ID Used Max Chars. Voice Actor Comment ENGLISH FRENCH GERMAN MAGYAR m1_brief X x Whitemore Mission1 This is a simple patrol mission - Sgt. Lionsdale is in charge of his squad and the 2nd Machinegun squad, too. I'll be leading two rifle squads. Lionsdale will go to the West while I lead my men to the East. The mission is simple: search and destroy any VC rifle squads we find. If you encounter any heavy artillery, than retreat and radio back to me. Reports indicate lightly armed, small groups of VC squads. Be alert and look out for any traps. Good luck, men! Das ist eine sehr einfache mission, aber ich kann das nicht weiter schreiben A feladat egyszer? jár?rözés - Lionsdale ?rmester a saját csapatát és a kettes gépágyús rajt vezeti. Én két gépfegyveres alakulatot viszek magammal. Lionsdale Nyugat felé indul, én pedig Keletnek. Kutassák fel és semmisítsék meg az összes vietkong egységet! Ha kemény ellenállásba ütköznek, rádión értesítsenek! A felderít?k gyengén felszerelt, kis létszámú vietkong csapatokat észleltek. Vigyázzon az embereire! Sok szerencsét! m1_1 X x Lionsdale Ok, everyone, now be cautious. No talking and watch your step - we don't want to alert the VC's. Get your weapons cocked and ready! Rendben emberek, figyeljenek rám! Legyünk óvatosak - nem akarjuk felhívni magunkra a figyelmet. Fegyvereket kibiztosítani! m1_4 X x Lionsdale That's very good up to now, boys. Keep up the good work! Eddig minden nagyszer?en halad. Csak így tovább! m1_6_1 X x Lionsdale Sir, we’ve cleared our area. VC squads have been eliminated, no further threat was identified. Uram, a területet ellen?rzésünk alá vettük, a vietkong er?ket megsemmisítettük. m1_6_2 x Whitemore Roger Sergeant, well done. Wait for our arrival, we’ve found only one VC and captured him. We’re not far away from you. Over and out. Vettem, ?rmester. Mi csak egy vietkonggal találkoztunk és foglyul is ejtettük. Várjon ránk, hamarosan megérkezünk. Üzenet vége. m1_7_1 X x Whitemore Look at this VC, boy. What do you see in his eyes? Anger, anxiety, hate? Mit lát ennek a vietkongnak a szemében? Dühöt, idegességet, gy?löletet? m1_7_2 x Lionsdale Yes, Sir. Igen, Uram. m1_7_3 x Whitemore Yes, but I think he's smiling inside. I think he knows something. Let’s escort him back to the Camp for interrogation! Igen, de szerintem belül mosolyog, mert tud valamit. Magunkkal visszük a táborba és kihallgatjuk! Indulás! m2_brief x x Whitemore Mission2 As you've already been informed, Sergeant, VCs were spotted near the village we visited last week. Your job is to eliminate them. However, keep an eye out for traps or ambushes. I hope that you'll keep up the good work, but remember that you're completely on your own this time as I'm assigned to another mission. Now, get moving! ?rmester, mint arról már értesült, a múlt héten átfésült falu mellett ismét vietkongokat láttak. Semmisítse meg ?ket! Emlékeztetem arra, hogy ezen a küldetésen csak a saját embereire számíthat, én máshol teljesítek szolgálatot. Kutasson csapdák és rajtaütések után, így nem érheti meglepetés. Leléphet! m2_1 x x Lionsdale Ok, boys! Let’s find these VCs, just like last time. Take care - you all know the drill. Rendben, fiúk, keressük meg ?ket, mint a múltkor. Csak óvatosan - ismeritek a dörgést. m2_2 x x OBrady Damn VC! We should have thought of their guerrilla tactics! They showed their asses walking through this village, and we followed them like puppies! Átkozottak! Mindig bed?lünk a gerilla-taktikájuknak! Idejöttünk kifüstölni ?ket, erre belesétálunk a csapdáikba! m2_3 x x Lionsdale Hold it man! Mines! Szakasz állj! Aknák! m2_6 x x Lionsdale Great work, guys! That was another trap - I think we should keep an eye open from here on. Szép munka, fiúk! Egy újabb csapdán jutottunk túl - tartsátok nyitva a szemeteket! m2_7 x x soldier Sir, I’ve spotted something. They’re the VCs we're all looking for. They’re hiding up there! Uram, mozgást észleltem…a vietkongok azok! Ott bújnak fent a dombtet?n! m2_8_1 x x Lionsdale Area cleared guys. Job well done - we’re going home. Oké fiúk, a vietkongok többé nem jelentenek veszélyt - mehetünk haza. m2_8_2 x x Lionsdale This is Sergeant Lionsdale, we’ve put an end to the viets here, I'm requesting the squads' evacuation. Itt Lionsdale ?rmester beszél, a terület tiszta, ismétlem a terület tiszta. Evakuálást kérek. m2_8_3 x x HQ radiovoice That's great, Sergeant. Go to LZ T-Bird to be evacuated! Itt a központ.Vettük a kérést, a madárka úton van. m2_8_4 x x Lionsdale Ready and moving out. Már indulunk is. Vége. m3_brief_1 x x Whitemore Alright everybody, you've all made it, so listen up! I've sent out some scouts to the village: they saw some of the VCs leaving, so their numbers are scarce, it's time to strike! I will command the 14th and 15th rifle squads to watch your back while we wait here for possible VC reinforcements. The 13th rifle squad, the 2nd MG squad and the 4th grenadiers will carry out the operation led by Sergeant Lionsdale. Mindenki figyelmét kérem, uraim! Néhány jár?rt kiküldtem a falucska mellé: jelezték, hogy a kong csapatok egy része elhagyta a tábort. Most kell tehát lecsapnunk! Én két gépfegyveres egységgel fedezem az déli utat, hogy ne támadhassák magukat hátba. Lionsdale ?rmester pedig egy gépágyús és egy gránátvet?s egységet kap a már megszokott gépfegyveresei mellé. m3_brief_2 x x Whitemore Your first objective will be to conduct an ambush patrol. Go to the village, clear out remaining enemy combattants, then patrol the area. Once you’ve done this, continue your journey to the North, where you should think about setting up an ambush and waiting for the returning enemy. Last, but not least, take care not to take out a single villager. Now, let’s move it, boys! Küldetésének els?dleges célja a települést körbezáró er?k semlegesítése lesz: próbáljon meg minden vietkong katonát likvidálni, majd szabadítsa fel a megszállt falut. Ezután haladjon Észak felé, állítson csapdát a visszatér? gerilláknak és végezzen velük! Ügyeljen arra, hogy az akcióban egyetlen civil sem veszítheti életét. Na, mire várnak még, mozgás, akció indul! m3_1 X x Whitemore Whitemore mondta fel… Everybody stop! These paddy fields lead to the village, but there aren't enough palms or bushes to provide us with cover. If we continue, we're sure to be spotted. I suggest that we find another way to reach our destination! Állj! Ez a rizsföld a térkép szerint egyenesen a faluhoz vezet, itt nem találunk elég fedezéket ahhoz, hogy meglepjük az ellenséget. Nem fogunk a nyílt terepen eléjük szaladni! Keressünk másik útvonalat! m3_2_2 x Lionsdale Then move your asses and take it! Akkor haladjatok tovább! Mozgás! m3_3_1 x Lionsdale x Godammit! Nobody warned us that machine gunners watch over the 72nd Hill! We've been ambushed! A francba! Senki nem figyelmeztetett minket, hogy gépágyúsok védik a 72es Dombot. Csapdába estünk! m3_3_2 x Whitemore x Well we didn’t know about it either, Sergeant. Take my advice, though: in this war, you just better get used to it. ?rmester, err?l nekünk sem volt információnk. Fogadja meg a tanácsomat: háborúban készüljön fel minden eshet?ségre! m3_4 x Lionsdale x Good work, team. Now let’s play it safe and take a look around. Eeddig megvolnánk. Nézzünk körül, mi a helyzet. m3_5_1 x Lionsdale 13th Riflemen squad reporting in, we’ve found a man tied to a bamboo tree, he's obviously the village-chief. Awaiting your orders, Sir! 13as lövészraj jelentkezik! Találtunk egy megkötözött öregembert, ? lehet a falu vezet?je. Mi a parancs, Uram? m3_5_2 x Whitemore Let him go, untie him. He could be useful to us. Oldozzák el azt az embert. Kés?bb még hasznunkra lehet. m3_5_3 x Lionsdale Ok, guys, let’s cut these ropes and free the old man. Oké, elengedjük, hadd menjen! m3_7 x Lionsdale Alright then, we're here, I suggest that everyone take cover in these ruins, then we can wait patiently for the VC's. Mindenki keressen fedezéket a romok között, itt várjuk be a vietkongokat. m3_8 x narrator Three hours later. Három óra múlva… m3_9 x Lionsdale Here they come, get ready! Ott jönnek, készüljetek! m3_10_1 x Lionsdale Orders carried out, Sir. I repeat, all orders have been carried out! Parancs végrehajtva, Uram. Megismétlem, parancs végrehajtva. m3_10_2 x Whitemore Good work, Sergeant. Now, let’s get back to LZ Firehawk, it’s time to go! The Log Birds are waiting for you! Ez igen, ?rmester! Menjen a T?zsólyom leszállóhoz, a madarak már úton vannak önökért! m3_10_3 x Lionsdale OK, Sir, on the double! Igenis Uram! Máris indulunk! m3_10_4 x Lionsdale People, let’s get back to the LZ Firehawk! Fiúk, futás a leszállópályához! m3_11 x Whitemore That's fine, then. Let’s get this bird in the air! Teljes a létszám. Reptessük fel a madárkát! m4_brief x Whitemore Mission4 The 7th Cavalry’s forces are carrying out an assault on Vietnamese bunkers in the Ia Drang valley, North of your insertion point. You must screen the assault force from flank attacks from the South. To do this, you'll have to cross the bridge North-West from here and set up a defensive position. You cannot let the enemy through. I suggest that you pay attention to the weather, try advancing slowly, make sure you arrive at the bridge in one piece. I'll take my rifle squads with me and head eastwards to secure another bridgehead. Let's get to work, Sergeant! A 7. Lovasság egységei az Ia Drang folyó völgyében éppen megsemmisít? támadást mérnek a vietkong er?kre. Csapatait a t?zvonaltól Délre helyezzük ki, a feladata a hátország biztosítása egy védelmi vonal kiépítésével. Ehhez el?ször is át kell kelnie a hídon! Figyeljen az id?járási viszonyokra, ne haladjon túl er?ltetett menetben az embereivel, ossza be az erejüket! Amint felvette a kért pozíciót, nem engedheti meg, hogy az ellenség átjusson a hídon! Én az embereimmel a folyón egy lejjebb fekv? hidat biztosítok. Munkára, ?rmester! m4_1 x Lionsdale Ok, boys! Let’s find the location of this bridge. Stay sharp, this haze and rain could be very tricky. Fiúk, keressük meg a hidat. Tartsátok nyitva a szemetekez, az es? és köd könnyen megtréfálhat minket! m4_2 Lionsdale I think it's in our interest to find another way through this river. This VC unit seems pretty well protected. Jobban járunk, ha más átkel? után nézünk. Öngyilkosság ilyen védelmet szembetámadni! m4_3_1 x soldier There is no way that I’m gonna take a swim in these conditions! Én aztán nem úszok ilyen id?be', Uram! m4_3_4 x Lionsdale You’re here to obey my orders. Time is of utmost importance. Get moving!!! Fiú, te itt most az én parancsaimat teljesíted. Nincs kibúvó. Indulás! m4_3_5 x soldier Sir, yes, Sir! Igenis, Uram, máris! m4_4_1 x Whitemore effektezés!!! Sergeant this…can you hear me…weather trouble…find the mortar…I repeat…find…tar…secure it! ?rmester ez…veszi az adást…zavaros az id?…ágyút…ismétlem…találja…szerezze meg! m4_4_2 x Lionsdale Roger Whitemore, on our way to find the mortar. Vettem utam, úton vagyunk az aknavet? felé. m4_5 x Lionsdale I had First Lieutenant Whitemore on the radio, I only could decipher the words “find mortar” from his speech, I suggest we stick together and look for this mortar. "Katonák, Whitemore Hadnagy üzent nekünk: a vonal rossz volt, de ki tudtam venni az ""aknavet?"" szót. Valahol itt lehet a környéken, meg kell találnunk!" m4_6_1 x Jones (soldier) Corporal Jones of the 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Cavalry reporting, Sir. We couldn’t keep up with the others as our mortar misfired, so we decided to repair it. Then our forces have disappeared from sight, we lost radio-contact, too, Sir! I can’t tell you how happy we are, Sir, that you come to rescue us! Jones Tizedes a 7. Lovasság 1. Dandárjának 2. Egységéb?l jelentkezik, Uram. Az egységünk meghibásodott, megálltunk megszerelni, a csapataink azonban hátrahagytak bennünket és megszakadt velük a rádiókapcsolat is. Nem is tudja, Uram, mennyire boldogok vagyunk, hogy megtaláltak minket! m4_6_2 x Lionsdale I didn’t come to bring you home with me. I will request an evac for your unit, but first of all we must protect this bridge and prevent the VCs from crossing. I’ll need your help with this, soldier! Nem visszük haza Önöket, Uraim. Külön evakuálást kérek, de segítségre van szükségem. Meg kell védenünk a hidat, nem engedhetjük, hogy a vietkongok átjussanak a folyón! m4_6_3 x Jones (soldier) Understood, Sir. Awaiting further instructions. Értettem, Uram. Várom a további parancsot! m4_6_4 x Lionsdale Good. Once the bridge is secure, I’ll call in a Log Bird to pick you up. Nincsenek. Amint a hídf? biztonságban lesz, hívok egy madárkát. m4_8 x Lionsdale Good work, boys! Hold on while I radio Lieutenant Whitemore. Jól csináltátok, fiúk! Máris hívom Whitemore Hadnagyot. m4_9_1 x Lionsdale This is Sergeant Lionsdale from 13th Riflemen Squad, 2nd Platoon, 1st Cavalry reporting. We have saved the bridge and repelled the VC attack! Itt Lionsdale ?rmester az 1. Lovasság 2. Szakaszának 13. Gépfegyveres rajától. Megvédtük a hídf?t, visszavertük a vietkong támadást! m4_9_2 x Whitemore Then why don’t you start to move your ass to LZ X-Ray? On the double! Akkor miért nem indultak már el a Röntgen leszállóhoz? Futólépés! m4_9_3 x