**********The Yummy Creations Bucket of Duke for Duke Nukem 3D by********** Yummy Creations...Home of The Really Big Guy What is it ? A FREE collection of maps and the best Duke Nukem 3D management program around. What's the program ? The Duke Control System, run it instead of Duke Nukem 3D, Build, Help for Duke Nukem 3D, Help for Build, or Setup for Duke Nukem 3D because The D.C.S. does it all. With it, you can go to any level, change respawn settings, difficulty levels etc. You can also load User Maps, Jump in Build to edit a map then back again to jump to Duke Nukem 3D to check-out your changes then to a Help file for referince on what your doing, drop to a DOS Shell to rename and copy your new map to a disk so you can give it to your friends, then jump to Setup to play a modem/net game to kill your friends on your map and damn near anything else you can think of! What's the Maps ? Laidoff3.map:An office map for any number of players and any type of game. RoadKill.map:Also for any number of players, one of the few(if not the ONLY) map(s) to have complete traffic in the roads. Foomba.map :DukeMatch only, recommended 2-4 players (but supports 8). FoombEX.map :The EXpanded version of foomba.map for over 4 players. How can I contact Yummy Creations ? You can e-mail us at lbt1st@aol.com Due to the extreme limitations of AOL we do not (as of this writting) have a web-site. But we will soon... How can Yummy Creations contact me ? You can send you e-mail address to us via the above address to be put on The List for any updates on upcomming stuff from Yummy Creations. Yummy Creations reserves the right to ignore e-mail and/or destroy The List. What if I contact the above address but it's not yummy Creations ? This means the address has probably expired, meaning we finnaly completely dumped AOL and have a new address (and probably a web-site). So get on The List now so we can tell you of any changes. What else can I expect from Yummy Creations ? Quake is here, and we will will be (are) putting much effort to make it as much fun as DOOM was when WADs were common talk around everyone (not that it isn't already, but we aim to keep it that way). The date of "this writting" is 7-3-'96 Kevin Reems - Yummy Creations