------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOOM, (THE) ULTIMATE DOOM AND DOOM II GAME MULTIMEDIA FOR IBM-PC, SONY PSX, SEGA SATURN, NINTENDO 64, ATARI JAGUAR, 3DO, SNES, SEGA 32X CHEAT CODES REVISION 10/22/97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPICS IN ORDER OF APPEARANCE | TOPICS IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER ============================= | ============================ 0. Introduction | 3DO (Panasonic And Others) Doom (9) 1. Doom/Doom II Cheat Codes: General | Atari Jaguar Doom (8) 2. IBM-PC Doom/Ultimate Doom | Cheat Code Data/Reference Charts (12) 3. IBM-PC Doom II Games | Doom/Doom II Cheat Codes: General (1) 4. IBM-PC Doom 95 | Glossary (13) 5. Sony PlayStation (PSX) Doom Games | IBM-PC Doom 95 (4) 6. Sega Saturn Doom | IBM-PC Doom II Games (3) 7. Nintendo 64 (N64) Doom 64 | IBM-PC Doom/Ultimate Doom (2) 8. Atari Jaguar Doom | Introduction (0) 9. 3DO (Panasonic And Others) Doom | Nintendo 64 (N64) Doom 64 (7) 10. Super Nintendo (SNES) Doom | Sega Genesis 32X Doom (11) 11. Sega Genesis 32X Doom | Sega Saturn Doom (6) 12. Cheat Code Data/Reference Charts | Sony PlayStation (PSX) Doom Games (5) 13. Glossary | Super Nintendo (SNES) Doom (10) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. INTRODUCTION =============== o This document provides detailed information on the cheat codes/functions that are built into most Doom and Doom II games. o In this document, codes for each game are usually given in a quick-reference format, and are then followed by a more detailed explanation. For the console-based Doom games, code information may be followed by a "Key" which provides added detail on the controller buttons used for entering the codes. A list of game maps (a "Map Level Warp Guide") is included for all Doom games that have a "Warp" cheat code available. o Apple Macintosh and other computer-based editions of the IBM-PC Doom games exist, however their cheat codes are identical in most aspects to those of the PC games, and so are generally not addressed in this document. Other editions of Doom/Doom II which are not addressed here may be included in future updates. o "Command-line parameters" (special commands for PC Doom/Doom II games) are generally not included in this document. (These commands are usually described in detail in the documentation included with the game.) An exception to this is the Doom 95 "Re-spawn" command-line parameter, which is detailed in section 4: IBM-PC Doom 95. o This document is 79 characters wide, and is best viewed in a monospaced-font format. 1. DOOM/DOOM II CHEAT CODES: GENERAL ==================================== o Most versions of Doom/Doom II include codes which can be "toggled": Entering a code once to turn on a feature, once again to turn it off. o Whenever a weapon is acquired, it remains in the player's inventory for the duration of the game, unless it is removed as a result of using a "Warp" cheat code. This remains true whether weapons are acquired by picking them up, or are acquired through the use of cheat codes. o Keys are always removed from a player character upon exit of the current map level. This remains true whether or not the keys were acquired through a cheat code, or whether or not the player used a Warp code to exit the level. 2. IBM-PC DOOM/ULTIMATE DOOM ============================ o Cheat codes (typed during a game in progress or during a paused game): idbeholda: Gain Computer Area Map item (active until next map level) idbeholdi: Gain Blur Artifact (can be toggled on/off) idbeholdl: Gain light-amplification visors (can be toggled on/off) idbeholdr: Gain radiation suit (can be toggled on/off) idbeholds: Gain Berserk Pack (can be toggled on/off) idbeholdv: Gain Invulnerability Artifact (can be toggled on/off) idchoppers: Gain chain saw idclev##: Warp to map ## (first # is Episode number, second # is map 1 to 9) iddqd: Toggle "invincibility" on/off (when on, health is 100%) iddt: Cycle Automap from normal to all-lines, to lines-and-objects, to normal Alt-tiddt: Like iddt but objects include opponents (game versions before 1.9) idfa: Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor (game versions 1.4 and above) idkfa: Gain 3 keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor idmus##: Use music track ## (## is a number from 11 to 45; full version 1.9) idmypos: Flash a message giving player's angle and coordinates in hexadecimal idspispopd: Allows player to walk through walls and other objects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The above codes are for use with a standard "QWERTY"-mapped keyboard; Code lettering may need to be adjusted accordingly for use with alternate keyboards (for example: iddqd becomes iddad on an "AZERTY"-mapped keyboard). The idbeholda code cannot be toggled off. A Computer Area Map item will remain in effect until the player enters another map level. The idclev Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked (with the exception of the map-related codes iddt and Alt-tiddt, and the Doom 95-only codes), and may cancel various command-line parameters. In original Doom/Ultimate Doom, Invincibility (iddqd) is disabled in the last room of the PHOBOS ANOMALY map; Invulnerability (idbeholda) is not disabled. Note that iddt and Alt-tiddt codes must be entered while in Automap mode. The iddt code may be used during single-player games as follows: Typing iddt the first time reveals all boundaries (walls, doors, edges, trigger lines, etc.) on the Automap; typing iddt a second time adds indicators (green triangles) for all objects and monsters to the Automap; typing iddt a third time returns the Automap to normal. "Alt-tiddt" indicates holding the "Alt" key down while typing "tiddt". The Alt-tiddt code may be used during Deathmatch and Cooperative games as follows: Typing Alt-tiddt the first time reveals all boundaries (walls, doors, edges, trigger lines, etc.) on the Automap; typing Alt-tiddt a second time adds indicators (green triangles) for all objects, monsters and players to the Automap; typing Alt-tiddt a third time returns the Automap to normal. Alt-tiddt will engage Talk mode during multiplayer games. (Pressing Enter after typing Alt-tiddt will exit Talk mode without sending a message.) The iddt and Alt-tiddt codes will remain in effect unless/until the codes are toggled again by the player. Enhancements to the Automap function can remain in effect while the player moves or warps from map level to map level. The "Add Ammo" codes (idfa and idkfa), in addition to providing all weapons to the player, will set ammo levels to the player's current carrying capacity (initial ammo-carrying capacity doubles with the player's first backpack). In shareware games, the Add-Ammo codes do not add a plasma rifle or BFG 9000. The idmypos code is disabled if Messages are off (hit F8 to toggle Messages). The idspispopd code disables a player's ability to teleport or pick up items. All cheat codes except idclev, iddt and Alt-tiddt are disabled in games played on Nightmare skill. (In Doom versions 1.4 and above, adding the "-fast", "-respawn" and "-skill 4" command-line parameters will allow cheat codes in a game which will run at a simulated Nightmare skill level.) In game versions prior to 1.9, all cheat codes are disabled in Deathmatch and Cooperative games, with the exception of the Alt-tiddt code. In game version 1.9, all cheat codes are disabled in Deathmatch games, but Alt-tiddt will still work in Cooperative games. Codes that include numbers may cause the player character to switch weapons. In Macintosh Doom games, typing a cheat code may fire the currently-held weapon, as all cheat codes include the D key, which is the default Fire key. In Macintosh games, Fire may be re-assigned to another letter/key if desired. o Map level warp guide for PC Doom/Ultimate Doom: Map | Map name | Warp code -----|-----------------------|---------- E1M1.