Lionsdale Order acknowledged. Lieutenant, we’ve found a mortar crew at coordinates 148,75-75,25 I suggest we send in a Log Bird for evac. Parancsot vettem, Hadnagy. Találtunk egy elhagyott aknavet?s egységet a 148,75-75,25ös koordinátán. Küldjön értük egy madárkát! m4_9_4 x Whitemore I'm on it Sergeant, don't worry. Máris, ?rmester, ne aggódjon. m4_10 x Lionsdale x These VCs have established a mortar squad somewhere we recently passed through. We'll have to smoke them out! A vietek felállítottak egy aknavet?t valahol a dombtet?n. Füstöljük ki ?ket! m4_11 x Lionsdale x We're done here with the VCs. OK men, get to the LZ! Ilyen a jól végzett munka, fiúk. Irány a leszállópálya! m5_brief_1 x Lionsdale Mission5 Listen to me soldiers! As you all know, a bomber pilot has been downed in the jungle nearby, probably due to mechanical failure. We need to find him quickly without alerting the enemy. According to my plan, I need Mitchells to infiltrate the woods and report back when he reaches the small farm marked on my map. Is that clear, Corporal? Figyeljenek ide, katonák! Mint tudják egy bombázógép, eddig ismeretlen okból lezuhant a közeli dzsungelben. Gyorsan meg kell találnunk a pilótát, miel?tt az ellenség találja meg ?t. Tervem szerint Mitchells átcsusszan az ellenséges vonalak között, egészen a térképen megjelölt kis faluig, majd helyzetjelentést ad. Felkészült, tizedes? m5_brief_2 x Mitchells Let me have a look at this. Mutassa azt a térképet! m5_brief_3 x Mitchells Bingo Huhh. m5_brief_4 x Lionsdale If anything goes wrong, run for your life, soldier, or run back here, we can take care of you if you get back in one piece. Ha veszélybe kerül, fusson az életéért, katona, mi itt várjuk és megszabadítjuk az üldöz?it?l. m5_brief_5 x Mitchells If I can have my say on this, Sarge, I am a professional and can handle myself. Ha lehet egy megjegyzésem, Uram... Profi vagyok, tudok magamra vigyázni. m5_brief_6 x Lionsdale Then let’s move out! Akkor induljon! m5_3_1 x Mitchells I'm in place. I see a farm and a guy in the doorway. What should I do? A helyemen vagyok. Egy civilt látok, mit tegyek? m5_3_2 x Lionsdale Stay focused and get over to him, try to get some information out of him. Could he be a VC-soldier? Óvatosan menjen oda hozzá és beszéljen vele, esetleg tud valamit. Lehet, hogy ez csapda? m5_3_3 x Mitchells Not a chance, I can smell VCs from a mile off. On my way! Kizárt, egy mérföldr?l megérzem a viet-szagot. m5_4_1 x vietnamese man speech in vietnamese language Hello, man. I saw a big plane in flame falling from sky. I was there, but I got sent away and told I'd be shot if I returned. They're still looking for pilot. Helló, amerikai. Láttam zuhanni nagy gép. Odamentem, de elküldtek, mondták l?nek, ha visszamegyek. Keresik a pilóta. m5_4_2 x Mitchells Could you help me? Tud még valamit? m5_4_3 x vietnamese man speech in vietnamese language Take my word for it stranger, don't get too close to road as there's traps everywhere and VCs who wouldn't think twice about shooting one of their own. They're guarding the plane! Listen, there is a swamp south of this road. The other American must be lying low there. Go with peace, friend. Hallgass rám, idegen, ne menj úton, tele csapda és katona, akik lel? mindenkit, még engem is. A repül?t ?rizik! Van egy mocsár út túloldalán. Másik amerikai ott bújhat. Menj békével, barátom. m5_4_4 x Mitchells Many thanks to you! Köszönöm a segítséget! m5_4_5 x Mitchells Sir, I'm beginning phase two of the operation, I can locate the man down thanks to that Vietnamese guy. Uram, indul a kettes fázis! Most már megtaláljuk az emberünket, ez a fickó segített nekünk! m5_4_6 x Lionsdale Go on then Corporal, if you think you've got everything under control. Folytassa, tizedes, ha úgy látja, hogy képes megcsinálni. m5_5_1 x Mitchells Don't worry, I can handle myself. Nem ügy, elintézem egyedül. m5_5_2 x Pilot2 Oh…the pain, I can hardly see…I'm Stephen Youngblood from the 2nd Division of…oh, damn it…we took enemy fire and they got us…the engine caught fire…I had to eject…co-pilot went down with the plane…I need medical assistance…I’ve managed to get by for two days here…without a bite to eat and with these VCs on the lookout for me, get me out of here! Did you ever spend a night in the jungle?!! Ó…ez a fájdalom, alig látok…Stephen Youngblood vagyok a 2. Rajból…a fenébe is…t?z alá vettek minket…találat érte a gépet…az egyik motor kigyulladt…katapultáltam… a gép lezuhant... orvosra van szükségem… nem ettem már vagy két napja... és ezek a vietek mind rám vadásznak! Töltött már éjszakát egyedül a dzsungelben?! m5_5_3 x Mitchells Easy, man. Take the pain and shut your mouth, or you're gonna be rotting ant food in no time, you hear me? Nyugi, fiú. Viseld el a fájdalmakat és csukd be a szádat, különben hangyakaja lesz bel?led, értetted? m5_5_4 x Mitchells Sergeant, Corporal Mitchells here, I've found the package, but I need help getting it back. ?rmester, itt Mitchells Tizedes, a csomagot megtaláltam, de kell egy kis segítség, hogy visszavigyem. m5_5_5 x Lionsdale I’ve copied that, Corporal. Wait there until packer arrives. Vettem, Tizedes. Tartsa pozícióját! m5_6_1 x Lionsdale This is Sergeant Lionsdale. The pilot is wounded and we need a medical officer as well as some backup. Send them to LZ Havoc, fast. Over. Itt Lionsdale ?rmester. A pilóta súlyos sebesült, orvosi segítségre és er?sítésre van szükségem. Küldjék ?ket a leszállópályára. Vége. m5_6_2 x HQ radiovoice x Copy that, you’ll have them soon, be on the lookout for a Log Bird. Üzenetét vettük, a madárka úton van, hamarosan megérkezik. m5_7_1 x Lionsdale I'm Sergeant Lionsdale here. Good to have all of you here, but we'd better get going right now! Uraim, Lionsdale ?rmester vagyok, örülök, hogy velünk tartanak, de most legjobb, ha azonnal indulunk! m5_7_2 x Petty I’m Medical Officer Petty, Isaac of the 7th Infantry. Nice to… Petty orvosi tiszt vagyok a 7. Gyalogságtól. Részemr?l a… m5_8_1 x Lionsdale Officer Petty will go to your rescue, Mitchells. Hold your position! Mitchells, Petty hadnagyot visszük magukhoz. Tartsa a helyzetét! m5_8_2 x Mitchells Not planning to move, Sir. Pilot cannot. Nem mozdulunk, Uram. A pilóta mozgásképtelen. m5_9_1 x Petty Ok, now lie down so I can see the damage, boy. It looks pretty nasty, I'll have to clear this up. Hold your breath, boy! Fiam, feküdjön le a földre, hadd nézzem azt a sebet. Ez bizony csúnya, ki kell tisztítanom. Szorítsa össze a fogát! m5_9_2 x Pilot2 Aaaah! My god, what're you doin' to me?!! Á! Atyavilág, mit csinál velem?! m5_9_3 x Petty We’re almost done. Ok, sterilized and stitched. That was one hell of a gash on your hip. I’ll just bandage you up and we're set.” (a few moments later) “There you go, boy. Már majdnem kész. Sterilizálva és bekötözve. Ez aztán lyuk volt az oldalán fiam! Kész csoda, hogy még él. Meg is volnánk. m5_10_1 x Pilot2 Stephen Youngblood reporting, Sir. My plane was shot down by the VCs before we could release our load. It's possible that these soldiers are guarding the plane waiting for a truck or for sappers because the bombs are still intact – as they weren't prime for dropping, they could've survived the crash. In any case, Sir, WE MUST go there, inspect the site, retrieve the bombs which didn’t go off on impact. Stephen Youngblood jelentkezik, Uram. A gépemet lel?tték, miel?tt a célpontot támadhattuk volna. Most katonák ?rzik a roncsot, várnak az utászaikra, hogy megszerezzék a bombákat - csodával határos módon ugyanis nem robbantak föl a becsapódáskor. Uram, MINDENKÉPPEN értük kell mennün! Hatástalanítanunk kell az épen maradt szerkezeteket. m5_13_1 x Lionsdale Sergeant Lionsdale here at LZ Havoc, requesting evac. We have the pilot secured from the Thud reckage. Over. Lionsdale ?rmester a leszállópályáról jelentkezik. Evakuálást kérek, ismétlem: evakuálást kérek! Velünk van a pilóta is. Vége. m5_13_2 x HQ radiovoice x Stay calm, the choppers are on their way. Twenty minutes and you’ll be outta there. Over. Nyugalom, ?rmester, a madár már úton van. 20 perc és kihozzuk magukat onnan. m6_brief x x Whitemore Mission6 Now listen up, boys! Recent heavy air and artillery attacks have been targeting this region, so we might find some installations around. We gotta check out the whole area for enemy activity and find the rice they stole from the village. Be very careful. If we encounter heavy enemy resistance, we'll call in an airstrike. Any questions? (silence) Good! Now, let’s get going! Figyelem, fiaim! Nemrég tüzérségi és légi támadást mértünk erre a területre, de az ellenséget mégsem sikerült kifüstölnünk. Éppen ezért nagyon körültekint? akciót kell vezetnünk. Bármilyen gond esetén légitámadást hívunk segítségül! Van valakinek kérdése? Rendben! Akkor induljunk! m6_1_1a x x Soldier That's just great! Hope they don’t have any more. A francba, remélem, nincs több ilyen! m6_1_1b x x Soldier Medic! Orvost ide! m6_2_3 x x OBrady They obviously knew we were coming. A vietek tudták, hogy jönni fogunk. m6_3 x x Petty Lieutenant Whitemore, this kid ready to get back to some serious VC-ass-kicking! Hadnagy úr, az utászom már jól van. Készen áll a vietek seggberúgására! m6_4_1 x x Whitemore Stop it, boys! Menet állj! m6_5 x x Whitemore x Men, it seems that these installations are well defended. It think we should call in an artillery strike! Ahogy nézem, ezeket az épületeket masszív védelemmel vették körbe. Itt az id? légicsapást kérni! m6_6_1 x x Lionsdale x Lieutenant, the bunkers are empty, there is no trace of any rice inside. What should we do next? Hadnagy, a bunkerek üresek, egy deka rizst sem találtunk. Most mit tegyünk? m6_6_2 x Whitemore x It’s too late now to get back to LZ 83J, start preparing a camp for the night and tomorrow… Kés?re jár, már nem mehetünk vissza a 83J leszállóhoz, muszáj az erd?ben töltenünk az éjsz… m6_7_1 x Petty x Stay calm Lieutenant and listen to me! Try to relax and… Nyugalom, Hadnagy és figyeljen rám! Lazítsa el magát… m6_7_2 x Whitemore x I’m so tired now. All I want is…to sleep. Give me a break…let me sleep. Nagyon fáradt vagyok. Hagyjanak…aludni. Engedjenek …pihenni. m6_7_3 x Petty x Stay with me, Lieutenant, wake up, you can’t sleep, keep your eyes open. Speak to me! Maradjon velünk, Hadnagy, most nem aludhat! Tartsa nyitva a szemét. Beszéljen hozzám! m6_7_4 x Whitemore x I…just don’t have enough…everything's fading…it's so dark…I’ll get some sleep…tomorrow we’ll clear out those VCs…sleep… Én…képtelen vagyok…minden homályos…sötét…aludnom kell…holnap lecsapunk a vietkongokra…aludnom… m6_8 x Lionsdale x We've gotta find out where those VCs came from! Maybe underground, let's look for a tunnel! Meg kell találnunk, honnan l?nek ránk a vietkongok! Kutassanak egy rókalyuk után! m6_9_1 x Lionsdale x Now, smoke’em out! Füstöljék ki ?ket! m6_9_2 x soldier Fire in the hole! Fedezékbe! m6_9_3 x soldier Fire in the hole! Fedezékbe! m6_10_1 x Lionsdale Sergeant Lionsdale speaking. We’ve lost our Lieutenant due to an unexpected firefight and we're stranded in the jungle. We haven’t found any rice and its getting dark. What are our orders? Központ, itt Lionsdale ?rmester. A hadnagyot elvesztettük, hátbatámadtak minket és most a dzsungelban rekedtünk. Nem találtuk meg az ellopott rizst és ránk sötétedett. Mi a parancs? m6_10_2 x HQ radiovoice Stay where you are, men! We're running with Plan ‘B’. You'll be going side-by side with our South-Vietnamese allies: they’re sending in two rifle squads and you'll meet up with them at Waypoint3. We'll also send in a Log Bird with a squad to the same location. Contact is set for O-300. Stay under cover and get some sleep! Maradjanak, ahol vannak! Innent?l belép a 'B' terv. A dél-vietnámi szövetségeseink segítségével fognak tovább haladni: két gépfegyveres osztagot küldenek, a 3as Pontnál kell velük találkozniuk. Odaküldünk egy madarat is. A találkozó id?pontja hajnali 3 óra. Rejt?zzenek el és próbáljanak aludni egy keveset! m7_1 x Lionsdale Mission7 Alright everyone, load up! We need to move out quickly and silently. We’ll meet up with an ARVN troop and a backup US-Team. I hope they are both aware of the other's presence! Figyelem emberek! Gyorsan és csendben kell tovább indulnunk, találkozni fogunk az ARVN és az amerikai er?sítéssel is. Remélem, ?k is tudnak a mi érkezésünkr?l! m7_2_2 x soldier Corporal Davids, Sir. I'm heading the riflemen squad. Davids Tizedes, Uram. Én vezetem ezt a osztagot. m7_2_3 x Lionsdale Very good, men. Haven’t you seen any ARVN troops yet? Nagyszer?, fiúk. Nem láttak errefelé ARVN katonákat? m7_2_4 x soldier We’re aware of their arrival, but no. Tudunk érkezésükr?l, de még nem. m7_2_5 x arvn_leader speaks very bad english with an accent Hello, Commander. Me is Yang-Ho Tsaiang, I lead my men. Need to go, now. Follow us until we stop, then we shall speak again. Üdv Parancsnok. Én Li-Hu Yuen, vezetem az embereim. Mennünk kell. Kövessen amíg meg nem állunk, ott majd beszélünk. m7_4_1 x arvn_leader speaks very bad english with an accent Listen, American. This is when we separate. We go to keep enemy platoon busy, you go find bunkers and destroy if you can. There you find rice. Luck be with