Published By: Elite Systems Ltd, England. Andrew Michael Menzies & Roy Welsby Appointed Joint Administrators. Registered in England No.1840901 Anchor House, Anchor Road, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands. WS9 8PW. Tel.: + 44 (0) 1922 455852 Fax.: + 44 (0) 1922 743029 E-mail: Web.: Document Ref.: 1stgen.doc 11th May, '98 V001 G1 'Demo' Sample Ref.: 1stgen.exe 11th May, '98 V001 G1 STRATEGIC PRODUCT MARKETING OPPORTUNITY ! Super Touring(tm) The High-fidelity Production Car Racing Simulation(tm) With A Twist....and roll....and a tumble....and a spin....and a 'wheelie'.... and a whole lot of FUN. UNIQUE SELLING POINT : "Rules are for fools, and for guidance of wise men" "In their design, most car racing simulations continue to adhere rigidly to the 'received wisdom' that real-world authenticity along with boundless vehicle set-up options are the key to a successful product; despite the evidence that this 'received wisdom' results in 98% of PC owners declaring that they will NEVER buy a car racing simulation. "In it's design, Super Touring(tm) (The High-fidelity Production Car Racing Simulation(tm)) adheres rigidly to this 'received wisdom' and then............. EXPLODES THE MYTH, by including it's unique 'stunt' mode which takes the rigour of it's vehicle simulation and applies it for the sole aim of having FUN !" We are delighted to invite you to participate as our exclusive strategic marketing partner for our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "SuperTouring(tm)" WHAT is Super Touring(tm). Super Touring(tm) is the third in Elite(r)'s current series of driving game software products. The first in the current series - "Test Drive: Off-Road(tm)" was published in 1997 by Accolade(r) Inc. and it achieved, (in North America alone) some 1/4 million unit sales and some US$10 million retail sales in the first 90 days after it's launch ! "A great foundation for the launch of Super Touring(tm).........." S.W., England - 20th April, 1998 HOW you can benefit. As our exclusive strategic marketing partner we can offer you benefits including: * the SOLE publishing rights(1) to the 'full-version' of our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)" * the SOLE OEM manufacturing rights(2) to the 'OEM-version' of our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)" * an UNPRECEDENTED opportunity to exploit the 10 man years (and the US$500,000) of product development investment already committed to our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)" * a READY access the expertise of our internationally known development studio responsible for other 'hit' driving games including (most recently), the 1/4 million unit seller(3) "Test Drive: Of Road(tm)" * a RARE invitation to tailor(4) our forthcoming production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)" to 'best fit' your needs. WHY "Super Touring(tm)". The 'full-version' of our forthcoming production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)" has a host of features and benefits including: * it's proven game-genre, for maximum commercial potential and minimum commercial risk * it's variable game complexity and progression, for broad audience appeal and extended product-life * it's rigorous 'car simulation algorithms ', for high perceived-value and enduring game-play satisfaction * it's photo-realistic state-of-the-art production cars, for great authenticity and wide product-ownership aspiration * it's wealth of car and game-play 'set-up' options, for limitless product customisation * it's unique 'stunt competition' mode, for a little 'light-relief' after a hard day at the track ! Product Characteristics The High-fidelity Production Car Racing Simulation(tm) With A Twist....and roll....and a tumble....and a spin....and a 'wheelie'.... and a whole lot of FUN. "Super Touring(tm)" covers all the bases, and then some..... * INCLUDED: ALL FOUR recognised race-track types. Super Touring's 'Race Circuit' represents the best in European race-track design. Rugged escarpments give way to imposing forests, whilst 'knuckle-whitening' hair-pins await the unwary pilot. 'Street Circuit' is as cosmopolitan as any 'World City'. Monuments to 20th Century civil-engineering project vertically past the sky, but reality is quickly restored on impact with a humble kerb-stone. 'Speed-ring Circuit' is 110% apple pie. Tyre-searing turns trade places with perilous cambers, and only masterful control prevents encroachment of THE WALL. 'Mountain Circuit' tugs a fore-lock to the 'virtual' race-track. Flood-lit tunnels and box-girder bridges abound, warp-speed reflexes are the key to success. * INCLUDED: ALL MAJOR production race-car categories. Super Touring's 'Saloons' have imperfect handling and modest performance, a forgiving combination which is a boon to the 'Novice'. 