Rurouni Kenshin RPG The Ten Warriors Conspiracy. This FAQ is not associated with nor endorsed by Shuesha or Sony. This FAQ may be freely distributed for noncommercial purposes if it is not altered in any way. This FAQ can only be reproduced electronically, and thus cannot be incorporated into magazines, guides, books, etc. in any way without my permission. This FAQ was created and is owned by Jesus Zhu. All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. Rurouni Kenshin, all the characters and indicia in this game are (c) Nobuhiro Watsuki / Shueisha Inc. / Fuji Television / SPE Visual Works. (c) 1997 Sony Computer Entertainment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ can be found at the following sites: Anime Playstation My homepage (well sort of) Playstation Gamer ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 2. HOW TO PLAY 3. WALKTHROUGH 4. CHARACTERS -Hijiri -Hikaru -Himura Kenshin -Kamiya Kaoru -Myojin Yahiko -Sagara Sanosuke -Saitou Hajime -Shinomori Aoshi 5. SIDE-STORIES / MINIGAMES 6. EQUIPMENT / ITEMS 7. MISCELLANEOUS 8. CREDITS 9. REVISIONS HISTORY =============================== 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N =============================== This is my first FAQ so bear with me. Also I'm from Mexico, so my english is not perfect, and I have only basic knowledge of japanese. The early revisions will have a very simplistic walkthrough because I'll writing while I play the game. =============================== 2. H O W T O P L A Y =============================== ------------- B U T T O N S ------------- D-pad Move your character or menu options. Select Start Change your character while Circle Accept Square No use Triangle Menu X Cancel L1 Accept L2 Cancel R1 Hold down to run R2 No use =========================== 3. C H A R A C T E R S =========================== Here you can find info about the Characters you can use in the game The special moves HIJIRI Attack: High Defense: Medium Speed: Medium/Low ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH Karura no Kata 40 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Nata no Kata 50 Heihachirou Event Seiten no Kata 25 Dojo in Nitsukou ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Karyo no Kata 35 Maekawa Dojo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Senjyu no Kata 60 Dojo in Yokohama Ida no Kata 20 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE Bonten no Kata 70 Shimotsu-cho Enma no Kata 40 Kamitsume no Sato ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Marishi no Kata 35 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Jizai no Kata 100 Level 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIKARU Attack: Medium Defense: High Speed: Medium/High ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH Karura no Kata 40 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Nata no Kata 50 Heihachirou Event Seiten no Kata 25 Dojo in Nitsukou ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Karyo no Kata 35 Maekawa Dojo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Senjyu no Kata 60 Dojo in Yokohama Kitsushiyou no Kata 20 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE Bonten no Kata 70 Shimotsu-cho Enma no Kata 40 Kamitsume no Sato ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Marishi no Kata 35 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Jizai no Kata 100 Level 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HIMURA KENSHIN Attack: High Defense: Medium Speed: High SPECIAL MOVES ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH Ryu Tsui Sen 25 Already learned Sou Ryu Sen - Ikazuchi 40 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Ryu Bi Sen 25 Already learned Ryu Kan Sen - Tsumuji 40 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Ryu Shou Sen 25 Already learned So Ryu Sen 40 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Ryu So Sen 50 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE Hi Ryu Sen 35 Already learned Do Ryu Sen 60 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Ryu Kan Sen 50 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Kuzu Ryu Sen 100 Level 35 Ama Kakeru Ryu no Hirameki 100 Level 45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- KAMIYA KAORU Attack: Medium Defense: High Speed: High/Medium SPECIAL MOVES ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH Makinukemen 20 Already learned Shoufuujin 35 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Inukidou 25 Already learned Ichijinsoufuu Satsu 40 Dojo in Nitsukou ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Suneharai 30 Already learned Ougi - En Eiken 45 Maekawa Dojo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Men - Midareuchi 70 Dojo in Yokohama ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE No long range attacks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Hikiuchi 20 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Ougi - Mujinken 100 Level 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MYOJIN YAHIKO Attack: Medium Defense: Low, really, really low. Speed: High SPECIAL MOVES As you may read Yahiko learns some of his moves from his oppenents. To learn them let your opponent hit you with this special move. In the case of Kenshin's moves I'm not sure how to learn them. ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH Makinukemen 20 Dojo in Shimotsuma Cho Yahiko-ryu Ryu Tsui Sen 60 Learn from Kenshin??? (not sure) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Atemi 40 Dojo in Nitsukou Chou Atemi (that hurts!!!) 70 Dojo in Nitsukou Inukidou 25 Alredy learned Onigiriba 50 Learn from Kousachi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Ougi - En-eiken 45 Maekawa Dojo Yahiko-ryu Ryu Shou Sen 60 Learn from Kenshin??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Dotou no Ken 20 Dojo in Yokohama Sen Rin Zan 40 Learn from Matsukaze Oikasangeki 50 Learn from Shino ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE No long range attacks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Hikiuchi 20 Dojo in Shibukawa-machi Yahiko-ryu Ryu Kan Sen 60 Learn from Kenshin??? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Tenchijinken 100 Level 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAGARA SANOSUKE Attack: High Defense: High Speed: Medium/Low SPECIAL MOVES ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH No High attacks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Konshin 40 Already learned Totsushin 20 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Saentasumakige 50 Already learned Kenkagokui 30 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Gouranda 60 Already learned Randa 40 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE No long range attacks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Kenkaichiban 30 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Futae no Kiwami 100 Level 35 Sanjou no Kiwami 100 Level 45 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saitou Hajim Attack: High Defense: Medium Speed: Medium SPECIAL MOVES ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH Gatotsu Nishiki 25 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Gatotsu 25 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Gatotsu Sanshiki 25 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Sai-Gatotsu 50 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE No long range attacks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Hakuroujin 40 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Gatotsu Seroshiki 100 Level 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SAGARA SANOSUKE Attack: Low Defense: Medium Speed: Medium/High SPECIAL MOVES ============================================================================ Name Points How to learn ============================================================================ HIGH No High attacks. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE Onmiyousouda 20 Already learned Gokoujuuji 50 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOW Kaitenkenbu 50 Already learned Onmiyoukousa 20 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MULTI-HIT Shirankenbu 30 Already learned Gojikenbu 50 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG RANGE No long range attacks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTER Kaeshi no Kaze 40 Already learned ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- UNBLOCKABLE Kaitenkenbu - Rokuren 100 Level 30 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================= 4. W A L K T H R O U G H ============================= Well after you begin a new game you'll be walking by Shimotsuma-Cho, you'll get in trouble and Kenshin will arrive to save the day. Then you'll flee and end in Tokyo. You'll lift a propaganda from Akabeko. From now on you'll take control of your character. Enter Akabeko. A sequence will follow. Kaoru will ask you to go to her dojo. Answer yes. Anyway, you'll forced to follow her. After she treats your wounds, she'll introduce herself and Yahiko. You'll When you leave the Dojo you'll find 3 townfolks fleeing. Then Hinoyama and 3 other guys will arrive. Kaoru will arrive to protect this townfolks. Then you'll have to answer some questions. 1. Yes - Kaoru will fights alone No - You won't let her fight alone and Yahiko arrives 2. Yes Yahiko and Kaoru fights. No You join the fight. 3. Yes Kaoru, Yahiko and you flee. No You stay to fight the 3 guys. After a sequence with Megumi, you'll leave Kamiya dojo. Speak to the Woman in the upper left part of the South section of Tokyo. Answer Yes. Then go to the Bar in the bottom left part ot the same section. Enter the Bar, someone won't let you enter but Kaoru will say something and then He'll let you enter the Bar. Then speak to the man with a hat at the left side. A battle with 5 enemies. Just after that this three girls: Akane, Midori and Ai will show up, say something and leave the Bar. You'll leave the Bar, speak with the woman you spoke to before you entered the bar, and she'll give you a Chidome Chinki. Go to Kamiya dojo, and Megumi will arrive telling you, there are problems in the town. You'll find the same 3 dudes you met outside Kamiya dojo. Beat'em and one of em will tell you something and that those responsive for this are heading to Akabeko. When you try to enter Akabeko. Yahiko and Kaoru will discuse something. If you answer yes you'll enter, I've never answered no. When you enter, Hiyatsuki will enter and cause a turmoil, then he'll throw a smoke bomb, and everybody will be under his control. You'll follow him to the forest to the east of Tokyo. You'll find two chests to the Norhteast part of this forest and the exit is Southeast. Enter the temple. Explore the house, you'll find 3 chests with items. Go upstairs and you'll find the 3 girls, you'll fight with em. Take the sphere answering yes. When you enter Tokyo again you'll have to protect a kid. If you answer yes, Yahiko will fight. After that try to leave Tokyo. The 3 girls won't let you leave Tokyo and they brought Nezu with em. After the fight and a short dialogue, Sanosuke appears. You'll lift a piece from a map and Sanosuke will join your party. Goto the Bamboo forest to the Northwest of Tokyo. This part is fairly easy, so I don't need to explain much. Enter the house, fight Nezu and those 3 girls again. The 3 girls will run away. And Yuri will arrive to save Nezu. ========================================================= 5. S I D E - S T O R I E S / M I N I G A M E S ========================================================= =========================================== 6. E Q U I P M E N T / I T E M S =========================================== ================================= 7. M I S C E L L A N E O U S ================================= The 40 Nishiki-he Through the game you'll find 40 Nishiki-he. If you remember Tae san likes to collect'em, so each time you find one go to Akabeko give em to Tae. How? Speak with Tae and choose the second option. You'll find some at the Nishik-he stands, You'll recieve some others from people at certain times in the game 1. Kamiya Kaoru san Anytime at the beginning of the game, go to Maekawa dojo, there's a man standing at the front, change to Kaoru (press start) and speak with him. 2. Kenka ya Zanza After you fight Nezu the first time, go to the east part of Tokyo, and speak to the kid walking by the hanging clothes. 3. Nezu After you fight Nezu, go to the Nishiki-he stand in Tokyo to buy it, it'll cost 20 GPs 4. ===================== 8. C R E D I T S ===================== Up to now? Myself... hahahaha. Adrian Negrete. For getting for me the Official Guide for Rurouni Kenshin RPG ======================================= 9. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y ======================================= 0.0 Began to write this FAQ on March 21, 1998 at 1:45 AM I know, I know, I should go to sleep earlier, but who cares??? Added the special moves for Hijiri, Hikaru, Kenshin and Kaoru. 0.1 Writing the FAQ while playing the game so I can tell you exactly what to do and where to go, but not much detail. Added special moves for Yahiko, Sanosuke, Saito and Aoshi Added some of the first Nishiki-he's 0.2