Kingdom O' Magic Demo ÈÈÈCopyright (c) 1995 SCi New, improved CD-ROM Version - Installing - Please type X: where X is the name of your CD-ROM drive, then INSTALL to install the game. The Install program will let you select a sound-card and will copy setup files to your hard drive. Once installed, just type KOM to start the game. It's so easy! - Windows 95 - If you are one of the lucky people who have Windows 95 irrevocably fixed to your computer, you should check out the README95.TXT file in the root directory of the CD. Do it now, there's not a moment to lose! - Running The Game On An 8Mb Machine - If you are running Kingdom O' Magic on an 8Mb machine then you will need to disable your Extended Memory Manager (EMM386 or QEMM for example). If you are using EMM386 you will need to REM the line out of your CONFIG.SYS file. For example, change the line that reads DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE to REM DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE Alternatively, use the multi-boot option (if using DOS 6 or above) as described in your DOS manual. If you are using QEMM then you can hold down the left ALT key when the machine boots and you will be given the option of booting without QEMM. You will also need to disable any disk caching programs you are running (e.g. SMARTDRV) as these will use memory that is needed by the game. Disabling SMARTDRV is necessary on an 8Mb machine, but is also advisable for any 16Mb+ machines as you may experience stuttering during cutscenes, sudden weight gain, hair loss, and intermittent blindness. - Technical Support - If you still have problems after trying the suggestions above, SCi Technical Support can be contacted as below: Internet EMail Address: Telephone United States: Check the number in your KOM manual Telephone UK & Europe: Check the number in your KOM manual We accept all major credit cards, and remember.....your donation could change a programmer's life! Check out our Web Site at http:\\