|.HANGAR................|.idclev11. E1M2.|.NUCLEAR PLANT.........|.idclev12. E1M3.|.TOXIN REFINERY........|.idclev13. E1M4.|.COMMAND CONTROL.......|.idclev14. E1M5.|.PHOBOS LAB............|.idclev15. E1M6.|.CENTRAL PROCESSING....|.idclev16. E1M7.|.COMPUTER STATION......|.idclev17. E1M8.|.PHOBOS ANOMALY........|.idclev18. E1M9.|.MILITARY BASE.........|.idclev19. -----|-----------------------|---------- E2M1.|.DEIMOS ANOMALY........|.idclev21. E2M2.|.CONTAINMENT AREA......|.idclev22. E2M3.|.REFINERY..............|.idclev23. E2M4.|.DEIMOS LAB............|.idclev24. E2M5.|.COMMAND CENTER........|.idclev25. E2M6.|.HALLS OF THE DAMNED...|.idclev26. E2M7.|.SPAWNING VATS.........|.idclev27. E2M8.|.TOWER OF BABEL........|.idclev28. E2M9.|.FORTRESS OF MYSTERY...|.idclev29. -----|-----------------------|---------- E3M1.|.HELL KEEP.............|.idclev31. E3M2.|.SLOUGH OF DESPAIR.....|.idclev32. E3M3.|.PANDEMONIUM...........|.idclev33. E3M4.|.HOUSE OF PAIN.........|.idclev34. E3M5.|.UNHOLY CATHEDRAL......|.idclev35. E3M6.|.MT. EREBUS............|.idclev36. E3M7.|.GATE TO LIMBO/LIMBO...|.idclev37. E3M8.|.DIS...................|.idclev38. E3M9.|.WARRENS...............|.idclev39. -----|-----------------------|---------- E4M1.|.HELL BENEATH..........|.idclev41. E4M2.|.PERFECT HATRED........|.idclev42. E4M3.|.SEVER THE WICKED......|.idclev43. E4M4.|.UNRULY EVIL...........|.idclev44. E4M5.|.THEY WILL REPENT......|.idclev45. E4M6.|.AGAINST THEE WICKEDLY.|.idclev46. E4M7.|.AND HELL FOLLOWED.....|.idclev47. E4M8.|.UNTO THE CRUEL........|.idclev48. E4M9.|.FEAR..................|.idclev49. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The PC Doom/PC Ultimate Doom map in Episode 3 Mission 7 is referred to as "GATE TO LIMBO" in the tally screens, and "LIMBO" in the Automap. Episode 1, "Knee-Deep in the Dead" begins on map E1M1; Episode 2, "The Shores of Hell" begins on map E2M1; Episode 3, "Inferno" begins on map E3M1; Episode 4, "Thy Flesh Consumed" begins on map E4M1. Note that Episode 4 is available only in PC Ultimate Doom. 3. IBM-PC DOOM II GAMES ======================= o All cheat codes for PC Doom II (Doom 2: Hell on Earth) will also work with Final Doom and other Doom II-based software packages for the PC. o Cheat codes (typed during a game in progress or during a paused game): idbeholda: Gain Computer Area Map item (active until next map level) idbeholdi: Gain Blur Artifact (can be toggled on/off) idbeholdl: Gain light-amplification visors (can be toggled on/off) idbeholdr: Gain radiation suit (can be toggled on/off) idbeholds: Gain Berserk Pack (can be toggled on/off) idbeholdv: Gain Invulnerability Artifact (can be toggled on/off) idchoppers: Gain chain saw idclev##: Warp to map ## (## are two digits of any map level, 01 to 32) idclip: Allows player to walk through walls and other objects iddqd: Toggle "invincibility" on/off (when on, health is 100%) iddt: Cycle Automap from normal to all-lines, to lines-and-objects, to normal Alt-tiddt: Like iddt but objects include opponents (game versions before 1.9) idfa: Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor idkfa: Gain 3 keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor idmus##: Use music track ## (## is a two-digit number from 01 to 35) idmypos: Flash a message giving player's angle and coordinates in hexadecimal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The above codes are for use with a standard "QWERTY"-mapped keyboard; Code lettering may need to be adjusted accordingly for use with alternate keyboards (for example: iddqd becomes iddad on an "AZERTY"-mapped keyboard). The idbeholda code cannot be toggled off. A Computer Area Map item will remain in effect until the player enters another map level. The idclev Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked (with the exception of the map-related codes iddt and Alt-tiddt, and the Doom 95-only codes), and may cancel various command-line parameters. The idclip code disables a player's ability to teleport or pick up items. In "Doom 2: Hell on Earth" and in "Final Doom", invincibility/invulnerability in any form will fail to protect a player if a monster materializes ("spawns") into the player's coordinates in the final room of map level 30. Note that iddt and Alt-tiddt codes must be entered while in Automap mode. The iddt code may be used during single-player games as follows: Typing iddt the first time reveals all boundaries (walls, doors, edges, trigger lines, etc.) on the Automap; typing iddt a second time adds indicators (green triangles) for all objects and monsters to the Automap; typing iddt a third time returns the Automap to normal. "Alt-tiddt" indicates holding the "Alt" key down while typing "tiddt". The Alt-tiddt code may be used during Deathmatch and Cooperative games as follows: Typing Alt-tiddt the first time reveals all boundaries (walls, doors, edges, trigger lines, etc.) on the Automap; typing Alt-tiddt a second time adds indicators (green triangles) for all objects, monsters and players to the Automap; typing Alt-tiddt a third time returns the Automap to normal. Alt-tiddt will engage Talk mode during multiplayer games. (Pressing Enter after typing Alt-tiddt will exit Talk mode without sending a message.) The iddt and Alt-tiddt codes will remain in effect unless/until the codes are toggled again by the player. Enhancements to the Automap function can remain in effect while the player moves or Warps from map level to map level. The "Add Ammo" codes (idfa and idkfa), in addition to providing all weapons to the player, will set ammo levels to the player's current carrying capacity (initial ammo-carrying capacity doubles with the player's first backpack). The idmypos code is disabled if Messages are off (hit F8 to toggle Messages). All cheat codes except idclev, iddt and Alt-tiddt are disabled in games played on Nightmare skill. (Adding the "-fast", "-respawn" and "-skill 4" command-line parameters will allow cheat codes in a game which will run at a simulated Nightmare skill level.) In game versions prior to 1.9, all cheat codes are disabled in Deathmatch and Cooperative games, with the exception of the Alt-tiddt code. In game version 1.9, all cheat codes are disabled in Deathmatch games, but Alt-tiddt will still work in Cooperative games. Codes that include numbers may cause the player character to switch weapons. In Macintosh Doom II games, typing a cheat code may fire the currently-held weapon, as all cheat codes include the D key, which is the default Fire key. In Macintosh games, Fire may be re-assigned to another letter/key if desired. o Map level warp guide for PC Doom II/Doom II-based games: |Doom II: Doom 2: |Final Doom: Doom 2: |Final Doom: Doom 2: |Warp Map|Hell on Earth |TNT - Evilution |Plutonia Experiment |code ---|-------------------|---------------------|----------------------|-------- .1.