DIE BY THE SWORD(TM) v1.04(Patch) README.TXT - 05/18/98 A. Installing the patch B. Patch Fix/Features List C. Customer Service Information D. Software Use Limitations and Limited License E. Copyright Information A. Installing The Patch ======================== Unzip the DBTSPTCH.ZIP to C:\Program Files\Tantrum\Die By The Sword or to the directory where you have Die By The Sword installed. Simply overwrite all files and you are done! B. Patch Features/Fix List ============================ - Fixed custom move auto-sheathing bug. - Fixed remapping mouse control or using alternate controller with remapped controls which caused an out-of-sync error in netplay - Added "Quit Arena?" box upon exit from Arena mode - Arena screen preserves default: ip address, phone #, game type, session name, arena - New networking paradigm: Synchronous with Control Lag and Reduced Frame Rate This means tolerable Internet and improved modem games. (See below for explanation.) - Max netplay lag adjustment bar on main menu, defaults to 4 (Lag adjustment bars are disabled in game) - Max IPX lag adjustment bar on main menu, defaults to 1 (Lag adjustment bars are disabled in game) - Camera mode is saved (Fixed/Floating/Raised) There is a new networking paradigm that has a control lag built into controls. This allows for a smoother experience over latency prone modem and internet connections. The latency adjustment bars in the options menu exist to allow the player to have power over the amount of control lag. There are two bars: one for TCP/IP (internet) and another for IPX (LAN). We've found that the fastest frame rates are possible by placing the TCP/IP slider to the far right. You will have less control over your character because of the control lag, but it will run faster. The bars represent the number of frames of lag of control. We have the two different bars to allow players to seamlessly playLAN or internet game without the hassle of having to change the bars when switching the type of game played. The defaults were chosen as they were because, generally speaking, there is little or no latency (and thus no lag needed) over LANs (IPX), and generally much more lag over modems and the internet (TCP/IP)(thus more lag needed). Players of KALI should start with a 4 setting for the IPX (the same as TCP/IP). Feel free to experiment with the bars if your ping times differ greatly from 400 milliseconds, this may improve the smoothness of your internet experience. We have found that games with a ping of 400 or less to be playable over the Internet. Pings greater than 400 may notice reduced performance. It is recommended that you play only against one (1) other human opponent for multiplayer games over the Internet. Unless you have a fast connection, game play may be too slow for more than 2 players. C. Customer Service Information =============================== Please try to have your system information available and be near your computer if at all possible. Interplay Technical Support is available 24 hours a day through our Automated Technical Support Line with a Technical Representative available during regular business hours. Interplay Customer Support may be reached: in the United States -------------------- Interplay Productions Interplay Web Page:http://www.interplay.com attn: Customer Service internet e-mail: support@interplay.com 16815 Von Karman Ave. FTP sites: ftp1.interplay.com Irvine, CA 92606 or ftp.interplay.com tel: (949) 553.6678 Interplay BBS: (949) 252.2822 fax: (949) 252.2820 or Telnet to: bbs.interplay.com attn: Customer Service America Online: email to "IPTECH" in the UK and Europe -------------------- Customer Support Interplay Productions, Ltd. Harleyford Manor Harleyford Henley Road Marlow Buckinghamshire SL7 2DX ENGLAND tel: +44 (0) 1628 423723 fax: +44 (0) 1628 423777 Email: Europe@interplay-uk.com D. Software Use Limitations and Limited License =============================================== This version of the DIE BY THE SWORD patch (the "Software") is intended solely for your personal noncommercial home entertainment use. You may not decompile, reverse engineer, or disassemble the Software, except as permitted by law. Interplay Productions and Treyarch Invention retain all rights and title in the Software including all intellectual property rights embodied therein and derivatives thereof. You are granted a revocable, nonassignable limited license to create derivative works of this Software solely for your own personal noncommercial home entertainment use and may publicly display such derivative works to the extent specifically authorized by Interplay in writing. A copy of this authorization, if any, will be provided on Interplay's World Wide Web site, located at http://www.interplay.com, or by contacting the legal department Interplay Productions in the US at +(949) 553-6655. The Software, including, without limitation, all code, data structures, characters, images, sounds, text, screens, game play, derivative works and all other elements of the Software maynot be copied (except as provided below), resold, rented, leased, distributed (electronically or otherwise), used on pay-per-play, coin-op or other for-charge basis, or for any commercial purpose. You may make copies of the Software for your personal noncommercial home entertainment use and to give to friends and acquaintances on a no cost noncommercial basis. This limited right to copy the Software expressly excludes any copying or distribution of the Software on a commercial basis, including, without limitation, bundling the product with any other product or service and any give away of the Software in connection with another product or service. Any permissions granted herein are provided on a temporary basis and can be withdrawn by Interplay Productions at any time. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. Acceptance of License Terms. By purchasing and then retaining this Software, you assent to the terms and restrictions of this limited license. If you acquired the Software and do not accept the terms of this limited license, you must return the Software together with all packaging, manuals and other material contained therein to the store where you acquired the Software for a full refund and if you downloaded the Software, you must delete it. E. Copyright Information ======================== DIE BY THE SWORD: (c) 1998 by Treyarch Invention. All rights reserved. Portions (c) 1998 Interplay Productions. All rights reserved. Die By The Sword, Interplay, the Interplay Logo, the Tantrum logo and "By Gamers. For Gamers." are trademarks of Interplay Productions. The Treyarch logo is a trademark of Treyarch Invention. Windows(r) 95 is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Exclusively licensed and distributed by Interplay Productions. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.