'Club-man Sports' can be more rewarding, though some racing experience is required. 'Super Tourers' have a rigid chassis, though their propensity to spin can not be denied. A 'drive' in a 'Grand Tourers' is the consequence of success in this sport, but their 'limpit-like' grip and 'faster-than-gravity' acceleration demand the utmost respect. * INCLUDED: ALL ESSENTIAL competition formats. Super Touring's 'Single Race' provides a quick 'fix' for the newcomer, and an opportunity to taste just a little of what this product has to offer. 'Championship Competition' is however the route to ultimate glory, and the only means by which advancement can be secured. Whilst 'Open Championship' competition is instantly available, pitching your humble 'Saloon' against a mighty 'Grand Tourer' is an unlikely recipe for success. Progress in 'Class Championship' competition is more readily gained, and 'the consequence of victory is better machinery'. 'Knock-out Competition' is a welcome side-bar to the main event, and in 'Open Knock-out' competition the chance of an upset could be higher. 'Class Knock-out' competition provides a better opportunity to quickly fill the trophy cabinet, but the ultimate prize still awaits. 'Stunt Competition is truly unique and a wealth of race-craft skills can be developed in this highly entertaining (but nonetheless competitive) environment. 'Moose-test Stunt' competition is as recently brought to fame (or was that infamy ?) by the spectacular failure of the new Mercedes A-Class to pass it; whilst 'Track-test Stunt' competition calls for mastery of high-speed, hand-brake turns and the development of cadence braking skills (along with many others) in a 'skid-pan' style environment. * INCLUDED: ALL MEANINGFUL vehicle and environmental customisation options. Super Touring's 'Vehicle Set-up' is the forum for customising handling and performance characteristics. Satisfyingly the conventional (and somewhat contrived) requirement to 'buy' or 'earn' engine, chassis or other enhancements is not imposed. The true value of the rigorous 'car simulation algorithms ' is in evidence here, as more than 100 characteristics of each of this product's eight production race-cars can be modified individually, and at will. The 'Save Set-up' facility is a boon. A true understanding of vehicle dynamics could be rewarded by the shaving of seconds from a lap-time, whilst a lesser understanding may have no, or even adverse effect. Only the judicious application of limits (to the modifications which may be made) provides a guarantee that your opponents 'Saloon' is inferior to your 'Club-man Sports'. 'Environmental Condition' may be varied with similar alacrity; rain, snow and night-time conditions being readily invoked. The capability to vary road and off-road friction coefficients is perhaps not unique, but the inclusion of variable 'surface resistance' offers a insight to the intricacies of this product. * INCLUDED: ALL CONCEIVABLE Artificial Intelligence and game-complexity options. Super Touring's 'Opponent Driver Type' facilitates the ready matching of individual competence with opponent ability. For a true appreciation of the nuances at play here, observe how late an 'Expert' opponent brakes and turns on entry to a corner, then contrast this contrast with the cautious fumblings of the 'Novice' and with the imperfections of the 'Intermediate' driver. At the higher levels of game-play complexity, and in the vicinity of the appex' of the most testing corner, the meticulous siting of 'traffic cones' and of 'tyre-walls' is in evidence. Thus the opportunity to 'straight-line' esses is denied as experience with this product is gained. More alarming, once impacted stray 'traffic cones' may become re-locate onto the race circuit proper, providing further and unpredictable challenge just when mastery seems in sight. When the availability of 'Slip-streaming' is denied at the 'Speed-ring' circuit, the challenge to race-craft skills rises exponentially. IN Conclusion If we have succeeded in attracting your interests, may we now suggest that you carry out a preliminary evaluation of the current playable 'Demo' sample of our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)". The current playable 'Demo' sample is available from, or from the address at the top of this document. (If you have received this document directly from the address at the top of this document, then two different playable 'Demo' samples (along with this and other documents) can be found on the accompanying gold CD-R). Published By: Elite Systems Ltd, England. Andrew Michael Menzies & Roy Welsby Appointed Joint Administrators. Registered in England No.1840901 Anchor House, Anchor Road, Aldridge, Walsall, West Midlands. WS9 8PW. Tel.: + 44 (0) 1922 