____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ adidas logos for windows 95 by ||| ryno ||| kicks@iastate.edu This package contains the following files... * logo.sys an animated adidas trefoil that pulses * logow.sys shutdown screen that show the adidas 3 stripe logo * logos.sys the "It is now safe to turn off your computer" screen showing a selection of adidas watches. * alternate logo.sys this is the old logo.sys that I included in this package before I designed the animated one. * spin.sys an animated trefoil with red, white and blue, color bars spinning behind it * rwb_circle_adidas.sys yet another animated trefoil, this time with red, white, and blue circles pulsating outward. Updates: New logo packages will be made available as I get time to work on them. They can be found by going to ||| ryno's adidas page ||| at http://www.public.iastate.edu/~kicks/adidas.htm and then navagating to the windows 95 area. These logo screens are designed to work with Windows 95. They will not work with Windows 3.1x because it simply doesn't use the screens. To install these images, follow these 2 simple steps. Instructions: 1.Backup your old logos. The logos you want to back up are... * logo.sys * logow.sys * logos.sys These files logow.sys and logos.sys are normally located in your windows directory, and logo.sys is normally in the root directory (C: usually). Just save a backup of them to a directory somewhere, or rename them with a .old extension rather than the current .sys extension. 2.Extract the newly downloaded package to your windows directory. Then move logo.sys into the root directory (C: usually). If and when you would like to return to your old set of logos, or even a new set, all you need to do is rename or delete the current logo*.sys and then rename the set you want to use with their proper logo*.sys. Any additional questions should be sent to ||| kicks@iastate.edu ||| ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________