// // // ==THIS IS THE LOCALIZATION-FRIENDLY "STRINGS" FILE== // ========USED BY INSTALLSHIELD AND SPLASH.EXE======== // // // INSTRUCTIONS: // // * Any line that starts with a // (double front slash) is // ignored (commented) by Splash.exe and InstallShield. // // * The commented lines (this one included) are there only // to assist the person who edits this file. // // * LEAVE NO BLANK LINES. Every line MUST be commented // unless it is to be read and interpreted by Splash.exe // and InstallShield. // // * DO NOT ADD/DELETE ANY LINES. You may only alter existing // lines. If an extra string is needed, contact Cross // Production. // // * DO NOT CHANGE THE ORDER OF ANY LINES. // // * DO NOT ADD NUMBERS TO THE BEGINNINGS OF LINES. // // * THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE SAVED AS A .TXT FILE. // // * Max string length = 1024. // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szFontName // This is here so that we can easily change the font used in // our home-made dialog boxes. // Times New Roman //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szProgramExecutable // This is the actual name of the main executable program. // bl_rel.exe //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szUrl // http://www.activision.com //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szSplashScreenName // This is the name of the window and the window class of the // splash screen. This string shows up in the Ctrl-Alt-Delete // dialog box when the splash screen is running. // The Battlezone Demo Splash Screen //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // sz16ColorWarning // This is self-explanatory. // Battlezone Demo does not support 16-color mode. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szFindBitmapWarning // This is displayed to the user if there is an error (for // whatever reason) loading a bmp from the disk. // Unable to load a necessary bitmap. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szOutOfMemoryWarning // This is displayed to the user whenever a call to "malloc" // or "new" fails. // Unable to allocate enough RAM. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szFindBrowserWarning // This is displayed to the user if a web button is pressed and // neither Netscape nor IExplore is found on their system. // Sorry, Splash was unable to find an appropriate web browser to perform this action. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szInformation // The localized translation of the word "Information." // Information //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // DirectX Dialog Box Strings. // Displayed when the user does not have DirectX installed. // Microsoft DirectX 5 was not detected on your system. Battlezone requires Microsoft DirectX 5 drivers, which enhance the sound and graphics capabilities of your system. These drivers may not be compatible with some video cards and certain display modes. Please install DirectX 5 before playing Battlezone. If you experience problems with DirectX, please contact Microsoft at: Microsoft Customer Sales and Service One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA Call 1-800-426-9400, in the US Call +1-206-882-8080 outside the United States //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // About Activision screen strings. // Displayed when the user presses the About Activision Button. // CUSTOMER SUPPORT United States: (310) 255-2050 Australia: 1902-962-000 Internet: http://www.activision.com America Online: Keyword: Activision Customer BBS: (310) 255-2146 [8,N,1] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // szExiting // this is the window caption while splash waits to close after install shield does CloseSplash Exiting... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ====BELOW ARE SOME OF THE SYMOBLS THAT MAY BE NEEDED==== // ==========FOR YOUR COPY-N-PASTING PLEASURES============= // // ASCII Value Symbol // 161 ¡ // 162 ¢ // 163 £ // 164 ¤ // 165 ¥ // 166 ¦ // 167 § // 168 ¨ // 169 © // 170 ª // 171 « // 172 ¬ // 173 ­ // 174 ® // 175 ¯ // 176 ° // 177 ± // 178 ² // 179 ³ // 180 ´ // 181 µ // 182 ¶ // 183 · // 184 ¸ // 185 ¹ // 186 º // 187 » // 188 ¼ // 189 ½ // 190 ¾ // 191 ¿ // 192 À // 193 Á // 194 Â // 195 Ã // 196 Ä // 197 Å // 198 Æ // 199 Ç // 200 È // 201 É // 202 Ê // 203 Ë // 204 Ì // 205 Í // 206 Î // 207 Ï // 208 Ð // 209 Ñ // 210 Ò // 211 Ó // 212 Ô // 213 Õ // 214 Ö // 215 × // 216 Ø // 217 Ù // 218 Ú // 219 Û // 220 Ü // 221 Ý // 222 Þ // 223 ß // 224 à // 225 á // 226 â // 227 ã // 228 ä // 229 å // 230 æ // 231 ç // 232 è // 233 é // 234 ê // 235 ë // 236 ì // 237 í // 238 î // 239 ï // 240 ð // 241 ñ // 242 ò // 243 ó // 244 ô // 245 õ // 246 ö // 247 ÷ // 248 ø // 249 ù // 250 ú // 251 û // 252 ü // 253 ý // 254 þ // 255 ÿ // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // =======DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE======= // ====THIS IS THE LAST LINE OF THE "STRINGS" FILE====