455852 Fax.: + 44 (0) 1922 743029 E-mail: Web.: Document Ref.: 1stgen.doc 11th May, '98 V001 G1 'Demo' Sample Ref.: 1stgen.exe 11th May, '98 V001 G1 REFERENCE NOTES Playable 'Demo' Sample "Super Touring(tm)" For Win'95 / PC Systems With Direct X 5.0 / 1st Generation 3D Graphics Accelerators This document is intended to accompany the above referenced playable 'Demo' sample of our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)". The playable 'Demo' sample (to which this document relates) was designed to give a '30-frame-per-second' performance when operated on 16MB 233MHz Pentium II(r) systems equipped with 4MB 1st generation graphics accelerators, and Direct X(r) 5.0. In the event your system is equipped with a more powerful 2nd generation graphics accelerator a more suitable playable 'Demo' sample (designed to give a '30-frame-per-second' performance when operated on 16MB 266MHz Pentium II(r) systems equipped with 8MB 2nd generation graphics accelerators, and Direct X(r) 5.0) is available from, or from the address at the top of this document. (If you have received this document directly from the address at the top of this document, then both playable 'Demo' samples (along with this and other documents) can be found on the accompanying gold CD-R). Important Notice: The playable 'Demo' sample (to which this document relates) is known to be highly unstable - certain of the known instabilities are documented below. You should save and exit from any other applications before attempting to run this playable 'Demo' sample. About This Playable 'Demo' Sample: This playable 'Demo' sample, of our forthcoming Win'95 / PC production car racing simulation, "Super Touring(tm)" has been produced for the purposes of; * eliciting interest, (from MAJOR INTERNATIONAL computer game publishers) in entering into a strategic product marketing agreement for the "Super Touring(tm)" software product, and * eliciting comment, (from ALL SOURCES) which may help ensure that the "Super Touring(tm)" software product is of the highest merchantable quality. Since this playable 'Demo' sample is intended for unrestricted, non-commercial, reproduction and distribution we have taken the precaution of including only the minimum number of features necessary to evidence the characteristics of the "Super Touring(tm)" software product. Therefore whilst the development work, (from which this playable 'Demo' sample is derived) has been underway for some 18 months, and whilst development of most of the race circuits, many of the cars and much of the competition structure is now COMPLETE, only one of the race circuits, one of the cars and one of the competition options is available in this playable 'Demo' sample. Moreover, many of the features of the "Super Touring(tm)" software product which are in evidence in this playable 'Demo' sample, are not optimised. Optimisations which are still be effected include but are not limited to the following. Main Menu Display Currently this display comprises five main options, "Select Vehicle", "Select Track", "Vehicle Set-up", "Game Options" & "Start". A sixth option, "Quit" is available via the 'Esc' key. Currently two of these main options, ("Vehicle Set-up" & "Game Options") lead to a number of sub-options, many of which are intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. Optimisation of both the content and the appearance of these sub-options is planned. Planned content optimisations include (but are not limited to) a significant increase in the number of vehicle characteristics which may be 'customised'. Planned appearance optimisations include (but are not limited to) the supplement of all existing and planned text options with appropriate icons and (where appropriate), animation. The twin objectives of the planned optimisations are to (i) maintain the simplicity and the ease of use of the existing main menu display, and to (ii) augment the photo-realistic state-of-the-art production cars (evidenced elsewhere in the "Super Touring(tm)" software product) with a user interface of comparable splendour and authenticity. In-game Display Currently the in-game display comprises two main options, "First-person View" and "Third-person View". A third option "In-game Menu" is available via the 'Esc' key. Optimisation of both the content and the appearance of the main options is planned. Planned content optimisations include (but are not limited to) the addition of a "Second-person View", that is - a view from within the car. Planned appearance optimisations include (but are not limited to) the following. * Elimination of distant-polygon 'drop-out'. Currently such 'drop-out' is exampled by the occasional, premature disappearance of certain of the faces of buildings outside the perimeter of the 'Race Circuit' track. This problem