mIRC 6.03 --------- Auteur: Tjerk Vonck Shareware Site Internet: http://www.mirc.co.uk Le meilleur client IRC pour PC. Connectez vous et dialoguez avec la plančte ! Description: With this new release we hope to address most, if not all, of the comments, requests and remarks we received after the release of version 6.02. Read more.. This is what they say: With this new release we hope to address most, if not all, of the comments, requests and remarks we recieved over the past weeks. We tried to focus on fixing the few but annoying buggies found in the previous version, but of course added quite a few new features and functions. The 'perform on connect' sorting mistake has been fixed, also the numeric 330 bug, the flickering menubar and toolbar, the ! on INPUT processing bug, the $read and a similar freeze bug with invalid filenames, a switchbar multi-line display bug, dcc ignore bug, a /timer bug, and a bug in the highlight feature are fixed. The $ticks has changed back to the old method because of a bug in Windows' high performance timer... *mumble* Other fixes are the /load command that could trigger multiple on load events, a proxy authentication bug, the $asctime() bug, a small dcc server ignore bug, and an important memory bug in script parser, where mIRC checks if a script has been loaded/unloaded while a script is running. mIRC now supports several IRCX events on any server that sends them, not just for IRCX servers, it will (again) try to rejoin a channel even if it was +i or +k, we improved the way mIRC determines what default web browser you use, rewrote the mark/copy routine, and added a $nick().idle property that returns the idle time for a person on a channel. You can also use this idle time feature in the nick color list dialog in the addressbook!