you! Figyelj, amerikai. Itt most elválunk. Lefoglaljuk az ellenséges szakasz, menj, találd meg a bunkereket és rombold le. Ott lesz a rizs, sok rizs. Járj szerencsével! m7_4_2 x Lionsdale Now that was the most interesting conversation of my whole life. Ez volt egész életem legérdekesebb beszélgetése. m7_6a x Lionsdale HQ told us an airstrike was available. Let take advantage of their generosity! Kérjünk légitámogatást a f?hadiszállástól! m7_6b x Lionsdale Good, the first building is in sight. Time for some pretty fireworks! Az els? bunkert már látom. Itt az id? egy kis t?zijátékra! m7_7_2 x Lionsdale Right, Sir. Now let's see what we can do with this rice… Rendben, nézzük, mit kezdhetünk ezzel a rengeteg rizzsel… m7_8_1 x Lionsdale This is Sergeant Lionsdale. We’re done here at Hill534, we’re waiting for evac. Send in a LogBird to the LZ… Itt Lionsdale ?rmester. Végeztünk az 534-es Domb körzetében, várjuk az evakuálást. Küldjék a madárkát a leszállópályára… m7_8_2 x HQ radiovoice Wait, Sergeant. We’ve just received word from our ARVN-friends. You need to find the troops you encountered. Over and out! Várjon, ?rmester. Hírt kaptunk az ARVN szövetségeseinkt?l. Keressék m?ket! Vége! m7_8_3 x Lionsdale What the heck? Hello? Do you hear me??? Ahh…this damn radio is screwed. Now, let’s get movin’! Micsoda? Halló? Hallanak engem??? A francba, tönkrement a rádió. Fiúk, mozgás! m7_9_2 x Lionsdale After him, catch him, boys! Utána, kapjátok el! m7_10 x Lionsdale This was another trap, an old VC lure-tactic and I didn't even realise. Let’s clear this place and check these ARVN bodies to see if we can find anything out. Megint átvertek minket ezzel a szemét gerillataktikával! Tisztítsuk meg ezt a helyet és kutassuk át az ARVN katonákat, hátha találunk náluk valamit. m7_12_1 x Petty Looks like we’ve found something, Sarge. It's written in Vietnamese, but is obviously very important. Találtunk valamit, ?rmester! Vietnámi nyelven van, nem értem, de szerintem nagyon fontos lehet. m7_12_2 x Lionsdale Well, then, it is time to make our call. Akkor most rádiózni fogunk. m7_12_3 x Lionsdale HQ, Sergeant Lionsdale reporting, we are waiting for evac, we found the ARVN, all dead, but we picked up some kind of a map. Központ, itt Lionsdale ?rmester, megtaláltuk az ARVN csapatot, mindenkit megöltek, de találtunk náluk valamiféle térképet. m7_12_4 x HQ radiovoice Get your men to LZ J38, it is about 1 hour west of Hill534, choppers will pick you up. Menjenek a J38as leszállóhoz, kb. egy órányira keleti irányba az 534es Dombtól, ott felvesszük magukat. m7_13 x Lionsdale All right, men, let's cut this jungle down to size! Fiúk, szedjétek a lábatokat! m8_brief_1 x Lionsdale Mission8 This route was mined a week ago, to stop US-convoys from getting through to the nearby bridge. Camp Namara's ammo is running low. We'll run a sweep-op near lake Tra-O. I expect my engineer unit to give a serious helping hand on this one. Providing covering fire, we'll have this M113 armoured personal carrier (APC) behind me at our disposal. I’m counting on our sniper, Sergeant Juego-Boyas as well. Ezt az utat egy hete aknázták alá. Meg akarták akadályozni hogy a konvojaink keresztüljussanak a hídon. A Namara tábor készletei rohamosan fogynak, meg kell tisztítanunk a Tra-O tó környékét. Az utász egységé lesz a f?szerep, a biztosításért pedig a páncélozott M113 csapatszállító felel. Ráadásként pedig a csapattal tart Juego-Boyas ?rmester is, ? lesz a mesterlövészünk. m8_brief_2 x Pablo Sir, everybody calls me Pablo. It makes life easier. Uram, engem emlegetnek, mint Pablo. Ön miért tenne kivételt? m8_brief_3 x Lionsdale Alright, Sarge. We haven’t got a clue about the enemy’s position in the area, so we'd better get moving before we hit any trouble! Nem teszek. Az ellenség pontos pozícióiról nincsenek információink. Jobban tesszük, ha már most útnak indulunk, miel?tt meglepnének! m8_1 x Lionsdale x Nice work! We’re almost done here. We need to locate the other mines and then radio back to our convoy. Szép munka! Már nincs sok hátra. Meg kell találnunk a többi aknátés rádióznunk kell a konvojnak. m8_2 x Lionsdale Did everybody see thoseVCs? They are the ones laying all these mines. Safeties off men! We must clear this road. Látta valaki azokat a vietkongokat? ?k rakták le az aknákat, meg kell t?lük tisztítani az utat! m8_8_1 x OBrady Psst, Sir, come here quick. Psszt, Uram, jöjjön ide! m8_8_2 x OBrady I see something, wires, laying across the bridge. This means two things: first, the bridge is loaded with explosives and second: whoever did this didn’t hear our little fight. A hídról vezetékek lógnak. Fel akarják robbantani, de szerencsére nem hallották meg lövöldözésünket, mert akkor már a leveg?be repítették volna. m8_8_3 x Lionsdale That means we need to get’em before they get a chance to blow the bridge. Végeznünk kell velük, miel?tt feleszmélhetnének és a híd romba d?lne. m8_8_4 x OBrady Exactly, Sir. We must proceed with extreme caution! Pontosan, Uram. Meg kell ?ket rohamoznunk! m8_9 x Lionsdale Phew. That was close. You disarmed the explosives on the bridge. Tyíha. Ez meredek volt, de sikerült hatástalanítani a robbanószerkezetet. m8_10_1 x OBrady Sir, the bridge is safe. No way these VC could get the better of us! Uram, a híd biztonságban van. Nehogy már ezek a ferdeszm?ek kifogjanak rajtunk! m8_10_2 x Lionsdale Sarge, hold your tongue. Try to keep control of your anger! We’ve got a job to do. ?rmester, vigyázzon a nyelvére! Ne becsülje le ?ket! Menjen dolgára. m8_11 x Lionsdale Lieutenant Lionsdale here. Get your engines running and roll these little babies! Itt Lionsdale Hadnagy. Indítsák be motorjaikat és induljanak el Namara felé! m8_12 x truck driver Mayday-mayday! We've come under attack! We need assistance, we’re defenceless! Segítség, segítség! Megtámadtak! Védtelenek vagyunk, mentsenek meg minket! m8_14 x HQ radiovoice Lieutenant, don’t waste any more time out there! We’ve received disturbing news. Hurry back to your trucks and get to camp ASAP! A new mission awaits you and your men! Hadnagy, ne vesztegesse az idejét! Nyugtalanító híreket kaptunk. Menjen vissza azonnal a teherautókhoz és jöjjenek vissza a táborba! Új küldetés vár Önre és embereire! m9_brief_1 x x Mitchells Mission9 Listen up, Lieutenant. This is how it's gonna go: I know the number of VCs out there. We need quick silent action. I'll go and you can wait here for my signal. Figyeljen rám, Hadnagy. A következ?r?l van szó: ismerem az ellenség pozícióját. Gyorsan és csendben kell lépnünk. Én el?remegyek, maguk pedig várjanak a jelzésemre. m9_brief_2 x x Lionsdale Sergeant, I can’t let you go in alone even if my men are so tired that they can hardly stand! ?rmester, semmi szín alatt nem engedhetem, hogy egyedül hajtsa végre ezt az akciót! m9_brief_3 x x Mitchells Listen, man. I'm responsible for this operation, I hide, you wait. Figyeljen ide, a helyzetért engem terhel a felel?sség. m9_2 x x Mitchells No good, we'll have to find another way. Ez igaz, de nem Ön dönti el, hogy mit csinál. m9_3 x x Mitchells This must be it, I'm going. Ebb?l elég, én most mentem… m9_4_1a x x Mitchells Psst. Not a word. Stay calm and not move. Pssz, egy szót sem. Nyugalom, ne mozduljanak. m9_4_2a x x Mitchells I'm ready, but you have to come. These men are so tired they can’t move. Készen állok, jöhetnek. Ezek a szerencsétlenek mozdulni sem tudnak a fáradtságtól. m9_4_3 x x Lionsdale Coming to get you out! Megyünk és kimentjük ?ket! m9_4_5 x x Lionsdale Lt. Lionsdale here, requesting backup! The VCs are swarming here, send me something very heavy to hit'em with. Over! Lionsdale Hadnagy er?sítést kér! A körzet hemzseg a vietkongoktól, küldjenek ide valamit, nagy t?zer?re van szükségünk! Vége. m9_4_6 x x HQ radiovoice Acknowledged. Reinforcements are ready’n’rollin’out! They are HEAVY, believe me! Vettem az üzenetét. Az er?sítést azonnal küldjük. NAGY t?zereje van, azt elhiheti! m9_6_1 x x Lionsdale Soldiers, get into these vehicles, we’ll try and get you back to the Camp. Szálljanak be a járm?vekbe, visszavisszük Önöket a bázisra. m9_6_2 x x Lionsdale And let's get the hell out of here! Húzzunk el innen, de gyorsan! m9_8 x x Mitchells Me God. Tank is here. Bad, very bad. Atyavilág, egy tank...! m9_9_1 x x Willis Lieutenant Willis reporting, Sir! We’ve just arrived in the area, we are awaiting your orders. Willis Hadnagy jelentkezik, Uram! Most érkeztünk a körzetbe, várjuk a parancsait. m9_9_2 x x Lionsdale Thanks, Lieutenant. We need to get ourselves in position before the enemy gets here! Már vártuk, Hadnagy. T?rbe kell csalnunk az ellenfelet, szemt?l szemben nem sok esélyünk lenne! m9_10_1 x x Willis That’s what I call action! This was as fun as watching a Saturday night ball game on the cable! Yiiiihhaa!!! Ez aztán az izgalom! Legalább annyira felment t?le az adrenalin-szintem, mint amikor a Superbowl-t dönt?t néztem! Yiiiihaaa! m9_10_2 x x Lionsdale Yeh, that was pretty impressive stuff, but the whole VC army must be on our heels. It was good to see you again, Lieutenant, but for now let’s just get away from here! Meggy?z? demonstráció volt, de most aztán t?njünk el innnen, miel?tt az egész vietkong hadsereg a nyakunkba szakad! Emberek, nyomás! m10_brief_1 x Lionsdale Mission10 Lt. Lionsdale here, 5th Platoon of the 1st Cavalry. We still cannot see the panzers, where are they? m10_brief_2 x HQ radiovoice It was pretty crazy on the way here, Sir. We were attacked by some T54s, we’ve lost two tanks and several men. Another one broke down further on its way. So, the only tank that is still rolling, is at about 10kms from LZ Bong III. We strongly suggest that you scout around the area before its arrival! m10_brief_3 x Lionsdale You’re telling me that only one tank will be used on this mission??? m10_brief_4 x HQ radiovoice Yes, Lieutenant. But believe me, it is still better than nothing. Now you know your orders, it is the time you execute them! m10_brief_5 x Lionsdale Boys, we must move out towards the village. But make it quick and remain quiet as we're on our own! m10_brief_6 x Petty This is seriousl. We cannot afford to loose anybody! m10_1 x Lionsdale Soldiers, we'll take the dirt road. The stream looks ok but we'll drown in 5 minutes going through that swamp. At least using the road we should be able to take advantage of our full firepower. m10_2 x soldier Did you hear what Lt. Lionsdale's orders? Good. m10_3_1 x Petty So, what do we have here? A Vietnamese peasant with a cart. Don’t you find that strange, Officer? m10_3_2 x Petty Yeh, the way I heard it, the villagers ran for their lives from here almost ten days ago…I think there's more to this man than meets the eye. m10_3_3 x Petty Let’s bring down this guy's mask, he's obviously not armed. When I was in the academy, the boys taught ma a trick to expose undercover military agents. I suggest your men form a row, everybody hold their weapons visible. Then, we just walk at him, slowy. I think that'll get a reaction. m10_3_4 x soldier Oh, the bastard. He hit me. I’m wounded! Medic! m10_3_5 x Lionsdale Get after him, now! m10_4a x soldier Ok, then, but we must get back to Lt. Lionsdale. Charlie could still be close… m10_4b x Lionsdale Damn! He disappeared! I’m sure he was a scout. We'd better get ready for a VC onslaught! m10_5_1 x Willis Lt. Willis here, madde it to the LZ. m10_5_2 x Lionsdale Jolly good, I’ll send some troops to pick you up. Hold tight! m10_5_3 x Willis Acknowledged. m10_6 x Lionsdale Now, then: I want my scout team to move out and search for enemy installations. We’ve got an airstrike available too and I want to use it as effectively as possible! m10_7 x pilot2 Roger that. We’re flying over the target. Just sit tight, the napalm is on its way! m10_8 x Lionsdale Now then, in we go: let Willis do the dirty work and stay under the cover of his tank. Shoot until Charlie moves! m10_9a x soldier Damn it! They've got a tank too! They attacked from behind. Requesting backup! m10_9b x soldier That's just great! Tanks were'nt mentioned in the reports…hope they don’t have any more. m10_10 x Lionsdale I think that was the last of’em. Let’s check this place out, see if we can't pick up something of interest. m10_11_1 x Lionsdale Perfect! We discover a tunnel and we don’t even have a specialist like Mitchells around to check it out inside. m10_11_2 x Petty If I may, Lt., I’ve received some training in this area, in Fontana, how to investigate this sorta thing. m10_11_3 x Lionsdale Your suggesting I let you down there? Our Platoon can't afford that. You're our only medical officer? m10_11_4 x Petty You have any better ideas, Lt? m10_11_5 x Lionsdale No, not really, but I can’t let you go down there. I’ll go. m10_11_6 x soldier But Lt., you can't! What if a trap explodes and you… m10_11_7 x Lionsdale Then you’ll lead the men back to the camp! This debate is over, I’m going in. You wait outside! m10_11_8 x Petty No, I can't believe it. I’m going in to look for him. Everybody else stay out! m10_11_9 x Petty Don’t disturb me! m10_11_10 x Petty He’s breathing, thank God he wore his helmet. I cannot see any injuries to the body. The blast must have knocked him