Technical Requirements To play GAME, NET & MATCH!, you need to have Windows(r) 95 installed on your PC. Additionally, you'll need to have DirectX 5.0 installed on your computer. Minimum Configuration: 133 MHz Pentium 2 MB Graphics Card (DirectX compatible) Windows(r) 95 DirectX 5.0 4 x CD-ROM Network: TCP/IP Protocol GAME, NET & MATCH! can be played on computers with slower processors as long as Windows(r) 95 and DirectX 5.0 are installed and at least 16MB RAM is available. Blue Byte cannot guarantee the resolutions quality. Recommended Configuration: 166 MHz Pentium Sound Card (DirectX compatible) 32 MB RAM Gamepad or Joystick 3Dfx Supports: 3Dfx Direct 3D(r) Microsoft(r) Sidewinder Gamepad Gravis Gamepad Pro Note: In the full version of GAME, NET, & MATCH!, the game is properly commentated by an announcer. The announcer was not integrated into this demo in order to save space. Installation ------------ Please start the Setup program and follow the installation instructions. The game will be installed and configured to match your PC hardware configuration (for example, sound card, graphics card, 3D accelerator, etc.). Instructions ------------ In the demo version of GAME, NET & MATCH you can either select the training mode or you can play a single match against the computer or against another human player. The length of each match is limited to 25 minutes. Although if there is not user input for more than 60 seconds during a match the program will return to the main menu. The number of player characters and courts is limited as well. Training -------- Use the ball machine to practice your tennis strokes. Here you can prepare yourself before entering any tournaments. If you're not comfortable while training, you definitely won't be during the matches to follow. Adjust Ball Machine You can adjust the ball machine during practice using the following function keys: F1: Deep groundstroke F2: Short groundstroke F3: Deep lob F4: Short lob F5: Deep crosscourt groundstroke F6: Short crosscourt groundstroke F7: Deep crosscourt lob F8: Short crosscourt lob F9: Practice serve F10: Random groundstroke F11: Random lob F12: Random all Singles ------- Here you can enter all the important parameters for a singles match. The options are displayed on screen. If you click on one of the buttons, a sub-menu will appear. Note: You can terminate a singles match at any time and then continue it later using the "ESC" key. Menu Return to main menu. Start This button starts a singles match with the current setup information. The Sub-Menus These buttons will move you through the sub-menus. The forward button opens the next sub-menu. The back button allows you to move back to the previous sub-menu. The "Menu" button will always bring you back to the "Singles" menu. The "Start" button will start a singles match with the current setup information. Mode If you want to play against the computer, click on the left display (with the computer and joypad). If you want to play against a friend, click on the right display (the two joypads). Network ------- You can play GAME, NET & MATCH! on a local area network (LAN) against another player who is also connected to the LAN. This is however only possible in "Singles" mode. It is not available for doubles. When you select "Network" in the main menu, you will see a network menu. Use this menu to set up your match. Note: To play a local area network match, at least one tennis server must be running. If there is no server running when you make this selection, you will see the message to start one. It is always better to select the one with the fastest PC to be your tennis server. Select Opponent You will see a display with the players available on the local area network. You must select one as your opponent. Start Network Game After you have selected an opponent and clicked on the "Start" button, the selected player will receive a message that you have challenged him to a match. He can then accept or decline the match. If he accepts your challenge, the game starts. Chat During The Game During the game you and your opponent can send messages back and forth. To chat, you must first press the "Return" key then type your message and then press the "Return" key again to send your message. Internet Game ------------- Note: With a bad Internet connection, GAME, NET & MATCH! performance will be reduced. If you have connection problems, get in contact with your provider. They should be able to help solve the problem. To start a round of GAME, NET & MATCH! on the Internet, you must press the "Internet Game" button in the main menu. The first time you play on-line, you will be asked to register. Fill in the information. After you've entered the necessary data, you will be asked to create a user. Enter the desired name and a password. Enter your password a second time to confirm. Please remember your password. You must use it when you want to play GAME, NET & MATCH! on the Internet. Note: The name you use should be unique. If this name is already being used, you will be asked to enter another name. Billboard As soon as the connection to the Blue Byte GAME, NET & MATCH! sever has been established, a billboard will appear. Here you will find messages, news and general information. Cancel With cancel you terminate the connection to the Blue Byte GAME, NET & MATCH! server. Next Continue onto the sever list. Here you will be able to view a list of GAME, NET & MATCH! server currently available. Cancel Return to Billboard Search Player If you are looking for a friend or someone in particular and don't know on which server he's logged on, use this option to search for him. Start Game Select a server from the list and activate this button to log onto the server. The first time that you go on-line, you will be asked to create a player character. You can configure your character and determine which attributes receive how many points. On-line If all has gone well, you are now connected to the server. You should see a menu with the following options: Lobby This represents a series of virtual rooms where you can meet other players, exchange messages and arrange matches. You will only see and communicate with the people who are currently in the same room as yourself. Cancel Terminate the connection with GAME, NET & MATCH! server. Chat Here you can chat with any or all of the players currently connected to the same server. To send a message, first select in the "Connected Player" window all the people you want to receive your message. You can also send your message to everyone (select "ALL"). You'll create your messages in the space next to the "Send" button. Connected Players All those currently connected to the GAME, NET & MATCH! server. Buddy list Buddies are your friends, or those that you choose to communicate with. Here you will only see