|ENTRYWAY...........|SYSTEM CONTROL.......|CONGO.................|idclev01 .2.|UNDERHALLS.........|HUMAN BBQ............|WELL OF SOULS.........|idclev02 .3.|THE GANTLET........|POWER CONTROL........|AZTEC.................|idclev03 .4.|THE FOCUS..........|WORMHOLE.............|CAGED.................|idclev04 .5.|THE WASTE TUNNELS..|HANGER...............|GHOST TOWN............|idclev05 .6.|THE CRUSHER........|OPEN SEASON..........|BARON'S LAIR..........|idclev06 .7.|DEAD SIMPLE........|PRISON...............|CAUGHTYARD............|idclev07 .8.|TRICKS AND TRAPS...|METAL................|REALM.................|idclev08 .9.|THE PIT............|STRONGHOLD...........|ABATTOIRE.............|idclev09 10.|REFUELING BASE.....|REDEMPTION...........|ONSLAUGHT.............|idclev10 11.|CIRCLE OF DEATH....|STORAGE FACILITY.....|HUNTED................|idclev11 12.|THE FACTORY........|CRATER...............|SPEED.................|idclev12 13.|DOWNTOWN...........|NUKAGE PROCESSING....|THE CRYPT.............|idclev13 14.|THE INMOST DENS....|STEEL WORKS..........|GENESIS...............|idclev14 15.|INDUSTRIAL ZONE....|DEAD ZONE............|THE TWILIGHT..........|idclev15 16.|SUBURBS............|DEEPEST REACHES......|THE OMEN..............|idclev16 17.|TENEMENTS..........|PROCESSING AREA......|COMPOUND..............|idclev17 18.|THE COURTYARD......|MILL.................|NEUROSPHERE...........|idclev18 19.|THE CITADEL........|SHIPPING/RESPAWNING..|NME...................|idclev19 20.|GOTCHA!............|CENTRAL PROCESSING...|THE DEATH DOMAIN......|idclev20 21.|NIRVANA............|ADMINISTRATION CENTER|SLAYER................|idclev21 22.|THE CATACOMBS......|HABITAT..............|IMPOSSIBLE MISSION....|idclev22 23.|BARRELS O' FUN.....|LUNAR MINING PROJECT.|TOMBSTONE.............|idclev23 24.|THE CHASM..........|QUARRY...............|THE FINAL FRONTIER....|idclev24 25.|BLOODFALLS.........|BARON'S DEN..........|THE TEMPLE OF DARKNESS|idclev25 26.|THE ABANDONED MINES|BALLISTYX............|BUNKER................|idclev26 27.|MONSTER CONDO......|MOUNT PAIN...........|ANTI-CHRIST...........|idclev27 28.|THE SPIRIT WORLD...|HECK.................|THE SEWERS............|idclev28 29.|THE LIVING END.....|RIVER STYX...........|ODYSSEY OF NOISES.....|idclev29 30.|ICON OF SIN........|LAST CALL............|THE GATEWAY OF HELL...|idclev30 31.|WOLFENSTEIN........|PHARAOH..............|CYBERDEN..............|idclev31 32.|GROSSE.............|CARIBBEAN............|GO 2 IT...............|idclev32 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: In PC Doom II: Hell on Earth, map 11 is referred to as "CIRCLE OF DEATH" in the tally screens, and "'O' OF DESTRUCTION!" in the Automap. 4. IBM-PC DOOM 95 ================= o Notes: Doom 95 is a software package which allows Doom and Doom II-based games to be configured and executed in a Windows 95-specific environment. The cheat codes (and command-line parameters) covered in this section are only those that are built into the Doom 95 software. However, Doom 95 also allows all normal Doom/Ultimate Doom cheats when running Doom-based games, and all Doom II cheats when running Doom II-based games. (For more information on Doom/Doom II cheats, see section 2: IBM-PC Doom/Ultimate Doom, and section 3: IBM-PC Doom II Games.) o Cheat codes (typed during a game in progress or during a paused game): Alt-F3: Toggle sound mixing between "NORMAL" and "HIGH" resolution fhhall: Instantly destroy most (or all) monsters on the current map level fhshh: "Waiting" monsters cannot detect quiet player (can be toggled on/off) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The above codes are for use with a standard "QWERTY"-mapped keyboard; Code lettering may need to be adjusted accordingly for use with alternate keyboards (for example: fhhall becomes fhhqll on an "AZERTY"-mapped keyboard). "Alt-F3" indicates holding the "Alt" key down and tapping the "F3" key once. The "Sound Mix" code (Alt-F3) allows "high resolution" mixing of the game's sound effects (music sound is not affected). "HIGH" mode boosts sound-sample frequency and bits per sample, quadrupling the data being sent to the sound board through DirectSound. The "Mass Kill" code (fhhall) instantly kills all monsters on the current map level, except for Lost Souls, and the "John Romero" enemy found in some Doom II-based games. (Note that "stand-alone" Lost Souls will survive this code, as do any Lost Souls that are produced when Pain Elemental monsters are destroyed.) Each monster which is vulnerable to this code receives 10,000 "damage points", which not only kills monsters, but causes Imps and humanoid monsters to explode. After using the Mass-Kill code, a player will be credited with "KILLS 100%" (minimum) when leaving the map level through an Exit. While the "Quiet Mode" code (fhshh) is active, any monster in Wait mode (or "asleep") can only activate if: 1) the monster hears the player use any weapon, or 2) the monster is damaged by another monster's attack, or 3) the code is toggled off and the monster sees (or otherwise detects) the player. While Quiet Mode is active, the use of any player weapon (including the fist) can alert all monsters within sound-propagation range. If a weapon's sound cannot reach a given monster, the monster will not be alerted. Note that Exiting or warping from a map level, or starting a new game from a game already in progress, does not disable Quiet Mode. Quiet-Mode status is not preserved in save-game files. If Quiet Mode is active when a game is saved, it will be inactive if the game is restored in an environment where Quiet Mode is currently off. The Mass-Kill code is disabled on games played on Nightmare skill. The Quiet-Mode code cannot be toggled on/off during games played on Nightmare skill; However if a player starts a game on a lower skill level, switches on Quiet Mode, and then begins a new Nightmare-skill game, Quiet Mode will remain in effect. The Mass-Kill and Quiet-Mode cheat codes are disabled in Cooperative and Deathmatch games. o Doom 95 command-line parameters (typed in "DOS" mode after the filename): -weirdo #: Re-spawn items after # seconds (# is a number from 0 to 61356675) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Command-line parameters must be entered prior to starting Doom 95. To include a command-line parameter in a Doom 95 game, switch to "MS-DOS" mode from within Windows 95, switch to the Doom 95 directory, and type "doom95" followed by the chosen command-line parameters (example: doom95 -weirdo 30). The "-weirdo #" command-line parameter will allow power-ups (weapons, ammo, keys, and most Artifacts) to be regenerated at some point after being picked up by a player. "#" represents a number of game-time seconds (approximated real-time seconds), up to a maximum of 61356675 (or 1.95 years in real-time seconds). If "#" is 0, or is a number higher than 61356675, picked-up items reappear instantly. The following items are not regenerated by the "-weirdo" function: Blur Artifacts, Invulnerability Artifacts, ammo clips dropped by Zombiemen, shotguns dropped by Former Human Sergeants, and chainguns dropped by Heavy Weapon Dudes. The "-weirdo #" command-line parameter will function both in single-player games and multiplayer (Cooperative and Deathmatch) games. Note that when using the "-weirdo #" command-line parameter in multiplayer games, all players must enter the command, and the "#" values must all be identical. 