out. Lieutenant, wake up! m10_11_11 x Lionsdale Oh. Where am I? Oooh. My hand. m10_11_12 x Lionsdale I found a desk with some documents in it. I took them out then shut the drawer. It gave a loud click. I got outta there quick. Phew! We need to get back to the LZ, men! m10_12 x Petty No, no. He’ll be alright, it's just the after-effect from the blast! m10_13_1 x Lionsdale That was first class yet again, Lieutenant Willis. Glad to having you fighting on our side. God bless you! m10_13_2 x Willis Thanks, Lt., it was my duty to help you out, but I did it for the commitment I saw you in your eyes back at the Lake Tra-O! Take care of yourself. m10_14 log message One of your principal characters died. Game Over m11_brief x Lionsdale Mission11 Let’s find this path leading to the hills, fast. It will be to the North-West of here. When we arrive at our destination point I’ll alert our mortar and gun crews to follow us up in the hills. Meg kell találnunk a hegyekbe vezet? utat! Innen Észak-Nyugatra fekszik. Ha megérkezünk a célponthoz, rádión értesítem a nehéztüzérséget, hogy jöjjenek utánunk. m11_1 x soldier Lieutenant, this way! This might be the pass we’re looking for. Let’s check. Hadnagy Úr, ide jöjjön ! Ez az az út, amit kerestünk. Itt kell elfordulnunk! m11_2 x Lionsdale It isn't. It's a dead end. Next time, wait for my instructions before you do anything, ok? Good, now into the saddle! Ez egy zsákutca... Legközelebb engedje meg, hogy én döntsem el, hogy mit csinálunk, jó? Uraim, visszafordulunk! m11_3 x OBrady I hear the distinctive noise of diesel engines! Get under cover! Dízelmotorok hangját hallom! Mindenki fedezékbe! m11_5 x Lionsdale We should watch our step. We’re approaching our destination. Nézzenek a lábuk elé, közeledünk a célponthoz. m11_7 x Lionsdale Good, now let’s form two separate groups and occupy both sides of the hill! Két külön csapatot kell alkotnunk, hogy a szoros mindkét oldalát el tudjuk foglalni. m11_8_1 x Lionsdale Lt. Lionsdale speaking, we’ve taken our positions. You’re safe on your way here. Over! Lionsdale Hadnagy vagyok, pozícióban. Jöhetnek az embereik, az utat biztosítjuk. Vége! m11_8_2 x soldier Good, Roger, over and out! Üzenetet vettem. Vége. m11_9_2 x soldier No problem, Lt. We’ll give these Charlie a warm hug! Semmi gond, Hadnagy. Szívélyes fogadtatásban részesítjük ?ket! m11_10 x soldier Let your fire fall from the sky, boys! Hulljon az égi áldás, fiúk! m11_12_1 x Lionsdale Yesss! We’ve showed them. It is time to call HQ. Ez az! Megmutattuk nekik... Hívom a központot. m11_12_2 x Lionsdale Lt. Lionsdale here, the mission was a success, all enemy vehicles have been destroyed! How's our evac coming on? Lionsdale Hadnagy jelentkezik, a küldetést sikerrel teljesítettük, az ellenséget visszavertük. Mikorra várhatjuk a madárkát? m11_12_3 x HQ radiovoice Everything is in order, the Chinooks are on their way… Minden a legnagyobb rendben, Uram... m12_brief x Lionsdale Mission12 The NVA and VC forces are planning an attack together against the City of Hue. They must be positioned somewhere down there in the side of the road and the shrine! We must locate them and carry out a clean-up operation! You all know, what to do! Az észak-vietnámi és vietkong csapatok együttest támadást terveznek Hue városa ellen. A városba vezet? út mellett van egy szentély, valószín?, hogy a gerillák oda vették be magukat. Ki kell füstölnünk ?ket onnan! Mindenki tudja a dolgát: indulás! m12_1a x Pablo Muchachos are attacking us, engage them! Muchachok nekünk rontottak! Támadás! m12_1b x Pablo These are bad men indeed, let me show them the way. Chiquita! Ezek aztán rosszfiúk, majd megmutatom nekik én! Chiquita! m12_3a x Lionsdale Lead is flying out there, get to cover, now! Mindenki fedezékbe! Mozgás! m12_7 x Lionsdale Excellent work, boys. We need to have a look inside, so buckle up, engineers! Az objektumot át kell kutatnunk, készüljön föl az utász egység. m12_8_1 x OBrady This ain’t pretty what is inside. This whole affair is crawling with traps, we can’t even get down to the underground level. I suggest that we blow it up! For this, we’ll need more satchels, Lt. Nem valami bíztató... Telis-tele van csapdával, még a földalatti járatba sem tudtam lejutni. Fel kell robbantanunk! Hadnagy, ehhez robbanószerre van szükségünk. m12_8_2 x Lionsdale It's a sacred place which stood here for centuries, I have a very bad feeling about this. Why should we blow up such a place? Ez a szent hely évszádokon keresztül állt itt, kihívnánk magunk ellen a sorsot…miért robbantanánk fel ezt a szentélyt? m12_10_1 x OBrady This place is full of booby traps, we don’t need time to think, Lt. Blow up everything here and burn them down to ashes! Ez a kóceráj dugig van robbanóanyaggal, nincs mit átgondolnunk! Robbantsuk fel vagy égessük porig, bánom is én! Ezek a vietek meg?rültek!!! m12_10_2 x Lionsdale Hey-hey! Calm down, soldier. Relax! Let me find a solution. Csigavér! Lazítson, katona! Mindjárt kitalálok valamit. m12_10_3 x Lionsdale Lt. Lionsdale reporting. Charlie is no longer a threat in the area but they’ve trapped everything, even the old shrine with explosives! I won’t let my men to risk their lives to disarm them but I'm short of satchels for blowing them up. I’m waiting for your orders. Lionsdale Hadnagy vagyok. Az ellenséget felszámoltuk, de minden, ismétlem minden épület életveszélyes: igazi id?zített bomba! Nem fogom az embereim életét veszélybe sodorni azzal, hogy megpróbáljuk ?ket hatástalanítani. Engedélyt kérek a felrobbantásukra! m12_10_4 x HQ radiovoice Hold on a second while the brise discusses the situation! Tartsa a vonalat, amíg megbeszéljük a helyzetet! m12_10_6 x HQ radiovoice We’ve sent out two Chinooks, they carry satchel charges. We cannot let the enemy take back these positions, as it is most likely they’ve hidden something deep in the shrine. They will land North of the shrine in about 30 minutes from now. You know what to do, Lt. Over and out. Két Chinook-ot küldtem ki, robbanóanyagot szállítanak. Nem engedhetjük, hogy az ellenség visszafoglalja a pozíciókat, mert valószín?, hogy elrejtettek valamit. A madarak a szentélyt?l Északra érnek földet, mintegy 30 perc múlva. Tegye a dolgát, Hadnagy. Vége. m12_10_7 x Lionsdale We have to blow this place to kingdom come. The Chinooks will provide new satchel charges. We better get moving to the North. Fel kell robbantanunk ezt az egész kócerájt. A madarak hozzák a robbanószert. Induljunk el és vegyük ?ket magunkhoz! m12_11_1 x pilot3 We’re steady here, Sir. Get back to us when ready. Megjöttünk, Uram. Szóljon, ha készen áll. m12_11_3 x Lionsdale Do it boys! It is against my ideas and maybe we're making a mistake… Akció indul! Azt hiszem, nagy hibát követünk el… m12_13_1 x Obrady Sir, we’re set to blow this old lady. Now, onto you. Uram, készen állunk az öreg hölgy mennybe repítésére. Nos? m12_14_1 Lionsdale Let’s hope that this old lady will leave us alive! m12_14_2 x Lionsdale Run! Run for your life!!! Futás! Fussunk az életükért!!! m12_15_1 x Lionsdale How should I say? It was… Úristen... Ezt nem kellett volna. m12_15_2 x Pablo machito go bananas! Ez volt machito bananas! m12_15_3 x soldier Did you hear this sound too, Lt.? Hadnagy, Ön is hallja ezt a hangot? m12_15_4 x Lionsdale There’s no doubt about it, these are tanks. The US Army doesn’t have any divisions in this vicinity…to the Chinooks, fast! Nincs kétségem afel?l, hogy ezek tankok. Az amerikai hadsereg nem rendelkezik páncélos hadtestekkel a körzetben…a gépekhez! m12_15_5 x Lionsdale Armoured units, leave the area to the North, via the road. Roll it! A csapatszállítók, Észak felé hagyják el a körzetet! Adjanak gázt! m12_platoon1 x soldier Sir, we must help him out! We must rescue him from these VCs! Uram, meg kell ?t mentenünk! Ki kell húznunk ?t a vietek karmaiból! m12_platoon3 x soldier His down, they shot him down, we need to do something, Lieutenant! Elesett! Elesett, többször megl?tték, tennünk kell valamit, Hadnagy. m12_platoon4 x Lionsdale Men, I know this is hard to accept, but… Katonák, tudom, hogy nehéz elfogadni, de… m12_platoon5 x soldier He’s getting back up and still runs for his life. We must eliminate these VCs! Újra felkelt! Ismét futni kezd, fut az életéért. Le kell l?nünk az üldöz?it! m12_platoon6 x Lionsdale No. We are on our way to the base…I’m sorry, boys! Nem. Útban vagyunk a bázis felé…sajnálom, fiaim! m13_brief x Lionsdale Mission13 Soldiers, we all know that this mission would be something none of us ever witnessed. But I think, that we’re strong enough in our spirits to do this. Yes, I even sense the American Nation’s spirit behind us! We will be their guiding light, too! m13_1 x Lionsdale We need to establish contact with the ARVN. Don’t waste our time! m13_2_1 x ARVN leader speaks very bad english with an accent Good to see you, American. We wait long time, now we must attack. They hide in North, we go there and shot them. m13_2_2 x Lionsdale Nice to have you with us, let’s get these men! m13_2_3 x ARVN leader speaks very bad english with an accent There are bridges, but too dangerous. We know other way to the left of bridge where you safe. We go now. m13_3 x Lionsdale The first part seems to be clear, we should proceed, but I shall take into consideration what our friend said. m13_4 x Petty Well, speaking of purity in this town, and its neatness regulations, I guess it would be wiser to remain silent as a tuna fish. m13_5 x soldier This is a situation we’ve got here, this iron monster may pose some problems. m13_6 x soldier Good Lord, and they have quite a firepower here. m13_7 x soldier Well, this doesn’t suppose to be here, does it? m13_8 x Lionsdale Some could say that this battle raged like waves of a raging ocean. But we won, and that is what counts! Let’s get on with the mission, we need to demolish their main building. m13_9 x Lionsdale Taking fire! Let’s rip them to dust! m13_10 x Lionsdale This house isn’t haunted with spirits, but it must have an underground tunnel! Got to get to business, lads before others appear! m13_11 x Willis Pretty solid, was it? Now, don’t waste our time here, we’ve done our job, but let’s get out of here. I’ve had a radio call from another platoon, we must help out our fellow soldiers! m13_12 x ARVN soldier speaks very bad english with an accent Many thanks. You fight real good. We leave you now, we have other orders. m13_13 log message One of your main characters died. Game Over m14_brief x voice in the camp Mission14 This is Code Red, I repeat Code Red! Form your squads and prepare for battle, VCs were sighted in the forest around our base. Prepare for an onslaught, take defensive positions! m14_1 x Lionsdale Damn it! I need every squad of my team get into positions, on the double! We cannot let the enemy take this base. m14_2 x soldier Charlie on sight. I’m requesting permission to fire! m14_3 x Lionsdale These VCs are history, but we know their tactics too well. We prepare ourselves for other attacks as well! m14_4 x Lionsdale Sorry lad, but we must stand tall and defend this base. Running away is not an option! m14_5 x soldier Here they come again. Gotta get ready! m14_6_1 x Petty Well, this time, we must strongly consider getting out before they burn down this whole complex. m14_6_2 x Lionsdale Calm down, officer. Soldiers, I need a squad left here to defend the base, the others will have to come with me searching these VCs hiding around! Get movin’! m14_7 x Lionsdale I doubt that any other VCs will try and attack the base now, but we cannot leave our equipment and civil comrades without protection! m14_8 x soldier Get down! Get down! Taking fire! m14_9 x Lionsdale I guess they did a pretty good job getting there in numbers without getting noticed by our scouts. m14_10 x Petty They simply just keep on coming. They own every bush and tree, every road-junction, every bit of earth, don’t you think, Lieutenant? m14_11 x Lionsdale Maybe we should better hide somewhere, this tank could prove too much for us! m14_12 x Lionsdale We’ve gotta check out the remainder of the road section, boys! m14_13 x soldier Hallelujah, no more Charlie! To victory, boys! We’ve done it! m14_14_1 x HQ radiovoice Lieutenant, we’ve received disturbing news. NVA tanks are rolling towards your base… m14_14_2 x Lionsdale We have the situation under control, they’re but dust for now… m14_14_3 x HQ radiovoice Don’t interrupt this message, Lt. These tanks are rolling on the main road to your base, we’ve tried to catch them, but they shot down two Log Birds. Get back to the base and try to hold it! We’ve sent another Log Bird to the base with ammunition in case you’re running short of it. Good luck, Lt.! m14_15 x Lionsdale Make them sit and stay, soldiers! m14_16_1 x Lionsdale Lt. Lionsdale here! The attacks were repulsed. Any further information? m14_16_2 x HQ radiovoice2 This is General McTire, soldier. It all seems quiet and still for now. That was a heck of a job, soldier, we’re impressed with your capabilities. Have a break and call us back. We’re have some news for you, son. Over and out. m14_17 log message One of your principal characters died. Game Over m15_brief x