue to record additional sessions to the CD until it is full.

Close CD: Click this option to write-protect the CD. When this option is selected, no more data can be recorded to the CD.

Session-at-Once: Click this option to record a single session and leave the CD open. For example, you can use Session-at-Once to make CD Extra CD. First record the audio tracks in the first session and leave the CD open. Then record a second (data) session and close the CD.

Disc-at-Once: Click this option to write and close a CD in one operation without turning the writing laser on and off between tracks. This eliminates the two second-gap between tracks and write-protects the CD. You can select this option if you are recording WAV or MP3 files stored on your hard disk, or music CD tracks.

Set as Default: Click this button when you want to change the CD Creation Setup default options. Make your selections above in before clicking this button.