5. SONY PLAYSTATION (PSX) DOOM GAMES ==================================== o Note: All cheat codes for PSX Doom will also work with PSX Final Doom. o Cheat codes (entered while the game is paused): D L2 S R1 R L1 L O: Toggle invincibility on/off (when on, health is 100%) L1 R2 L2 R1 R T X R: Toggle X-ray vision on/off R L R2 R1 T L1 O X: Bring up Map Level Warp menu T T L2 R2 L2 R2 R1 O: Toggle object indicators in the Automap on/off T T L2 R2 L2 R2 R1 S: Toggle possession of Computer Area Map item on/off X T L1 U D R2 L L: Gain all required keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: To use codes, pause the game, enter the desired code, then unpause. "X-ray vision" renders surfaces translucent, but not all surfaces are translucent at all times. In general, surfaces rendered translucent are those which are located between the player and the most distant surface that is visible within the player's immediate field of view. When the Warp menu is called up, the Right and Left buttons can be used to scroll through the names of 54 accessible maps. Once the desired map name is displayed, press any symbol button (T, S, O or X) to load the map, or press Pause again to cancel and remain on the current map level. In PSX Doom, invoking a Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), and cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked. (Invoking a Warp code effectively restarts the game on the selected map, and at the current skill level.) The "Add Ammo" code (XTL1UDR2LL) will not add keys if they are not necessary. All cheat codes are disabled in Deathmatch and Cooperative games. o Key for default controller configuration: | Face of | Top edge of Controller button | controller | controller ---------------------------|------------|------------ D = Down | | L = Left | | | | L1 = Left-hand "1" button | --------- | ----|---- L2 = Left-hand "2" button | U T | L2 | R2 O = O (or "Circle") | L R S O | L1 ' R1 R = Right | D X | --------- R1 = Right-hand "1" button | --------- | R2 = Right-hand "2" button | | S = Square | | T = Triangle | | U = Up | | X = X | | o Map level warp guide for PSX Doom: Map | Map name ----|-------------------- ..1.|.HANGAR............. ..2.|.PLANT.............. ..3.|.TOXIN REFINERY..... ..4.|.COMMAND CONTROL.... ..5.|.PHOBOS LAB......... ..6.|.CENTRAL PROCESSING. ..7.|.COMPUTER STATION... ..8.|.PHOBOS ANOMALY..... ..9.|.DEIMOS ANOMALY..... .10.|.CONTAINMENT AREA... .11.|.REFINERY........... .12.|.DEIMOS LAB......... .13.|.COMMAND CENTER..... .14.|.HALLS OF THE DAMNED .15.|.SPAWNING VATS...... .16.|.HELL GATE.......... .17.|.HELL KEEP.......... .18.|.PANDEMONIUM........ .19.|.HOUSE OF PAIN...... .20.|.UNHOLY CATHEDRAL... .21.|.MT. EREBUS......... .22.|.LIMBO.............. .23.|.TOWER OF BABEL..... .24.|.HELL BENEATH....... .25.|.PERFECT HATRED..... .26.|.SEVER THE WICKED... .27.|.UNRULY EVIL........ .28.|.UNTO THE CRUEL..... .29.|.TWILIGHT DESCENDS.. .30.|.THRESHOLD OF PAIN.. ----|-------------------- .31.|.ENTRYWAY........... .32.|.UNDERHALLS......... .33.|.THE GANTLET........ .34.|.THE FOCUS.......... .35.|.THE WASTE TUNNELS.. .36.|.THE CRUSHER........ .37.|.DEAD SIMPLE........ .38.|.TRICKS AND TRAPS... .39.|.THE PIT............ .40.|.REFUELING BASE..... .41.|.O OF DESTRUCTION!.. .42.|.THE FACTORY........ .43.|.THE INMOST DENS.... .44.|.SUBURBS............ .45.|.TENEMENTS.......... .46.|.THE COURTYARD...... .47.|.THE CITADEL........ .48.|.NIRVANA............ .49.|.THE CATACOMBS...... .50.|.BARRELS OF FUN..... .51.|.BLOODFALLS......... .52.|.THE ABANDONED MINES .53.|.MONSTER CONDO...... .54.|.REDEMPTION DENIED.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Although there are 59 map levels in PSX Doom, only the first 54 are accessible through the Map Level Warp menu. Episode 1, "Ultimate Doom" includes maps 1 through 30, and maps 55 through 57; Episode 2, "Doom II" includes maps 31 through 54, and maps 58 and 59. o Passwords for PSX Doom maps that do not appear on the Map Level Warp menu: | | "I AM A | "NOT TOO | "HURT ME | "ULTRA Map | Map name | WIMP" | ROUGH" | PLENTY" | VIOLENCE" ----|---------------------|------------|------------|------------|----------- .55.|.FORTRESS OF MYSTERY.|.V6PMPPMPPP.|.Z6TRTTRTTT.|.36FCFFCFFF.|.76KHKKHKKK .56.|.THE MILITARY BASE...|.B779779777.|.G735335333.|.L7Z1ZZ1ZZZ.|.Q7VXVVXVVV .57.|.THE MARSHES.........|.V7QSQQSQQQ.|.Z7LNLLNLLL.|.37GJGGJGGG.|.77BDBBDBBB .58.|.THE MANSION.........|.B88!88!888.|.G846446444.|.L802002000.|.Q8WYWWYWWW .59.|.CLUB DOOM...........|.V8RTRRTRRR.|.Z8MPMMPMMM.|.38HKHHKHHH.|.78CFCCFCCC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: These passwords will start a player with the default status of 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets. Password encryption schemes may vary (Doom passwords generated by one PSX system may be rejected on other PSX systems). o Map level warp guide for PSX Final Doom: Map | Map name ----|-------------------------- ..1.|.ATTACK................... ..2.|.VIRGIL................... ..3.|.CANYON................... ..4.|.COMBINE.................. ..5.|.CATWALK.................. ..6.|.FISTULA.................. ..7.|.GERYON................... ..8.|.MINOS.................... ..9.|.NESSUS................... .10.|.PARADOX.................. .11.|.SUBSPACE................. .12.|.SUBTERRA................. .13.|.VESPERAS................. ----|-------------------------- .14.|.SYSTEM CONTROL........... .15.|.HUMAN BARBECUE........... .16.|.WORMHOLE................. .17.|.CRATER................... .18.|.NUKAGE PROCESSING........ .19.|.DEEPEST REACHES.......... .20.|.PROCESSING AREA.......... .21.|.LUNAR MINING PROJECT..... .22.|.QUARRY................... .23.|.BALLISTYX................ .24.|.HECK..................... ----|-------------------------- .25.|.CONGO.................... .26.|.AZTEC.................... .27.|.GHOST TOWN............... .28.|.BARON S LAIR/BARON'S LAIR .29.|.THE DEATH DOMAIN......... .30.|.ONSLAUGHT................ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: In PSX Final Doom, map 28 is referred to as "BARON S LAIR" in the tally screens, and "BARON'S LAIR" in the Automap. Episode 1, "Master Levels" begins on map 1; Episode 2, "TNT" begins on map 14; Episode 3: "Plutonia" begins on map 25. All maps in PSX Final Doom are accessible through the Map Level Warp menu. 6. SEGA SATURN DOOM =================== o Cheat codes (entered while the game is paused): B B C L B B C R: Toggle possession of Computer Area Map item on/off B B C R B B C L: Toggle object indicators in the Automap on/off B Y X TL TR C X Z: Gain all required keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor D Y X TR R TL L B: Toggle invincibility on/off (when on, health is 100%) R L Z TR Z TL Z C: Bring up Map Level Warp menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: To use codes, pause the game, enter the desired code, then unpause. When the Warp menu is called up, the Right and Left buttons can be used to scroll through the names of 54 accessible maps. Once the desired map name is displayed, press B, C or X to load the map, or press Pause again to cancel and remain on the current map level. In Saturn Doom, invoking a Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), and cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked. (Invoking a Warp code effectively restarts the game on the selected map, and at the current skill level.) The "Add Ammo" code (BYXTLTRCXZ) will not add keys if they are not necessary. o Key for default controller configuration: | Face of | Top edge of Controller button | controller | controller ----------------------|------------|------------ A = A | | B = B | | | | C = C | --------- | ----|---- D = Down | U XYZ | TL ' TR L = Left | L R ABC | --------- R = Right | D | TL = Top Left button | --------- | TR = Top Right button | | U = Up | | X = X | | Y = Y | | Z = Z | | o Map level warp guide for Saturn Doom: Map | Map name ----|-------------------- ..1.|.HANGAR............. ..2.|.PLANT.............. ..3.|.TOXIN REFINERY..... ..4.|.COMMAND CONTROL.... ..5.|.PHOBOS LAB......... ..6.|.CENTRAL PROCESSING. ..7.|.COMPUTER STATION... ..8.|.PHOBOS ANOMALY..... ..9.|.DEIMOS ANOMALY..... .10.|.CONTAINMENT AREA... .11.|.REFINERY........... .12.|.DEIMOS LAB......... .13.|.COMMAND CENTER..... .14.|.HALLS OF THE DAMNED .15.|.SPAWNING VATS...... .16.|.HELL GATE.......... .17.|.HELL KEEP.......... .18.|.PANDEMONIUM........ .19.|.HOUSE OF PAIN...... .20.|.UNHOLY CATHEDRAL... .21.|.MT. EREBUS......... .22.|.LIMBO.............. .23.|.TOWER OF BABEL..... .24.|.HELL BENEATH....... .25.|.PERFECT HATRED..... .26.|.SEVER THE WICKED... .27.|.UNRULY EVIL........ .28.|.UNTO THE CRUEL..... .29.|.TWILIGHT DESCENDS.. .30.|.THRESHOLD OF PAIN.. ----|-------------------- .31.|.ENTRYWAY........... .32.|.UNDERHALLS......... .33.|.THE GANTLET........ .34.|.THE FOCUS.......... .35.|.THE WASTE TUNNELS.. .36.|.THE CRUSHER........ .37.|.DEAD SIMPLE........ .38.|.TRICKS AND TRAPS... .39.|.THE PIT............ .40.|.REFUELING BASE..... .41.|.O OF DESTRUCTION!.. .42.|.THE FACTORY........ .43.|.THE INMOST DENS.... .44.|.SUBURBS............ .45.|.TENEMENTS.......... .46.|.THE COURTYARD...... .47.|.THE CITADEL........ .48.|.NIRVANA............ .49.|.THE CATACOMBS...... .50.|.BARRELS OF FUN..... .51.|.BLOODFALLS......... .52.|.THE ABANDONED MINES .53.|.MONSTER CONDO...... .54.|.REDEMPTION DENIED.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Although there are 59 map levels in Saturn Doom, only the first 54 are accessible through the Map Level Warp menu. Episode 1, "Ultimate Doom" includes maps 1 through 30, and maps 55 through 57; Episode 2, "Doom II" includes maps 31 through 54, and maps 58 and 59. o Passwords for Saturn Doom maps that do not appear on the Map Level Warp menu: | | "I AM A | "NOT TOO | "HURT ME | "ULTRA Map | Map name | WIMP" | ROUGH" | PLENTY" | VIOLENCE" ----|---------------------|------------|------------|------------|----------- .55.|.FORTRESS OF MYSTERY.|.V6PMPPMPPP.|.Z6TRTTRTTT.|.36FCFFCFFF.|.76KHKKHKKK .56.|.THE MILITARY BASE...|.B779779777.|.G735335333.|.L7Z1ZZ1ZZZ.|.Q7VXVVXVVV .57.|.THE MARSHES.........|.V7QSQQSQQQ.|.Z7LNLLNLLL.|.37GJGGJGGG.|.77BDBBDBBB .58.|.THE MANSION.........|.B88!88!888.|.G846446444.|.L802002000.|.Q8WYWWYWWW .59.|.CLUB DOOM...........|.V8RTRRTRRR.|.Z8MPMMPMMM.|.38HKHHKHHH.|.78CFCCFCCC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: These passwords will start a player with the default status of 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets. 7. NINTENDO 64 (N64) DOOM 64 ============================ o Note: This game's official title is "Doom 64". In this document, the game is often referred to as N64 Doom. o During a game in progress, a player may press Start at any time to bring up the "Pause" menu. Normally this menu lists only 3 items: OPTIONS, MAIN MENU and RESTART LEVEL. In N64 Doom, cheat options are accessible through a fourth menu item, "FEATURES", which is initially hidden and disabled. FEATURES is normally enabled when a player completely conquers map level 32. The Features item can also be added manually by entering any valid password for map 1. (Select OPTIONS from the Pause menu, select PASSWORD from the Options menu, and enter any map 1 password.) Password B1RR 9BJ5 68X? ZVK? will start a normal new game at the "BRING IT ON!" (default) skill level. From this point onwards, the player may press Start at any time during a game in progress to bring up the Pause menu, which will now have FEATURES as an added choice. Select FEATURES to bring up the Features (cheat options) menu. (To return directly to the Pause menu from the Features menu, press Start.) The Features menu will remain accessible until the game system is reset or powered down; Starting new games or entering new passwords will not disable the Features menu. o N64 Doom Features menu (map 32 exit, or a valid map 1 password, enables): > WARP TO LEVEL STAGING AREA INVULNERABLE OFF HEALTH BOOST - WEAPONS - MAP EVERYTHING OFF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: ">" is a triangular "cursor" appearing to the left of the menu items. The Features menu is shown here with its initial values. o N64 Doom cheat options (accessible from the Features menu): WARP TO LEVEL: Warp to new map (includes maps 1 to 27, and/or current map) INVULNERABLE: Toggle "invincibility" on/off (disabled on map level 32) HEALTH BOOST: Set health to 100% (cannot be toggled off) WEAPONS: Gain all weapons and full ammo (cannot be toggled off) MAP EVERYTHING: Toggle enhanced Automap (with object indicators) on/off ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: To select a cheat option, first move the selection cursor (with the joystick or left-hand directional pad) up or down to the desired item on the Features menu. Note that gameplay automatically resumes when a warp is executed. To exit the Features menu without warping, press Start. The map name shown with the "WARP TO LEVEL" item may be changed with the joystick, or the Left and Right arrow buttons (on the controller's left-hand directional pad). Select the desired map, and then press any C button to execute the warp. Note that a player may warp to (restart on) the current map, even if the current map is outside the usual warp range of maps 1 to 27. (A player may only warp to maps 1 through 27, or re-warp to any current map.) In N64 Doom, invoking a Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), and cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked. (Invoking a Warp code effectively restarts the game on the selected map, and at the current skill level.) "INVULNERABLE" ("invincibility") may be toggled on or off with any C button. The INVULNERABLE option is disabled when playing on map level 32: HECTIC. "HEALTH BOOST" may be switched to "100%" by pressing any C button. This menu item cannot be toggled off (back to "-" from "100%") in the Features menu. "WEAPONS" may be switched