Lionsdale Mission15 This operation is about to secure LZ Motherland, soldiers. We’re not many, but we have Mitchells amongst us: should trouble arise ahead, he would scout it for us. I need precise command execution and pin-point shooting. Once done, we’ll have to wait for the choppers to take us back to Khe Sanh. Ennek a hadm?veletnek a célja az Anyaföld leszálló biztosítása. Csapatunk tagjai között van Mitchells: bármilyen feladatot sikerrel képes megoldani. Precíz célzásra és pontos parancs-végrehajtásra van szükségem. Amint végeztünk, megvárjuk az érkez? madárkát és visszatérünk Khe Sanhba. m15_1_1 x Mitchells Lt., let me lead way, me see enemies better. Follow me from behind! Hadnagy, engedjen engem el?re, jobban tájékozódom. Kövessenek! m15_1_2 x Lionsdale You’ve got the permission, Corporal. Go ahead! Engedélyezem, Tizedes. Menjen! m15_3 x Mitchells Oh, man. VC me see. Maybe should find another way. Egek Ura. Itt vannak a vietek. Talán kerülnöm kellene… m15_4 x Mitchells Me got idea, beautiful. Plant claymore in their back could derange’em. Me being funny. Van egy ötletem. Ide leraknék egy ajándékcsomagot. Tréfás kedvemben vagyok... m15_5_1 x Mitchells Lt., Corporal Mitchells here, placed li’l present. Get ready for lock’n’load! Hadnagy, itt Mitchells Tizedes, leraktam a csomagot. Készüljenek a bulira! m15_5_2 x Lionsdale Roger that, Corporal. Start out! Vettük, Tizedes. Kezdheti! m15_6 x Mitchells Good. They had it. Halleluja! m15_7_1 x Lionsdale Very well, time for a quick report to HQ. Eddig jó, most jelentek a parancsnokságnak. m15_7_2 x Lionsdale No! VCs! Ne! Vietkongok! m15_7_3 x Mitchells Get’em, grunts! Fiúk, l?jetek! m15_8_1 x Mitchells We’ve our Lt. shot, we need medevac, quick. Corporal Mitchells spoke, out! A Hadnagyot megl?tték, orvost ide, gyorsan! m15_8_2 x HQ radiovoice Where are you, Corporal, who is shot? Hol vannak, Tizedes, ki a sérült? m15_8_3 x Mitchells Listen, LZ Motherland, send chopper quick, medevac needed! Don’t get me angry! Ide figyeljen, a leszálló mellett vagyunk, küldje már azt az átkozott madarat! Ne húzzon fel! m15_8_4 x HQ radiovoice Soldier, we’ll have a word about that, but bird is flying in. Katona, err?l még beszélünk, a madár már repül. m15_8_6 x Mitchells He lives but not much pulse. We wait now for chopper. Él, de alig van pulzusa. Megvárjuk a madarat. intro_1 x narrator intro sequence Whenever war breaks loose, nations are fighting each other, families become separated, lives change and the fate of many human beings lies in the weapon-holders hands. A háború kitörésével nemzetek esnek egymásnak, családok szakadnak szét, életek változnak meg, ártatlan emberek sorsa kerül a fegyvert birtoklók kezébe. intro_2 x narrator That was the case in the US Army’s engagement in the Vietnamese civil war, too and the consequences were far more sinister than anyone ever imagined. Ez volt a helyzet az amerikai hadsereg vietnámi fellépésénél is, amikor beavatkoztak egy polgárháborúba anélkül, hogy a lehetséges következményeket felmérték volna. intro_3 x narrator A young man named Martin Lionsdale has left his beloved fiancée in early August 1965 to participate amongst the thousands who were designated to survey peace in Vietnam. But that never happened, as war erupted. 1965 augusztusában egy Martin Lionsdale nev? fiatalember is hátrahagyta szeretett jegyesét. Egyike volt azoknak az ezreknek, akiket Vietnámba küldtek, hogy ott a békét felügyeljék. Az események azonban kicsúsztak az amerikaiak kezéb?l… intro_4 x narrator "War is the fear of man from being dominated by another of his kind, war is but a surreal vision of making peace at tremendous costs. War is a hungry moneymaking machine of the government; it is a popular fallacy that people dying in war are heroes of their country – they are nothing but pitiful human beings sacrificed for higher causes." A háború félelem attól, hogy egy nemzet leigáz egy másikat, a háború torzult látomás a béke létrejöttér?l, mely hatalmas pusztítást végez. A háború a kormányok éhes pénzcsináló gépezete, akárcsak az a téves nézet, hogy háborúban az emberek országuk h?seiként vesztik életüket - voltaképpen ?k szerencsétlen emberi halandók, kiket magasabb célok eléréséért áldoznak fel. intro_5 x narrator War is an essence, a conflict between humans, a machinery that is as greedy on taking lives as it is on consuming money…time cannot be turned back, but lessons must be learned. A háború hatalom, emberek közti konfliktus, olyan torzszülemény, mely az emberi életeket olyan mohón szippantja magába akárcsak a pénzt…az id? azonban nem fordítható vissza, a leckét meg kellene már végre tanulni. intro_6 x narrator War is a sin, rushing in a country, killing its people and ruining its economy. It is a utopia, a twisted vision of an obstructed mind. A háború b?n, mely képes teljes országok gazdaságát és lakosságát térdre kényszeríteni. Utópisztikus, csorbult látomás, sérült elmék torzképe. intro_7 x narrator And in Vietnam, the war carried all these signs… Vietnámban a háború mindezeket a jellemz?ket magán hordozta… outro_1 x narrator outro_sequence "Lionsdale, still a young man, but his mind is filled with memories: Beth left him without ever giving him a chance to be happy with his son, Whitemore was killed in action, his platoon raised and burnt down villages, US troops have bombed down cities and agricultural regions…all that happened in order to secure peace and to refract VietCong resistance. His comrades, friends, fellows and men felt to the ground dying, whispering their last wishes; and so they took revenge on the VC’s who answered by the most horrible thing ever imagined: killing their own kin." Lionsdale még mindig fiatal, elméje csordultig tele az elmúlt id?k történéseivel. Jegyese elhagyta, fiát is magával vitte, parancsnokát küldetés közben érte a halál. Szakasza falvakat égetett porrá és tett a földdel egyenl?vé. Az amerikai hadsereg városokat bombázott szét és egész régiókat tett terméketlenné...mindezt azért, hogy visszaállítsák a békét és megtörjék a vietkongok ellenállását. Lionsdale barátai, bajtársai holtan estek össze a csatamez?n utolsó kívánságaikat mormolva: ?k pedig megbosszulták elesett honfitáraikat. A vietkongok ekkor olyan fegyverhez nyúltak, amely mindannyiukat elborzasztotta: saját fajtájukat kezdték el gyilkolni... outro_2 x narrator Good times almost never existed, they were just fractions of time: they smiled for making some photos or chatting by dinner. Boldog id?k nem léteztek többé, csak néhány tört másodperc erejéig. outro_3 x narrator But, besides, the horrors have left their trace on Lionsdale’s tally: his face is hollow, his eyes lie deep in their sockets, he is barely himself, he could almost sit and watch a complete day passing by without even moving, talking or getting hungry. Az átélt szörny?ségek nyomot hagytak Lionsdale karakterén. Arca beesett, szemei mélyen ülnek üregeikben, alig tud magáról, naphosszat képes maga elé nézve ülni anélkül, hogy a külvilágból bármit is érzékelne. outro_4 x narrator In the beginning, Vietnam was a war that could demonstrate US peacekeeping and potential to guarantee human rights in this corner of our planet. But, somehow, this plan has faltered and deviated from that point… Kezdetben a vietnámi háború volt az, ahol az Egyesült Államok megmutatta erejét a világnak, kiállva az emberi jogok mellett. Aztán hiba csúszott a számításokba, a terv felborult és elszabadult a pokol… outro_5 x narrator War only creates suffering, generations will pay its aftermath and our planet Earth will always remember every dead corpse buried in its body, every bloodshed spilled and poured in its veins. A háború csak szenvedést szül, generációk érzik magukon vel?ig hatoló hatásait, Földünk pedig az id?k végeztéig emlékezni fog minden csatában elesett halottra és mindarra a töméntelen vérre, ami az értelmetlen csatározások alatt a talajt öntözte… diary_part1_1 x Lionsdale The news came in thick and fast. As I reached to the mail in the letterbox, I knew that it was the time: and I was fully right. The envelope was a slim one, just two postmarks on it and it was sealed, too. I could almost see myself filmed from above when I caught the first glimpse of the military seal…afterwards, all things started to slow down and almost halted. x Lionsdale I was always aware of what would happen when receiving this letter from the US Army, but it took almost two minutes when I realized that my dream about settling down was over. I simply couldn’t had the spiritual strength to walk back into the little apartment that we lived in, stand before my beloved fiancé and tell her what will happen in 3 days time. I am to leave the person that I love the most and take on a mission of utmost importance: I’ll have to come back alive and in one piece to see my child. Yes, my sweet Beth is pregnant and our first child will born in four months time. x Lionsdale The war already broke loose in Vietnam when I’ve finished my Military Education. I had absolutely no war-expertise or whatsoever but in the training camps I earned my reputation as excellent tactician who was totally focused on anything that happened and reacted spontaneously and lightning-fast. This could be the reason the boys nicknamed me “Wit-wise” and now I’ll have the opportunity to show my capabilities as I got draft call from the newly forming 1st Cavalry Division… diary_part1_2 x Lionsdale It’s been seven days since we left Fort Benning, embarked on the troop carrier Rose Patch – this name will always make me think to my beloved Beth – and been sailing across the Atlantic Ocean towards Vietnam. Everybody (except the ones who already been in previous wars) is very excited and shocked about this war. You can almost feel the tension in the air when 300 men settles down for meals and every single one of them speaks about the recent events in Vietnam. We all know that US soldiers have been killed there and after looking in each others’ eyes, laughing with others, playing poker and having interesting moral debates about the actual US government, it is awfully hard to believe that some of us won’t make it alive home. diary_part1_3 x Lionsdale Everything is set to go: yesterday we’ve arrived to the town of Qui Nhon, where Chinook helicopters were already waiting for us. They took us away to Camp Strongfield – some 120 miles away from the city of An Khe - and we were immediately put into the middle of the Vietnamese campaign. The climate is terrible, the heat is intolerable, the air is so humid that you can’t even breathe, mosquitoes-snakes-rats are everywhere just as they’re coming from the ground itself. The base is pint-sized, so we are working on enlarging it, digging with heavy machinery, making routes and building barracks, canteens and other buildings from the surrounding woods. Fortunately the area is still very calm, our troops are continuously patrolling the area looking for VC or NVA presence, but all is very quiet. I still need time to accommodate, I’m totally exhausted, but my Beth gives me enough strength to carry on – I’ve already sent her a very long letter explaining everything that happened to me in the past three weeks. diary_part1_4 x Lionsdale We’ve spent the last week with training: I was designated to the 13th Riflemen Squad as a Corporal as we entered the jungle, exercised ourselves in extreme conditions – we’ve travelled a swamp, crossed rivers on foot and even went out on night patrols when heavy rain poured down and nearly washed away some of us. The guys of the 1st Cavalry are very funny ones and, most importantly, everybody thinks about going home as the VC-forces still remain at bay. I’m waiting for Beth’s first letter, but I already written her 5 times. diary_part1_5 x Lionsdale I’ve got my first letter from little Beth! I am happy that she is alright, but misses me very much. She was on a check and it looks like our little baby would born one month earlier than previously thought…it is very frustrating that I can’t help her from here. x Lionsdale Apparently the VC-s didn’t think about letting us go home as yesterday, our scouts reported back enemy activity from the Vinh Thanh Valley. So, after relentless training hours we will be on our first mission tomorrow. I am assigned to the same squad as before, I could only hope that all would go as planned – at least 10 Log Birds will participate in our mission. diary_part1_6 x Lionsdale Yesterday’s assault was a failure as we haven’t found any VC-s in the vicinity of the deserted village. They knew that we would come to dispatch them so they set us traps. More than 20 grunts were injured by venenate stakes concealed on the ground. This was a horrendous experience for everyone on the field as the boys screamed for medievac… diary_part1_7 x Lionsdale We’ve come to the end of a two-week long training session. I’m tired, but now beginning to bear the physical pain. I think we’ve tasted every taste of pain and fear that could watch us hiding in the bushes: we’ve received in-depth lessons of the VC-fighting tactics and the known traps – such as the bamboo my companions stepped in. x Lionsdale Finally we’ve