Hello! Thank you for downloading this set of cursors. I am sure that you will find that your time and download cost has not been wasted. This is a set of 14 cursors that I made. The set is based around a blow glow which emanates from the centre and then recedes or a shine. First unzip the file into a folder of your choice. To set up the cursors to work with your system, follow the following steps: 1. Open the Control Panel 2. click on Mouse 3. click on Pointers 4. Then just double click on each folder in turn. Locate the folder where you unzipped the files and then just choose the particular cursor suited for the purpose and, 5. Click on Apply and Voila! This set is free for use and distribution but I would prefer it if you would drop me an e-mail at amunir@geocities.com when you start using these. I would just like to know how many people are using these and whether you liked them or not. Thank you! Asim Munir amunir@geocities.com http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/3948 ICQ UIN: 4582677