aa. .aa 88 II `aaaaaaaaaaaaa' II 88 788. II `aaaaaaa` II ,88P ------------------------ ?88 i `888' i 88P 788. 888 ,88P The King of Fighters '97 8. `?88 ,888. 88P' ,8 M?8__ `?8 ?88 .aaaaaaa. 88P 8P' __8FM ------------------------ `8AA888m. `78 8aaafF~~~?taaa8 8P' .m888AA8' ""788887m .aaf' `jaa8mmF8888F"" KOF '97 FAQ Version 3.2 )8maac )aam8( mmJ8888Jm maaL, .jaa. mL8888L== ------------------------ .8UU888U' Jm8.aaaLL___Jjaaa~mmL `U888UU8. mJ8~~ , 788` .aaaaaaa. '88F . ~~8Lm by K. Megura iiii .J88F .J `888' L. J88L. iiii IIII' 78F7F .JJ J8L LL. JF78L `IIII ------------------------ iIIII m8F 78 .J88F .8F8. 788L. 8F ?8m IIIIi !!!!' .8' `8F F8F' 69`85 `787 78' `8. `!!!! 8 8' FF J6f ?5L 77 `8 8 ` ' F' 6F ?5 `7 ` ' ------------------------ l' `l ` ' Unpublished work Copyright 1997-1998 Kao Megura This FAQ is for private and personal use only. It can only be reproduced electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as this disclaimer and the above copyright notice appears in full. This FAQ is not to be used for profitable/promotional purposes; this includes being used by publishers of magazines, guides, books, etc. or being incorporated into magazines, etc. in ANY way. This FAQ was created and is owned by me, Kao Megura . All copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged that are not specifically mentioned in this FAQ. Please give credit where it is due. The King of Fighters series is (c) SNK Corporation and (c) SNK Corporation of America. Until v3.3, this was/(is) a compiled work. All I did was stick it one big ol' text file. All credit goes to the contributors. :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This document can be found at the following locations: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kao Megura's Home Page kao.home.ml.org GameFAQs www.gamefaqs.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sites concerning KoF that you really should check out: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arcade Games Page home.pacific.net.sg/~lancer/ Chika's King of Fighters Zone members.aol.com/iorin/chika/ Mega Shock www.slip.net/~shrike/ YuRiMai's Trash Compactor www.deathsdoor.com/mai/ MadMan's Cafe www.deathsdoor.com/mmcafe/ Gunsmith HQ www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Towers/3860/ The KoF Guide Page www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/4810/ --------------- c o n t e n t s --------------- 1. INTRODUCTION 2. HOW TO PLAY 3. THE TEAMS - Hero Team - Fatal Fury Team - Art of Fighting Team - Ikari Team - Psycho Soldier Team - New Female Fighting Team - Kim's Team - New Faces Team - '97 Special Team 4. OTHER CHARACTERS - Iori Yagami - Shingo Yabuki 5. HIDDEN CHARACTERS - '94 Style Kyo Kusanagi (Riot of Blood Characters) - 'In the darkness, Orochi blood awakens Leona' - 'On a moonlit night, Iori goes insane due to Orochi blood' (Orochi New Faces Team) - Yashiro of the Parched Earth - Shermie of the Insanely Violent Lightning - Chris of the Flame of Destiny (Final Boss) - Orochi 6. TWO WAYS TO PLAY 7. FIGHTING TACTICS 8. MISCELLANEOUS 9. SPECIAL THANKS 10. REVISION HISTORY +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. I N T R O D U C T I O N +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The King of Fighters series is back in it's fourth incarnation. Several teams and characters have been dropped, including the Boss Team, Kasumi Todo, Mature, Vice, and Goenitz. New additions include the New Faces Team (consisting of all new characters), the '97 Special Team (which is comprised of Ryuji Yamazaki, Blue Mary, and Billy Kane, all from the Fatal Fury series), and Shingo Yabuki, the would-be student of Kyo. Like Shingo, Iori Yagami returns as a solo contender in the latest KoF tournament, which is being hosted by Chizuru Kagura. Incidentally, Chizuru herself has joined the New Female Fighting Team in Kasumi's absence. The new boss is Orochi, making his first appearance in a KoF game since his introduction into the series in The King of Fighters '95. Gameplay-wise, a lot has changed. First of all, there are two sets of basic commands that are chosen before you pick your characters; one of them, Advanced, is similar to the basic moves in KoF '96, while Extra is more like the way gameplay used to be in KoF '94 and '95. Also, most all of the characters have been given back their command attacks from KoF '95, or gained new ones. Most of the characters have also gained a new special move, and every character has at least one or two new Desperation Moves. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. H O W T O P L A Y +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Here's a brief explanation of the controls: UB U UF Jump Backward Jump Up Jump Forward \ | / B -- N -- F Retreat/Block Neutral Approach / | \ DB D DF Defensive Crouch Crouch Offensive Crouch B C D Weak Kick Strong Punch Strong Kick A Weak Punch All the moves in this FAQ are displayed using written notation. If you are on the second player (right) side, you will be facing the other way, so reverse all left- and right-based directions. Use the buttons to inflict damage, and the joystick to maneuver yourself around the playing field. Use a combination of joystick directions and buttons to perform special moves and other various commands. Move notation includes: QCF (Quarter Circle Forward) Rotate joystick from D to DF to F. QCB (Quarter Circle Backward) Rotate joystick from D to DB to B. HCF (Half Circle Forward) Rotate joystick from B to D to F. HCB (Half Circle Backweard) Rotate joystick from F to D to B. Otherwise, moves are performed by pressing in one of eight directions (the 'neutral' position is not listed unless for an alternate joystick command), then in another direction, and so on, before pressing a button. 'HCF' is a simpler way to write 'B,DB,D,DF,F', for example. Shortcut commands (ripped from EX Andy's Beginner's Reference FAQ) :) You can use these in place of the 'standard' command. I already have quite a few of these sprinkled throughout the FAQ and will add the rest later as time allows. The shortcuts are: HCF = DB,F HCB = DF,B F,D,DF = F,N,DF QCB,HCF = D,HCF QCF,HCB = D,HCB HCB,HCB = DB,F,DB,F HCF,HCF = DF,B,DF,B After beginning the game, choose what mode of play your team will use. Refer to Section 6 (Two Ways To Play) for more in-depth details. Then pick the three members of your team, using the Punch buttons for one costume color, or the Kick buttons for another. The mode of play you selected will determine which of the two Punch or Kick colors you will end up with. After that, select the order of your teammates for the upcoming battle (to see what the characters think of each other refer to Section 8), and then the battle will begin. The object of the battle is to beat all the members of your opponents' team while keeping your own members alive for as long as possible. To defeat an opponent's team member, reduce his/her Life bar to zero by using attacks and special moves. Be careful, because this is your opponent's goal as well. If you receive enough damage (and are using Extra Mode), your Life bar will flash to let you know that you are about to lose. Remember, you can gain life back after each round by playing aggressively, so try not to be too defensive or you won't get that much life back. The faster you defeat your opponent, the more life you'll receive. Each battle is broken down into rounds. A round ends when one person is defeated, both are defeated at the same time, or the round timer reaches 00. When this happens, the person with more life remaining is declared the winner. If both people have the same amount of life, a draw game occurs, and the next set of teammates replace their allies (the same thing happens in the event of two players losing at the same time). If there are no teammates left, then the person with more previous victories is the winner. If the number of victories is the same, then those two characters must fight a final round in which they both have less life (1/4th of a bar). If this round ends in a draw, both players lose. In addition to special moves that can be used during the rounds, there are also the Desperation Moves (DMs) and Super Desperation Moves (SDMs). The Desperation move can only be used when you have a flashing Life Bar (in Extra Mode), or when you have a full Power Gauge, which increases through manual charging, and by getting attacked. If you have a flashing life bar _and_ a full Power Gauge, you can do your character's SDM, which hits more often, is faster, and does more damage than a DM. Keep in mind that you will lose your Power Gauge after performing a DM or SDM, unless you have a flashing Life Bar, in which case you can perform a DM as many times as you want until you get a full Power Gauge (it then becomes an SDM). There is no way to perform your DM when you have a flashing Life Bar and a full Power Gauge. Should you be using Advanced Mode, your life bar won't flash when you are about to lose. Instead, you can do DMs every time you get a stored Power Gauge (a stock). If you want to perform a SDM, you can MAX out your Power Gauge by activating it--this takes up one stock, but you can now use any remaining stocks you have to perform SDMs. If you only have one stock, and you use it, all that happens is that your Power Gauge maxes out (not that that's bad :)). Advanced Mode players can store up to three Power Gauges (have 3 stocks) at a time. At best, they can use three DMs (using all three stocks), or two SDMs (activating a Power Gauge and using the two stocks for the SDMs before the activated Gauge runs out). To get a stock, simply fight and use special moves to fill your Gauge. The only difference is that your DMs/SDMs aren't available until you have at least one stock or (in the case of SDMs) two or three stocks. This is sort of a tradeoff: while it takes longer to gain two Power Gauges, you can then perform an SDM no matter how much life you have left, whereas an Extra Mode character can only use SDMs when his/her life is low (and has a full Power Gauge), but can also use DMs repeatedly during this time as long as their Power Gauge isn't completely full. Note that the Advanced Mode character will still have a MAX Power Gauge even after hitting or missing with his DM or SDM. As for the scoring system, it only works in one-plyaer mode. You get 20,000 points for a straight victory (one character), and a 10,000 point bonus for each perfect. If you lose and continue, your score is reset. Points are awarded for time remaining, health, and attacks that hit (blocked attacks, even DMs, garner no points). Here's some extra information on in-game situations and move abilities: GUARD CRUSH - Keep blocking attacks and this will happen to you (it's not determined by total number of blocked hits, but how many hits were blocked in a brief period). When it happens, you stop blocking and take a small amount of damage. If this happened to you during a multi-hit attack, you are open to other hits and these will inflict full damage. Also, note that if you are a victim of Guard Crush, you will lose your Power Gauge energy if it's MAXed (in Extra Mode), or lose your activated stock (in Advanced Mode). CRITICAL HIT - Moves will cause this at random, but some moves will cause it more often than others. When it happens, the reaction time on the move is cut, giving you a split-second to attack with another move or even a DM, in some cases. COUNTER - This occurs when your enemy is attacking, and you make an attack that hits them out of their assault. When you counter, it functions like the 'Critical' effect above. You can get a Critical Hit and Counter at the same time, which gives you a larger window of time in which to attack your opponent. If you're the victim of a Counter, any move that you're hit with afterwards does more damage. AUTOGUARD - Some moves have this, but most don't. When using a move with autoguard, you will see the 'block sparks' and take block damage from attacks if you're attacked while using that move, instead of being knocked out of the attack. Autoguard doesn't always kick in, but in some cases, it will block an otherwise unblockable move (such as Kyo's OniYaki vs. Ralf's Galactica Phantom DM). OVERHEAD - Usually, only Command Attacks are overheads, but some Special moves and even normal attacks (like Yashiro's standing Strong kick), have this ability. Normally, a person who is blocking high can be hit by low attacks, and if they are blocking low, they are defended from high and low attacks. However, a move with the 'overhead' ability will hit that person if they are crouch blocking (it doesn't work against a person who is in a high block). This is a useful way to deal with 'turtle' players who block