completed a test and our Second Lieutenant issued some promotions to the very best of us. I’ve been appointed to Sergeant and as such will lead the 13th Riflemen Squad of the 5th Platoon. My first major mission will be ‘Operation Shiny Bayonet’ in a week’s time, until then I must concentrate on working hard with my boys to know each other well so we could count on each other in difficult situations, too. diary_part2 x Lionsdale Early morning a warning come in from some villagers not far away from our Camp. Reports indicate the people left their home as they are afraid that VCs are nearby. Our commander said this is very unlikely, as we’re far away from the actual battlezones, but this VC movement cannot really be ruled out, as newly recruited VC troops could appear anywhere. We must move in, search the area and do our job. This will be my first real mission as a Sergeant, so I am really excited about it and cannot stop to think about my family who will give me strength in this. diary_part3_1 x Lionsdale I am still thinking about my first real mission. Sorry, can’t get over it so easily. The guy we caught is like a nut, doesn’t speak, doesn’t eat, so everybody senses he has some information. But what could it be? x Lionsdale I’m beginning to get worried as I still haven’t received a word from Beth since I’m here, in Vietnam. Now I’m beginning to feel the weight of life on my neck…Sergeant Lionsdale, you must wake up!!! diary_part3_2 x Lionsdale Apparently, the man found on our first mission knew something, but he didn’t tell us a word. Yesterday, scouts saw VCs moving around the little village that certainly means that some VC squads hid when we arrived. Nevertheless, HQ suspects major resistance this time around - as this VC squad was spotted bravely marching through the village. This kind of behaviour is very suspicious, as VC squads usually move at night, and are very cautious never to give away a sign of their presence, until it is too late. x Lionsdale I’ve written another letter to Beth, it is about our first mission, but no answer arrived from her. I didn’t expect any as of yet, but it would be reassuring to read from her before going to this dangerous mission… diary_part4 x Lionsdale I’m writing these lines by candlelight as everybody has fallen asleep in my barrack. I feel myself ready for the upcoming task of the new dawn, but I must clear out my head. For doing so I decided to write out everything that could distract my concentration: all my thoughts are with Beth, the baby and my parents. I could only hope that they’re all fine. x Lionsdale "As for the attack, our Platoon will be inserted by two Log Birds at LZ Firehawk. We need to advance to the North; a village awaits us, from where significant enemy activity was signalled. Once reaching the outskirts of the settlement we need to patrol around to seek out and eliminate every enemy installations and units. That may sound as simple as sitting at a table, but believe me, it won’t be." diary_part5_1 x Lionsdale Me and my platoon were transferred from Camp Strongfield to Camp Plei Me a week ago. Since then, the allied NVA-VC armies commenced an attack of our base. We confronted them and pushed them back from day to day. Now, they are at about 5 miles away from the camp so I can write this section into my diary. x Lionsdale I’ve not heard any news of Beth since her first letter and I am starting to loose my self-control. I didn’t sense anything, I’m too worried and probably too tired because of all the mortar and artillery attack we’ve suffered… x Lionsdale Lieutenant Whitemore told me that HQ is developing a new phase of counterattack and we must prepare ourselves for being thrown into a mission in approximately two weeks time. We’ll see to that, but right now I have to get some sleep. diary_part5_2 x Lionsdale We will be on the assignment simply named ‘Covering Operation’ from tomorrow. Our Platoon must provide backup for the 1st Battalion of the 7th Cavalry in the Ia Drang valley. A Chinook will drop us down at LZ X-Ray and we must advance to the North-East from this insertion point. The rest is up to us: this could be quite a challenge, we could count with preponderant VC forces! diary_part6_1 x Lionsdale The greatest thing on Earth just happened to me as I read the last letter of my little bird, Beth. She gave birth to a child, a tiny man who she calls Thomas, as we previously voted for this forename as a boy. I became a father, but so many miles, water and continents separate us that I feel myself really lost in this maze. I could only hope that this war would end to return to see my family!” x Lionsdale For the last weeks we’ve been employing new techniques of the art of war. My duty as a Sergeant got a new meaning when a certain Kyle Mitchells was put under my command. This man is a real fighting machine, he knows almost everything in the art of camouflage and remaining undetected even if the enemy steps on his body. He perfectly speaks the native language and he is a well-known specialist in Vietnamese techniques: this latter quality makes him an excellent trap-detecting unit. He seems to be more a machine than a human being, but I’ll give myself more time to know him better. He has a stinking Scottish accent and speaks damned severely but I trust him, for now. diary_part6_2 x Lionsdale Some ten nights ago ‘Operation Masher White Wing’ begun on the Bong Song beaches. I didn’t think at all being involved but yesterday I’ve received orders from Lieutenant Whitemore to prepare for a take-off in two days time. I had many things to do to, arrange and co-ordinate everything from equipment to guns and even talk with my soldiers to morally poise them. We would even bring Mitchells with us! x Lionsdale "The reason of our trip is that the 2nd Battalion of the 8th Cavalry left somebody behind; the ‘Company B’ of this infantry requested air-strike and one F-105 Thud was taken out by the VCs. The pilot was able to catapult before impact – his co-pilot is reported KIA -, but the plane itself was utterly destroyed. As the infantry must progress further to the South-West we need to find him and bring him back alive. Lieutenant Whitemore left us yesterday on another rescue mission, meaning that I will be on my own this time." x Lionsdale Let Beth‘s rose-shade guide my way! diary_part7_1 x Lionsdale It’s been a month since I haven’t received a single letter from Beth and now I sense that she is in danger. Little Thomas is nearly six months old now, and he hadn’t seen his father yet. These thoughts are eating me from deep inside, ripping my soul into little shreds. From the violence I witness everyday on the field, I couldn’t find shelter lying on my plank-bed. x Lionsdale Things are not going so well, the NVA and the VC are relentlessly attacking our positions, casualties are numerous on both sides. I hope that this ends one way or another, but I need to see my family. diary_part7_2 x Lionsdale Leading out patrols and shooting VCs isn’t that good for your soul. Since ‘Operation White Wing’ I only had two major assignments, the rest were just patrols in the surrounding woods, rice-farms and villages, killing VCs. One thing is certain, our enemies are short of rice, so if we can survey the food, we could get a hand over them in this war. x Lionsdale This is the clue why our Platoon will take on the next assignment: yesterday, Lieutenant Whitemore called me and presented me a plan of an attack against enemy bunkers. Approximately one week ago the VCs robbed a nearby village, taking all rice and food stored with them. The frightened villagers co-operated with our men and we know that the rice is stored in bunkers on the perimeter of the Chu Pong Massif, at a place called ‘Wishing Valley’. This will be the first time that our full Platoon will participate in a mission as enemy activity was intense at these parts. So begins our participation in ‘Operation Paul Revere II.’… diary_part8 x Lionsdale I’ve always heard that it is terrible to loose one’s Lieutenant and in such circumstances. We have dug ourselves in the jungle waiting for some sleep, but I cannot take any. Two hours to think about what happened and what shall we do next, then we must start to Waypoint3. Myself, as highest ranked and most experienced of our Platoon ‘herited’ the command and was charged with the lead. It would be quite a task to be responsible for so many men’s lives. I can only take the strength and courage from my Beth and these memories that we lived through together. diary_part9_1 x Lionsdale It’s been a while since I haven’t written anything into this diary. The truth is that I didn’t dare: as I was promoted to Lieutenant and so the leader of my platoon for our successful ‘Paul Revere II’ mission – if success means the death of Lt. Whitemore. From that point, I really didn’t have time to such things as writing to myself. No, this ain’t the truth… x Lionsdale The truth is, that Beth left me. x Lionsdale It is really hard to leave somebody who is so far from home and can’t protect himself. I find this more, than cruel, as she took away my son, Thomas, too. The letter, I’ve read it at least twenty times to find a meaning between the lines, a sign, a little vapor of hope, but I couldn’t. She fell in love with somebody else, it is the truth, it is what really hurts, it eats your brain, it rips your heart, it pumps the adrenaline in your head! This is the thing what I least accepted, and he left with my one-year old child, whom I never seen and maybe won’t see if I die here, 7000 miles from home. Enough of this self-crucifixion for now. diary_part9_2 x Lionsdale Almost three months passed since my last log. I seized the opportunity to become more and more interested in Vietnam, I took books about the country and read them in my spare time. I put huge amount of energy in physical training to come on the level that this Mitchells was in – I wish to have another opportunity to have him under my belt for another mission. x Lionsdale In two days time, we will head to the ‘National Route 1’, as the 1st Cavalry must provide way for a huge flow of convoys, part of the ‘Thayer II’ operation. This road is one of the best in Vietnam, but these VCs mined a long section of it and even trapped the bridge. I’ll need to get down there with engineers to clear out the road and the bridge. Could a mission be so simple as this one seems? diary_part10 x Lionsdale Well this is quite a busy day, I’m writing aboard a truck that carries us to Waypoint24 on the ‘National Route 1’ – we’re going round the Tra-O Lake. Just when you think you’ve put your heart out for your country, some other guys get into trouble and you must save them. I couldn’t believe this, but it’s true: we are the only ones in the area who could perform such a task. x Lionsdale The story is as it follows: this afternoon, the soldiers of the 4th Platoon, 5th Batallion, 1st Cavalry – that means our guys! – were performing a reckon mission when all of a sudden, VCs showed up (just like these BTRs at the bridge). There was no point to fight, so they put their weapons down. The only person to escape this apprehension was – believe me or not – Mitchells! This old fox, this green beret hid away and radioed back to HQ. We suppose to meet with him as well as other reinforcements to go on this extremely dangerous mission. Beth is gone now, so I pray for my son to help me do this! diary_part11_1 x Lionsdale I’m totally convinced now that what Beth has done with me is all but my fault. Months have passed since my last word written down in this diary. How on Earth could I ever thought that learning in a military school and academy will serve our communion??? I was but a complete fool to choose this destiny, never thinking about what matters should arise once I’ll be separated from my loving one…this is all too much for me now, together with the everyday sounds and happenings of this war. I feel like I could go crazy and loose self-control in any minute from now on…countless times, the question came into my mind, harasses me day and night: is this really your life, what you wanted to live? If I say no, it would be a lie to myself, but a yes also. Whatever the response to this question, it is very difficult in-deed to find one punctual and precise that will ease the pain deep inside my soul… diary_part11_2 x Lionsdale After months of relentless scouting-patrolling missions and some hit’n’hide actions, our Platoon will finally have another important assignment. Frequent enemy activity was reported from a village some 40 miles from here and after scouting the territory, it became obvious that Charlie lodged himself in the houses. Helicopters will bring us to LZ Bong III. where a panzer division will wait for our arrival. Together, we must assault the infected village and clear the VCs out! diary_part12_1 x Lionsdale Well, this is the first time I write again since that little accident near LZ Bong III. I nearly paid a dear price for my braveness, but this time I got away with a broken right hand and minor impairment to my ears. The incident taught me that my life is in