LEVEL_ID ID EnglishShort FrenchShort GermanShort EnglishLong FrenchLong GermanLong LEVEL_1 kill'em all Clear the area from the VCs C'est la vie, Henry, Citroen Heil herr motorgeneral, das grose panzerfrau! Take out any VC opposition you encounter Heil herr motorgeneral, das grose panzerfrau! LEVEL_1 survive Lion Sergeant Lionsdale must survive! Sergeant Lionsdale must survive! Sergeant Lionsdale must survive! LEVEL_1 meeting Meet with Whitemore Meet with Whitemore Go to the village with Lionsdale and wait for Whitemore and his squads to arrive Meet with Whitemore LEVEL_2 kill VC Clear the area from VC forces Take out any VC opposition you encounter LEVEL_2 survive Lion Sergeant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_2 go to LZ Get to LZ T-Bird Get to the helicopter (marked on your map) LEVEL_3 reach the village Reach the village Find the village (marked on your map), and get close to it LEVEL_3 save villagers All villagers must survive Don't kill any civilians at the village LEVEL_3 kill defending VC Take out the VCs in the village Kill every vietcong soldiers hiding at the village LEVEL_3 kill RPD Take out the RPD-squad Kill the vietcong machinegunners LEVEL_3 untie the village-chief Save the village-chief Untie the old man tied to the pole LEVEL_3 reach the ruins Reach the ruins Find the ruins (marked on your map) and get close to it as soon as possible LEVEL_3 kill returning VC Take out the returning VCs Kill the approaching vietcong soldiers LEVEL_3 go to LZ Get back to LZ Firehawk Get back to the helicopter (marked on your map) LEVEL_3 survive Lion Sergeant Lionsdale must survive! LEVEL_4 recon Explore the bridge Get close to the bridge (marked on your map) LEVEL_4 bridge Secure the bridgehead Kill all the VC machinegunners and riflemen at the bridgehead LEVEL_4 find mortar Find the lost US mortar Find the lost US mortar with Lionsdale in the mountains LEVEL_4 kill vc_mortar Find and destroy the VC mortar Find and destroy the vietcong mortar LEVEL_4 securebridge Defend the bridgehead Defend the bridgehead from the VC attacking forces LEVEL_4 hazamenni Get to LZ X-Ray Get to LZ X-Ray (marked on your map) LEVEL_4 survive Lion Sergeant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_5 survive Lion Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_5 info about pilot Get info about the planewreck Get information from the vietnamese civilians about the planewreck and the pilot LEVEL_5 find pilot Find the pilot Find the pilot hiding in the swamp LEVEL_5 rescue pilot Rescue the pilot Get the pilot and your squads to the helicopter LEVEL_5 survive pilot The pilot must survive LEVEL_5 find village Find the village Get to the village (marked on your map) LEVEL_5 survive mitchelle Mitchells must survive LEVEL_5 survive medic Petty must survive LEVEL_5 repuloroncs Capture the planewreck Capture the planewreck LEVEL_5 heal pilot Find and heal the wounded pilot Get the medical officer to the swamp and heal him LEVEL_6 get back rice Get back the stolen rice Find the vietcong camp where they hold the stolen rice stock, and take all your officers there LEVEL_6 kill VC gerillas Take out the VC-guerrillas LEVEL_6 search VC tunnel Discover the VC-tunnel LEVEL_6 survive officers Officers must survive LEVEL_6 locate bunkers Locate the bunkers Find the VC bunkers and destroy them LEVEL_6 clear the ruins Secure the ruined village Find all the VCs hiding at the village and kill them LEVEL_6 survive O'Brady Corporal O’Brady must survive LEVEL_6 survive Petty Medical Officer Petty must survive LEVEL_6 survive White Lieutenant Whitemore must survive LEVEL_6 survive Lion Sergeant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_6 check the hut Search the hut Search the hut marked on your map, get all the officers close to it LEVEL_6 night in jungle Spend the night in the jungle LEVEL_7 arvn meeting Meet with the ARVN Get to the waypoint marked on your map and meet with your