to "100%" by pressing any C button. This menu item cannot be toggled off (back to "-" from "100%") in the Features menu. The "WEAPONS" option, in addition to providing all weapons to the player, will set ammo levels to the player's current carrying capacity (initial ammo-carrying capacity doubles with the player's first backpack). "MAP EVERYTHING" may be toggled on or off by pressing any C button. This option provides an enhanced Automap, which reveals all parts of the current map level, with the possible exception of secret areas. The enhanced Automap will include object indicators, which may be in one of 3 colors: green for the player character, red for live monsters, barrels, and slow projectiles, and blue for all other objects. o Key for default ("DEFAULT: 1") controller configuration: Controller | Face of | Top edge of | Back of button | controller | controller | controller ----------------------|------------|-------------|----------- A = A | | | B = B | | | | | | C = "C" buttons | --------- | ----|---- | --------- D = Down arrow | U C | TL ' TR | J = Joystick | L R SBC C | --------- | Z L = Left arrow | D J AC | | R = Right arrow | --------- | | --------- S = Start | | | TL = Top Left button | | | TR = Top Right button | | | U = Up arrow | | | Z = Z button | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: A, B, C, TL, TR, and Z may all be used to execute non-Warp functions. o Map level warp guide for N64 Doom: Map | Map name ----|----------------- ..1.|.STAGING AREA.... ..2.|.THE TERRAFORMER. ..3.|.MAIN ENGINEERING ..4.|.HOLDING AREA.... ..5.|.TECH CENTER..... ..6.|.ALPHA QUADRANT.. ..7.|.RESEARCH LAB.... ..8.|.FINAL OUTPOST... ..9.|.EVEN SIMPLER.... .10.|.THE BLEEDING.... .11.|.TERROR CORE..... .12.|.ALTAR OF PAIN... .13.|.DARK CITADEL.... .14.|.EYE OF THE STORM .15.|.DARK ENTRIES.... .16.|.BLOOD KEEP...... .17.|.WATCH YOUR STEP. .18.|.SPAWNED FEAR.... .19.|.THE SPIRAL...... .20.|.BREAKDOWN....... .21.|.PITFALLS........ .22.|.BURNT OFFERINGS. .23.|.UNHOLY TEMPLE... .24.|.NO ESCAPE....... .25.|.CAT AND MOUSE... .26.|.HARDCORE........ .27.|.PLAYGROUND...... ----|----------------- .28.|.THE ABSOLUTION.. .29.|.OUTPOST OMEGA... .30.|.THE LAIR........ .31.|.IN THE VOID..... .32.|.HECTIC.......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The map numbers used here for N64 Doom maps are for reference only, and are not displayed in the Features menu. A player may only warp to maps 1 through 27, or re-warp to any current map. o Passwords for N64 Doom, maps 28 through 32, skill levels 1 and 2: Map | Map name | "BE GENTLE!" | "BRING IT ON!" ----|----------------|---------------------|-------------------- .28.|.THE ABSOLUTION.|.SF28 9BFT 6?LL ?BK?.|.SK2R 9BFS 6?L3 8BK? .29.|.OUTPOST OMEGA..|.SY08 9BFP 6?NL 2BK?.|.S20R 9BFN 6?N3 0BK? .30.|.THE LAIR.......|.TFY8 9BFK 6?QL TBK?.|.TKYR 9BFJ 6?Q3 RBK? .31.|.IN THE VOID....|.TYW8 9BFF 6?SL KBK?.|.T2WR 9BFD 6?S3 HBK? .32.|.HECTIC.........|.VBT8 9BD? 6?VK 9VK?.|.VGTR 9BD9 6?V2 7VK? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: See the following chart for skill levels 3 and 4. These passwords will start a player with the default status of 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets. o Passwords for N64 Doom, maps 28 through 32, skill levels 3 and 4: Map | Map name | "I OWN DOOM!" | "WATCH ME DIE!" ----|----------------|---------------------|-------------------- .28.|.THE ABSOLUTION.|.SP18 9BFR 6?ML 6BK?.|.ST1R 9BFQ 6?M3 4BK? .29.|.OUTPOST OMEGA..|.S6Z8 9BFM 6?PL YBK?.|.S?ZR 9BFL 6?P3 WBK? .30.|.THE LAIR.......|.TPX8 9BFH 6?RL PBK?.|.TTXR 9BFG 6?R3 MBK? .31.|.IN THE VOID....|.T6V8 9BFC 6?TL FBK?.|.T?VR 9BFB 6?T3 CBK? .32.|.HECTIC.........|.VLS8 9BD8 6?WK 5VK?.|.VQSR 9BD7 6?W2 3VK? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: See the preceding chart for skill levels 1 and 2. These passwords will start a player with the default status of 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets. 8. ATARI JAGUAR DOOM ==================== o Cheat codes (entered while the game is paused): Hold # and tap Pause: Gain 3 keys, all weapons with 500 ammo each, 200% armor Hold * and tap Pause: Toggle invincibility on/off Hold 1 (or 2 to 9) and tap Pause: Warp to map 1 (or maps 2 to 9) Hold A and tap Pause: Warp to map 10 Hold A and 1 (or 2 to 9) and tap Pause: Warp to map 11 (or maps 12 to 19) Hold B and tap Pause: Warp to map 20 Hold B and 1 (or 2 to 4) and tap Pause: Warp to map 21 (or maps 22 to 24) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: To use codes, pause the game, then enter the desired code. (The codes, when entered correctly, automatically unpause a paused game.) The "Add Ammo" code (#+Pause) will always set (or reset) ammo levels to 500 rounds per weapon, and will remove any backpack held by the player. If a new backpack is acquired after invoking the code, ammo-carrying capacity doubles to 1,000 rounds per weapon. All cheat codes are disabled in Deathmatch and Cooperative games. o Map level warp guide for Atari Jaguar Doom: Map | Map name | Warp code ----|---------------------|------------------------------------ ..1.|.HANGAR..............|.Tap Pause, hold 1 and tap Pause.... ..2.|.PLANT...............|.Tap Pause, hold 2 and tap Pause.... ..3.|.TOXIN REFINERY......|.Tap Pause, hold 3 and tap Pause.... ..4.|.COMMAND CONTROL.....|.Tap Pause, hold 4 and tap Pause.... ..5.|.PHOBOS LAB..........|.Tap Pause, hold 5 and tap Pause.... ..6.|.CENTRAL PROCESSING..|.Tap Pause, hold 6 and tap Pause.... ..7.|.COMPUTER STATION....|.Tap Pause, hold 7 and tap Pause.... ..8.|.PHOBOS ANOMALY......|.Tap Pause, hold 8 and tap Pause.... ..9.|.DEIMOS ANOMALY......|.Tap Pause, hold 9 and tap Pause.... .10.|.CONTAINMENT AREA....|.Tap Pause, hold A and tap Pause.... .11.|.REFINERY............|.Tap Pause, hold (A+1) and tap Pause .12.|.DEIMOS LAB..........|.Tap Pause, hold (A+2) and tap Pause .13.|.COMMAND CENTER......|.Tap Pause, hold (A+3) and tap Pause .14.|.HALLS OF THE DAMNED.|.Tap Pause, hold (A+4) and tap Pause .15.|.SPAWNING VATS.......|.Tap Pause, hold (A+5) and tap Pause .16.|.TOWER OF BABEL......|.Tap Pause, hold (A+6) and tap Pause .17.|.HELL KEEP...........|.Tap Pause, hold (A+7) and tap Pause .18.|.PANDEMONIUM.........|.Tap Pause, hold (A+8) and tap Pause .19.|.HOUSE OF PAIN.......|.Tap Pause, hold (A+9) and tap Pause .20.|.UNHOLY CATHEDRAL....|.Tap Pause, hold B and tap Pause.... .21.|.MT EREBUS...........|.Tap Pause, hold (B+1) and tap Pause .22.|.LIMBO...............|.Tap Pause, hold (B+2) and tap Pause .23.|.DIS.................|.Tap Pause, hold (B+3) and tap Pause .24.|.MILITARY BASE.......|.Tap Pause, hold (B+4) and tap Pause ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The first "Pause" in a Warp code pauses the game; the second "Pause" simultaneously executes the Warp code and unpauses the game. 9. 