1 Microsoft CART Precision Racing Trial Version requires a color palette of 256 Color or better. To change your color palette, in Control Panel, click Display, and then click the Settings tab. 18 Microsoft CART Precision Racing Trial Version requires Windows 95 or Windows NT version 4.0 or later to run. 19 Microsoft CART Precision Racing Trial Version requires an additional %ld bytes of space to install. 20 Microsoft CART Precision Racing Trial Version requires Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 3 to run. 21 Setup 22 setup.exe 23 setupenu.dll 24 eula.txt 25 Are you sure you want to cancel installation of Microsoft CART Precision Racing Trial Version?\n 26 Microsoft CART Precision Racing Trial Version setup is extracting the files needed to install. 27 10 28 Helv 29 The cab file MSGAME.CAB extraction encounted an error, it should have written out %ld more bytes, it actually wrote out %ld bytes, and had a total of %ld bytes remaining. Please restart setup. If the problem persists you may have a bad download. 30 Setup cannot create the cab file %s.