Free Internet Access - 50 Hours FREE with AOL!! Intro Try AOL - the fun, affordable, easy to use Internet online service FREE this month with this fantastic free trial including 50 hours online time! AOL, now the biggest Internet online service with a global membership of over 11 million (over 350,000 in the UK) brings you far more than just the Internet, thanks to a vast selection of exclusive areas. These areas contain unique, quality content that is developed by AOL UK and its team of partners, which include some of the world's top media brands such as Lonely Planet, Nickelodeon and Thomas Cook. Take a look at the 14 expanded AOL channels covering everything from the latest News & Sports to Travel & Entertainment TM.and all of it right up to the minute! So what has AOL got to offer? Well to start with, you get 5 different screen names (or email addresses) with your AOL account, which you get to choose yourself. This means one for everybody in the family, or alternatively, one for pleasure and one for business! And there are lots of other neat tools - create a Buddy List TM to find out when your friends are online; chat to your friends in real-time with the Instant Message feature; or use the Favourite Places tool to earmark all your favourite emails and web sites! With each account you get a generous 10Mb of Web space - there are even online tools which will help you create your own Web site! (Keyword : AOL Press or Personal Publisher). Seamless Surfing Internet access is seamlessly integrated into AOL. It's easy to go directly to Web pages - just click on the W on your AOL menu bar, type in the address (or URL) and you're there. It really is that simple and with AOL's 33.6k access speeds nationwide, it's also super fast. In addition, the Windows 95 version of the new software has Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 integrated as it's main browser. See the enhanced HTML features of Internet Explorer in action! New on AOL! Check out AOL's powerful new search engine AOL Netfind TM - the easiest, most comprehensive way to find what you are looking for - fast! Whether you're looking for phone numbers, e-mail addresses, newsgroups on quilting, or Web sites for kids, AOL NetFind TM can help you find it. So go on - try out AOL NOW with this FREE 50 Hour Trial - after all 350,000 UK subscribers can't be wrong!!!