constantly, especially for characters who don't have fast command throws. THROWS - Every character has two normal throws perfomed using the same command. These throws cause moderate damage, and are unblockable. In fact, they will connect no matter what the other player is doing, exluding rolling. However, players using 'Extra Mode' can escape from throws and take no damage. Throws only work when you're close to another character who's standing on the ground, although Goro has a normal throw that will work from a small distance away (the Okuri Ashi Barai). Throws cannot be reversed. There are also air throws, which only a few characters have. These players include Benimaru, Yuri, Leona, Athena, and Mai. Air throws are unblockable, but they are rarely used in battle because you must be close to your opponent while you're both jumping. Chances are, you'll end up eating your opponent's jump attack. :) Finally, there are command throws, so named because they are performed by entering a joystick command and pressing the appropriate button. Command throws are for the most part very similar in that they are unblockable and unavoidable (unless you're in the middle of a roll), and unescapable. Most command throws also need to performed when up close, like normal throws, but their are exceptions to this, and there are some command throws which are blockable. However, command throws, like normal throws, cannot be reversed. Command throws vary greatly in use, ranging from ones that can be followed up with other moves (Goro's Arashi no Yama DM/SDM combination), to throws that inflict no damage but leave a hit opponent open to attack (Iori's Scum Wind or Yashiro of the Parched Earth's Kujiku Daichi). REVERSALS - These are moves which will stop an enemy's attack and make your character strike back with a move of their own. Usually, a reversal only works if used prior to being attacked (Mary or Billy's reversals), or just as your character is attacked (Kyo or Yashiro's reversals). On a whole, reversals will do no damage by themselves, only when they are used against an enemy's attack. There are some exceptions, though, such as Kyo's Nue Tsumi, which functions as a regular move but will turn into a reversal during an enemy attack. Yashiro and Shermie also have reverals that can be used as normal moves, but unlike Kyo, their moves do not change if used for the purposing of reversing an enemy attack. Reversals are usually very specific in use (only working against high attacks, only against projectiles, etc.) Don't confuse these types of reversals with the 'Guard Reversal' ability (performing a CD attack while blocking) that each character has. (If a move can cause Critical Hits, has Autoguard or has an additional function as an overhead attack, or is a command throw or reversal, that information is noted in the 'Comments' section for that particular move.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. T H E T E A M S +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This section is set up as follows: - Team Name - Team Member - Member's Stats. - Throws - Command Attacks - Special Moves - DMs/SDMs The characters individual moves are written like this: ------------------------------------------------------ J: The name of the move in Japanese. E: The name of the move translated into English. M: The command used to perform the move. H: The number of hits a move causes using the Weak and Strong buttons. D: A brief description of the move when performed. C: Comments on the move: it's pros or cons, what special abilities the move has, etc. ------------------------------------------------------ Throws use only the first three criteria, usually. Then comes the pose and quote information: INTRODUCTION (AS FIRST UP) When that character is 1st in line to fight. INTRODUCTION When that character is 2nd or 3rd in line to fight. INTRODUCTION (BOTH) If the Introduction and Introuction (as first up) are the same. VERSUS If there's a different intro when two characters fight each other. TAUNT What is done and said when START is pressed. WIN POSE (X) Hold down the listed button to get the desired win pose and quote. TIME OUT What is done if a character loses by Time Over. DRAW GAME What is done if a character ends up in a Draw Game. ROUND LOSS What a character says as they lose the round. RECOVERY ROLL What a character says as they recover from being knocked out while in the air. SPECIAL WAIT POSE For certain characters, what pose they perform if they wait around in one place for a long enough time. PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE How an unused partner looks when in the background. IF PLAYER HITS.... If the player hits his/her opponent, how his partner reacts. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... If the player loses life, how his partner reacts. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... If the player wins the round, how his partner reacts. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... If the player loses the round, how his partner reacts. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... How the defeated partner looks when in the background. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... How a defeated partner reacts when the currently fighting player wins the round. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES If a character says something when performing a special move or DM/SDM, it's listed here. About the win poses: remember that while pressing A, B, or C after winning a round will produce the desired win pose and quote, pressing D will pick a random win pose. You can also select the win pose of your computer opponent if you lost (in which case, go for the least insulting one! :)) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Official SNK Name (Japanese): Shujinkou Tiimu Official SNK Name (English): Hero Team Translation of Japanese Name: Hero/Protagonist Team %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________________________________________________________________________ KYO KUSANAGI _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese HOBBIES: Writing poetry BIRTH DATE: 12/12/76 FAVORITE FOOD: Barbecued fish AGE: 20 FAVORITE SPORT: Ice hockey HEIGHT: 181 cm MOST VALUABLE: Motorcycle, girlfriend (Yuki) WEIGHT: 75 kg HATES THE MOST: Hard work BLOOD TYPE: B FIGHTING STYLE: Kusanagi Style Ancient Martial Arts ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hachi Tetsu E: Forged Iron M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Issetsu Seoi Nage E: Burden of the Lone Temple Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ge Shiki: Na Raku Otoshi E: Outside Style: Mysterious Falling Drop M: Jump, then D + C button H: Strong 1 D: Kyo throws a hammer punch. C: A hit opponent is slammed into the ground. Against an airborne challenger, it knocks them out of their jump instantly. This move has near-instant recovery, to boot. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ge Shiki: Gou Fu You E: Outside Style: Thunder Axe Positive M: F + B button H: Weak 2 D: Kyo performs an axe kick with one leg. C: Acts as an overhead attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: HachiJuuHachi Shiki E: Style No. 88 M: DF + D button H: Strong 2 D: Kyo falls to the ground and swings his legs outward, one after the other. C: Hits low. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: HyakuJuuYon Shiki: Ara Gami E: Style No. 104: Wild Bite M: QCF + A button H: Weak 1 D: Kyo performs a flaming fist attack with his right arm. C: Follow with 'Ku Kizu' or 'Ya Sabi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: HyakuNiJuuHachi Shiki: Ku Kizu E: Style No. 128: Nine Wounds M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo performs a flaming fist attack with his left arm. C: Follow with 'Nana Se' or 'Migiri Ugachi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: I-HyakuNiJuuNana Shiki: Ya Sabi E: Self-taught Style No. 127: Eight Tarnish M: HCB + Punch / DF,B + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo throws a flaming downwards punch. C: Follow with 'Nana Se' or 'Migiri Ugachi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: I-HyakuNiJuuGo Shiki: Nana Se E: Self-taught Style No. 125: Seven Torrents M: Press Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: A forward-directed, straight-legged kick. C: Only usable after 'Ku Kizu' or 'Ya Sabi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ge Shiki: Migiri Ugachi E: Outside Style: Time Drill M: Press Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo throws a double flame punch knocking his foe into the ground. C: Only usable after 'Ku Kizu' or 'Ya Sabi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: HyakuJuuGo Shiki: Doku Gami E: Style No. 105: Poison Bite M: QCF + C button H: Strong 1 D: Kyo makes a flaming fist attack with his left arm. C: Follow with 'Tsumi Yomi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: YonHyaku-I Shiki: Tsumi Yomi E: Style No. 401: Guilt Compose M: HCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo throws a flaming punch. C: Follow with 'Batsu Yomi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: YonHyakuJuuNi Shiki: Batsu Yomi E: Style No. 402: Punishment Compose M: Forward + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: A spinning shoulder-barge attack. C: Only usable after 'Tsumi Yomi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hyaku Shiki: Oni Yaki E: Style No. 100: Demon Scorcher M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 2, Strong 1 D: A leaping, spinning uppercut attack. C: Has autoguard. Using C causes knockdown. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: KuHyakuJuuNi: Nue Tsumi E: Style No. 902: Fabulous Night Bird Trimmer M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo pumps his arm outward, holding his forearm. C: This move knocks a hit opponent into the air. If you perform it while your enemy is attacking you, it behaves as a reversal and becomes either the 'Tora Fuse' or 'Ryi-iri'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ge Shiki: Tora Fuse E: Outside Style: Tiger Lay M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo performs a flaming downward punch. C: Unless you use this move to reverse a high attack, you'll end up performing the 'NueTsumi' instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ge Shiki: Ryu-iri E: Outside Style: Dragon Discharge M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo throws a flaming double punch attack. C: Unless you use this move to reverse a low attack, you'll end up performing the 'NueTsumi' instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: NiHyakuJuuNi: KotoZuki You E: Style No. 202: Koto Moon Positive M: HCB + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 2 D: Kyo runs forward, grabs his enemy and lifts them into the air, then sets them on fire. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: NanaJuuGo Shiki: Kai E: Style No. 75: Modified M: QCF + Kick, Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (2 hits total using Weak, Strong, or both types) D: Kyo jumps and makes two split-kick attacks. C: You can juggle with most any move after the second kick. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: NanaHyakuNana Shiki: Doku Gaku Tori (R.E.D. Kick) E: Style No. 707: Single Ease Slaughter (Rainbow Energy Dynamite Kick) M: B,D,DB + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Kyo jumps and smashes into his opponent with his leg. C: This move acts as an overhead and is a knockdown attack as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hi-Ougi Ura HyakuHachi Shiki: Orochi Nagi E: Concealed Secret Reverse Style No. 180: Big Serpent Mow Down M: QCB,HCF + Punch / D,HCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM) Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a SDM) D: Kyo holds up a hand, which bursts into flame. He then slides forward while sweeping his hand before him, surrounding himself in a flowing shield of fire. During the SDM, his body is covered in orange fire before he begins the attack. C: You can hold down the button used to delay this attack. Kyo's upper body is immune to damage if the A button is used, and his lower body is immune to damage if the C button is used. During the SDM, an enemy will be hurt if they touch his flaming body prior to him attacking. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Saishu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki" (San ShinKi no Ichi) E: Final Deciding Battle Secret "No Style" (One of Three Divine Weapons) M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a DM) Weak 14, Strong 14 (as a SDM) D: Kyo throws a YamiBarai which explodes into a column of energy. He steps into it and then emerges with a DokuGami attack. For the SDM, he emerges and does the full Doku Gami/Tsumi Yomi/Batsu Yomi combo followed by an Oni Yaki. No matter which version is used, afterimages follow him for the entirety of the move. C: The column of energy can be used to catch an airborne foe. Furthermore, an enemy hit by this move is momentarily stunned. Also, a foe who blocks the Doku Gami attack or the full combo will end up as the victim of a 'Guard Crush'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: 'Rekishi ga chigaun da yo.' E: 'History is different.' (literally) M: Tap C button after connecting with 'Saishu Kessen Ougi "Mu Shiki"' H: Heavy 0 (as a DM/SDM) D: Kyo performs his taunt. C: Can be cancelled like a normal taunt. You are defenseless while taunting and can be hit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Kyo raises his fist, then goes into his old power-up animation. Quote: "Ikuze!" Meaning: "Let's go!" VERSUS IORI YAGAMI Kyo turns away. Quote: "Keri o tsukeyoze, Yagami." Meaning: "Let's settle this, Yagami." TAUNT Kyo waves his index finger. Quote: "Nani kusubu-ten da?" Meaning: "Why are you down?" or "What'cha smokin' for?" DM/SDM TAUNT Kyo blows a tendril of flame off his index finger. Quote: "Rekishi ga chiga un da yo." Meaning: "History is different" (literally) or, "History proves otherwise" or "Your time is over." WIN POSE (A) Kyo lifts an arm, says part of his quote, then looks up towards the screen and continues with the rest of it. Quote: "Ore no..." then, "...kachi da!" Meaning: "This is..." then, "...my victory!" WIN POSE (B) Kyo raises a finger as if to do win pose (C), then lowers his arm and turns away. Quote: "Anta ja moene na...." Meaning: "You suck...." also, "You won't burn," (lit.), interpreted as, "You're so poor I don't even need to burn you." WIN POSE (C) Kyo raises an arm, and his extended index finger catches on fire. He blows it out. Quote: "Hehe...moetaro?" Meaning: "Hehe...burned?" TIME OUT Kyo wipes his mouth with his fist, clenching his teeth. DRAW GAME Kyo puts his hand over his mouth (uses part of the Time Out frames). ROUND LOSS "Aaaaaaaaa...!" RECOVERY ROLL Quote: "Otto!" Meaning: "Oh!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Kyo watches the battle. IF PLAYER HITS.... Clenches a fist and grins. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Scratches his head. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Clenches a fist and grins. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Shrugs one shoulder. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Sits down, crouching. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Raises a fist. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES 104 Shiki: Ara Gami Quote: "Body ga ame ze." Meaning: "Your body is weak." 128 Shiki: Ku Kizu Quote: "Body ga garaaki da ze." Meaning: "You've left yourself open." lit. "Your body is open." 127 Shiki: Ya Sabi Quote: "Body ga orusu da ze." Meaning: "You're not paying attention." 100 Shiki: Oni Yaki Quote: "Oriya!" 105 Shiki: Doku Gami Quote: "Kurae!" Meaning: "Eat this!" 902 Shiki: Nue Tsumi Quote: "Saseru ka!" Meaning: "I won't let you do it!" 202 Shiki: KotoZuki You Quote: "Oriya! Chi!...Moero!" Meaning: "Oriya! Chi!...Burn!" 108 Shiki: Orochi Nagi Quote: "Kurai...yagare!" Meaning: "Eat...this!" Saishu Kessen Ougii Quote: "Kore da Kusanagi no ken da!" (Mu Shiki) Meaning: "This is the fist of the Kusanagi!" _________________________________________________________________________ BENIMARU NIKAIDO _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese/US HOBBIES: Being the center of attention BIRTH DATE: 6/6/76 FAVORITE FOOD: Sashimi AGE: 21 FAVORITE SPORT: Clay Shooting HEIGHT: 180 cm MOST VALUABLE: Himself WEIGHT: 70 kg HATES THE MOST: Otaku BLOOD TYPE: O FIGHTING STYLE: 'Shooting' ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kacchi ando Shuuto E: Catch and Shoot M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Furonto Suupurekkusu E: Front Suplex M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Supiningu Nii Doroppu E: Spinning Knee Drop M: Jump, then U + C button / D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Furaingu Doriru E: Flying Drill M: Jump, then D + D button H: Strong 3 (vs. a ground opponent) 6 (vs. an airborne opponent) D: Benimaru dives down at a diagonal angle while spinning. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Jakkunaifu Kikku E: Jackknife Kick M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Benimaru hops forward and strikes with a rising kick. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RaiJinKen E: Quivering Thunder Fist M: QCF + A button H: Weak 3 D: Benimaru strikes out with his arm and his fist is surrounded by an oval-shaped ball of electricity. C: Will negate some projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RaiJinKen (Taiku) E: Quivering Thunder Fist (Anti-Air) M: QCF + C button H: Strong 3 D: Benimaru holds his arm upward at an angle and his fist is surrounded by an oval-shaped ball of electricity. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kuchu RaiJinKen E: Air Quivering Thunder Fist M: Jump, then QCF + Punch H: Weak 3, Strong 3 D: Benimaru holds his arm downward at an angle and his fist is surrounded by an oval-shaped ball of electricty. C: Benimaru pauses momentarily upon landing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Shinku KataTeGoma E: Vacuum One-Hand Top M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 3, Strong 6 D: Benimaru falls to the ground and hold himself above the floor with one hand while spinning both legs around. He then jumps away. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Suupaa Inazuma Kikku E: Super Lightning Flash Kick M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 1, Heavy 1, D: Benimaru jumps and attacks with a knee flip, as lightning strikes the ground. C: The D version is a knockdown attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Iai Geri E: Sword-Drawing Kick M: QCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Heavy 1 D: Benimaru jerks his knee out and draws his leg back in one quick motion. C: Follow with 'Hando SanDan Geri' ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hando San Dan Geri E: Anti-Motion / Reaction Three Step Kick M: D,U + Kick / HCB + Kick H: Weak 3, Heavy 3 D: Benimaru faces away from his opponent and kicks behind him, then performs a 'Super Inazuma Kick'. If done alone, he kicks outward once before continuing with the rest of the move. C: The HCB + Kick version can be done by itself or during the Iai Geri, but the D,U + Kick version only works during the Iai Geri. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Benimaru Koredaa E: Benimaru Coleda M: HCB,F + Punch (near) H: Weak 1, Heavy 1 D: Benimaru grabs his opponent with both hands and holds them away from him while charging them with an electric blast. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RaiKoKen / RaiKoKen (Taiku) E: Lightning Gleam Fist / Lightning Gleam Fist (Anti-Air) M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a DM) Weak 10, Strong 10 (as a SDM) D: Benimaru jerks his arm forward or upward and a large ball of electricty surrounds his fist, expanding and shrinking for a few moments. During the SDM version, the ball is red instead of blue. C: Will negate most projectiles. Use the A version for a forward- directed attack, and C for an upward directed attack. Note that during the SDM, both versions go straight forward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Erekutorigaa E: Elec-Trigger M: HCB,HCB + Punch (near) H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Benimaru performs an enhanced 'Benimaru Coleda' on his challenger, while a lightning bolt strikes them. During the SDM, three bolts of lightning strike Benimaru's victim. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Runs a hand through his hair, then gets ready to fight. TAUNT Turns his back to the screen while flexing. Quote: "Yare, yare." Meaning: Mr. Kuroki describes this as the 'American equivalent of a tired sigh or sigh of annoyance.' WIN POSE (A) Turns around and points at the screen with one hand. Quote: "Thank you!" WIN POSE (B) Benimaru blows a kiss towards the screen. Quote: "I love you!" WIN POSE (C) Raises his hand, and brings it in front of his face as lightning strikes the ground. TIME OUT Holds his chin while shaking his head. DRAW GAME Puts his hand on the side of his head, then shakes his head. ROUND LOSS "Uaaaaaaaa!!" RECOVERY ROLL "Urya!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Buffing his fingernails. IF PLAYER HITS.... Flexes a hand with a smile. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Covers his forehead. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Flexes a hand and smiles. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Covers his forehead while flexing a hand. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Sits down. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Looks at stage. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Flying Drill "Flying Drill!" RaiJinKen "Raijinken!" Shinku KataTeGoma "Shinkuu...Katategoma!" HanDo San Dan Geri "HandouSanDanGeri!" Benimaru Coleda "Benimaru Coleda!" RaiKoKen "Raikouken!" Elec-Trigger "Elec-Trigger!" _________________________________________________________________________ GORO DAIMON _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese HOBBIES: Be in unison with Nature BIRTH DATE: 5/5/1968 FAVORITE FOOD: Zaru-Soba AGE: 29 FAVORITE SPORT: Judo HEIGHT: 204 cm MOST VALUABLE: Geta Sandals WEIGHT: 138 kg HATES THE MOST: Complex Machinery BLOOD TYPE: A FIGHTING STYLE: Judo; self-taught skills ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: JuJi Shime E: Crossbar Choke M: B / F + C button ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tsukami Tataki Tsuke E: Tossing Strike Grip M: B / F + D button ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Okuri Ashi Barai E: Escorting Foot Sweep M: B / F + D button C: To perform this throw, get right next to your opponent, then take one step back and enter the joystick command. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Takara Tsubushi E: Treasure Smash M: DF + C button H: Heavy 1 D: Goro attacks with his elbow. C: This move can be followed up by just about anything. Furthermore, there are two places during the move where it can hit (but you'll only score 1 hit total). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Zujo Barai E: Overhead Sweep M: F + A button H: Light 1 D: Goro reaches forward and makes a downward swipe. C: This move negates projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: JiRaiShin E: Mine Quake M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Light 1, Heavy 0 D: Goro roars, raises his arms, and then slams them into the ground. The C version is a fake--Goro raises his arms but then stops. C: When Goro strikes the ground, any person who is on the ground and isn't blocking falls down. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kumo Tsukami Nage E: Cloud Grabbing Throw M: HCF + A button / DB,F + A button H: Light 1 D: Goro reaches outward and upward with his hand. If he connects, he slams his opponent into the ground. C: This move only hits airborne opponents, but some of the taller characters can be hit by this move while standing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kiri Kabu Gaeshi E: Slice Stump Return M: HCF + C button / DB,F + C button H: Heavy 1 D: Goro reaches downward with his hand. If he connects, he lifts his opponent up and then slams them. C: This move can also hit an opponent who has been knocked down and is lying prone on the ground, but you must be _very_ close in order to actually grab them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tenchi Gaeshi E: Heaven and Hell Return M: HCB,F + Punch (near) H: Light 1, Heavy 1 D: Goro grabs his challenger, slams them once, then flips them up into the air. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ura Nage E: Reverse Throw M: HCB,F + Kick H: Light 1, Heavy 1 D: Goro moves forward, grabs his enemy, and throws them. C: Goro is left open to attack if his advance is blocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Cho Oosotogari E: Super Big Outside Cutter M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Goro leans forward, grabs his opponent, and trips them with his leg. C: This is one of the few blockable throws in the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Nekko Gaeshi E: Root Return M: QCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Goro changes his stance. If he is hit during this time, he throws his to the ground and then lands on top of them. C: Use the B version to reverse high attacks, and the D version to reverse low attacks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Cho Ukemi E: Super Tumble M: QCB + Kick H: Weak 0, Strong 0 D: Goro tumbles forward. C: He's partially invincible while tumbling. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Jigoku Gokuraku Otoshi E: Hell Paradise Drop M: HCB,HCB + Punch (near) H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM) Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a SDM) D: Goro performs a Cho Oosotogari on his opponent, flips them back and forth repeatedly, and ends with a TenChi Gaeshi (DM), or that and a JiRaiShin (SDM). C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Arashi no Yama Kombineeshon: Nekko Meki E: Mountain of Storms Combination: Root Puller M: HCF,HCF + Kick (near) H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Goro throws you in a manner similar to the latter part of the 'Ichi Nage'. C: Follow with 'Zoku-KiriKabu Gaeshi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Arashi no Yama Kombineeshon: Zoku-Kiri Kabu Gaeshi E: Mountain of Storms Combination: Continued Slice Stump Return M: HCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Goro slams his opponent using the same animation as the 'KiriKabu Gaeshi' attack. C: Follow with 'Nekko Meki Ura Nage' or 'Zoku-TenChi Gaeshi'. You can also use a command throw: 'KiriKabu Gaeshi'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Arashi no Yama Kombineeshon: Nekko Meki Ura Nage E: Mountain of Storms Combination: Root Pull Reverse Throw M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM only) D: Goro picks his foe off the floor and performs a backdrop. C: This move can be used if the 'Arashi no Yama' combination was collectively performed as a DM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Arashi no Yama Kombineeshon: Zoku-Tenchi Gaeshi E: Mountain of Storms Combination: Continued Heaven Hell Return M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a SDM only) D: Goro picks his challenger up, slams them from side to side, then throws them vertically up into the air and catches them with a 'Kumo Tsukami Nage'. C: This move can be used if the 'Arashi no Yama' combination was collectively performed as a SDM. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Goro holds his arms apart and claps his hands together. TAUNT He holds his hands outward and grunts. WIN POSE (A) Raises one fist into the air, accompanied by a 'thunderclap' sound effect. WIN POSE (B) Goro steps forward, puts his legs far apart, and roars. WIN POSE (C) Goro makes a fist at chest level, looks at the screen, and smiles. TIME OUT Goro kneels on one knee and lowers his head, a surprised look on his face as he is kneeling. DRAW GAME Goro draws away from his opponent. His arms are raised and he has an annoyed look to him. ROUND LOSS "Uoooooooo." RECOVERY ROLL Quote: "Nan-no!" Meaning: "That's nothing!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Goro watches the battle facing the pavement. IF PLAYER HITS.... Grins, clenching one hand. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Annoyed look. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Grins clenching one hand. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Annoyed look. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Sits down. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Raises a fist and grins. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES None! (unless you count growling) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Official SNK Name (Japanese): GaRou DenSetsu Tiimu Official SNK Name (English): Fatal Fury Team Translation of Japanese Name: Legend [of] Hungry Wolf Team %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________________________________________________________________________ TERRY BOGARD _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: American HOBBIES: Video games BIRTH DATE: 3/15/1973 FAVORITE FOOD: Junk food AGE: 24 FAVORITE SPORT: Basketball HEIGHT: 182 cm MOST VALUABLE: His father's (Jeff's) gloves WEIGHT: 77 kg HATES THE MOST: Slugs BLOOD TYPE: O FIGHTING STYLE: Learned from his father; various martial arts. ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gurasupingu Appaa E: Grasping Upper M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Basutaa Suruu E: Buster Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Bakku Nakkuru E: Back Knuckle M: F + A button H: Weak 1 D: Terry turns and strikes out with a backhand punch. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Raisingu Appaa E: Rising Upper M: DF + C button H: Strong 1 D: Terry throws an uppercut. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Pawaa Ueibu E: Power Wave M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Terry strikes the ground and a small wave of energy shoots forward. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Baan Nakkuru E: Burn Knuckle M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Terry poses quickly, then leaps forward with one arm outward, his fist covered in blue energy. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Raisingu Takkuru E: Rising Tackle M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 5, Strong 7 D: Terry vaults upward, spinning feet-first with his arms held outward. C: Has autoguard. The number of hits inflicted depends on whether Terry's opponent is airborne or not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Pawaa Danku E: Power Dunk M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 2 D: Terry leaps upward and strike out with his fist. Notice his hat :) C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kurakku Shuuto E: Crack Shoot M: QCB + Kick H: Weak 3, Strong 2 D: Terry jumps forward, swinging one leg up and then forward. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Pawaa Chaaji E: Power Charge M: HCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Terry runs forward and attacks. C: You can use a special move/DM/SDM after connecting with this move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Pawaa Geizaa E: Power Geyser M: QCB,DB,F + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM) Weak 3, Strong 3 (as a SDM) D: Terry strikes the ground and an energy wave shoots up. During the SDM, Terry hits the ground three times and the energy waves appear further and further down the screen. C: The SDM version can juggle a hit character. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hai Anguru Geizaa E: High-Angle Geyser M: QCF,QCF + Kick H: Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a DM) Weak 10, Strong 10 (as a SDM) D: A dashing elbow attack followed by a Power Dunk, then a Power Geyser performed as Terry lands. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Gestures at opponent. Quote: "Hey, come on, come on!" VERSUS BLUE MARY Terry is wearing his cap backwards, standing still. TAUNT Adjusts his cap, then whistles. WIN POSE (A) Terry takes off his cap, dusts it off on his knees, and puts it back on, the brim covering his eyes. Quote: "Hmmph!" WIN POSE (B) Terry turns around and throws his cap into the air. Quote: "Okay!" WIN POSE (C) Terry faces towards the screen, and throws off his cap. Quote: "All right!" TIME OUT Terry falls down into a crouching stnace. DRAW GAME Terry turns away from his opponent. ROUND LOSS "Uwaaaaaaaa!" RECOVERY ROLL "Fu!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Poses, tapping a foot, his hat backwards. IF PLAYER HITS.... Gives a thumbs up. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Sad look. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Thumbs up. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Sad look, his hat falls. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... His hat's missing. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Raises his hand. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Power Wave "Power Wave!" Power Dunk "Power Dunk!" Rising Tackle "Raising Tackle!" Crack Shoot "Crack Shoot!" Power Geyser "Power Geyser!" High Angle Geyser "Oh, my shit! Geyser!" (yes, REALLY!) _________________________________________________________________________ ANDY BOGARD _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: American HOBBIES: Practicing martial arts BIRTH DATE: 8/16/74 FAVORITE FOOD: Natto Spaghetti AGE: 23 FAVORITE SPORT: Short track HEIGHT: 171 cm MOST VALUABLE: Picture of him and Hanzou S. WEIGHT: 69 kg HATES THE MOST: Dogs BLOOD TYPE: A FIGHTING STYLE: Kopo-ken, Shiranui Ninjitsu ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gourin Kai E: Sturdy Confrontation (Modified) M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kakae-komi Nage E: Mixed Hug Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Uwa Agito E: Upper Jaw M: F + B button H: Light 1 D: Andy swings his leg up, then brings it down. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hisho Ken E: Flying Fist M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Andy holds one arm forward, and grabs his wrist with his other hand. A blast of blue energy emits from his palm as he leans forward. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Sho Ryu Dan E: Rising Dragon Bullet M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 6, Strong 6 D: Andy rises into the air, holding his arms out as he spins his body around. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Zan Ei Ken E: Phantom Fist Slash M: DB,F + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Andy dashes forward, delivering an elbow thrust. His body is trailed by shadows as he moves. C: Follow with 'GaDanKo'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ga Dan Ko E: Blessed Body Bullet M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Andy leans towards his enemy and delivers a shoulder tackle. C: Can only be used during 'ZanEiKen'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ku Ha Dan E: Sky-Ripping Bullet M: HCF + Kick H: Weak 3, Strong 5 D: Andy uses his hands to vault his body into the air, striking out with his legs as he flies through the air, then lands on his feet. C: Causes the most damage during the inital animation of this move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gen'ei Shiranui E: Phantom Shiranui M: Jump, then QCF + Kick H: Weak 0, Strong 0 D: Andy dives downward and rolls forward a bit upon hitting the ground, followed by shadows as he moves. C: Follow with 'Shimo Agito' or 'Uwa Agito'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gen'ei Shiranui Shimo Agito E: Phantom Shiranui Upper Jaw M: F + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Andy rises to one knee and strikes out with his palm. C: Only usable after landing from 'Gen'ei Shiranui'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gen'ei Shiranui Uwa Agito E: Phantom Shiranui Lower Jaw M: F + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Andy performs a falling leg smash. C: Only usable after landing from 'Gen'ei Shiranui'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Geki Heki Hai Sui Sho E: Manipulating Dam Attack M: HCF + C (close) H: Strong 4 D: Andy delivers four swift punches. C: You can juggle an opponent with a move after this attack ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Cho Reppa Dan E: Super Violent Rending Bullet M: QCB,HCF + Kick / D,HCF + Kick H: Weak 6, Strong 8 (as a DM) Weak 16, Strong 16 (as a SDM) D: Andy performs a 'Ku Ha Dan' while surrounded by golden fire. C: Hits more times if your opponent is airborne. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hisho Ryusei Ken E: Flying Meteor Fist M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 3, Strong 3 (as a DM) Weak 6, Strong 6 (as a SDM) D: Andy throws 3-4 punches, revolves his hands around (like in his C-button win pose) then attacks with a huge Hisho Ken. The SDM version has him throw three gold Hisho Kens instead. C: The first punch must connect for Andy to follow through with the rest of the move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Andy steps back, runs a hand through his hair, and motions for his opponent to come at him. Quote: "Hmmph!" VERSUS MAI SHIRANUI Andy catches the wedding bouquet Mai tosses at him and hides it in his gi (or whatever you call his outfit). He then pats his face with his hands twice, in embarrassment. Quote: "Mai!" TAUNT Pulls back his hair and gestures at his opponent. Quote: "Hmmph!" WIN POSE (A) Andy faces the screen, holding his forearms out and against his side. Quote: "Yosh!" Meaning: "Alright!" WIN POSE (B) Andy steps back and puts his fist in his palm, standing silently. WIN POSE (C) Andy leans back, breathing sharply while revolving his arms, which are trailed by multiple images. TIME OUT Andy turns away from the screen and covers his face. DRAW GAME Andy changes his stance (as if he had been hurt). ROUND LOSS "Nuaaaaaaaa!" RECOVERY ROLL "Fu!" SPECIAL WAIT POSE Andy steps back and hops a few times. He leans forward and uses his hands to smoth his hair, then stands up straight and resumes his normal stance. PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Watches the battle. IF PLAYER HITS.... Scratches his hair. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Mad look. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Scratches his hair. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Mad look. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Covering his forehead; crouches, facing the pavement. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Looks at stage. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES ShoRyuDan "Shouryuudan!" KuHaDan "Kuuhadan!" HiShoKen "Hishouken!" ZanEiKen "Zaneiken!" GaDanKo "Hah!" Gen'ei S. Uwa Agito "Soyaa!" Gen'ei S. Shimo Agito "Uriyaa!" GekiHekiHaiSuiSho "Fu, fu, fu, soyaa!" ChoReppaDan "Choureppadan!" Hisho Ryusei Ken "Haaa.../Retsu!" _________________________________________________________________________ JOE HIGASHI _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese HOBBIES: Brawling BIRTH DATE: 3/29/74 FAVORITE FOOD: Deep-fried alligator meat AGE: 23 FAVORITE SPORT: All martial arts HEIGHT: 180 cm MOST VALUABLE: Hachimaki (bandanna) WEIGHT: 72 kg HATES THE MOST: School BLOOD TYPE: AB FIGHTING STYLE: Muay Thai (Thai kick boxing) ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hiza Jigoku E: Knee Hell M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Reggu Suruu E: Leg Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Roo Kikku E: Low Kick M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Joe attacks with a low shin kick. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Suraidingu E: Sliding M: DF + B button H: Weak 1 D: Joe slides along the ground with his knees out. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Harikeen Appaa E: Hurricane Upper M: HCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 2 D: Joe throws an uppercut with his fists and a single gray hurricane appears and slides forward a short distance. During the C version, he throws two uppercuts, and two hurricanes slide forward, one after the other. The second one will go further than the first one. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Bakuretsu Ken E: Exploding Fist M: Tap Punch repeatedly H: Weak 12, Strong 12 D: Joe moves forward while punching rapidly. C: Follow with 'Bakuretsu Ken Finish'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Bakuretsu Ken Finisshu E: Exploding Fist Finish M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Joe leaps forward and throws a downward punch, or attacks with a thrusting kick. C: Only usable during 'Bakuretsu Ken'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Taigaa Kikku E: Tiger Kick M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 2 D: Joe leaps into the air with one knee extended. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Surasshu Kikku E: Slash Kick M: HCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Joe leaps forward with one foot outward. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ougon no Kakato E: Golden Heel M: QCB + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 2 D: Joe jumps forward and strikes out with his heel. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Sukuruu Appaa E: Screw Upper M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 10, Strong 10 (vs. a foe on the ground) (as a DM/SDM) Weak 2, Strong 1 (vs. a foe in the air) (as a DM/SDM) D: Joe swings his arm once, then throws an uppercut that lifts him up into the air, creating a huge gray hurricane that's as tall as the screen at the same time. In the SDM version, it's orange. C: The DM version is stationary, while the SDM moves across the ground. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Bakuretsu Harikeen Taigaa Kakato E: Exploding Hurricane Tiger Heel M: QCF,HCB + Punch / D,HCB + Punch H: Weak 11, Heavy 11 (as a DM) Weak 19, Heavy 19 (as a DM) D: Joe does part of the Bakuretsu Ken, then performs a Hurricane Upper twice, then does a Tiger Kick, and finally an Ougon no Kakato. During the SDM, Joe throws 3 red Hurricane Uppers during this move. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (AS FIRST UP) Joe goes into his 'power-up' pose, then gets into his normal fighting stance. INTRODUCTION Joe hits his palm with his other hand. Quote: "Saku saku ikuze." Meaning: "Let's do this quick." TAUNT Joe turns his back to his opponent, crouches, and pulls down his shorts. Quote: "Ora, ora!" Meaning: "Hey, hey!" WIN POSE (A) Joe falls to his knees and holds up his arms. Quote: "Yoshaa!" Meaning: "Alright!" WIN POSE (B) Joe punches his fist into his other hand. Quote: "Tate!" Meaning: "Get up!" WIN POSE (C) Joe hunches forward and throws a few punches, curling his arm inward for the final punch. TIME OUT Joe falls down and starts sulking. DRAW GAME Joe falls on his butt, holding one hand to his head. ROUND LOSS "Uwaaaaaaaaa!!" RECOVERY ROLL "Shi!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Joe punches once in a while. IF PLAYER HITS.... Looks at character. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Surprised look. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Raises both hands. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Points at enemy. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Falls down, facing floor. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Looks at stage. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Hurricane Upper "Hurricane Upper!" Tiger Kick "Tiger Kick!" Slash Kick "Slash Kick!" Bakuretsu Ken Finish Quote: "Kurae--------i!" Meaning: "Eat thi------s!" Screw Upper "Screw Upper!" Bakuretsu Hurricane T.K.: "Ora ora! / O--sha!" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Official SNK Name (Japanese): RyuuKo no Ken Tiimu Official SNK Name (English): Art of Fighting Team Translation of Japanese Name: Fist of the Dragon/Tiger Team %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________________________________________________________________________ RYO SAKAZAKI _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese/US HOBBIES: Weekend carpentry BIRTH DATE: 8/2/73 FAVORITE FOOD: Mochi, natto AGE: 24 FAVORITE SPORT: Sumo Wrestling HEIGHT: 179 cm MOST VALUABLE: Restored motorcycle, horse WEIGHT: 68 kg HATES THE MOST: Bugs with many legs BLOOD TYPE: O FIGHTING STYLE: Kyokugen-ryu Karate ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tani Otoshi E: Valley Drop M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tomoe Nage E: Comma-design Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hyochu Wari E: Ice Pillar Split M: F + A button H: Weak 1 D: Ryo delivers a quick forward chop. C: Acts as an overhead attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ko-O Ken E: Tiger Gleam Fist M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Ryo punches forward and a blast of blue energy emanates from his hand and flies forward. C: The A-button version has a shorter range than the C-button version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ko Ho E: Tiger Cannon M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 2, Strong 3 (as anti-air, Weak 1, Strong 2) D: Ryo jumps into the air and performs an uppercut while spinning. C: Also works as a knockdown attack. Can be used independantly, or after 'MoKoRaiJinGo'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Mo Ko Rai Jin Go E: Wild Tiger Thunder God's Strength M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 3, Strong 3 D: Ryo slides forward and bends down, bringing his whole body up as he performs an uppercut. C: Follow with 'KoHo'. Has autoguard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Mo Ko Rai Jin Setsu E: Wild Tiger Thunder God's Temple M: QCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Ryo jumps forward and delivers a downward chop. C: This move is an overhead attack. The B-button version covers about half of the screen, while the D-button version goes almost 3/4ths across. It will hit an airborne enemy, too. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hi En Shippu Kyaku E: Flying Swallow Gale Leg M: HCB + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 3 D: Ryo leaps forward and throws a kick, then turns and kicks with his other leg. C: You can combo the D version after the RenBuKen, but you'll only hit one time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kyokugenryuu RenBuKen E: Kyokugen-style Rapid Fist Dance M: HCF + C (near) H: Strong 4 D: Ryo throws a series of swift punches. C: You can juggle your opponent with a move after this attack ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ha-O ShoKoKen E: Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist M: F,HCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM) Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a SDM) D: Ryo hurls a wall of fire at his opponent. It's blue normally, and orange-colored for the SDM. C: This move is long-ranged and will negate and pass through some normal projectiles. Ryo throws it much faster than Robert/Yuri. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuKo Ranbu E: Dragon/Tiger Boisterous Dance M: QCF,HCB + Punch / D,HCB + Punch H: Weak 15, Strong 15 (as a DM) Weak 28, Strong 28 (as a SDM) D: Ryo dashes forward and starts punching and kicking rapidly while walking forward. If his opponent blocked, he'll stop after a while, but if they didn't, he'll perform a KoHo as afterimages follow his attack. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tenchi HaKoKen E: Heaven and Earth Supreme Gleaming Fist M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Ryo throws a punch directly in front of him. A hit opponent will fly across the screen. C: Done as a SDM, this move will dizzy a hit opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Ryo fixes his gi. Quote: "Ora, ora!" Meaning: "Come on, come on!" TAUNT Ryo gestures at his opponent. Quote: "Ora, ora!" Meaning: "Come on, come on!" WIN POSE (A) Ryo grins, and straightens his gi. Quote: "Osu!" Meaning: (no real meaning; said from one fighter to another) WIN POSE (B) Ryo stands up straight and tightens his belt. Quote: "Yosh!" Meaning: "Congratulations!" or "Good!" WIN POSE (C) Ryo does a few punches and kicks. Quote: "Osu!" Meaning: (no real meaning; said from one fighter to another) TIME OUT Ryo gets down in a cross-legged position and covers his forehead. DRAW GAME Ryo gets down in a cross-legged position and looks away. ROUND LOSS Quote: "Shikujitta...." Meaning: "I failed--!" RECOVERY ROLL Quote: "Ha!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Hands manipulating his stomach. IF PLAYER HITS.... Raises a hand. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Covers his foreheand. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Raises a hand. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Covers his forehead. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... He crouches and covers his forehead. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Ko-O Ken "Kououken!" HiEnShippuKyaku "Hienshippuukyaku!" Ha-O ShoKoKen "Haoushoukouken!" MokoRaiJinSetsu "Raijinsetsu!" RyuKo Ranbu Quote: "Kyoukugen-ryuu Ougi!" then "Ora! Ora! Ora! .... / Morata!" Meaning: "Kyoukugen-style Secret Technique!" (simply yelling as he attacks) "I got it!" Tenchi HaKoKen Quote: "Ichigeki Hissatsu!" Meaning: "One-hit finish!" _________________________________________________________________________ ROBERT GARCIA _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Italian HOBBIES: Collecting cars BIRTH DATE: 12/25/73 FAVORITE FOOD: Sushi, yakisoba AGE: 24 FAVORITE SPORT: Motor sports HEIGHT: 180 cm MOST VALUABLE: His collection of cars WEIGHT: 85 kg HATES THE MOST: Rakkyou BLOOD TYPE: AB FIGHTING STYLE: Kyokugen-ryu Karate ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuTobi Kyaku E: Hopping Dragon Leg M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kubi Kiri Nage E: Neck-cutting Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuHanShu E: Dragon Flip Kick M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Robert attacks with a turning kick. