Q_Duke92.txt "AquaDuke" = A Quakework Duke for QUAKE SW ver .92 ..now you can REALLY kill the competition, literally! revamped for Quake SW .92 07/19/96 This is a replacement for the soldier.mdl/player.mdl that turns him into DUKE NUKEM (truly 3D now)... complete with Gibs & actual Duke Nukem sounds! ------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: When using Duke "player.mdl" in multiplayer games the color selection changes his hair color.. in essense "a quick dye-job". For Duke's natural hair color use "6" alone as your color choice (color 6). Of course if you want Duke to go Punk.. pick a color, any color. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ** the sounds are used only with soldier.mdl ** ------------------------------------------------------------------ Assuming that you've already unpacked Quake SW .92 simply do the following: -Copy soldier.mdl and/or player.mdl to your "quake\id1\progs" dir (make sure to backup any previous soldier.mdl/player.mdl's you might have installed for safe keeping) -Copy Gib1.mdl, Gib2.mdl, h_guard.mdl, h_player.mdl to your "quake\progs" dir if you want the body parts to fly. (back up yer old gibs, you wouldn't wanna lose you're head... or torso & leg) -Copy sight1.wav & death1.wav to your "quake\id1\sound\soldier" dir (make sure to back up the originals) ..Now you can go kill Duke, again and again. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Files included in AquaDuke.zip: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Q_Duke.txt - hell.. you're reading it. soldier.mdl - Duke Nukem soldier texture replacement. player.mdl - Duke Nukem texture replacement for you-the-player. gib1.mdl - Duke Nukem's bloody leg. gib2.mdl - Duke Nukem's bloody torso. h_player.mdl - Duke's decapitated head (player piece replacement). h_guard.mdl - Duke's decapitated head (soldier piece replacement). sight1.wav - "Let's Rock" when Duke gets you in his sights. death1.wav - "Damn" uttered by Duke when you kill him. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This is my first try at making any sort of texture replacement so I hope you enjoy it as it took me quite a while to get it to a point where I was even remotely happy. HAVE FUN!! ( ((BUKE)) ) [mbuckton@Direct.Ca] Original art done on Paint Shop Pro 3.12-32 & Corel 4.0 Photopaint. Editor of choice: QUAKEme for Win95 (kudos to the makers)