danger, grieve danger here, too, and I am responsible for it as well as for my men, too! x Lionsdale Nevertheless, the documents recovered were Classified by the VietCongs. It wasn’t an easy job to decipher them, they used a previously unknown code and marks for indications. I was told that these were the plans of an attack against our base! Tomorrow I’ll know the details, too. Now I’m due to appear at my medical check… diary_part12_2 x Lionsdale On June 30 the plaster was taken away from my hand and yesterday I started to train my arm again. I still have some difficulties, but I won’t miss the next assault on Charlie. x Lionsdale We have deciphered their whole action and they don’t even know it because the tunnel collapsed! So, they will assemble a strike-team of panzers and APCs on the road leading to our camp, some 20 miles from here –it’ll be done in the midst of the night. But they won’t attack until very early in the morning and we’ll be waiting for them with our panzers and totally annihilate these vehicles attacking them from the side of the road. Aircrafts cannot make precise attacks amidst these hills, so we can’t use a single one of them. To make things safe, we’ll establish a grunt section on the hillsides looking down on the road so we could unleash hell on them with mortars and rifles. The VC attack is due to take place on the 13th of July. We will wait for them to crust every single vehicle they have. diary_part12_3 x Lionsdale We’ve been waiting in the jungle for the past two days. Charlie moved past us every now and then last night, but we remained calm and focused. When darkness falls, we’ll try to sweep past them taking a path leading into our final positions…it was impossible to do it last night as planned. diary_part13_1 x Lionsdale I’ve participated in countless battles since my first days in Vietnam. I’ve been told that I’m one of the best officers out there. They even offered me to become Captain, but I resisted this temptation: I want to stay out on the battlefield with my men under my wings. I want to fight every battle, because the one I lost causes me so much pain that I only find harmony in winning those when many lives perish. This may have sounded harsh or strange, but this is the truth. That’s why I refused my promotion and even refused my return to the States. I need to keep up the challenge, stay in a perfect physical condition, this is the only way I can guard my sanity. Beth’s decision put me on the ground, life isn’t easier since…that’s why I need to stay here, in this ravishing hell of a country fighting this cruel war while I’m still bleeding…these were the weeping words of my soul. diary_part13_2 x Lionsdale Christmas has come once again. I could write down anything about Christmas here, in Vietnam, but it is really strange indeed. The boys put out a pine-tree with some lights made in Washington, but the climate is still very hot here, so the tree won’t stand there just for a couple of days. They’ve even organized a heavy party with much alcohol and dance. These things still ring painful memories in my ears. So much for Santa Claus… x Lionsdale The last months were a little bit disappointing, Charlie haven’t showed much signs of attacking us, but did just enough to keep our forces at bay. I’m keen on knowing what our next step will be. diary_part13_3 x Lionsdale I thought about this little insight, whether to put it in my diary or not, but after all this is my diary and if ever somebody will find this entry not of mannish manners or sort of woman-entry, well, he could take my advice on what to do next! So, new year’s eve have passed and as I stir along the camp I thought about making a new year’s resolution…but what should it be? Finally, I came up with the best answer I probably had in my bag: find a new life, a new meaning to yourself! It won’t be easy, I know, but I must give it a try. diary_part13_4 x Lionsdale I’ve got a new chunk of paper, which means orders and VC-hunting. These NVAs now even frighten the City of Hue, they’re swarming nearby, so we must do something to avoid this attack. It is said that they were even spotted in the villages at the side of the roads leading to Hue. Their main installation is in a sort of shrine, where we may expect heavy resistance. This, to dispose of these forces, will be the goal of our next engagement! diary_part14_1 x Lionsdale Our last mission on the road leading to Hue got really scary: those NVA tanks nearly blew our Chinooks into bits and pieces. But, first of all, I was totally shocked by the sheer destruction that we wielded upon the old shrine. By now, the structure what flew in the face of time is nothing but a pile of dust and ruins. I cannot see a more dangerous animal living on the planet than man itself. x Lionsdale Even though this mission was a success, Charlie forced its way into the city of Hue. I’ve already had orders of a huge cooperative assignment to drive them out the occupied city. The civilians are enclosed in their buildings, the streets are full of NVA-troops and tanks roll all the way up and down – that is what was told to us. But reality will show its ugly had, once we get the chance to see it for ourselves. diary_part14_2 x Lionsdale We will move out tomorrow into Hue. This would surely be the hardest and most important assignment of my Vietnam years. The whole 1st Cavalry will be involved with many tanks and APCs, too. Our platoon has to go to a rendez-vous point with ARVN-troops, than lead a joint attack to a nearby HQ. Looks as simple as kissing goodnight to a baby…yes, Beth still haunts me with little Thomas. I planned not to write about them again but this time I couldn’t resisted the temptation. I become demoralized every time, when I think about that I could have sacrificed my life for them. Nothing, nothing in this world was more precious to me than their love… x Lionsdale So, as it goes for this mission, we expect heavy resistance on Charlie’s part. Heh, these fires will surely reach the sky! diary_part15_1 x Lionsdale Our military forces have suffered heavy casualties during the battle for the City of Hue, but we prevailed and triumphed. The defeat certainly shocked the NVA and VC, as well as ourselves, too. Our generals ordered airstrikes on the city and utterly defeated it…thousands of homes lie in ruins. I’ve seen pictures taken from a Thud over the city and the sight of destruction shocked me more than ever. This madness must end! diary_part15_2 x Lionsdale Still shocked about the latter happenings, the NVA seems to drew themselves back, the VCs are also silent. I’ve kind of a weird feeling about this, the enemy, this phantom that we couldn’t vanquish in years is still alive, licking its wounds, I should say. But every soldier in this camp knows that they’re out there, although they had many casualties in Hue. Next week we plan to conduct a search and destroy mission around Hue to smoke out every remaining Charlie from the region! Until then, all is left for me is to battle my soul and my inner senses: the feelings which haunt me. diary_part16_1 x Lionsdale Quite funny how this war could have turned. When we beat the NVA-VC army in Hue, our Military Advisors and Generals thought that the war was one once and for all. Then, only weeks after, Charlie conducted a furious attack against our bases! We were so surprised that we had difficulties keeping them at bay as our Khe Sanh base was under attack, too. Other US installations also suffered assaults and could repulse the VCs. Right now we’re planning a huge counterattack to roll back the enemy, if it succeeds, a huge step towards victory will be leapt! diary_part16_2 x Lionsdale Charlie has struck again, this time they’ve occupied LZ Motherland not far from here killing our men defending it. I’m to lead a rescue mission getting back this strategic point amidst American hands. As the 1st Cavalry’s main line is fighting some 100 miles away from us, I will have only a few loyal squads at my disposal. But, most importantly, I’ll have Mitchells, the man has executed very brave manoeuvres since I last saw him. We’ve already spoken yesterday with a bottle of Irish whiskey in our hands, he told me very strange tales about himself. He’s very weird, but in a good sense of the term. Believe it or not he refused his promotion to Sergeant two times, this man only want to be responsible for himself, he’s just not a leading type of guy. x Lionsdale So, the mission itself would be just a small step before we could join the main strike team. I already have my orders for the next some months or so, as I will lead a major operation driving Charlie out of Cambodia! Yes, that would really be something, believe me! Oddly enough, I feel myself motivated to it. Good, it is time to sleep, as tomorrow will be a long day. diary_partfinal x Lionsdale Well, at this very moment I’m on board of an airplane taking me back to the states. I own my life to Mitchells and the doctors. Three bullets got through my vest, one in my leg, another in my lung and the third in my shoulder. I’ve been told that for days I was between life and death, nearly in a coma. Doctors struggled to bring me back to this world, they said I’ve a firm grip to this world and I never gave up the fight. For what purpose? I still don’t have any answer…I can still feel intense pain lying tied to this bed, but at least I could write these words for myself. x Lionsdale Right now I’m looking out of the window and thinking about what will happen back home? Should I see my son and Beth? Maybe they were the reasons not to let life slip away from me. But this is only my guess, I should say a fool’s errand just like the war I played part of. I need time to think what to do when I’ll become fit and healthy again. tut_11 X x Whitemore Tutorial Welcome to Camp Strongfield, soldier! This is a chilly morning, but in two weeks time you’ll see how the sun could beat down on these plains. The jungle, the heat, the moisture, the insects and Charlie will be your worst ever enemy. This is the real Vietnam, soldier! Isten hozta az Er?tér Táborban, katona! Csíp?s reggelünk van, de két héten belül garantáltan elege lesz a forróságból. A dzsungel, a h?ség, a pára, a bogarak és a vietkongok bizonyára kikezdik majd az idegeit. Itt az igazi Vietnám, fiam! tut_12 X x Whitemore Tutorial You can reach the ingame menu any time by pressing the ESC button. Here you can review all conversations and objectives, or abandon your current mission and go back to the Main Menu. A játékban rejl? menüt az ESC gomb lenyomásával érheti el. Itt minden elhangzott beszélgetést még egyszer áttekinthet, átolvashatja a feladatait, de ki is léphet a küldetésb?l vissza a F?menübe. tut_13 Whitemore Tutorial Let’s get things straight and see how you can handle the map! To move around on the battlefield, you could use the mouse, simply by pulling it around the screen, it will scroll to the given direction. I also advise to you the use of the keyboard to scroll the game: the A, S, W, D keys would scroll it. Give it a go! Kezdjük a dolgokat a térkép kezelésével! A csatamez?t az egér mozgatásával tudja mozgatni a kívánt irányba. Amennyiben önnek ez nem elég, a kurzorgombokkal is mozgathatja azt. Nem ecsetelem tovább, próbálkozzon, fiam! tut_14 Whitemore Tutorial Very well. Now we’ll dwelve deeper into knowing your way in camera handling, soldier! You have to use the CTRL key in order to rotate and pan the view. Just push CTRL, then hold the Right Button of your mouse, then move the mouse forward and backwards or to the sides. Most pedig ismerkedjünk meg a kifinomultabb kameramozgatással. A CTRL gomb nyomvatartásával és a Jobb egérgomb tudja a képerny?t ki-be zoomolni, miközben az egeret el?re vagy hátra mozgatja. Ugyanezt a hatást éri el az Insert-Home gombokkal is. tut_15 Whitemore Tutorial This is it, soldier, you are now able to zoom in and out and turn the camera sideways. Try pushing CTRL, then push and hold down the Right Button of your mouse and push the Left Button, too. Hold both buttons down and pull the mouse back and forth. Most próbálja meg a CTRL gombot nyomva tartani, nyomja le a Jobb és Bal Egérgombokat is és mozgassa az egeret el?re és hátra. A kamera d?lésszögét ilyen módon változtathatja. Segítséget jelenthet a Page Up-Page Down billenty?k használata is! tut_16 Whitemore Tutorial So, now you can pan the camera and you're adept in camera-handling. That is most excellent, indeed. I think that we should proceed on using your units. On the double, man! (NOTE: you can also turn the camera with the Middle Mouse Button) A kamerakezelést ezennel elsajátította katona! Ez nagyszer?, de még van mit tanulnia. Térjünk rá az egységek kezelésére. Futólépés! (Megjegyzés: a kamerát a középs? egérgombbal is lehet forgatni ) tut_210 Whitemore Tutorial We’ll review soldier-handling from now on, my boy. Some of your men have a star and a blue-red stripe on their icon: they are your so-called heroes. They’re stronger than others, more cunning and once you loose them the game is over. Now you can see your primary hero, Sergeant Lionsdale on the screen. Néhány