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ryu Geki Ken E: Dragon Attack Fist M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Robert extends his arms and fires a large blast of golden energy. C: Robert stretches out his arms so far that most characters will be missed by the projectile if they are right next to him when he throws it (don't back away or you'll be hit, though). The fireball is short-ranged, but has a considerable duration and will remain on screen long enough to negate even double projectiles (like King's Double Strike or Joe's C Hurricane Upper). It will also stay on the screen even if Robert is knocked down or hit just after throwing it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ryu Ga E: Dragon Fang M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 2 D: Robert leaps into the air and throws an uppercut a la Ryo's 'KoHo'. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ryu Zan Sho E: Dragon Slice Flight M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: A flipping kick attack. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hi En Senpu Kyaku E: Flying Swallow Whirlwind Leg M: HCB + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 4 D: Robert leaps forward while turning and kicking repeatedly. C: The B version will knock an opponent down if it hits. This move is performed too low to the ground to pass over projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hi En Ryu Jin Kyaku E: Flying Swallow Dragon God Leg M: Jump, then QCB + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Robert dives down with one leg extended. C: He'll jump away if the move is blocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kyokugenryuu RenBuKyaku E: Kyokugen-style Rapid Leg Dance M: HCF + K (near) H: Strong 4 D: Robert delivers four swift kicks in succession. C: You can juggle your opponent with a move after this attack ends. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ha-O ShoKoKen E: Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist M: F,HCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM) Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a SDM) D: Robert hurls a wall of fire at his opponent. It's orange normally, and blue for the SDM. C: This projectile has a long range. It can negate and pass through certain smaller projectiles as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuKo Ranbu E: Dragon/Tiger Boisterous Dance M: QCF,HCB + Punch / D,HCB + Punch H: Weak 15, Strong 15 (as a DM) Weak 28, Strong 28 (as a SDM) D: Robert dashes forward and begins punching and kicking his opponent. If they're blocking, he stops after a while, otherwise, he finishes with a RyuGa while being trailed by afterimages. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Mu Ei Shippu Jyu Dan Kyaku E: Shadowless Gale Heavy Steps Kick M: QCF,QCF + Kick H: Weak 7, Strong 7 (as a DM) Weak 12, Strong 12 (as a SDM) D: Robert kicks rapidly while flying forward. During the SDM, he performs a Hi En Senpu Kyaku before beginning the rapid kick attacks. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Robert fixes his gloves on either hand while saying his quote. Quote: "Hona, ikimase." Meaning: "Well then, let's go." VERSUS SIE KENSOU Robert performs his taunt, then speaks after Kensou finishes. Quote: "Bochi-bochi, dennaa." Meaning: "Pretty good, I guess." TAUNT Robert flexes his hand. Quote: "Donai shitan ya?" Meaning: "What's wrong?" WIN POSE (A) Robert holds his arm up, and gives a thumbs-up towards himself, then drops his arm. Quote: "Yosha!" Meaning: "All right!" WIN POSE (B) Robert tosses a coin into the air and catches it. WIN POSE (C) Quote: "Donai ya?" Meaning: "How's that?" TIME OUT Robert angrily throws one of his gloves at the floor. DRAW GAME Robert angrily throws one of his gloves at the floor. ROUND LOSS Quote: "Kusottare--!" Meaning: "Shit-head--!" RECOVERY ROLL "Ha!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Robert shouts something. IF PLAYER HITS.... Crouches while clenching one hand. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Covers his forehead. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Crouches, clenching one hand. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Covers his forehead. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Robert acts as if he was sleeping. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Robert looks at the stage. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES RyuGekiKen "Ryuugekiken!" HiEnSenpuKyaku "Hiensenpuukyaku!" Ha-O ShoKoKen "Haoushoukouken!" RyuKo Ranbu Quote: "Kyokugen-ryuu Ougi!" then "Sorya Sorya Sorya.../Donai ya?!" Meaning: "Kyokugen-style Secret Technique!" (simply yelling as he attacks) "How's that!?" _________________________________________________________________________ YURI SAKAZAKI _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese/US HOBBIES: Karaoke BIRTH DATE: 12/7/76 FAVORITE FOOD: Sweet curry rice AGE: 20 FAVORITE SPORT: Softball HEIGHT: 168 cm MOST VALUABLE: Friends, Ronnet's earrings WEIGHT: 59 kg HATES THE MOST: Octopus BLOOD TYPE: A FIGHTING STYLE: Kyokugen-ryu Karate ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Oni Harite E: Demon Stretched Hand M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Sairento Nage E: Silent Nage M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tsubame Otoshi E: Swallow Drop M: Jump, then U + C button / D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: En Yoku E: Swallow Wing M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Yuri turns around and leaps backward, bonging her opponent with her rear. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ko-O Ken E: Tiger Gleam Fist M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Yuri extends one arm and fires a blast of pink fire. C: This projectile moves further than Ryo's Ko-O Ken and has a small delay in dissapation time like Robert's RyuGekiKen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Rai-O Ken E: Thunder Gleam Fist M: QCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Yuri leaps forward and brings her hands down in front of her, creating a small swath of pink energy that strikes as she begins to descend from her jump. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hyaku Retsu Binta E: Hundred Violent Slaps M: HCB + Punch H: Weak 100, Strong 100 :) D: Yuri will move forward a bit, grab her opponent, and slap them silly. C: Unlike KoF '96, there isn't much of a difference between the A- and C-button versions of this move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Yuri Cho Appaa (KuGa) E: Yuri Super Upper (Air Fang) M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 2, Strong 2 D: Yuri leaps into the air and brings her fist up before her. C: Follow the C-button version with "Double Yuri Super Upper". ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Daburu Yuri Cho Appaa (Ura KuGa) E: Double Yuri Super Upper (Reverse Air Fang) M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Yuri faces the other way, then performs a Yuri Super Upper. C: Only hits if completed before the C-button Yuri Super Upper ends (when you're still in the air). Otherwise, she'll do this move too late and it won't connect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Yuri Cho Nakkuru (HiEnShipuKen) E: Yuri Super Knuckle (Flying Swallow Gale Fist) M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Yuri leaps forward while punching with one extended fist. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Yuri Cho Mawashi Geri (HiEnSenpuKyaku) E: Yuri Super Revolving Kick (Flying Swallow Whirlwind Leg) M: QCB + Kick H: Weak 2, Strong 1 D: Yuri makes a high, broad jump while spinning and kicking with one leg out. C: Passes over most projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ha-O ShoKoKen E: Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist M: F,HCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM) Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a SDM) D: Yuri hurls a large ball of pink flame at her opponent. C: This projectile has a long range and can negate/pass through other smaller projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: HiEn Ho-O Kyaku E: Flying Swallow Phoenix Leg M: QCF,HCB + Kick / D,HCB + Kick H: Weak 16, Strong 16 (as a DM) Weak 26, Strong 26 (as a SDM) D: Yuri dashes forward and "climbs" up her opponent's chest while kicking rapidly before jumping away. For the SDM, she finishes her attack with a Rai-O Ken instead. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: HiEnRekko E: Flying Swallow Violent Pierce M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 11, Strong 11 (as a DM) Weak 21, Strong 21 (as a SDM) D: During the DM version, Yuri performs a Yuri Cho Upper and two Double Yuri Cho Uppers (A- then C-button versions, respectively). During the SDM version, she does two Cho Uppers (again, A- then C-button versions, respectively), two Double Yuri Cho Uppers (both A-button versions), and then a C-button Double Yuri Cho Upper. While performing either version, she is followed by shadows. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Stands with her hands on her hips. She points at her opponent with one hand. Quote: "Babbito yattsukechau zo!" Meaning: "I will defeat you quickly!" TAUNT Yuri puts her hands on her hips, says part of her quote, then bends forward and says the rest of it. Quote: "Anta" (then) "baka?" Meaning: "You stupid?" WIN POSE (A) Yuri spins one arm, jumps up, and makes a 'v for victory' sign twice with her hands. Quote: "Ei! Ei! Wo! Wo! Jump! V! V!" WIN POSE (B) Waves a finger at her opponent. Quote: "Service, service!" WIN POSE (C) Cools herself off with her gi, then turns and gives a thumbs-up. Quote: "Cho yoyutchi!" Meaning: "Super piece of cake [easy]!" TIME OUT Falls to her feet (facing the screen), and looks up towards the screen, then averts her gaze. Her clothing droops off on one side, showing her shoulder. DRAW GAME Yuri looks worried (initial animation of her Time Out stance). ROUND LOSS Quote: "Oto-san, gomen!" Meaning: "Father, sorry!" RECOVERY ROLL Quote: "Ho!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Gleams. IF PLAYER HITS.... Excited cheers. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Surprised look. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Jumps and gives a peace sign. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Covers her head with her hands. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Sits down. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Sad smiles. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Ko-O Ken "Kououken!" Rai-O Ken "Raiouken!" Yuri Cho Upper "Chou Appaa! Yuri Double Upper "Double!" Yuri Cho Knuckle "Chou Nakkuru!" Yuri Cho Mawashi-geri "Chou Mawashi-geri!" HyakuRetsu Binta Quote: "Konno!" Meaning: "Why you...!" Yuri Mawashi-geri "Yuri Mawashi-geri!" Ha-O ShoKoKen "Haoushoukouken!" HiEn Ho-O Kyaku "Hienhououkyaku!" HiEn Rekko Quote: "Yuri...." (charging up, then) "Chou Reppa!" (for each uppercut). Meaning: "Super Violent Break!" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Official SNK Name (Japanese): Ikari Tiimu Official SNK Name (English): Ikari Team Translation of Japanese Name: As is, also literally 'Angry' Team %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________________________________________________________________________ LEONA _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Unknown HOBBIES: None BIRTH DATE: 1/10/78 FAVORITE FOOD: Vegetables AGE: 18 FAVORITE SPORT: None HEIGHT: 176 cm MOST VALUABLE: None WEIGHT: 65 kg HATES THE MOST: Blood BLOOD TYPE: B + Orochi FIGHTING STYLE: Martial arts and Heidern style Assassin Techniques ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Reona Kurasshu E: Leona Crush M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ooder Bakkuraa E: Audel Buckler M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Heiderun Inferuno E: Heidern Inferno M: Jump, then U + C button / D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Muun Surasshaa E: Moon Slasher M: Charge D,U + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Leona stands up while swinging her arms in a circle. C: Often causes Critical Hits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: X Karibaa E: X Caliber M: Charge D,U + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Leona leaps forward, an X-shaped mass of energy forming around her body. C: Goes over projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Borutekku Ranchaa E: Baltic Launcher M: Charge B,F + Punch H: Weak 6, Strong 12 D: Leona rears her head back and yells, a ball of energy appearing before her. During the Strong version, she leaps forward as the ball forms (landing in front of it). The ball of energy then moves forward a short distance before fading. C: You can use any normal attack while the ball is hitting Leona's opponent. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gurando Seibaa E: Ground Saber M: Charge B,F + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Leona runs forward low to the ground, sliding as a crescent-shaped wedge of energy appears before her. C: Follow with 'Sonic Kick'. Since Leona is rushing so close to the ground, some attacks and long-ranged projectiles will pass over her. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: (unknown) E: Sonic Kick M: F + D button H: Strong 1 D: Leona flips into the air, creating circular shapes of blue energy as she leaps and kicks before landing on her feet. C: Only usable during the D-button version of 'Ground Saber'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ai Surasshaa E: I Slasher M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Leona grabs the hairpiece off her head and throws it like she would a boomerang. She remains immobile until it returns. C: I heard someone compare this to Dan Hibiki's 'Gadoken' once, in terms of usefulness. That sort of sums it up, don't you think? ^_^; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: V Surasshaa E: V Slasher M: Jump, then QCF,HCB + Punch / D,HCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Leona dives downward, trailed by afterimages. If she hits her opponent, she draws a ragged 'V' in the air which damages her enemy. During the SDM, the 'V' is larger and better-drawn. C: This attack cannot be blocked in mid-air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gurabidi Sutoomu E: Gravity Storm M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 3, Strong 3 (as a DM) Weak 5, Strong 5 (as a SDM) D: Leona throws several standing attacks followed by a kick that (if it hits) will launch her opponent into the air. She then jumps up, impales her challenger with a dagger, and then they explode as a result. C: Has a very bad range. Leona won't complete this attack unless the 'laucher' kick connects. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Riboru Supaaku E: Rebel Spark M: QCB,HCF + Kick / D,HCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Leona rushes forward and grabs her opponent, then stabs them with a dagger. She shoves a stick of dynamite into their wound, then looks away as her enemy explodes. C: While Leona rushes forward, she is very low to the ground (think the initial animation for the Ground Saber). This means that she can avoid certain attacks and long-ranged projectiles while rushing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (AS FIRST UP) Leona appears wearing a cape over her normal clothes, which she tosses aside before the round begins. Quote: "Ninmu suikou shimasu." Meaning: "I shall perform my duty." or "I will begin the mission." INTRODUCTION Leona leaps on screen, takes out her dog tags, and uses them to tie her hair back. Quote: "Ninmu suikou shimasu." Meaning: "I shall perform my duty." or "I will begin the mission." TAUNT Leona turns away and fiddles with her gloves. Quote: "Nigeru no yo...." Meaning: "Run away...." WIN POSE (A) Waves hands over her head, then clasps them in front of herself. WIN POSE (B) Ties shoelaces, turns to look at opponent, then tosses hair out of her eyes and resumes tying. WIN POSE (C) Leona undoes her dog tags, letting them fall around her neck, and she looks at the screen. Quote: "Ninmu kanryou." Meaning: "Mission complete." TIME OUT Leona turns away from her opponent and looks angry. DRAW GAME Leona pulls at her shorts and looks angrily towards the screen. ROUND LOSS "Aaaa~~!" RECOVERY ROLL (Leona says nothing) SPECIAL WAIT POSE Leona draws her arms across her chest and stops moving. She steps forward and flexes her shoulders, then returns to her original pose. PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Leona on a military pose. IF PLAYER HITS.... No reaction. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... No reaction. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Looks at stage. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Looks at stage face down. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... As if weeping. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Looks at the stage, face down. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Moon Slasher "Kill!" Rebel Spark "Sayonara!" V Slasher "Joa!" _________________________________________________________________________ RALF JONES _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Brazilian HOBBIES: Collecting knives BIRTH DATE: 8/25/1958 FAVORITE FOOD: Bubble gum AGE: 39 FAVORITE SPORT: Baseball HEIGHT: 188 cm MOST VALUABLE: Badge of Honor WEIGHT: 100 kg HATES THE MOST: Snakes BLOOD TYPE: A FIGHTING STYLE: Martial arts and Heidern style Assassin Techniques ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= J: Dainamaito Heddobomu E: Dynamite Headbomb M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Noozan Raito Bomu E: Northern Light Bomb M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Barukan Panchi E: Vulcan Punch M: Tap Punch repeatedly, then press F H: Weak 2, Strong 2 D: Ralf yells while punching the air repeatedly, generating explosive bursts as he does so. C: Causes exceptional block damage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gatoringu Atakku E: Gatling Attack M: Charge B,F + Punch H: Weak 4, Heavy 4 D: Ralf spins while moving forward, punching three times. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kyukoka Bakudan Panchi E: Diving Bomb Punch M: Charge D,U + Punch / Jump, then QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (normally) Weak 2, Strong 3 (if Ralf hits on the way up; only works with the ground version) D: Ralf leaps up with one arm pulled back, then dives forward with both C: hands stretched forward. When he collides into the ground, an explosion occurs, and Ralf flips back onto his feet. The aerial version makes Ralf go directly into the dive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Rarufu Kikku E: Ralf Kick M: Charge B,F + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Ralf slams the ground with one fist, then yells and pushes his body forward, spinning with his feet outward. C: Often causes Critical Hits. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Suupaa Aruzenchin Bakku Buriikaa E: Super Argentine Back Breaker M: HCF + Kick (near) H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Ralf picks up his opponent, tosses them into the air, then catches them on his back and drops them to the floor. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: BariBari Barukan Panchi E: Blazing Vulcan Punch M: QCF,HCB + Punch / D,HCB + Punch H: Weak 15, Strong 15 (as a DM) Weak 28, Strong 28 (as a SDM) D: Ralf spins forward (a la the Gatling Attack), and Vulcan Punches with one hand rapidly, performing a corny rising uppercut for the DM, and a triple uppercut for the SDM. C: Does _great_ block damage. You can really spaz with this move on Extra Mode. *Now with a machine-gun style sound effect!* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Umanori Barukan Panchi E: Horse-Mounted Vulcan Punch M: QCB,HCF + Kick / D,HCF + Kick H: Weak 14, Strong 14 (as a DM) Weak 24, Strong 24 (as a SDM) D: Ralf runs forward, tackling his opponent to the ground. He sits astride their chest and Vulcan Punches them repeatedly in the head before finishing with a final punch that creates an explosion. The SDM makes Ralf punch faster and the screen shakes more violently than normal. C: When Ralf finishes this move, his opponent is left on the ground for a few moments, their body smoking. It's a perfect set-up for a close Galactica Phantom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Garakutika Fantomu E: Galactica Phantom M: QCF,QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Ralf pauses for a moment, then lunges forward with a punch. The SDM version includes a large blast of energy emanating from Ralf's arm as he punches. This will set his opponent on fire if it hits. C: This move is unblockable, but can be dodged or jumped over. If you perform a move with autoguard as Ralf strikes, the autoguard will block the hit for you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (AS FIRST UP) Ralf guzzles a bottle of beer and tosses it aside. Quote: "Oowah! Totto to kakatte koi!" Meaning: "Oowah! Come on, let's fight!" INTRODUCTION Ralf ties on his headband. Quote: "Oowah! Totto to kakatte koi!" Meaning: "Oo---! Hurry up and fight (come on)!" VERSUS CLARK STEEL Ralf and Clark do three synchronized poses, then a unique fourth pose. When they clench their fists in pose #2, a blue flash appears. Quote: "Ikuze, Clark!" (said by Ralf) "Ou!" (said by Clark) "Kurosu Chanjaa!" (both, together) Meaning: "Let's go, Clark!" "Yeah! / OK!" "Cross Changer!" TAUNT Ralf looks towards the floor, says the first word of his quote with a screaming expression on his face, then holds up his left hand and finishes the quote. Quote: "Yoshi, todome iku ka?" Meaning: "All right, shall I go in for the kill?" WIN POSE (A) Ralf smacks his fist with his other hand, then leans back. Quote: "Uwargh!" WIN POSE (B) Flips opponent off twice [not that I could tell] Quote: "...sshaa! Utsuwa ja nenda, koraa?!" Meaning: "All right! You don't got what it takes, you know!" WIN POSE (C) Ralf stands up straight with his arm out, then leans back with his arm against his shoulder. Quote: "Yay! Ninmu kanryou!" Meaning: "Yay! Mission Complete!" TIME OUT Ralf unties his bandanna and looks away in disgust. DRAW GAME Ralf stands with his head down and his arms apart (the first frames of his Taunt animation). ROUND LOSS "Uooooooooo!" RECOVERY ROLL "Uoo!" SPECIAL WAIT POSE PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE In a military stance. IF PLAYER HITS.... No reaction. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... No reaction. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Puts one fist to his free hand. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Puts his hands to his forehead. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Crouches down, bandanna covering his face. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Raises a hand, with a grin. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Ralf Kick "Ralf Kick!!" BariBari Barukan Panchi Quote: "Fire!! Hakairyokuuu!!!" Meaning: "Fire!! Destructive power!!!" Umanori Barukan Panchi Quote: "Totte oki daze!! Mouitcho!" Meaning: "I saved this one for last!! One more!" Galactica Phantom Quote: "Galactica Phantom...Dokkan!" Meaning: "Galactica Phantom...BOOM!" _________________________________________________________________________ CLARK STEEL _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: American HOBBIES: Collecting guns BIRTH DATE: 5/7/63 FAVORITE FOOD: Oatmeal AGE: 34 FAVORITE SPORT: Wrestling HEIGHT: 187 cm MOST VALUABLE: His sunglasses WEIGHT: 99 kg HATES THE MOST: Slugs BLOOD TYPE: A FIGHTING STYLE: Martial arts and Heidern style Assassin Techniques ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Nage-e Panashi Jaaman E: Throwing German M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Fishaaman Basutaa E: Fisherman Buster M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Desu Raiku Doroppu E: Death Lake Drop M: Jump, then U + C button / D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Sutonpingu E: Stomping M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Clark strikes out with a clumsy-looking kick (a la Shingo). C: This move acts as an overhead attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Barukan Panchi E: Vulcan Punch M: Tap Punch repeatedly, press F H: Weak 3, Strong 8 D: Clark punches the air in front of him rapidly. C: The duration of Clark punching isn't as long as Ralf's Vulcan Punch, but his version juggles hit/airborne opponents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Napaamu Sutorecchi E: Napalm Stretch M: F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Clark leaps into the air. If his opponent is in the air and is near to him, Clark grabst tem and throws them. C: Follow with 'Flashing Elbow'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Furankenshutainaa E: Frankensteiner M: F,D,DF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Clark falls to the ground while sticking his legs up and outward. A challenger who is nearby will be grabbed around the neck by Clark's legs and be flipped onto the ground. Afterwards, Clark gets up on his knees in a victory pose, but if you inputted the command for the 'Flashing Elbow', this part of the move is omitted. C: Follow with 'Flashing Elbow'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Rooringu Kureidoru E: Rolling Cradle M: HCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Clark dashes forward with his arms out. He grabs his opponent and rolls around on the ground with them before letting them go. C: Follow with 'Flashing Elbow'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Suupaa Aruzenchin Bakku Buriikaa E: Super Argentine Back Breaker M: HCF + Kick (near) H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Clark picks up his opponent, tosses them into the air, then catches them on his back and drops them onto the floor. C: Follow with 'Flashing Elbow'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Furasshingu Eruboo E: Flashing Elbow M: QCF + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Clark runs forward and falls atop his fallen opponent with an elbow dive. C: Can only be used after a (non-DM/SDM) command throw. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Urutora Aruzenchin Bakku Buriikaa E: Ultra Argentine Back Breaker M: HCB,HCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Clark grabs his opponent and performs multiple Super Argentine Back Breakers on them. He finishes the SDM version with the 'Clark Spark', a move in which he jumps up, grabs his opponent in mid-fall, and holds them face-down, limbs out, with his feet and hands then lets them fall onto the ground. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Raningu Surii E: Running Three M: HCF,HCF + Kick H: Weak 1, Strong 1 (as a DM/SDM) D: Clark runs forward, grabs his challenger, points at the other end of the screen, and performs a running powerbomb on them that launches them in that direction. During the SDM, he picks them up after each launch, points in the opposite direction, and powerbombs them again for three attacks total. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (BOTH) Clark blows on his fingernails, then gets into his fighting stance. VERSUS RALF JONES Ralf and Clark do three synchronized poses, then a unique fourth pose. When they clench their fists in pose #2, a blue flash appears. Quote: "Ikuze, Clark!" (said by Ralf) "Ou!" (said by Clark) "Kurosu Chanjaa!" (both, together) Meaning: "Let's go, Clark!" "Yeah! / OK!" "Cross Changer!" TAUNT Clark flexes his hand. Quote: "Hey, c'mon!" WIN POSE (A) Clark does a silent salute, then gives a thumbs-up (modified from his pose in KoF '96) WIN POSE (B) Pulls out dog tags, and looks down at them while they shine. Quote: "Amai yo, na?" Meaning: "Naive, huh?" WIN POSE (C) Clark adjusts his sunglasses and gives a thumbs-up. Quote: "Hey! Ninmu kanryou!" Meaning: "Hey! Mission Complete!" TIME OUT Clark covers his head and looks down at the floor, then grunts. DRAW GAME Clark covers his head and looks down at the floor, then grunts. ROUND LOSS "Nuoooooo!" RECOVERY ROLL "Ho!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE In a military pose. IF PLAYER HITS.... No reaction. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... No reaction. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Raises both hands. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Covers his face. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Sits down. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Pleased look. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Napalm Stretch "Napaamu Sutorecchi!" Frankensteiner "Hey!" Ultra Argentine Back Breaker (DM) "Death Valley Bomb!" Ultra Argentine Back Breaker (SDM) "Clark Spark!" Running Three "Raningu Suryaa!" "Running Threeyaa!" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Official SNK Name (Japanese): Saiko Sorujyaa Tiimu Official SNK Name (English): Psycho Soldier Team Translation of Japanese Name: Psycho Soldier Team %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% _________________________________________________________________________ ATHENA ASAMIYA _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Japanese HOBBIES: Astrology BIRTH DATE: 3/14/1979 FAVORITE FOOD: Ichigo-daifuku AGE: 18 FAVORITE SPORT: Lacross HEIGHT: 163 cm MOST VALUABLE: Peter Rabbit teacup set WEIGHT: 49 kg HATES THE MOST: Grasshoppers BLOOD TYPE: B FIGHTING STYLE: Psychic Powers and Kung Fu ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Bitto Suruu E: Bit Throw M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Saikikku Suruu E: Psychic Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Saikikku Shuuto E: Psychic Shoot M: U + C button / D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Renkan Tai E: Chain Thigh M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Athena hops forward while delivering a rising kick (it's practically a jumping splits kick). C: Has autoguard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Fenikkusu Bomu E: Phoenix Bomb M: Jump, then D + B button H: Weak 1 D: Athena sticks her rear out and bops her opponent on the head as she falls, then rebounds to her feet. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Saiko Booru Atakku E: Psycho Ball Attack M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Athena waves her arms in front of her, creating a large ball of orange psychic energy which flies straight forward. C: A long-ranged projectile. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: (Kuchu) Saiko Soodo E: (Air) Psycho Sword M: F,D,DF + Punch / Jump, then F,D,DF + Punch H: Weak 6, Strong 6 D: Athena jumps up, spinning. She holds out one arm that has a blade of psychic force extending along it. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Fenikkusu Aroo E: Phoenix Arrow M: Jump, QCB + Punch H: Weak 7, Strong 9 D: Athena dives forward, surrounded by a bright ball of energy. When she lands, she'll add on a crouching kick that knocks down her opponent if the C-button version is used. C: Works well as a cross-up attack, especially because Athena will kick towards her opponent during the C-button version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Nuu Saiko Rifurekutaa E: Nu Psycho Reflector M: HCB + Kick H: Weak 4, Strong 7 D: During the Weak version, Athena creates a large barrier of psychic energy in front of her. During the Strong version, she leaps forward before creating the barrier. C: This move will reflect projectiles. No, the name isn't misspelled; this move is written with the Greek letter 'nu', which as far as I know, has no meaning in and of itself. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Saikikku Terepooto E: Psychic Teleport M: QCF + Kick H: Weak 0, Strong 0 D: Athena appears to blur, then shows up some distance from her former position. C: The D version moves Athena further forward than the B version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Suupaa Saikikku Suruu E: Super Psychic Throw M: HCF + C button (near) H: Strong 1 D: Athena grabs her opponent and hurls them upward into the air with the aid of some psychic force. C: Your opponent is left open to attack after you perform this move. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SUPER DEADLY TECHNIQUES (DMs / SDMs) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Shainingu Kurisutaru Bitto E: Shining Crystal Bit M: B,HCB + Punch / Jump, then B,HCB + Punch H: Weak 2, Strong 2 (as a DM/SDM) D: Athena yells and the beads of her necklace grow larger and orbit around her body for a few moments before shattering. During the SDM, white light is also emanating from her body. C: Follow with 'Crystal Shoot'. You can cancel this attack by pressing A+B+C+D simultaneously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Kurisutaru Shuuto E: Crystal Shoot M: QCB + Punch (on the ground, or in the air) H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Athena collects the orbiting beads of her necklace into a swirling mass, that she then throws at her opponent. C: Only usable after 'Shining Crystal Bit'. You can hold down the button used to momentarily prevent Athena from throwing the beads. If used on the ground, the A-button version goes forward, and the C-button version flies diagonally upward. If used in the air, either version flies downward. This move takes up no extra Power Gauge energy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Fenikkusu Fangu Aroo E: Phoenix Fang Arrow M: Jump, then QCF,QCF + Kick H: Weak 10, Strong 11 (as a DM) Weak 25, Strong 32 (as a SDM) D: Athena performs four consecutive flaming Phoenix Arrows during the DM. For the SDM she does six flaming Phoenix Arrow attacks. C: Like Mai's 'Ho-O no Mai', this attack will hit more times against larger opponents, and against enemies who are close and in the air. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION (AS FIRST UP) Athena appears in an idol outfit (if on the 1st player side), or in a sailor-suit (if on the 2nd player side). She pulls off the outfit, revealing her normal clothes. Quote: "Athena, ikimasu!" Meaning: "Athena, ready!" INTRODUCTION Athena raises up her arms and then gets into her normal stance. Quote: "Athena, ikimasu!" Meaning: "Athena, ready!" VERSUS SIE KENSOU, IKARI TEAM, RYUJI YAMAZAKI or OROCHI LEONA Athena is wearing a pretty dress. Quote: "Athena, ikimasu!" Meaning: "Athena, ready!" TAUNT Athena sneezes, stands up straight and winks, holding her hands in a prayer position (she's asking for forgiveness). Quote: "Gusshi, gomenasai!" Meaning: "Achoo, excuse me!" WIN POSE (A) Quote: "Yatta! Gu!" Meaning: "I did it! Good!" WIN POSE (B) Quote: "Yay, kampeki!" Meaning: "Yay, perfect!" WIN POSE (C) Athena does her "Sailor Moon" pose, like in '96. Quote: "Watashi tachi wa makenai wa!" Meaning: "We won't be beaten!" TIME OUT Athena snaps her head from side to side three times, then buries her face in her hands, sobbing. DRAW GAME Athena snaps her head from side to side three times, then buries her face in her hands, sobbing. ROUND LOSS Quote: "Gomenasaaaaaaai!" Meaning: "I'm sorry-------!" RECOVERY ROLL "Ei!" PARTNER BACKGROUND POSE Athena cheers for the active partner. IF PLAYER HITS.... Raises a hand. IF PLAYER IS DAMAGED.... Winks. IF PLAYER WINS THE ROUND.... Raises her hands in a prayer-like motion, with a happy look. IF PLAYER LOSES THE ROUND.... Puts her hand on her forehead. IF PLAYER LOST AND IS IN THE BACKGROUND.... Crouches, head down. PLAYER AVENGEMENT.... Thumbs up and smiles. SPECIAL MOVE QUOTES Psycho Ball Attack "Psycho Ball!" Psycho Sword "Psycho Sword!" Phoenix Arrow "Phoenix...Arrow!" Psychic Teleport "Teleport!" Shiny Crystal Bit "Yaaaahhhh!" Crystal Shoot Quote: "Ikkee!" Meaning: "Go!" Phoenix Fang Arrow "Faaang....Arrow!" _________________________________________________________________________ SIE KENSOU _________________________________________________________________________ NATIONALITY: Chinese HOBBIES: Reading manga (yeah!) BIRTH DATE: 9/23/77 FAVORITE FOOD: Niku-man AGE: 19 FAVORITE SPORT: Soccer HEIGHT: 172 cm MOST VALUABLE: Debut Album of Yu Hayami WEIGHT: 61 kg HATES THE MOST: Practicing martial arts BLOOD TYPE: B FIGHTING STYLE: Psychic Powers and Kung Fu ========================================================================= THROW TECHNIQUES ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Hakkei E: Strong Emission M: B / F + C button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Tomoe Nage E: Comma-design Throw M: B / F + D button (near) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= SPECIAL TECHNIQUES (COMMAND ATTACKS) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ko Boku Shu E: Drunken Hand Slap M: F + A button H: Weak 1 D: Sie attacks downward with a double palm strike. C: Acts as an overhead attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Gosen Tai E: Backward-Rotating Thigh M: F + B button H: Weak 1 D: Sie perfomers a flying, turning kick. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= DEADLY TECHNIQUES (SPECIAL MOVES) ========================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: ChoKyuDan E: Super Ball Bullet M: QCB + Punch H: Weak 1, Strong 1 D: Sie crouches while flinging his hands apart; this causes a ball of blue psychic energy to appear and fly forward. C: A long-ranged projectiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuSoGeki E: Dragon Talon Attack M: Jump, then QCF + Punch H: Weak 4, Strong 4 D: Sie dives diagonally downward, blue energy trailing from his bared hand. C: n/a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuRenGa: ChiRyu E: Rapid Dragon Fang: Earth Dragon M: HCF + A button H: Weak 3 D: Sie hops forward, attacking three times. C: Has autoguard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuRenGa: TenRyu E: Rapid Dragon Fang: Heaven Dragon M: HCF + C button H: Strong 3 D: Sie leaps up into the air, attacking three times. C: Has autoguard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: Ryu Renda E: Dragon Barrage M: F,D,DF + Punch, tap Punch (near) H: Weak 12, Strong 12 D: Sie attacks his enemy while stepping from side to side. C: It's rumored that this attack has a finisher that's performed by tapping the C button. Anyone have information on this? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- J: RyuGakuSai E: Dragon Jaw Smash M: B,D,