3DO (PANASONIC AND OTHERS) DOOM ================================== o Cheat codes (entered during a game in progress while viewing the Automap): A L A B A R A C A: Gain 3 keys, all weapons with 500 ammo each, 200% armor S E E A L L U A C: Toggle possession of Computer Area Map item on/off S E E R U B B L E: Toggle object indicators in the Automap on/off S U C C E D A L L: Allows player to start a new game on any map level U R A B A D A S S: Toggle invincibility on/off (when toggled, health is 100%) U R S U R R E A L: Add 2 screen sizes to the slider bar in the Options menu ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: Cheat codes must be entered during a game in progress while the Automap is displayed. The "Add Ammo" code (ALABARACA) will always set (or reset) ammo levels to 500 rounds per weapon, and will remove any backpack held by the player. If a new backpack is acquired after invoking the code, ammo-carrying capacity doubles to 1,000 rounds per weapon. If the "Map All Things" cheat code is used, monster orientations are not indicated as they are in other versions that support this cheat code; All object indicators point in the same direction. In 3DO Doom, entering cheat codes may fire any currently-held weapon, since some cheat codes may include the default firing button. The fire button may be re-assigned to another button if desired. o Key for default controller configuration: Controller | Face of | Top edge of button | controller | controller ----------------|------------|------------ A = A | | B = B | | | | C = C | --------- | ----|---- D = Down | U C | S ' E E = Right Shift | L R B | --------- L = Left | D A | R = Right | --------- | S = Left Shift | | U = Up | | 10. SUPER NINTENDO (SNES) DOOM ============================== o Notes: There are no cheat codes built into SNES Doom; However, a bug in the game allows a player to instantly acquire new weapons. Specifically: After picking up a chain saw, a player can gain new weapons on a temporary basis by attempting to fire rounds from any empty weapon currently held. When an empty weapon is triggered, it is replaced by another weapon, which in some instances may be a weapon which was not previously encountered by the player. Note that new weapons acquired this way may not remain in the weapons inventory if the player switches from the new weapon to some other weapon. Because it is a bug and not a feature, this function is unreliable and may not always produce desired or repeatable results. o Some cheat codes for SNES Doom are available for use with Galoob's Game Genie device for the Super Nintendo, sold separately. SNES Doom Game Genie codes: BDEA-B053 + 62EA-B953: Start new games with 8,464% health CBD3-B17F: Alter first-person view to "infrared" or "heat-vision" mode D7CF-F953: Start Episode 2 or 3 on any skill level E3EA-B153: Start the game with 254 bullets ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: The "Increase Health" code will initially change some aspects of game play. Specifically: As long as health remains at maximum (8,464%), the player will remain undetected by monsters (even while attacking them), but health bonuses of any type will be instantly fatal on contact. These two side-effects are permanently cancelled if the player is hurt in any way. Note that the Increase-Health code is cancelled if a player character dies (or the current map level is otherwise restarted). To reinstate the code, the player must select "NEW GAME" from the Doom main menu (while the Game Genie device remains on). Note that the status bar cannot correctly display health values above 999%. Active codes are not toggled off by turning off the Game Genie device. 11. SEGA GENESIS 32X DOOM ========================= o Cheat codes (entered with a 6-button controller while the game is paused): U+M+A+C: Gain 3 keys, all weapons with 500 ammo each, 200% armor U+M+X+Z: Toggle invincibility on/off ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: These codes can only be accessed by using a "6-button" controller. To use codes, pause the game, enter the desired code, then unpause. The 4 buttons in each button combination (UMAC or UMXZ) must all be pressed simultaneously, and the combination may have to be pressed several times in a row (while the game remains paused) before the cheat code will be recognized. The "Add Ammo" code (UMAC) will always set (or reset) ammo levels to 500 rounds per weapon, and will remove any backpack held by the player. If a new backpack is acquired after invoking the code, ammo-carrying capacity doubles to 1,000 rounds per weapon. Note that the use of cheat codes in Sega 32X Doom may prevent access to maps 16 and 17, and prevents the game's full ending sequence from being shown. o Key for default controller configuration: Controller | Face of | Top edge of button | controller | controller -----------|------------|------------ A = A | | B = B | | | | C = C | --------- | ----|---- D = Down | U XYZ | ' M L = Left | L R ABC | --------- M = Mode | D | U = Up | --------- | R = Right | | X = X | | Y = Y | | Z = Z | | 12. CHEAT CODE DATA/REFERENCE CHARTS ==================================== o Cheat codes available, quick-reference chart: | | | | | A | | | | | S | N | T | | | | | E | I | A | | | | | G | N | R | | | P | S | A | T | I | | S | C | O | | E | | | E | | N | S | N | J | | G | D | Y | A | D | A | | A | O | | T | O | G | | | O | P | U | | U | 3 | 3 | M | S | R | 6 | A | D | 2 | | X | N | 4 | R | O | X | G | | | | | | | A | D | D | D | D | D | D | M | O | O | O | O | O | O | E | O | O | O | O | O | O CHEAT CODE DESCRIPTION | S | M | M | M | M | M | M ------------------------------------------------|----|---|---|---|---|---|--- Allow "high-resolution" mixing of sound effects.|Some|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Destroy most/all monsters on the current map....|Some|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. "Waiting" monsters cannot detect a quiet player.|Some|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Player is "invincible" (no time limit)..........|Yes.|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes Gain keys, all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor...|Yes.|Yes|Yes|No.|Yes|Yes|Yes Gain all weapons, full ammo, 200% armor, no keys|Some|No.|No.|Yes|No.|No.|No. Gain all weapons, full ammo, no keys, no armor..|No..|No.|No.|Yes|No.|No.|No. Warp to new map level (during game in progress).|Yes.|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|No.|No. Player can walk through walls and other objects.|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. X-ray vision (render some surfaces translucent).|No..|Yes|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Set/reset health to 100% (no other effects).....|No..|No.|No.|Yes|No.|No.|No. Gain Berserk Pack...............................|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Gain Blur Artifact..............................|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Gain chain saw (only)...........................|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Gain Invulnerability Artifact (time limit)......|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Gain light-amplification visors/goggles.........|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Gain radiation suit/shield......................|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Gain Computer Area Map/add all lines to Automap.|Yes.|Yes|Yes|Yes|No.|Yes|No. Add object indicators to Automap................|Yes.|Yes|Yes|Yes|No.|Yes|No. Show hex data for current angle and coordinates.|Yes.