those "Buddies" that are connected to the server (see Buddy List). This means that you can no longer receive or send messages to anyone outside of the buddy list. Even if you select "All", the messages that you send will then only go out to those on the buddy list. Player Character Displays information about the selected player. Send Send a message to the selected player(s). Create Game Here you can create a new game that another player may join. All you have to do is to give your game a name, enter an optional password, determine what type of court you'd like to play on, and the number of sets to decide the match. Once you press the "Create" button, the game will be sent to all those you selected in the list box (just as you would do when you chat). The game will now appear in its respective "Join game-Tabs." Game Name Give your game a name. Note: During the game you and your opponent can send messages back and forth. To chat, you must first press the "Return" key then type your message and then press the "Return" key again to send your message. Join Game Here you have the opportunity to join a game (see Create Game). Password If you give your game a password, only those players with the password can play. Surface Select a type of court. Sets Number of sets needed to win the match. Create After you have entered all the vital data, press the create button to send it to the selected players. After you've created your game offer, a screen will appear with the player that would like to take up the challenge. You will also see how good the connection is (Ping time - the lower the number the better). You can decline to play against this opponent with "Cancel" or accept with "Start." Now the client will go into standby mode and "Game, Net & Match" will begin. Available Games This is a list of all available games. Select a game by clicking on it. Chat window Here you can follow all incoming messages. To send a message you will need to activate the chat window (tab). Join Game This lets the creator of a game know that you would like to join the game. Buddy List This is where you can create a list of friends (buddies) with whom you'd like to play. When you activate this list, you'll see which of your friends are currently on-line. Alien List In contrast to the buddy list, there is the alien list. This is a list of players that you don't want to chat with or play with. You will not receive messages from or send messages to them - even if you select All. This list is reserved for players that you don't want anything to do with for whatever reason. Player Character This provides you a view of the player character's attributes and also the chance to modify them. Change Player Character Here you can make a new character or change their attributes. Ranking Select the ranking that you wish to view. Options ------- Controls Choose this option to select the device each player will be using. You have the following choices: keyboard, joystick, or gamepad. The number on the joystick graphic represents the attached device. For example, if there are four joypads connected and you want to play as player #1 with the second gamepad, you must select player #1 and the joystick with the Roman numeral II. The arrows next to the graphic allow you to select your type of controls. View This gives you the chance to alter the stadium camera perspective. There are five perspectives that can be selected with the arrow keys. The level of detail can also be raised or lowered. The more yellow dots the higher the detail level. The higher the detail level the slower the graphic presentation. If you don't have a high-performance PC or graphics accelerator card, it's advisable to reduce the detail level. Note: During play you can alter the camera perspectives by using the "HOME" and "END" keys. To alter the detail level, use the "PAGE UP" or "PAGE DOWN" keys. Sound Here you can adjust the sound level for the effects, audience, referee and comments. Controls -------- GAME, NET & MATCH! allows the following control devices: keyboard, joystick, and gamepad. You can configure GAME, NET & MATCH! in the options menu. The following is a list of control commands: Keyboard Joystick Gamepad (Microsoft SideWinder(r) gamepad) Run forward Cursor up Joystick forward Thumbpad forward Run back Cursor down Joystick back Thumbpad back Run right Cursor right Joystick right Thumbpad right Run left Cursor left Joystick left Thumbpad left Stroke Keys Normal stroke Spacebar Button 1 Button A Topspin B Button 2 Button B Slice / Drop shot N Button 3 Button C Lob M Button 4-6 Button X, Y or Z Left slice V Button 8 Left fire button Right slice , Button 9 Right fire button 16 Service You serve by holding down the service button. The crosshair will appear and then move out and back again. Use the direction keys to place the crosshair in the correct position and then let go of the service button. Note: The various stroke keys affect the way the service is hit. Normal stroke creates a fast serve. Topspin creates a serve that is cut to the right. A slice creates a serve that cuts the serve to the left. A lob creates a safety second serve that will automatically land in the service area even when the service key is released too late. Playing on the Run When you move your character around the court, their position to the ball will determine which of the strokes is used you will have no control over the choice. Only your position to the ball will determine which is to be used, so place your character in the desired position before hitting the ball. Only after you have released the key will the stroke be carried out. Please pay attention to the following rules when hitting the ball: The longer you hold the key the more powerful and more precise your shot will be. While holding the stroke key, you can also influence the direction and length by pressing the direction keys. The longer you hold a direction key, the more the ball will be guided in that direction. If you hold the right direction key together with the up key, you can create balls that are both long and directed at the corner. This works for the other key combinations, and is influenced by how long you hold the keys. Your position to the ball when struck will also influence the flight path of the ball. If you hit the ball when it is in front of you, the ball will move cross court. If you hit the ball parallel to your body, you will cause the ball to return in a straight line. If the ball is behind you when struck, it will move more down the line or more to the right. If your character is turned toward the ball when it is struck, it will cause whichever stroke is carried out to be more accentuated in that direction: forehand to the right and backhand to the left. If the player is too near the ball, it will flatten out the flight path of the ball.