is caused by minor errors made at the time of track-mesh construction, or by inappropriate limits imposed at the time of 'view-cone' design / development. * Elimination of near-polygon 'drop-out'. Currently such 'drop-out' is exampled by the occasional, premature disappearance of certain of the faces of tyre-walls inside the perimeter of the 'Race Circuit' track. This problem is caused by recent changes to camera focal-length, and by the omission of corresponding changes to 'object-view' data. * Elimination of car-model 'corruption'. Currently such 'corruption' is exampled by the occasional appearance of black patches on the front and rear bumpers / fenders of the cars. This problem is caused by inappropriate 'z-buffering', and the inappropriate inclusion of 'child-objects'. * Elimination of tyre-smoke 'corruption'. Currently such 'corruption' is exampled by the occasional appearance of transparent hexagons within the viewable limits of the tyre-smoke. This problem is caused by minor errors made at the time of draw-order prioritisation. * Elimination of street-light 'flickering'. Currently such 'flickering' is exampled by the irregular disappearance of illumination from street-lights inside the perimeter of the 'Race Circuit' track. This problem is caused by minor errors made at the time of 'lens-flare' implementation. * Elimination of the pit lane lap-count 'failure'. Currently such 'failure' is exampled by no increase in the lap-count when using the pit lane. * Elimination of reverse-gear selection 'failure'. Currently such 'failure' is exampled by the occasional difficulty in engaging reverse-gear. This problem is caused by inappropriate reverse-gear torque. Getting Started: When you Run the program <1stgen.exe> you will be presented with the following. 'Title-page' Display Currently the title page contains the software products' working title, "Super Touring(tm)". 'Controls-page' Display Currently the controls page contains information about the user-interface / keyboard-controls. With the exception of mouse-control at the main menu, no other controller-types are currently available. 'Main Menu' / 'In-game Menu' Display - General (i) Currently the default main menu option is "Start". Pressing at the main menu will take you to the in-game display. Pressing when in-game will open the in-game menu. (ii) The default keyboard controls at the main menu and at the in-game menu are as follows: 'Tab' / 'Down' When Main Menu Options Closed - Move to and high-light the next main menu option (except at the select vehicle option and select track option when 'Tab' should first move to and high-light the next arrow icon). 'Down' When Main Menu / In-game Menu Options Open - Move to and high-light the next option within the currently open main menu / in-game menu option. 'Up' When Main Menu / In-game Menu Options Open - Move to and high-light the previous option within the currently open main menu / in-game menu option. 'Enter' When Main Menu Options Closed - Select the high-lighted main menu option (except at the select vehicle option and select track option when 'Enter' should toggle through the vehicles and tracks, respectively, in the order indicated by the arrow icon). When Main Menu / In-game Menu Options Open - Select the high-lighted option within the currently open main menu / in-game menu option. 'Esc' Open the exit main menu option. Close the in-game menu. IMPORTANT: With the exception of no other keyboard controls are active. Main Menu Display - 'Select Vehicle' (i) Currently the default display is the '2000cc Saloon' vehicle model, with '1-Star Handing' and '1-Star Performance'. (ii) The next option displays no vehicle model (and the space is filled by a red cross), which is described as a '2000cc Club-man Sport' with'2-Star Handing' and '2-Star Performance'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. (iii) The next option again displays no vehicle model (and the space is again filled by a red cross), which is described as a '2000cc Super Tourer' with'3-Star Handing' and '3-Star Performance'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. (iv) The final option yet again displays no vehicle model (and the space is yet again filled by a red cross), which is described as a '3000cc+ Grand Tourer' with'4-Star Handing' and '4-Star Performance'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. Main Menu Display - 'Select Track' (i) Currently the default display is the 'Race Circuit' track model, which is called 'Race Circuit'. (ii) The next option displays the 'Street Circuit' track model (and a red cross is super-imposed upon it), which is called 'Street Circuit'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. (iii) The next option displays the 'Speed-ring' track model (and a red cross is super-imposed