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. Change current music without leaving map level..|Some|No.|No.|No.|No.|No.|No. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: "PC DOOM GAMES" includes PC Doom 1, PC Ultimate Doom, PC Doom II, and Doom 95. SNES Doom has no built-in cheat codes, and so is not included here (for more information, see section 10: Super Nintendo (SNES) Doom). The "Sound Mix" ("High-resolution mixing") code, the "Mass Kill" ("Destroy all monsters") code and the "Quiet Mode" ("Monsters cannot detect quiet player") code are only available in Doom 95 games. For some versions of the PC games, two "Add Ammo" cheat codes exist: The idkfa code which provides keys, and the idfa code, which does not. (See section 2: IBM-PC Doom/Ultimate Doom, and section 3: IBM-PC Doom II Games.) In PSX and Saturn Doom games, the Add-Ammo cheat will not add keys if they are not necessary. In 3DO Doom, if the Object Indicators ("Map All Things") cheat code is used, monster orientations are not indicated as they are in other versions that support this cheat code; All object indicators point in the same direction. In 3DO Doom, a player cannot use a cheat code to immediately warp from one map level to another during a game in progress; However, a cheat code is available that allows a player to start subsequent games on any of 23 map levels (whether or not the player had previously conquered them). o Extended effects of built-in cheat codes, quick-reference chart: |PC |Sony|Sega |N64 |Atari | |Sega |Doom |PSX |Saturn|Doom|Jaguar|3DO |32X Extended effects of cheat codes |games|Doom|Doom |64 |Doom |Doom|Doom -------------------------------------|-----|----|------|----|------|----|---- Invincibility on sets health to 100%.|Yes..|Yes.|Yes...|No..|No....|Yes.|No.. Invincibility off sets health to 100%|No...|No..|No....|No..|No....|Yes.|No.. 1-player "invincibility" is absolute.|No...|Yes.|Yes...|No..|Yes...|Yes.|Yes. Add-Ammo code(s) can provide all keys|Yes..|Yes.|Yes...|No..|Yes...|Yes.|Yes. Add-Ammo code(s) will provide armor..|Yes..|Yes.|Yes...|No..|Yes...|Yes.|Yes. Add-Ammo code(s) remove backpack.....|No...|No..|No....|No..|Yes...|Yes.|Yes. Warping resets initial status values.|Yes..|Yes.|Yes...|Yes.|No....|N/A.|N/A. Warping removes backpack.............|Yes..|Yes.|Yes...|Yes.|No....|N/A.|N/A. Previous codes cancelled by Warp code|Most.|All.|All...|All.|None..|N/A.|N/A. Automap object indicators can rotate.|Yes..|Yes.|Yes...|Yes.|N/A...|No..|N/A. Some codes may switch or fire weapons|Yes..|Yes.|No....|No..|No....|Yes.|No.. Codes may prevent access to some maps|No...|No..|No....|No..|No....|No..|Yes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes: "N/A" is "Not Applicable". "PC Doom games" includes PC Doom 1, PC Ultimate Doom, PC Doom II, and Doom 95. SNES Doom has no built-in cheat codes, and so is not included here (for more information, see section 10: Super Nintendo (SNES) Doom). In the IBM-PC, PSX, Saturn and 3DO games, invoking an Invincibility cheat code ("invincibility on") will raise or lower a player's health level to 100%. In the 3DO game, switching off invincibility can also lower a player's health down to 100% from higher level. In single-player PC and N64 games, certain map areas or situations can defeat invincibility/invulnerability. (See section 2: IBM-PC Doom/Ultimate Doom, section 3: IBM-PC Doom II Games, and section 7: Nintendo 64 (N64) Doom 64.) For some versions of the PC games, two "Add Ammo" cheat codes exist: The idkfa code which provides keys, and the idfa code, which does not. (See section 2: IBM-PC Doom/Ultimate Doom, and section 3: IBM-PC Doom II Games.) In the PC Doom/Doom II games, invoking a Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked (with the exception of the map-related codes iddt and Alt-tiddt, and the Doom 95-only codes), and may cancel various command-line parameters. In the PSX, Saturn and N64 Doom games, invoking a Warp code will reset a player's status to 100% health, 0% armor, a pistol and 50 bullets (all other weapons and ammo are removed, along with any backpack), and cancels the effects of any other cheat codes which were previously invoked. (Invoking a Warp code effectively restarts the game on the selected map, and at the current skill level.) Note that the use of cheat codes in Sega 32X Doom may prevent access to maps 16 and 17, and prevents the game's full ending sequence from being shown. 13. GLOSSARY ============ o Quick-reference glossary for terms used in this document: ADD-AMMO CODE (also HAPPY AMMO): Adds weapons, ammo; often adds armor, keys. BERSERK PACK: Raises low health to 100%; boosts punch power until next map. BLUR ARTIFACT: Object makes player temporarily "blurred" and/or translucent. COMMAND-LINE PARAMETER: A command suffix typed after the (PC-game) filename. COMPUTER AREA MAP ITEM: Adds any boundary data missing from player's Automap. COOPERATIVE: Game where 2 or more players fight monsters and/or each other. DEATHMATCH: Player-versus-player gameplay. PC versions can include monsters. DOOM (also DOOM I/DOOM 1): PC game preceding PC Doom II and PC Ultimate Doom. DOOM II (DOOM 2: HELL ON EARTH): PC Doom sequel with new monsters, 32 maps. DOOM 95: Windows 95 software for configuring/running PC Doom/Doom II games. E#M#: Episode and Mission (Map) designator for map levels in some Doom games. EPISODE: A group of map levels. Most games end after an Episode's last map. FINAL DOOM: PC: Two 32-map Doom II games; PSX: One 30-map (3 Episode) game. HEAVY WEAPON DUDE: Humanoid chaingunner in PC Doom II, PSX and Saturn Doom. INVINCIBILITY (also DEGREELESSNESS/GOD MODE): Protection from some/all harm. INVULNERABILITY ARTIFACT: Green sphere; provides temporary "invincibility". JOHN ROMERO ENEMY: Enemy behind a wall on the Boss Level (30) of PC Doom II. LIGHT-AMPLIFICATION VISORS: Temporarily boosts player's night-vision ability. LOST SOUL: Floating, flaming skull-like monster, in most Doom/Doom II games. MAP LEVEL/MAP: "Map level" is used to distinguish "level" from "skill level". N64: "N64" is the common abbreviation used for the Nintendo 64 game system. OBJECT INDICATORS: On the Automap, triangular icons which represent "things". PAIN ELEMENTAL: Floating monster in some Doom II games; Generates Lost Souls. PC: Refers to the Doom/Doom II games for the IBM-PC (and/or other computers). POWER-UP: In general, any retrievable object that is beneficial to a player. PSX: "PSX" is the common abbreviation used for the (Sony) PlayStation system. RADIATION SUIT/SHIELD: Power-up giving temporary defense against corrosives. RE-SPAWN: Refers to regeneration of killed monsters, or replacement of items. SNES (also SUPER NES): Acronym for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. TALLY SCREEN: Shows kills, items and secrets attained in the last map level. TOGGLE: Entering a code once to turn on a feature, once again to turn it off. (THE) ULTIMATE DOOM: A special edition of PC Doom which includes extra maps. WARP/WARPING: Allows quick transfer to a new map level without using an Exit. ZOMBIEMAN: Rifle-toting zombie (also "Former Human"/"Former Human Soldier"). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1997. Updates are available at http://members.aol.com/ledmeister