reinforcement and the ARVN soldiers LEVEL_7 search rice Destroy the rice containers Get to the vietcong camp marked on your map, and kill the VCs guarding the rice LEVEL_7 ARVN contact Contact the ARVN Find the ARVN squads again LEVEL_7 revange Revenge the murdered ARVN Take out all the VCs killed the ARVN LEVEL_7 survive lionsdale Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_7 survive petty Petty must survive LEVEL_7 survive obrady Obrady must survive LEVEL_7 LZ Get to the LZ Get to the helicopter (marked on your map) LEVEL_8 Lionsdale survuve Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_8 Pablo survive Sergeant Pablo must survive LEVEL_8 OBrady survive Corporal O’Brady must survive LEVEL_8 general objective Secure the road Kill all VCs patrolling and hiding near the road LEVEL_8 defend bridge Don’t let the bridge to be blown away Kill the VC quickly, before they can activate the detonator LEVEL_8 disarm traps Disarm the traps on the bridgeheads Disarm the traps on the bridgeheads LEVEL_8 convoy Defend the convoy Kill the remaining VCs and secure the trucks' journey LEVEL_8 kill da base Mop up the enemy camp Kill everybody at the VC camp LEVEL_9 find POW Find a way to the captives Explore the area with Mitchells and get close to the prisoners LEVEL_9 bring M113 to POW Get the APC to the captives Drive the APC to the prisoners LEVEL_9 return to LZ Get back to the starting point Get all your squads and the prisoners to the evacuation point (marked on your map) LEVEL_9 protect the POW Protect the POW Don't let too many prisoners to fall LEVEL_9 leave the area Leave the area LEVEL_9 survive Lion Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_9 survive Mitchells Sergeant Mitchells must survive LEVEL_9 survive Willis Lieutenant Willis must survive LEVEL_11 in position Occupy your position Get to the ambush points at the mountains (marked on your map) LEVEL_11 hide Stay invisible Hide from the VC convoy LEVEL_11 survive lionsdale Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_11 kill them all No one shall trespass Don't let the VC convoy to get through the canyon LEVEL_12 survive Lion Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_12 Pablo survive Sergeant Pablo must survive LEVEL_12 OBrady survive O’Brady must survive LEVEL_12 caffey survive Caffey must survive LEVEL_12 blow up shrine Blow up the shrine Get to the helicopter that brings the explosives LEVEL_12 get off Leave the area Run to the helicopter before the VC tanks destroy it LEVEL_12 find shrine Find the shrine Get the shrine (marked on your map) LEVEL_12 2 kill them all Take out the VCs from the shrine Kill every VC hiding in the shrine LEVEL_15 fukk LZ motherland Get to LZ Motherland and secure it Get back the helicopter base from the vietcong forces LEVEL_15 survive Lion Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive LEVEL_15 survive Mitchells Sergeant Mitchells must survive LEVEL_15 felderít Explore the area with Mitchells Circle around the camp with Mitchells LEVEL_15 claymoret lerak Hit the VCs with claymore Place claymore to the way of the patrolling RPG-squad, and destroy them LEVEL_15 szetbasz vietkong Take out all the VCs at the base Kill every VC at the base TUTORIAL gyakorold a kameramozgatast Practice with the camera Follow the instructions of Lieutanant Whitemore TUTORIAL gyakorold az egyseg kezelest Practice with the units Follow the instructions of Lieutanant Whitemore TUTORIAL ha vegeztel menj a kijarathoz Proceed to the exit point when ready Leave the US camp TUTORIAL juss el a tisztas vegeig Proceed to the end of clearing Get to the waypoint marked on your map TUTORIAL Hagyd el a teruletet a madarkaval Get on the Heli Get to the waypoint marked on your map and mount to the helicopter TUTORIAL kill tutorial Take out the VC from the road Get to the waypoint marked on your map, and take out the VCs patrolling there TUTORIAL survive Lion Lieutenant Lionsdale must survive