upon it), which is called 'Speed-ring Circuit'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. (iv) The final option displays no track model (and the space is filled by a red cross), which is called 'Mountain Circuit'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. Main Menu Display - 'Game Options' (i) Currently where 'sub-menus' or 'toggleable' options are available the default display is shown below in bold. (ii) The default display is a trophy model. The default display reads: 'Race / Competition Type & Set-up'. * 'Single Race' + 'Competition Type' -'Open'/'Class' In Class competition vehicles of the SAME type compete together in the race, in Open competition vehicles of DIFFERENT types compete together in the race. + 'Opponent Driver Type' -'Expert'/'Experienced'/'Novice' + 'Number Of Vehicles' -'1'/'2' + 'Number of Drivers' -'1' + 'Drivers' Name(s)' -'Driver 1' + 'Number Of Laps To Race' -'1'/'2'/'3'/'4'/'5' + 'Environmental Conditions' -'Dry'/'Wet'/'Snow'/'Night' In Wet and in Snow Environmental Conditions, Road Friction is 70% of Road Friction in Night Environmental Conditions; in Wet and in Snow Environmental Conditions, Off-Road Friction is less than 50% of Off-Road Friction in Night Environmental Conditions. The Environmental Condition option Dry is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample, except in demo mode display. + 'Surface Characteristics' x 'Road Friction' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Road Friction is 90% of Medium Road Friction, High Road Friction is 110% of Medium Road Friction. x 'Off-road Friction' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' x 'Road Resistance' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' x 'Off-road Resistance' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' x 'Restore Default Settings' x 'Back' + 'Back' * 'Championship Competition'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. * 'Stunt Competition'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. * 'Back' 'Vehicle Controller Type & Set-Up'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. 'Display Type & Set-up'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. 'Audio Type & Set-up'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. 'Re-play Theatre & Hall Of Fame'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. 'Load / Save Game Options'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. 'Exit' Main Menu Display - 'Vehicle Set-up' (i) Currently where 'sub-menus' or 'toggleable' options are available the default display is shown below in bold. (ii) The default display is a vehicle engine model. The default display reads: 'Chassis Type & Set-up'. * 'Impact Resistance' -'Indestructible'/'Resilient/'Frail' Indestructible Chassis Types are impervious to collision damage and vehicle performance loss is never incurred, Frail Chassis Types are prone to collision damage and vehicle performance loss is readily incurred. * 'Air Resistance' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Air Resistance is 90% of Medium Air Resistance, High Air Resistance is 110% of Medium Air Resistance. * 'Aerodynamic Down-force' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' * 'Back' 'Engine Type & Set-up'. * 'Engine Power' + '0k to 3k RPM' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Engine Power is 90% of Medium Engine Power, High Engine Power is 110% of Medium Engine Power. In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Engine Power can be separately defined for each of 1000RPM of the engine's range. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. + '3k to 6k RPM' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + '6k+ RPM' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Engine Torque' + '0k to 3k RPM' -'Low'/'Medium'/High' Low Engine Torque is 90% of Medium Engine Torque, High Engine Torque is 110% of Medium Engine Torque. In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Engine Torque can be separately defined for each 1000RPM of the engine's range. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. + '3k to 6k RPM' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + '6k+ RPM' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Back' 'Drive Type & Set-up'. * 'Drive Wheels' -'Rear'/'Four'/'Front' * 'Gear Box' + 'Ratios, 1st / 2nd -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' A Low Gear-box Ratio is 90% of a Medium Gear-box Ratio, a High Gear-box Ratio is 110% of a Medium Gear-box Ratio. In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Gear-box Ratios can be separately defined for each gear. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. + 'Ratios, 3rd / 4th -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Ratios, 5th / 6th -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Back' 'Tyre / Suspension Type & Set-up'. * 'Tyre Construction' -'Sliks'/'Wets'/'Monsoon' Slik Tyres are impervious to damage and vehicle performance loss is never incurred, Monsoon Tyres are prone to damage and vehicle performance loss is readily incurred. In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Tyre Construction can modify the performance of Tyre Compound. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. * 'Tyre Compound' + 'Front Tyre Compound' -'A'/'B/'C'/'D' Tyre Compound A has 90% of the coefficient of friction of Tyre Compound C, Tyre Compound D has 105% of the coefficient of friction of Tyre Compound C. In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Tyre Compound can modify the performance of Tyre Construction. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. + 'Rear Tyre Compound' -'A'/'B/'C'/'D' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Suspension (Track) Width' + 'Front Track Width' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Front Track Width is 90% of Medium Front Track Width, High Front Track Width is 110% of Medium Front Track Width. + 'Rear Track Width' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Suspension (Spring) Force' + 'Front Spring Force' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Front Spring Force is 90% of Medium Front Spring Force, High Front Spring Force is 110% of Medium Front Spring Force. + 'Rear Spring Force' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Suspension (Damping) Force' + 'Front Damping Force' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Front Damping Force is 90% of Medium Front Damping Force, High Front Damping Force is 110% of Medium Front Damping Force. + 'Rear Damping Force' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Suspension Travel' + 'Front Suspension Travel' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Front Suspension Travel is 90% of Medium Front Suspension Travel, High Front Suspension Travel is 110% of Medium Front Suspension Travel. + 'Rear Suspension Travel' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Back' 'Steering Type & Set-up' * 'Steering Angle' + 'Low-speed Steering Angle' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Low-speed Steering Angle is 90% of Medium Low-speed Steering Angle, High Low-speed Steering Angle is 110% of Medium Low-speed Steering Angle. + 'High-speed Steering Angle' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Steering Angle (In-skid)' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Steering Response' + 'Steering Response (Normal)' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' Low Steering Response (Normal) is 90% of Medium Steering Response (Normal), High Steering Response (Normal) is 110% of Steering Response (Normal). + 'Steering Response (In-skid)' -'Low'/'Medium'/'High' + 'Restore Default Settings' + 'Back' * 'Back' 'Load / Save Vehicle Set-up'. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. 'Exit' Main Menu Display - "Start" (i) Currently the default display is the amber light. Pressing at the main menu will take you to the in-game display. (ii) Selection of any of the options which are intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample will (on selection of the main menu option start) cause the red, green and amber lights to flash. Pressing (at the main menu option start), will not take you to the in-game display until de-selection of all of the intentionally inactive options has been completed In-game Menu Display - 'Options' (i) Currently where 'sub-menus' or 'toggleable' options are available the default display is shown below in bold. (ii) The default display reads: 'Exit' 'Re-start Race' 'Camera Type' * 'Camera Position' -'Behind'/'Inside'/'Above' In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Camera Position can be set to 'Fixed Rostrum', 'Panning Rostrum', 'Fixed Tele-photo Rostrum', 'Panning Tele-photo Rostrum', 'Rear Three-quarter Mounted', 'X-shifted', 'Y-shifted', 'Z-shifted', 'Rotating', 'Blimp' and others. Except where implemented fleetingly in the demo mode display, these options are intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. * 'Camera Type' -'Direction Camera'/'Motion Camera' * 'Camera Movement' -'No Delay'/'Short Delay'/'Long Delay' * 'Rear-view Camera' -'Off'/ 'On - In Reverse Gear'/'On' In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Rear-view Camera can be set to 'Fixed Rostrum', 'Panning Rostrum', 'Fixed Tele-photo Rostrum', 'Panning Tele-photo Rostrum', 'Rear Three-quarter Mounted', 'X-shifted', 'Y-shifted', 'Z-shifted', 'Rotating', 'Blimp' and others. Except where implemented fleetingly in the demo mode display, these options are intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. * 'Focal Length' - 'Fish-eye' / 'Normal' 'Visual FX' * 'Skid Marks' - 'On' / 'Off' * 'Tyre Smoke' - 'On' / 'Off' 'Slip-streaming' - 'On' / 'Off' When In-game Menu Option Slip-streaming is defaulted or set to On the Vehicle Set-up Option Air Resistance is modified by the proximity to, and the speed of approach toward, other vehicles. 