emberének ikonján kék-vörös sávot lát, ?k az Ön úgynevezett h?sei. Er?sebbek, kitartóbbak mint társaik, elvesztésük pedig a játék végét eredményezi. Nézze csak, Lionsdale ?rmester, az Ön központi szerepl?je megjelent a képerny?n! tut_211 Whitemore Tutorial Soldier, an M16 squad is coming your way. These men will constitute the core of your team, they move together, but you can change their formation. Katona, most egy M16os osztagot lát maga el?tt. Ezek a fiúk alkotják csapata gerincét, együtt mozognak, de Ön különböz? formációkba rendezheti ?ket. tut_212 Whitemore Tutorial On your furher assignments you’ll have the chance to control various specialist units and vehicles. But right now I’ll explain you how to control your men. Kés?bbi küldetései során számos új és különleges tulajdonsággal felvértezett egységet is megismer majd. Én most elmagyarázom Önnek, hogyan irányítsa egységeit! tut_213 Whitemore Tutorial First of all, select Sergeant Lionsdale by a simple Left Click on him. Note, that you can also select him by pushing a hotkey on your keyboard - to select Sergeant Lionsdale push the F1 key now! El?ször is válassza ki Lionsdale ?rmestert egy egyszer? bal klikkel. Jegyezze fel, hogy akár úgy is kiválaszthatja ?t, hogy a jobb fels? sarokban lév? ikonjára klikkel vagy a billenty?zet megfelel? gombját nyomja meg - jelen esetben ez az F1 gomb. tut_214 Whitemore Tutorial Now select your M16 squad with left click and after that via the keyboard (F2 key). Most válassza ki az M16os rajt, el?ször bal klikk segítségével majd pedig próbálja meg a billenty?zetr?l elérni ?ket - F2es gomb. tut_215 Whitemore Tutorial You can also select your men with the common drag a box technique: just push down the Left Button of the mouse, keep it pushed while moving the mouse around and every unit inside the green rectangle will be selected. This way you can give out common orders like walking or shooting to your selected men. Csapatait a boxrajzolós technikával is kiválaszthatja: nyomja le és tartsa nyomva a Bal Klikket, miközben az egeret mozgatja a játéktéren. Ilyen módon minden olyan egység ki lesz választva, aki a zöld mez?n belül található. Ezután közös parancsokat adhat ki számukra. tut_216 Whitemore Tutorial We should proceed on knowing the traits of a selected squad. Each squad possesses an amount of life (Hit Points), stamina, but also a field and angle of view. They also carry different weaponry. Most nézzük át az egységek tulajdonságait. Els?dlegesen rendelkeznek ÉletPontokkal (ÉP) és állóképességgel, de van látómezejük és látószögük is. Ráadásul a különféle egységek eltér? fegyvereket viselnek! tut_217 Whitemore Tutorial Weapons would vary from the simplest pistol (M1911A1) to the M79 rocket launcher. HP is the amount of damage a single unit can take, as it gets towards 0, the unit's HP bar will diminish and also change in color - green, yellow then red. A fegyverek az egyszer? pisztolytól az aknavet?ig terjednek. Az ÉletPont annak a sérülésnek a mértéke, amennyit egy katona el tud viselni, ahogy csökken a mértéke úgy színez?dik el a csíkja - zöldb?l el?ször sárgára, kés?bb vörösre vált, végül fekete lesz. tut_218 Whitemore Tutorial A unit's HP is on their icons in the low left corner of the interface or in the upper right corner of the game, but its visually represented by the selection field around a unit, too. Egy egység ÉletPontjait a feje mell?l, az ikonjáról vagy pedig közvetlenül az egység alatti mez?r?l olvashatja le. tut_219 Whitemore Tutorial "The amount of HP varies in fonction of units and also its higher for heroes than for common grunts. This is the same for stamina, which is used in the game when your units are not walking (crawling, running or shooting); the only way to gain it back is to stay immobile." Az ÉletPontok mennyisége egységenként változó, akárcsak az állóképességük mértéke. A gyalogláson kívül minden egyéb cselekvés (futás, kúszás, stb.) bizonyos mennyiség? staminába kerül, melyet visszanyerni pihenéssel lehet. tut_220 Whitemore Tutorial All actions demand different amount of stamina. If a unit's stamina falls under a certain level, he wouldn't be able to move for a certain amount of time. Stamina must always be taken into consideration while trying to fight your enemy. Mint mondottam, a cselekvések staminába kerülnek. Ha egy egység állóképessége egy bizonyos határérték alá zuhan, akkor csak gyalogolni tud! Ezért aztán nagyon fontos szerepet kap az állóképesség, amikor akciókat tervez, katona. tut_221 Whitemore Tutorial Field and angle of view also vary in fonction of units. Their basics are: your men can only see in the direction they're facing - to change their facing just push SHIFT than Right Click in the desired direction and they will turn. Their field of vision depends on terrain type. A látószög és látótér m?ködésének alapjai a következ?k: minden egység abba az irányba lát el, amerre éppen néz - forgatni ?ket a SHIFT és Bal Klikk kombinációval tudja. Látóterük a talaj típusától függ. tut_222 Whitemore Tutorial In Platoon, the stance your unit is, has utmost importance. Crawling provides them with more cover, running makes them more difficult to shot at, but both consume stamina fast. Walking is also important, as it doesn't need stamina and enables your units to discern traps and mines. A Szakaszban az egyes egységek testhelyzete létfontosságú. A kúszás sok staminát emészt fel, de plusz védettséget biztosít, a futás ugyan sok energiát emészt fel, de csökkenti a találati pontosságot. A gyaloglás is fontos, mert így fedezik fel egységei a csapdákat és aknákat. tut_223 Whitemore Tutorial You move your selected units by simply Right Clicking on the desired spot - if its marked with a red 'x' they cannot move there, so you must give away a new destination. Before moving them, though, it is advised to change their stance. Az egységeket Jobb Klikk segítségével mozgathatja a kívánt helyre - ha ott a kurzor vörös 'X're változik, akkor emberei nem tudnak oda eljutni. Mozgatásuk el?tt bizonyosodjon meg arról, hogy milyen testhelyzetben kívánja a parancsot kiadni! tut_224 Whitemore Tutorial In order to change stance, click on the huge soldier figure in the middle of the interface. From walking to crawling Right Click on this icon, to get back to walking click with the Left Button. From walking to running use the Left Button and to get back to walking use the Right Mouse Button. A testhelyzetet az interfész közepén található nagyméret? katonára klikkelve változtathatja meg, de elérheti akár a billenty?zetr?l is a C (kúszás), V (gyaloglás), B (futás) gombok lenyomásával. tut_225 Whitemore Tutorial Try them out and test how they affect your unit's speed and stamina consumption! Then finish this part of the training by reaching 'Waypoint 1' with one of your men, soldier! (waypoints will always be marked on your MiniMap - right side of the interface - with a blue 'X') Próbálja ki a testhelyzeteket és figyelje, mennyi staminát fogyaszt velük! A kiképzés ezen részét az '1es Szakaszpont' elérésével fejezheti be. (az interfész jobb oldalán található MiniTérképen ezt a helyet egy nagyméret? kék 'X' jelöli) tut_31 Whitemore Tutorial Pretty good up to now, boy? Fine. Let's continue with Field of View (FOW). As you could see on your map, hidden territories are black. So your units' FOW is the line where this hidden territory changes into known territory. But, its more than that! "Hogyan boldogul eddig, fiam? Folytassuk tovább a látóterület kifejtésével: a térképén minden felfedezetlen terület fekete színben tündököl. Ahogy egységei haladnak el?re, úgy ""festik színesre"" a fekete hátteret. De nem csak err?l van szó!" tut_32 Whitemore Tutorial Territories already explored but not seen actually by any of your men will change back into grey - you won't see any enemy movement inside, just the landscape. Az egyszer már felfedezett, de aktuálisan egy egység által sem belátott területek halványszürke árnyalattal szerepelnek. Ha itt mozog az ellenfél és akciózik, akkor azt Ön, fiam, nem fogja érzékelni! Érti már? tut_33 Whitemore Tutorial FOW depends on terrain types as I said earlier, soldier. If you push and hold down the CTRL button you would be able to browse through the gamefield and consult the terrain types (their visibility and defence are different, as you would see). "A látómez? mérete függ a talajtípustól, ahogy azt már említettem. Nyomja meg a CTRL gombot és pásztázzon a kurzorral a csatamez?n; így tudja megvizsgálni az egyes talajtípusok közti bónuszokat (látótávolság, védettség és észlelés tekintetében különböznek egymástól)" tut_34 Whitemore Tutorial The more defence a terrain type could provide, the better it is for your units, thus limiting damage taken by shots. Terrain type also modifies the perception of a unit. If a unit is inside a high defence-rated area, he will be much more difficult to spot! Minél nagyobb védettséget ad egy talajtípus, annál kedvez?bb hatása van, hogyha embereivel kihasználja azt - csökkentve a veszteségeit! A talajtípus az egység észlelését is módosítja: minél nagyobb a védettség, annál nehezebb az adott egységet észrevenni! tut_35 Whitemore Tutorial As in Platoon you'll command US soldiers, you would play against VC guerillas and armies. They possess different units at their disposal and they try to take your men down, as they're always on the lookout for US units. A Szakaszban amerikai katonákat irányít, akik vietkong gerillák és hadosztályok ellen harcolnak. Az ellenségnek is különlegesen képzett katonái vannak, akikkel megpróbálja az Ön embereit hatástalanítani! tut_36 Whitemore Tutorial Once you come accross a VC unit, simply select the men you wish, than Right Click on your target (the default action is attack in this case). Soldier, as you're fully responsible for your men's actions and lives, they won't do anything until ordered to! They won't even shoot back on the opposition! Amennyiben észrevesz egy viet egységet, válassza ki kívánt katonáit és Jobb Klikkel adja ki a támadás parancsot. Az emberei az Ön irányítása alatt állnak, egyetlen mozdulatot sem fognak anélkül megtenni, hogy Ön ne adna arra parancsot! Többek között vissza sem fognak l?ni! tut_37 Whitemore Tutorial Your men will shoot on a VC unit until its last member is down. When engaging the enemy, you have the possibility to elaborate the situation by simply pressing SPACEBAR. You enter into Paused Mode and could consult everything and elaborate the situation. Emberei addig támadnak egy viet egységet, amíg annak utolsó tagja is életben van. Ne feledje, hogy a harc hevében is lehet?sége van az id? leállítására a SZÓKÖZ billenty?vel. Ekkor szabadon elemezheti a lehet?ségeit, dolgozhat ki taktikát az új helyzet megoldására. tut_38 Whitemore Tutorial You have the possibility to give out new orders then unpause the game by pressing SPACEBAR again. This would get you back to real-time action once again. Ez azt jelenti, hogy parancsokat adhat ki embereinek, majd a SZÓKÖZ ismételt megnyomásával visszatérhet valós id?be. tut_39 Whitemore Tutorial The amount of damage your men inflict on VCs depends on the weapon's initial damage, the stance of the enemy and the defence rating of the terrain your enemy is staying on. It would be difficult even with your best weapons to take down a VC unit lying on the ground in 'jungle' terrain... A sebzés mértéke függ a fegyver alapsebzését?l, a támadott egység testhelyzetét?l és a talajtípus védettségét?l, melyen a támadott egység található. Ilyen szempontból nehéz tehát egy dzsungelben fekv? viet egység megsemmisítése. tut_391 Whitemore Tutorial Proceed to 'Waypoint 2' in order to continue your training, soldier! Menjen a '2es Szakaszponthoz' a gyakorlat folytatásához, fiam! tut_41 Whitemore Tutorial You know almost everything about game logic, soldier. In Platoon, as in real life, playing a soldier means to take out orders and complete objectives. On each of your missions you'll have several objectives. At any time you could consult them by pressing the ESC key and going into the Objectives sub-menu. Most már mindent tud a Szakasz alapjairól. A küldetések során Önnek feladatokat kell végrehajtania, egyszerre akár többet is. Ajánlom, hogy konzultálja ?ket s?r?n, így nem fogja elveszíteni a fonalat (ESC gomb és Feladatok fül) tut_42 Whitemore Tutorial Objectives could change in missions, soldier! To help you find your way a MiniMap on the right side of the interface is at your disposal - it shows the heightmap of the mission. Your men, civilian units and enemies are represented there by different colors. Mission objectives are also marked there with blue 'X's. Feladatai küldetés közben is dinamikusan változhatnak! Használja a MiniTérképét a gyors tájékozódáshoz. Emberei, a civilek és az ellenséges egységek is fel vannak itt tüntetve, akárcsak a feladatok - ez utóbbiak kék 'X'szel. tut_43 Whitemore Tutorial Your training is over, soldier! Now get moving to catch the logbird at 'Waypoint 2'! Best of luck on your missions! Kiképzése véget ért, katona! Javaslom, hogy mozogjon és érje el a '2es Szakaszponton' Önre váró madárkát! Ragyogjon Önre a szerencsecsillaga a küldetések során, fiam!