====================================================================== Title : Be Dammed!! Version 1 - S For Slower Machines Author : Tim Smulders E-mail : smulders@iconn.net Web Page : http://www.iconn.net/smulders Description : Duke Match Only Additional Credits to : Thanks to Klaus Breuer for a great FAQ and for answering some specific questions. Thanks to Ken Benoit for testing and suggestions. ====================================================================== This version of Bedammed! has been made smaller for slower machines. * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : No DukeMatch Level : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : Nope, but let me know if you find any. * Where to get this MAP file * http://www.iconn.net/smulders The home of my Dark Forces custom levels: Distribution Center -- Dist15.zip Space Port -- sport10.zip and sportmod.zip Imperial Mine -- impmin10.zip Ice World -- icewld10.zip And my Duke Nukem Duke Match level -- Be Dammed! bedammd1.zip =====================================================================