'Return To Game' Demo Mode Display (i) Currently the default display is the 'Race Circuit' track model and the '2000cc Saloon' vehicle model, with all options defaulted as set out above. (ii) The next display is as the default display but with the 'Environmental Conditions' option set to Wet. (iii) The next display is again as the default display but with the 'Environmental Conditions' option set to Snow. (iv) The final display is yet again as the default display but with the 'Environmental Conditions' option set to Night. (v) Pressing causes the demo mode to cease and the main menu display to be selected. In-game Display - General (i) Currently the default display is the 'Race Circuit' track model and the '2000cc Saloon' vehicle model, with all options defaulted as set out above. (ii) The over-lays upon the in-game display are (clock-wise from the top left of the display), as follows. * Best This is the duration of the fastest-lap achieved during the current game-session. The Best Time is reset each game-session. * Stage This is elapsed-time of the current race lap. The elapsed time is reset at the end of the current race lap. * Split When the display is coloured red, this is the elapsed-time to the vehicle immediately in-front. When the display is coloured green, this is the elapsed-time to the vehicle immediately behind. * Icon (Spanner) This is the iconic representation of chassis and engine status. When the icon is coloured silver chassis and engine status is (or is near) ideal, and vehicle performance loss is not (or is barely) incurred. When the icon is coloured green chassis and engine status is good, and modest vehicle performance loss is incurred. When the icon is coloured yellow chassis and engine status is fair, and significant vehicle performance loss is incurred. When the icon is coloured orange chassis and engine status is poor, and substantial vehicle performance loss is incurred. When the icon is coloured red chassis and engine status is poor, and massive vehicle performance loss is incurred. At any time when the icon colour is other than silver a visit to the 'Pits' is optional. A visit to the 'Pits' will (if of appropriate duration), restore the icon's colour to silver and chassis and engine status to ideal. * Icon (Tyre) This is the iconic representation of tyre status. When the icon is coloured silver tyre status is (or is near) ideal, and vehicle performance loss is not (or is barely) incurred. When the icon is coloured green tyre status is good, and modest vehicle performance loss is incurred. When the icon is coloured yellow tyre status is fair, and significant vehicle performance loss is incurred. When the icon is coloured orange tyre status is poor, and substantial vehicle performance loss is incurred. When the icon is coloured red tyre status is poor, and massive vehicle performance loss is incurred. At any time when the icon colour is other than silver a visit to the 'Pits' is optional. A visit to the 'Pits' will (if of appropriate duration), restore the icon's colour to silver and chassis and engine status to ideal. * Pos This is the vehicles' current race position. * Lap This is the current race lap. * Gantry Lights This is the race-start indicator. The race may not start (and no gear selection is possible) until all four gantry lights are coloured green. * Wheel Speed Display This is the digital display of the vehicles' wheel speed. Except in the event of wheel-spin, this is also the display of the vehicles' velocity. * Engine Speed Display This is the analogue display of the vehicles' engine speed. * Gear Number Display This is the digital display of the vehicles' current gear number. In the "Super Touring(tm)" software product Gear Number can modified manually. This option is intentionally inactive in this playable 'Demo' sample. (ii) The default keyboard controls are as follows: 'Up' Engage forward gears and accelerate engine. Apply foot-brake when reverse-gear engaged. 'Down' Engage reverse gear and accelerate engine. Apply foot-brake when forward-gear engaged. 'Left' Engage steering of front-wheels to left. 'Right' Engage steering of front-wheels to right. 'A' Engage foot-brake. 'Z' Engage hand-brake. 'Esc' Move to, high-light and select the in-game menu option. (iii) 'Pits'. The pit lane entry is sited to the right of the second hair-pin bend. Try It ! (iv) Currently the game can be encouraged to 'crash' by initiating excessive amounts of 'tyre smoke' and 'skid marks', most particularly on entry to the 'Pits'.